I woke up feeling miserable, I remembered I was off the birth control pills the last few times I was with Kelvin. How could I be so reckless?.

Mr. Gorgeous was patiently waiting for me on the couch close to my bed. Who is he anyways?, and why did he help me?. My head was beginning to spin again, so I focused on the assorted fruits on the bedside table instead. The moment he saw me move,he locked his phone and came closer to the bed, he gently peeled the skin of an orange and handed it to me, I obediently collected it and sucked on the juice to quench my thirst.

"Who are you?". I asked curiously, no ordinary man would be around that deserted area at the ungodly hour that incident took place, how come he's still patiently waiting for weeks for my recovery?, he could have just settled the hospital bill and left right?.

" I'm Henry, I already told you before, now it's your turn to tell me who you are". His soothing smile somehow got me nervous

"My name is Vee Vee co....Benson, I'm Vee Vee Benson", I didn't want to use that name ever again.

" OK Vee, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm better now,thank you" he handed me a plate of sliced apples, I collected them enthusiastically, I somehow started to crave for apples since I regained consciousness.

"That's the first time you're being polite,you're welcome anyways". Oh he thinks I'm rude?

" Why did you save me?"


The doctor walked in at that moment

"Good afternoon madam,how are you feeling?", he went over to check my vital signs

" I feel better Sir ",I stressed the sir properly to ensure Mr. Gorgeous noticed, he raised a brow like he figured what I was getting at. After the general checkup the doctor turned to Mr. Gorgeous

" Your wife is perfectly fine,it was a miracle she survived at all as the shock the experienced from that incident affected her nervous system, this is one of the very few cases that the patient came out alive and well considering her condition,maybe after all, your love for one another is strong enough to conquer death..."

Wife?, love?, what is wrong with this doctor?. I opened my mouth to clarify that I wasn't his wife but Mr. Gorgeous beat me to it

"Thanks a lot doctor, you're the one worthy of all the accolades, and my wife only survived because of you". Wait what?, he's agreeing that I'm his wife?, what in the world is wrong with everyone around me?

" She needs rest,lots of it and you should do an ultrasound to check how the baby is doing, I've recommended some supplements for the baby's perfect development, the coming weeks is still very crucial and make sure she comes in for antenatal regularly ...." the doctor just keeps going on and on and I couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't a news reporter instead.

"Thank you doctor, I promise I'll take care of my 'wife' and 'child', where is the lab for the ultrasound?". After what seemed like a year,the doctor finally left the room and left me alone with my 'husband'.

" Wife?, are you kidding me? "

"It was an emergency and they wouldn't attend to you without a police report, so I had to 'marry' you within 2 seconds". I rubbed my head that was pounding again, why the hell did I come back?. " Vengeance baby,vengeance " my demon whispered to me, oh how much have I missed that little voice,I couldn't help but smile sheepishly, at least I'm becoming more like me.

"Are we going for the ultrasound?". OK so not everything is perfectly fine,how on earth can I carry Kelvin's child?, wouldn't it only remind me of his betrayal despite the fact that I loved him?. " This time you're not alone, I'm with you",something whispered to me, it wasn't my demon this time and Mr. Gorgeous' rich baritone voice was nothing like what I just heard. could it be....., My eyes popped out in shock,is this what Leah meant?.

"Are you okay?, should I call the doctor?" Mr. Gorgeous' handsome face was distorted with worry as he placed his arms on my shoulder.

"I'm fine". I looked like someone in a trance

" Are you sure?, you don't have to do the ultrasound now,we'll do it later you..."

"I'm going to abort it" I interrupted


I looked at him like I was looking at an alien

"The doctor said it's not possible, there's some complications with your womb and if you go through with it,you might lose your life"

"I don't care,I can't have that b*****d's child,I'm terminating it right away" I stood up forgetting that I was still very weak both physically and emotionally and collapsed again, only to be caught by Mr. Gorgeous just before total blackout


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