At night.

Uncle Six came to Gu Changsheng's small courtyard again, and he said solemnly

"Gouzi’s father just came to me to report his death, saying that Gouzi had just died."

"He will be buried tomorrow!"

When Gu Changsheng heard this, he suddenly felt a little confused.

"After death, doesn’t the body have to be kept in morgue for three to seven days?"

"Why does the dog have to be buried tomorrow?"

Sixth Uncle explained

"Guhuai Village originally had this rule, and Gouzi’s parents originally insisted on burying the corpse at home for a few days."

"However, the dog did not die normally after all."

"I was afraid that something might change, so I made arrangements for the burial tomorrow!"

Gu Changsheng nodded. He naturally understood the reason for Uncle Liu's arrangement.

Uncle Liu continued:

"Little Master, you can go too tomorrow!"

Of course Gu Changsheng did not refuse.

Seeing that Gu Changsheng readily agreed, Uncle Six did not stay any longer and left. There was no conversation all night.

The next morning, Gu Changsheng got up early and came to Gou Zi's house.

At this time, Gou Zi A large number of villagers gathered at home, all coming to help.

Although Guhuai Village is located in a remote location, the folk customs are simple.

When a family is in trouble, the whole village supports them!

The sixth uncle is solemnly dressed, and is fully responsible for all matters, big and small, busy outside!

In Guhuai Village, Uncle Liu is the most capable and the most famous person.

Just like Uncle Jiu’s status in Renjia Town!

In the village for so many years, whenever there is a red or white event, Uncle Six is invited to preside over the funeral. In front of Gouzi, Gouzi’s parents took sticks and knocked on Gouzi’s coffin three times. , It means that he has been forgiven for his unfilial sin of not providing support.

This is the rule for people with white hair to give gifts to people with black hair!

Afterwards, Gouzi's wife walked in front with her child in her arms, her eyes red and swollen, and the funeral procession slowly set off.

Gu Changsheng followed the funeral procession.

Due to local rules, the dog's parents could not accompany the funeral procession.

The two elders leaned against the door frame, weeping bitterly, heartbroken, watching the funeral procession disappear from sight little by little.

Arriving at the ancestral grave of Gouzi’s family, Uncle Six presided over the ceremony

"The auspicious time has come to be buried!"

As Uncle Liu shouted, several men carrying the coffin slowly put the coffin into the pit.

As soon as the coffin was put into the pit and before it was filled with soil, there was a sudden noise from the coffin.!

"Creak, creak!"

The sound was like someone in the coffin scratching the lid of the coffin with his fingernails! Everyone present looked horrified when they heard the sound!

Some timid women were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, their whole bodies Shivering!

Everyone was talking about it

"How is this going?"

"The corpse was faked, the dog cheated the corpse!"

"The dog just died yesterday, will he turn into a zombie?"

Gu Changsheng was standing by the grave, feeling something was not right!

Uncle Liu also looked strange at this moment. He had presided over private affairs eighty times if not a hundred times. This was the first time he had encountered this situation!

He walked to Gu Changsheng asked from beside him

"Little Master, has the dog really turned into a zombie?"

Gu Changsheng shook his head.

"There's no weird corpse aura, it doesn't look like a corpse transformation"

"Why don't you just open it and take a look!"

Uncle Six nodded, and directly ordered several strong men to carry the coffin up again, lift it up on the spot, and check the situation!

Several strong men mustered up the courage to pry open the coffin lid, and then ran away in fear..

Some brave villagers came up to watch, and they found that the dog was lying inside with its eyes open!

The more daring people directly stretched out their fingers and tested the dog's breath.

"It's hot and I'm still panting!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present seemed to explode.

"this...this...Is the dog resurrected?"

"No, it should be a fake death. I have heard before that someone faked his death and was buried in the soil. Later, when the grave was moved, it was discovered that the lid of the coffin was covered with bloody fingerprints and his fingernails were scratched!"

"It seems that Gouzi's life is good. Fortunately, there is no filling in the soil, otherwise he and that man will end up in the same fate!"

Looking at Gouzi lying in the coffin, Gu Changsheng couldn't help but frown.

Nine out of ten things were wrong!

Yesterday, he clearly felt that Gouzi's anger had dissipated, and he was bound to die!

Now, he He was lying in the coffin safe and sound.

However, he was completely different from the skinny dog on the bed yesterday!

"go home...I...I want to go home!"

In the coffin, Gou Zi spoke feebly.

Gou Zi's wife handed the child to a woman next to her and ran over desperately.

When Gu Changsheng saw this, he immediately stopped her

"Don't go there!"

Uncle Six also held her arm.

"Doggy wife, listen to the little master and don’t go over there yet. There’s something evil about it right now!"

At this time, the news of Gouzi's resurrection had spread back to the village.

Gouzi's parents, who were crying at home, ran towards the ancestral grave as if they were crazy.

Looking at Gouzi lying in the coffin, Gu Changsheng and his sixth uncle were too late. Stop it.

The dog’s parents directly carried the dog out of the coffin.

"My son!"

"Dad takes you home!"

With that said, Gouzi's father directly carried Gouzi on his back and walked towards home.

This matter seemed like a farce. When everyone saw this situation, they all dispersed.

Gu Changsheng looked at Gouzi's figure and frowned. Frowning, he said to Uncle Six next to him.

"Uncle Liu, Gouzi is no longer the same Gouzi!"

Sixth Uncle took a long breath and said slowly

"Yes, rebirth after disaster!"

Gu Changsheng shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's a corpse resurrected!"

When Uncle Six heard this, he immediately realized that he had misinterpreted Gu Changsheng's meaning.

He looked at Gu Changsheng with wide eyes.

Gu Changsheng continued.

"You also saw the miserable condition of the dog yesterday. He was on the verge of death and looked like a dead corpse!"

"But look at how he looked just now, compared to yesterday, he was a completely different person!"

"It seems that something bad is going to happen in Guhuai Village!"

When Uncle Six heard what Gu Changsheng said, his expression gradually turned ugly.

"Is this true?"

He didn't want to believe it, but when he thought about the dog's appearance yesterday, and compared it with today, it was indeed a bit strange!

Even if he faked his death, a person's appearance wouldn't be so different overnight!

"Little Master, in your opinion, what should we do?"

Gu Changsheng sighed.

"We can only take one step at a time!"

"Gouzi’s parents are still immersed in their son’s resurrection!"

"Now if you tell them that the dog has been resurrected, do you think they will believe it?"

Gu Changsheng was thinking in his mind.

The current dog has not shown any clues. If he devours him directly at this time, naturally no disaster will happen in the future. However, this behavior is no different from killing an innocent person. I am afraid that in the future He is going to be punished by God!

Since Uncle Liu asked him to stay temporarily for a few days to prevent disaster in Guhuai Village, he has the obligation to stay and help.

Since he is still in the village, let's wait a little longer!

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