
Coming to work with desperate fatigue.

Due to a lack of sleep, the stubborn head was replenished with energy drinks, as always.

I went through all sorts of things overnight, so even though I was five years old, I would have been a bed and a body and slept through the morning.

Even then, time is delayed and time is already 11 o'clock.

Eugene, who became disconnected in the worst way with Seohyun, did not come to the institute.

It was the information that Yuan learned from the principal who came to the counseling room.

“Yoochan, I trust you, too. But what is this? I called my mother this morning for a reason. Huh? Please give it to me quietly. ”

“Leave it to me. Sorry, I'll take care of it. ”

“What the hell did you do! The busy lady asked me if I would run to this place...”

I knew what was going on in the morning before I came to visit the wormcake, and I felt like I had received a lightning bolt from Eugene's mother.

He wails while sweating as if he were unfair.

It wasn't unexpected.

If Eugene had caught Eugene in a clandestine relationship with Eugene, and his daughter was crying and making a fuss,

From Mi-young's point of view, the most likely suspect would be a eunuch.

“Anyway, I'll go to work first. I'll call you later and ask you nicely. ”

Is this human from work within an hour of going to work?

I'm gonna roll with the girl at Bona Manna's.

His heart was hidden and his body leaned on his backrest with a warm smile.

“Too bad.”

No matter how much I thought about it, it wasn't too bad.

It is basically a euphemism for young and young women.

The more inexperienced and bitter the sprouts, the easier it is to water in his color, and the fresher it tastes.

However, Song Mi-young was within the range of defense.

A sophisticated short cut that doesn't feel like pride in a beauty you can only see in your early thirties.

That is the representation of a successful city woman.

However, the entry barrier was too high to target her.

She's not just a married woman, she's the CEO of a renowned jewellery company.

Probably a woman with the power to lightly exterminate the eunuchs, whether in the legal or social sphere.

The difficulties and risks of the attack are different from those of ironclad children who are caught up in the face of the euphoria without knowing anything.

Prey that can already be eaten is everywhere, but it is also foolish to be accompanied by risk.

There is only one thing that can come to mind in this situation.

It was just disposal.

It is possible to kill her right away with the preparations of 10,000 people.

In a completely different way, as I've always done,

Make sure there's no evidence left.


It was the sound of a knock that cut off the bitter fantasy.

“Come in.”

Put on a tired posture and wait for the door to open.

I was expecting it to be Naye, and surprisingly, the opponent was a long-time civil society.

“Mr. Yuchan, are you busy? ”

“Long time no see. Want some coffee? ”


Wear lighter as the weather unfolds.

The unique fashion of wearing a yoga cardigan remained.

I haven't seen Barrel's face lately.

It was for this reason that the strong facts she was mainly in and the counseling room in the corner of the institute were hard to touch her face unless she was deliberately trying to meet her.

But it was routine for me to stop by the counseling room saying it was a long day.

A sudden change in behavior means a change in heart rate.

That's why I was polite to her, but I didn't feel very generous.

When Yoochan stares, the regime is embarrassed.

“Why? Did you bury something in my face? ”

To be precise, what she was looking at was her black box, not her face.

There is no such thing as conjecturing others' minds.

One of the roars roared peacefully in the middle of her chest.

If there's a difference from before,


The sound of the squirrel sneaking out of the snow and sneaking into the javelin.

What I thought was the same as usual was a hasty idea.

Civil society is wary of euthanasia.

That was a good blatant sign to accept.

I don't think it's just because I've been busy not coming to the counseling room.

No matter how busy you are in the first place, you have a little time.

So far, so have the people.

This is not good.

The last point of contact with her recently was about two months ago when she was driven into the car.

There were no happenings, but I had to feel that sudden changes in attitude were the forefront of the crisis.

The eucalyptus began to cleanse her memory with a fragrant coffee scent from the coffee machine.

However, no matter how you think about it, the sudden change in attitude of the people does not make any sense.

Either way, it's a brief exploration.

If you are as cautious and vigilant as the Dominican people, it may come from very minor misunderstandings.

I sat down on the couch facing the coffee.

“I heard you haven't been here in a while. ”

“I'm very busy. ”

I twist my legs flat with a slight break of luck.

With deliberate blurring of focus, she still looks into her heart.

“I'll have a drink. I can't believe you're upset. I should come more often. ”

The smile of the smiling public with a white expression should have a surprising admiration.

Her cricket is still frozen.

However, I could not find anything different from my usual expression and friendly smile.

All of that is acting, so I understood what I hadn't noticed yet.

He was not only skilled at his job, but also decorating his appearance.

“Did I make you uncomfortable? If there's a misunderstanding, I'd like to relax. ”

Even so, man does not reveal everything.

Most of the time, you hide your own essence in a black envelope and float a clump of righteousness.

At this point, it was better to stab a thorn.

Until the envelope explodes and vomits the contents that were concealed.

Even though I'm still vigilant, coming here means I have something I want.

“... Oh, I will. I've just been really busy lately. I don't know what the students are looking for...”

Despite the sudden question of euthanasia, the regime naturally answered.

Except for a two-second time rec before you open your mouth.

At the same time, there was a blue water vortex in the vicinity of the Soraget, which dug a little more for the joe ratio.

Agitation, or... anxiety?

I still need a little more exploration.

What happened recently slowly attracted her to find the cause of her alertness.

It's the first time I've ever been stabbed again because of a lot of stabbing.

“Glad I could find you first. But I also have a crush on Eugene. ”

I snuck out Eugene's name.

As much as Song Mi-young is so stifling at the institute, of course, the people know that.

Obviously, it's an adult relationship, so you don't have to wear colored glasses.

It can be offensive if the civil society has a moral compass that is inconvenient with the issue of interpersonal relations between teachers and disciples.

The regime soon expressed its interest in the topic.

It was even more dramatic and somewhat disrespectful than the euphemism expected.

“You really had nothing to do with Yang for a reason... right? ”

“Haha, it's been a long time since I've been alone, but I'm not trying to do anything about the kids at the school. Was it because of that? ”

“Oh, no. It's a joke. It's a joke.”

Unlike the word jokes, eyes are incredibly serious.

Honestly, it was offensive.

If something difficult happened in the academy, it was a euphemism that was more generous than anyone else.

I didn't even think that the credit I had accumulated for her would be a whiff of rumor.

The euphemism touches the corners of a luxurious cup of coffee.

It was because there was a word that was particularly disturbing while I was recalling the unpleasantness.

Just a rumor?

A fiercely sharp intuition flashes like a hunting sensation.

Yuchan killed me without knowing.

What if her attitude wasn't just rocked by rumors?

What if I looked a little deeper and more humid and rolled it away?

Yuchan looks at her with a clever nose in a cup of coffee and savours the aroma.

Last time I gave you a ride in the car.

It reminds me of what she said.

‘Okay, I don't know about perfume, but smell is good. I can also enjoy the breakfast that Yoon Chan had this morning. ’

‘Chicken breast, salad. I think there's eggs. Hmm... What's that smell? ’

At that time, she accurately matched the breakfast she had just smelled.

She said it was a joke, but I remember it took her a long time to say the next word.

Very, very good.

I remember correctly.

‘I guess I'll just eat what I eat. Mr. Yuchan, when you get to the gym every day and you get your lunch box, you just get your chicken breast and your salad, and you just hand it over. ’

Is it just a handover?

It was the day that Nayeh was confined to the house and taught.

If it had been the smell of Nayeh, I would have learned it in my whole body.

And Naye rested from the academy that day.

More precisely, I could not go to the academy because I was confined to the house of the eunuch.

He seemed to have found the point of the problem more accurately and quickly than he thought.

This is an unexpected development.

If you have a sense of smell like a drug detection dog, as the civil society has assured you, you will notice that the body odor of Naye who asks her frequent questions comes from the eunuchs.

A student was absent from the academy and the teacher smelled of him.

Let's just put it this way.

Perhaps his moral years can go by.

Even though he had appealed to the Dominican people with many faithful images, he would have collapsed at once.

It is impossible to analogize rape and incarceration, at least by smell alone.

I'm glad I'm in the middle of a misfortune.

“By the way...”

Political parties have made unexpected suggestions to those who want to buy time to think back.

“Mr. Yuan, do you have time for dinner tonight? ”

I swallowed up what I was about to say to him and looked closely at the black box of the civil order again.

A cow that sits much deeper than before.

I'm now digging into even the two stuttering stumps.

The vigilance has become darker, and I suggest we have dinner together.

Behaviour that doesn't fit front and back.

You're guessing it's a relationship with a student.

She's not a cheap woman, so she wouldn't be wandering around.

However, in her proud position as a teacher, she seemed to want to point out the subtle relationship between euphemism and students.

This is just a guess, too.

“Sure? What are you doing? ”

“It's been a long time since we've had a meal together. I was busy, too. ”

I felt a disguise.

The smile that seemed so natural until now was a little awkward.

Far from the smile that the civil society has shown.

To be more precise,

The left palate is not rising.

It's a fake laugh.

Postponing a perfectly false laugh is impossible unless you look in the mirror like a euphemism.

The problem was that we could not confirm when the regime had made that false laugh.

Scramble your mind like a mindmap.

As opposed to the video, Yuan listed the look on the face of the civil war he had been watching.

Right from last spring until today.

Some parts were blurred and crushed like old films, but I could recall the face of the confrontational justice from the moment I first met her until now.

The sincere smile that made even the viewer proud by revealing the Gorn was cut off since February 7.

February 7.

The day the body was sitting in the chair of the eunuch.

At the same time, the day the Civil Society wrote its annual report.

Sometimes coincidences that are unimaginable draw sophisticated pictures.

I just had a laugh.


“Why are you laughing? ”

“Nothing. ”

It's not nothing yet.

I wasn't sure.

A roughly promising euphemism smiled to the end.


I moved out. I've been inhaling dust all day, and my throat is sharp.

Thank you all for coming here today.

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