Devil Teacher

Attractive Teacher Flight 83


“Well done. I'll start at 2: 00 after lunch. ”

In time for the festival season, the fit and feel of life is slower.

I had to prepare a catalogue of seasonal clothes for trends throughout the website, and there are so many kinds of signage models that Seo-hyun Dung is also busy.

What we're shooting today is more than 10 outfits to be featured in a monthly magazine called Spring Cody, and more than 40 casual dresses to go up to the Fit Life main banner.

It was also a time when Seohyun's wallet became thicker because it was an incentive structure every time he took a picture on the base money.


Seo-hyun sighed, sweating during a non-stop shoot from morning to lunch.

If you're in charge of any shooting, Director Joe proceeded with the shooting instead of Director Park, who was clinging like goldfish shit.

After subtly showing her that she was both a eunuch and a lover, the jitters disappeared completely.

Seeing that it wasn't going to be a fight as the same man, I felt like I had just lost my tail.

What kind of a person would be so frustrated with confidence that they wouldn't be able to talk if they met on the street.

It's ridiculous to laugh.

Someone approached Seo-hyun who sighed and checked his phone.

“Would you like some lunch? ”

“Ah, sister. I'm on a diet. Enjoy your meal. ”

A staff member in charge of makeup spoke, but Seo-hyun nodded and refused.

In fact, it's not a diet or anything, and I want to eat with you, but it's not the case.

Seo-hyun, who was looking at people with horns scattered outside the studio, quietly moved out of the building.

No matter how distressing and difficult it is, the seasons pass.

It is now May.

Until the beginning of April, I was carrying another dress in the chilly nocturnal air from the beginning of the evening, and now I feel a spring energy that is so relaxed that I don't have to.

Seo-hyun turned on the base in the afternoon with warm air.

Let's make the sun shine among the street-leaved birds.

How good would it be to die like this?

If you look at the situation you are in, no one will think the same thing.

I can't believe a man who's never been in my whole life has been drawn to weakness.

He was still being called by the eunuch and was running to deal with his needs.

“Hey, look at him. ”

“Percentage sucks. ”

“I just want to eat with someone like that. ”

Seo-hyun, who has an unbelievable beauty as a civilian, is now finished making full makeup for the shoot.

The gaze and admiration of the travellers come even though it is the path of a sunny lunch hour.

If it had been before, Seo-hyun, who would have secretly enjoyed the gaze, would have only wanted to flee quickly now.

A man who was standing around noticing came to Seohyun to dance.

“I'm sorry, can I get you a number? I'll give you my number if it's too much. ”

“No, I'm busy right now. ”

After lightly grabbing the man with the phone, Seo-hyun lowered his head.

Behind my back I hear a laughter supposedly from a man's friends.

Now that laugh seemed like a laugh to himself.

There's nothing wrong with that.

I feel like I'm becoming a sinner.

Just a stranger on the street talks, his heart beats.

Are you here for a panic attack?

This is a bad situation, and maybe one psychopath will come along.

Seo-hyun entered the building not too far from the studio.

Eight-storey shop building.

I bit my thumbnails without even knowing.

Several times, the flesh collapsed against the teeth.

I'm a little bloody.

Head straight to the top floor without bothering.

The 8th floor, where all the shops were in place, but the entire Kids Café was abandoned for a year and a half without new shops.

The aging of low births is escalating, and that's why Kids Café is ruined.

Get out of the elevator with an empty mind.

Only the remnants of the empty interior are securely locked in the kizcafe.

But the destination is not there.

Seo-hyun turned to the right and headed to the bathroom.


The men's bathroom on the 8th floor of Hyundai Building.

It was a good gathering place in the middle of the astronomical re-math school and the photography studio.

Yoochan always called her here on the day Seo-hyun was filming.

You sit on the left toilet and you hear the sound of a step as you move through the lunchbox.

There's not a single person who's been in here for days.

So this footsteps will also be Seo-hyun.

The door to the toilet, which had not been locked, opened squeaking.

It's a disability-only compartment, so there's a lot more space for wheelchairs than other compartments.

The car was just finishing its meal, and the timing is good.

He wiped the napkins around his mouth and was beaten by Seohyun.

I'm making a very uncomfortable look, but I can see the notion behind it.

“You look beautiful today. ”

Cody from Seo-hyun, who was wearing the same costume she was shooting.

Rat pleated skirt on knee and long sleeve military blue cropped tee.

A garment with a hem that reveals the navel if your arms are raised above your shoulders.

Wide sleeves made me feel pretty hip.

The dyes I used to do periodically every two weeks have become a little discolored because I don't care these days.

A pale golden light is spinning from Ash Grey.

“I'm not happy to hear that from you. ”

Seo-hyun and Yoo-chan's relationship settled successfully.

It's still a sharp tone, but if you look a little more closely, it's completely intoxicating.

It is only a bluff that melts and wears out like a blade.

The eunuch cleared the lunchbox and looked at the clock.

Approximately 40 minutes to relax.

Since my period had burst about a week ago, I was using other parts to process semen.

She speculated that she poured semen and was not pregnant because she had been teaching from a period beyond childbearing.

Seo-hyun, who was submerged in relief and joy, said his period had begun.

Maybe he thought he could get away with his sex work for about a week.

However, the only place to let the semen drain was the foetal hole, so it was a step in the right place.

“Get started.”

After making a cold declaration, the eunuch sits on a covered left toilet with his legs open and his back bent.

It is no more than serving on a comfortable couch, but the place called the men's toilet seems to give Seo-hyun additional shame.

It's not just about your lover, it's also about a toilet that's perceived to be dirty.

It is to make a woman face her misery who is being intimidated by the selection of a position that does not care at all.

Seo-hyun tied his head with a strap hanging from his wrist.

The wavy, wavy hair fell backwards like a curtain.

Because it was a considerable haircut, if you don't do this, you will get saliva in your hair, come into your mouth, and get confused.

Kneel on the floor of the bathroom.

Hard, cold tiles are frozen against the flesh.

Unbuckle the belt and zip down the jeans.

The leopard print underneath the pantyhose draws out the eucalyptus.

There is a different stimulus when the cool hand stumps the load.

Seo-hyun looks at a dairy object that grows in size.

Yoochan looked at Seo-hyun's finger because Seo-hyun's fingertips were tingling against the object.

Everything else is fine, but only the left thumb is fat and stubborn.


“All of a sudden. ”

The sound of the toilet sounds a little loud.

I caught Seo-hyun's frightened hand.

It was Seo-hyun who was reflectively trying to pull out his hand, but he couldn't miss it.

I held her tight like a vise and touched her fingertips.

“What is this? ”

“It's a habit.”


In front of others, he is weak even if he pretends to be strong.

I knew that Seo-hyun was distressed in a tranquillity that was nothing, even in a sparse self-confidence.

It's to make it more intense, but you don't feel too pushy.

“I don't want you to forget that your body belongs to me. It's too bad you hurt yourself. ”

“Ha, are you going to be a dad now? ”

Seo-hyun snorts in a ridiculous way.

Yuchan traced the sports bag he had placed on the toilet wall.

Whatever happened, it was an ordinary bandage that was brought out in front of the nervous Seo-hyun.

Wrap the paperboard around her fingertips.

Seo-hyun's expression was strangely distorted because he could not imagine that he would give such a brilliant treatment to a subject that still had an unreadable expression of emotion.

“You don't have to die biting your nails, but you look mentally unstable to others. That's it. Finish it. ”

I didn't want to say thank you or think I should.

Seo-hyun gazes at the bandage wrapped around his thumb with his dark eyes.

Until now, it was a nail that was bitten without any thought.

It didn't hurt then.

I just felt like I was chewing on a tree planter that was implanted incorrectly in my body.

However, as soon as I was surrounded by the band-aid, the heat and pain returned.

It's strange.

Seo-hyun dug his face into the groin of the eucharist without saying a word.

Yo, his stuff I've been used to for days.

From the side, it caresses with the lips as if kissing the mouth.

At first, Seo-hyun's chateau, which was not so awkward, made progress in its own way.

It was inevitable that the corresponding intimidation and sexual abuse would be okay if we did not satisfy the euthanasia quickly.

Seo-hyun, who has learned the art of pleasing men unwillingly, is using it for ten minutes.

The softest in the body, the lips, not the tongue, gently rub the skin of the ear and urge the emotion.

In the summer months, the dairy products grew more than twice their original size.

“Lower pressure.”

Seo-hyun's big mouth swallowed the front of his cock.

The happiest moment I ever had sex with Pelaccio was the first time I inserted an object into my body.

The extremely sensitive sentiment is fulfilled by Seo-hyun's tongue that twitches and licks the underside of his ears.

Yoochan shrugs and strokes her head as she bites her cock.


The hair that flows through the cracks is silky soft.

Putting a woman on her knees in the bathroom and sitting in the toilet to serve her, if you think about it, it might be more lavish than a palacio in a hotel or a bed.

I can assure you of the relationship between the two people.

“Hmmm... shh... shh...”

As Seo-hyun's head turned up and down, he heard a lewd saliva sound.

I can't help but breathe with my mouth full of stuff. I can't help but leak into my nose and have epilepsy of the lower half.

“Look up and do it. Looking into your eyes.”

Seo-hyun opens his eyes in a gentle manner, according to Yoochan's instructions.

A fresh fox's eyes reveal the white underneath and confront the eucalyptus.

I have sensual hair touching my round forehead and cheek.

It is a glorious angle that can only be enjoyed from this angle.

It is purely an educational achievement that both cheeks suck the object so intensely that the cheeks become thick and the teeth do not touch the object.

The other day, I pinched the clitoris as hard as I could whenever my teeth touched it.

It is also the best way to educate.

Seo-hyun, who had to make Pela for more than four hours with tears, has never made the same mistake since.

“Phew... Phew...”

“You've done a great job. ”

The sound of air dripping out of the toilet is filled with void sounds.

Seohyun's service, which delivers the pleasures as definitively as the sound, felt satisfied.

I don't know if I blame you, but I'm much more obedient than I was yesterday.

Yuchan asked.

“Your period's over, right? ”

“Puha... yes...”

I was thinking it would be over.

Yuchan pondered for a moment and lost his luck.

“One day tomorrow. Leave time blank. ”

There are several side effects to giving in with the same power.

Yoochan has betrayed Seo-hyun's obedience several times.

It is an example of saying that if you listen to me, I will look after you.

As is every human relationship.

Building trust is also important in the relationship between victims and perpetrators in their own right.

Don't you think she would be motivated to know that a small prize is given if she listens well?


Yoochan said something unexpected to Seo-hyun, who had been waiting all day to see what would happen to him.

“Naye wants to go to the pool with Seo-hyun. You two have a good time. ”

Seo-hyun opens his eyes as if he is suspicious of the favor of sudden euphoria.

I wonder what the band was up to.

Of course, it was not just Seo-hyun who offered good conditions as a euphemism.

“Keep going.”

You will find out more on the same day.

Yoochan lay down again and received Seo-hyun's service.


There's another one coming up today. Check it out!

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