Devil Teacher

Teacher of the Year, chapter 71


Harrin has bought the right ingredients at a nearby grocery store while still sleeping.

Chicken nuddle soup with fuzzy pasta in light chicken broth.

It is a convenient food with little liver, so it is also eligible as a meal for Harrin even in the morning.

Sliced onions, sautéed in butter, and then chopped carrots and broccoli by the time they were caramelized.

The induction next door boils chicken breast with a little walnut fly, pepper, and curry powder.

It is a process that allows the flavor to grow in the air at the same time as removing the gravy.

The chicken was drained from the broth that was boiling, and the block-type chicken stock was added.

If I had enough time to make broth, I would have fixed the chicken bone, but I replaced it with a roughly chicken stock because I don't have time now.

By the time the soup tasted somewhat, I slowly boiled the vegetables and the poured fusilli.

Harrin got up and went to the kitchen.

It was around the time when the pulsating onions and butter flavours of the broth spread.

Till late last night, they rubbed each other's flesh, washed the exhausted harrins and put them to sleep.

Dress up is a V-neck nightgown similar to the one that was torn yesterday.

Harin rubbed his sleepy eyes, and as he approached, he hardened.

In an eye-catching wine silhouette, the cassava stops cooking and a small bowl of broth is placed in a carrot bowl.

“Wanna see your liver? Chicken noodles soup. I made it as fresh as you like. ”

Even though he saw the arm of the eunuch stretching toward him, Harrin was only looking at him slippery.

The memories of the repression were backflowing.

Yuchan invited Harin, who was tired of his body and mind, to come home and cook some wonderful dishes.

Every time, it was great food, and most importantly, sitting down with him and eating the food he made made made made Harrin happy.

“My arm hurts. Take it quickly.”

In a playfully urgent gesture, Harin took the bowl and slowly shaved the tip of his tongue.

It's not a special and lavish food, but I feel good.

The soup is very clear since I left for the reservoir to avoid eating greasy food from the morning.

It was also believable that it was a vegetarian dish, other than the flavor of broth, whether it was finished for Harin who couldn't handle the meat.

The subtle carrot scent behind the scent of butter and pepper evokes appetite.

It was exfoliating but warm food.

Harrin felt a nosebleed as I didn't know it.

I couldn't give one reason.

Maybe it was because I was happy to see him again.

Perhaps even this is due to the anxiety that it is a deception.

“Delicious. I'll help you. ”

“Sitting here is helping. Your chores are Jem's. Do you know how many plates we've only broken? ”

“Th-that's a lot now! ”

“Everything you broke was Rosenthal's. Sit quietly.”

Harrin was satisfied with the sincerely frightening reaction of Yuan.

The beautifully plated chicken nuddle soup was then placed in a single-serving magnetic bowl.

The color of the food is alive because the vegetables that die easily are left for decoration and then raised slightly.

A small glimpse of his culinary skills.

“I'll eat well. ”

I have never been so calm since that day when I thought I had lost everything.

The party that brought this peace now is the one who took away everything she lost.

Pray that false peace endures forever, and Harin slowly puts the soup in his mouth.


Morning coffee with a mouthful right after breakfast was one of his favorite things to eat.

If you have a beautiful woman on your side, the pleasure is full.

Harin, who had been boiling his handmade coffee, sat next to him and watched him drink coffee.

Everytime since I completely destroyed Harrin, I've been harassing her because I like to see her act like she's okay.

Therefore, it has been a long time since the two of you had such a quiet time.

“How's it going?”


Last night, Harrin and I mixed up more than four times.

His back was full of Harrin's fingernails in a barrel with a sweet voice calling out the name of the eunuch.

Harrin, who has been trying to keep his distance for quite some time, now follows his words as if he were the wife of a eunuch.

I didn't know if it was English, but it was possible to guess roughly.

It must be exhausting.

There's nothing she can get for hating and hating the eunuchs.

He speculated that Harrin's unconsciousness was in the midst of a complex intertwined grief, which in turn weighed a little more on the side of the child.

That doesn't mean I wasn't going to treat you differently.

I didn't want to be violent because it was morning.

Sometimes enjoying the everyday life of such a typical couple is not out of the ordinary.

The relationship between Harrin and the eunuch is obvious, even though it is a normal couple.

“You don't drink? ”

“I'll have a drink later. More than that...”

Harin looks at the eunuchs with a subtle gaze.

Her husband's pajamas are shining on her troubled eyes.

“Is there anything I can do? ”

It was a crummy question to know my intentions.

Harrin's body, which had been lit for a long time, was screaming like that yesterday and wanted a body of euphoria.

Did he forget that he was intimidated by his Jewish attitude or what he had done to her?

As a woman with a husband, she also lacks a minimum ethical consciousness.

“Then I'll ask you. ”

Scaredly before the words of the eunuch were finished, Harrin dug into the crotch of the eunuch sitting on the couch.

Lift your buttocks before lowering your pants and take them off to your knees in an instant.

Pull a piece of euthanasia between the panties with the wedding ring on it.

A sheep that is still bowing its head.

Even in this state, she is bigger than her husband.

I held my lips in awkward thoughts that came to my mind.

But he slowly moved his hand and took his goods to the mouth.

Until then, I only felt guilty about these actions, but now they are different.

Even though he has a husband, he sucks another man's child in his stomach and sucks it into his mouth to erect a flabby cock.

This sense of virtue is now a catalyst to excite Harrin.

It was foolish to have nothing left.

Do you have any spare time?

Don't you have the sweetest, most dangerous pleasure you can give?

Harrin gladly conforms to his corrupt appearance and tastes his stuff that fills his mouth.

“Still good. ”

“Herub... from the beginning, Mr. Yuan taught you. ”

I can feel Harrin's whole mouth because he's not yet big.

Tongue and oral mucous membranes that are more puffy than they are wrapped around a puffy cock.

It exchanges the saliva that the tongue digs into the ear shell of the natural pioneer, Yuan.

It was an obscene sight that seemed to kiss cock and dip.

Less than a minute after her service, the merchandise of euthanasia regained its humble utility.

Harrin felt the lower back prick every time a pounding pulsation spread in his mouth.

I'm even more excited to know it's wrong.

Volunteerism soars in his hands as he tries to stroke his head lovingly without ever having to.

I revived the feeling of dedication that I wanted to be more attributable to him.

“Hahaha... it's been great since morning. ”

The eunuch touches the precious things and grasps the chin of Haryn who was holding the eunuch.

I kiss a lot of people.

I can feel Harrin's body murmuring at the sensual teasing of his tongue so much that his brain melts.

After a few years, I did not surrender, but finally even my heart collapsed.

I thought you'd feel better than this.

I grabbed Harrin's back neck and removed the unpleasant euthanasia.

“What's wrong with you? Nothing's changed, right? ”

I felt like I should ask you this much.

If you have sex in this atmosphere, you don't know that either.

“Nothing has changed. It's the same as before, isn't it? One female obedient to you. ”

He is sick because he has given him strength, and Harrin replies with a gentle, painless tone.

Rather, he glances at the dainties with provocative eyes, lowering his shoulders to make it easier for him to grasp his neck.

Yuchan sighed because he felt even a strange pressure.

“No matter what you do. It's hard to expect me to change. ”

“You never change. As always, you'll be able to stretch the thread and dance, and you'll be able to smile at the dolls that move according to your style. ”

“What are you doing knowing that for? ”

“If Mr. Yuan likes it, I'll dance. Even if you laugh at me like I'm a jerk, that's my love. ”

“..... ”

The euphemism was the lunar variation.

He was also a counselor by saving his talent and was also capable of shaking others' minds.

It has been a long time since such a euphemism stopped.

Because it was absurd.

All the women who knew the nature of the Eucharist hated him by taking away his studies.

Even if he surrendered his body and mind, it was never love.

Realizing that he was irresistible, he made only a compromise with himself.

“You're pitiful. I feel so sorry that I can't be compared to you. ”

Gorgeous Harrin's voice sounded like a discord.

Harin was the second person who said he felt sorry for the eunuch.

The first one is dead and there is no one in the world.

Compassion and sympathy for the eunuchs, who were merely the object of horror and fear, were vivid emotions.

At the same time, it was also a bad feeling.

It is absurd that a victim who is only a sheep identifies himself as a wolf.

Even if you laughed at your father who was captivated by the civil ideology, it would be his influence to try to deny it.

He pushed his mind to the corner of his head, and the eunuch grabbed Harin's neck.

I heard an impulse.

It was because of the feeling of being trampled on a white canvas that was invisible to anyone.

If it is the power of the eunuch, it is no different from cutting the neck of a poor girl.

Evidence or hindsight was a violent impulse.

“And then you die? ”

“If you want to kill me, kill me after I have a child. Even though your irresponsibility is a pitiful child conceived, it is my most precious treasure. ”

Harrin, who was a little more vocal, said in a grave voice, even as he stared at himself with his bloody feet in his eyes.

Is this the power of love and the power of mother?

Mack unravels, blurring his energy to be seriously angry.

The power of the hand falls.

Yuchan pushed Harrin and took his clothes and put them on.

I recalled what she said yesterday.

Are you running away?

At that time it was denied.

Yuchan has fought against any danger.

I've been willing to play the game, feeling thrilled about it, even though my life is on the horizon.

But isn't this pinch itself turning around in fear?

Harin hurriedly followed the eucharist with his eyes.

Harrin, who did not give a word until he put on his shoes, opened his mouth when Yuan twisted the front door.

“I'll call you when the house is empty again. ”

After ignoring her words, Yuchan roughly closed the door and took the elevator down to the underground parking lot.

I got in the car.

Only when he came far from Harrin did Yuchan notice that his movements were much rougher than usual.

There was uncontrolled annoyance and the cigarettes pulled out.

Everything is out of plan.

As usual, I was going to enjoy Harrin's body until tonight.

But being with her now might really kill her.

Even more unpleasant is Harrin, who knows the feeling of such euphoria, but gives his neck nothing.

I would not have felt this bad if I had been rebellious, if I had felt the smell of terror.

Yuan took out a cigarette and asked.

I was in desperate mood swings.

I needed a prey that showed a foot-and-mouth reaction like Harrin in the early days.

When I picked up my cell phone and called, Seo-hyun received a call several times before the call was made.

[Sighs] What is it?]

“Where is it?”

[I'm filming. I'm watching everything and pretending I don't know.]

“Call me as soon as you're done. ”

Yoochan confirmed that the place Seo-hyun was shooting with her cell phone app was a studio.

The SUV slipped out of the underground parking lot.


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