Devil Teacher

Deaf Teacher Flight 55


Leaving Seo-hyun helpless, Naye called the eunuch.

I was sexually assaulted by my roommate at night, so it would be natural to ask adults for help.

Somehow, even though he was involved, he felt as far away as a human story.

A good friend, Naye, who had no idea she could possibly be a lover, cried out and spoke to the eunuch for a long time.

What do you need to do now?

Seo-hyun is the perpetrator enough to comfort the wounded and frightened Narye.

You don't deserve to stay with her as a friend unless you've done something like that.

“Yes, sir. Yeah, I got it. ”

Naye put down his phone and said to Seo-hyun who sat far away, Naye resented him.

“The teacher will be here soon. Three of them asked me to talk to you. ”

“Naye... listen to me. I'm so sorry. I...”

“I don't want to hear it! ”

“I-I 'm sorry...”

A sharp voice leaves a clear tinnitus.

With his eyes trembling with resentment, Naye frowned.

I fell into my throat because I really liked you.

I was better thankful.

From Naye's point of view, how much was thought of as rubbish?

The two cheeks of Naye, still with tears, and Naye, who was dressed lightly, are frozen as if preparing to go out.

All because Seo-hyun is wary of her for what she did.

I had no experience, so I decided quickly.

If you think of yourself as a masturbator, you are sure to do more than that.

No, I just didn't know I wanted to believe that.

How can I apologize?

No, there's no wrong kind of apology in the first place.

At least Naye did a generous deed.

At least I didn't call the police right away.

However, it seems that the fact that I learned all about this has set my face on fire.

I didn't see any glamour.

I trusted Seo-hyun in distress and introduced him to Nayee, his disciple.

Consequently, he completely betrayed his trust.

“Come down to the parking lot. I'll go down first, so wait and follow me. ”

Naye slams the front door closed without waiting for an answer.


It's depressing.

After Naye left, the sensor blinked.


About five minutes after Naye left, Seo-hyun stepped into the parking lot and found a candy bar smoking in front of the SUV.

Leaning obliquely to the moonlight, he didn't even greet Seo-hyun.

However, it's just fuming with planted smoke.

So what happens now?

How can you really coordinate this?

He himself is an obvious criminal.

No matter how homosexual the liver is, there is no rape.

If you're handed over to the police, you'll be cut off from work and mobbed around.

Working in the allogeneic industry can't be dreamed of, and if income is cut, you will have to go back to that tired corner.

How would a stepfather who treated himself like a thorn become a sex offender and treat his daughter back?

Eugene will look with contemptible eyes.

I could bear everything else, but it was the most painful.

All kinds of desperate futures unfold in your head.

“Get in.”

When he approached the dancing eunuch like a child waiting to get angry, he opened the door and said,

Seo-hyun seemed to cry because his voice was at least saddened.

In order not to be surprised, I did not feel contempt in the words that were so depressing.

I just felt relieved for a young student who had not won the momentary impulse.

He understands even though he did this.

I was so sorry about that.

Seo-hyun was in the passenger seat next to Yoo-chan, and Naye looked out the window without a word in the back seat.

The car slipped into the office of the eunuch as if it were running down the street at night with a terrible silence.


“Naye, go into the room. ”


Yoochan seemed to be going through a one-on-one consultation, not a triple-faced consultation.

Leaving Seo-hyun sitting on the couch, Yoo-chan opened the window and brought out a drink.

This is the drink I drank with Naye until now.

I remember myself being hurt by Naye without winning the sexual urge.

I was heartbroken.

“Would you mind spreading a cigarette? ”

“Ah... yes. ”

The eunuch who sought understanding from Seo-hyun, who was dreaming of his clothes on a couch like a spine, lit a cigarette.

The smoke emitted seemed like a sigh.

Yuchan, who had been hesitating for a long time to bring out his words, leaned towards the glass and said,

“Don't you have anything to say to me? ”

“... I have nothing to say... I'm so sorry. ”

“Are you kidding me? ”

“No, I'm actually... also... gay. Naye looks so pretty, I don't know if she drank...”

I don't know what to say, what to apologize for.

I was experiencing that if I had too much to say, the words would be blocked.

Seo-hyun lowers his head and looks at his knees, as he can't even look straight at the eucalyptus.

“What did you do? ”


“What exactly did you do to Naye? ”

Seo-hyun, whose head was blurred by the chaos, did not even think about why Yoon Chan asked such a question.

I just handed over the straw that I was gathering information to ensure the smooth resolution of this case.

“I... kissed her. ”


“I... touched my chest. ”

“That's it? ”

“Ah.. also below..”

While I heard the fame of the eunuchs moving around in front of me, Seo-hyun was only looking at the tips of his feet.

I am ashamed to reveal my own sins.

At the end of every word, what kind of gaze is Eucharist facing himself?

I can't lift my head.

“Down there?”

“Birds... genitals...”

“How did you touch it? ”

In Seo-hyun's head, a sense of disguise passed.

Is there a need for such a detailed question?

But now I didn't care to come and ask it.

I feel ashamed to die just by taking it out of my mouth.

“I put my hand in my panties... and I put my finger...”

“So, how did Naye's pussy feel? ”

“Excuse me! Isn't the question a little strange? ”

Seo-hyun raises his head and looks at the eucalyptus with trembling eyes.

This is no more than obvious sexual harassment.

He seemed foolish to answer all his questions naively.

No matter what the situation may be, there are words and things you should not say.

It was not only for Silk Seo-hyun, but also for the dignity of Naye.

And Seo-hyun felt her heart cool the first time she met him after she sat down facing the eunuch.

The eunuchs who thought they were depressed by the student's knowledge of the disciple,

I was smiling and clicking on the lighter.

That smile looks so satisfying.

It creeps me out like Zine crawls on bare flesh.

“What are you trying to do? ”

“I'm asking. How was it?”

Yoohyun, who was about to protest with a twinkling of his voice and atmosphere, cluttered Seohyun.

Seo-hyun shouted with a loud voice, without even knowing what he was going to do.

“No matter how much shit I've done, is that my mind? W-what did it feel like? This is sexual harassment! Excuse me to Naye too! ”


Naye came out to the living room with the sound of the inner room door opening on the call of Eucharist.

Seo-hyun, who was about to skip the road in the image of Naye, felt that his heart was shrinking.

I was not strong enough to stand up in front of the victim.

It's like standing in front of Seo-hyun like a servant.

“If you don't remember, touch it again now. ”

“Crazy bastard, Naye, let's go. You son of a bitch. ”

Seo-hyun urgently told Naye.

I know that things are going weird, no matter how stupid.

We need to get out of here first.

I was thinking he was a good man, but Yuchan was out of his mind.

Seamless resolution?

Is that the attitude of someone who wants a smooth solution?

“Why are you standing still? I don't think you heard what he was saying! ”

A Seo-hyun who rolls his feet and shouts in the face of Naye who stands still.

Naye stood up and looked at Seo-hyun, who was wrapped around Naye's shoulder.

“What are you doing? Touch it. I said I didn't like it before, but you stabbed me. ”

“... what? ”

Naye lowers his thighs to unbuckle his jeans.

Panties with blue clouds on a white background are prominently displayed in front of Yoon Chan and Seo-hyun.

Seo-hyun seemed to be watching a Cosmic Horror movie.

Something huge is happening in a row.

Neither the eunuch nor the nayena seemed crazy.

Seo-hyun alternated with Naye and Yuchan.

“Why are you pretending to be clean now? You put your finger inside the pussy like you did before. ”

“I... am Naye! What's wrong with you? ”

“Or should I tell you what to do with my hands? ”

With a strange pressure, Naye pushed her crotch into Seo-hyun.

I grabbed Seo-hyun's hand and tried to put it in the panties, so I quickly pulled out my hand.

I feel like I'm getting hit by a sneak camera.

I don't know where this moody molka is.

“Did you do it? ”

Seo-hyun looked at him with a nasty and disgusting gaze.

I didn't think Naye was being so selfish.

I don't know anything, but I can only feel that the malice of euthanasia is being transmitted through the naked eye.

Yuchan graciously broke the glass and put the cigarette back in the ashtray.

“That's rude.”

“No disrespect...”

You start to look dangerous like a viper with a sharp, lightweight donkey.

I was just fooled by a good man's mask.

It was pretty concealed.

This is the nature of euthanasia.

Seo-hyun intuitively noticed.

Yuan threw a pile of brown paper bags on the table.

“Do you know what this is? ”

“I'm not curious. ”

“20 broadcasters and newspapers, big and small. Anonymous report that a 20-year-old famous fitting model sexually assaulted a cohabiting girl. ”

Seo-hyun's eyes widened.

I saw Naye's face, but she is as she looks.

However, I was only wearing jeans that had been loosened on Juju Island again.

“Technically, the girl's house was equipped with a security camera, and the fitting model was all over the cohabitant. The world will be fascinated by the crimes reported with the video. ”

Slowly, a black donkey opens the stuffed agary.

“Lesbian Rape, Fitting Model, Evidence Video. Three of your favorite materials? ”

Yuchan shook his cell phone.

There was a picture of Seo-hyun overflowing with Nayeon at the time of Nayeon's ascent.

Seeing as it is, I feel like I am forced to kiss and stab myself while drinking together without a spirit.

“And the men who came across the article would think, right? What kind of footage was that? I'm going to search porn sites all over the world. And then another anonymous person uploads the original of the video. ”

The eunuch awakened slowly, as it did in the winter sleep.

For Seo-hyun, the darkness that was bending over Ta-Li seemed to tear the world apart.

When everything is done as he says, the sight is drawn before his eyes.

The worst situation he was worried about was a kid's prank.

The worst thing you could have done was just let it go.

It blows like a snowball that can't be handled by malicious manipulation and intervention.

Seo-hyun felt his body tremble less.

The situation in the future was not even predictable, but it was an instinctive fear.

“I hate being rude. Rude is a great sin in itself. ”

The eunuch who approached Seo-hyun like a serpent who climbed the floor grabbed Seo-hyun's chest with a forceful hand.

Seo-hyun, who had never held a man's hand, trembled.

I want to keep it cool.

I couldn't say anything.

The envelopes were telling themselves what the consequences would be.

“Fortunately, Seo-hyun has something that I like. ”

The black snake has already joined the body.

Yuchan laughed, pointing to Nayee with a jaw.

“Are you still waiting? Come on, touch it.”

While everything plays on his palm.

There was no jaw for salvation.


Choi Naye Black Painting

I see a line.

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