Devil Teacher

Teacher of the Year 39


The March mock-up ended.

The results were disastrous.

The fact that he said that he was only working hard with words did not leave even a heart to give to his abilities, and it turned out that he did not study well.

There is nothing that goes beyond Grade 3 throughout the course.

It's dark. It's dark.

Around March, people say it's best not to give any meaning to the mock-ups, but it's only natural to care if you get a report card like this.

Failure to completely reject a given role was one of his bad habits.

I must be a coward if the virtues necessary to refuse when I take on a job I don't want to do.

Eugene shook the ice Americano in front of him with a roughly straw and thought.

Say something to your mom.

You must be hysterical.

With this in mind, my life is legendary with friends hanging out at a cafe.

Eugene murmured.

The day after the mock-up, I lied to the school that I was sick and came to see my friend.

I have to go to the academy anyway to see the test results and turn on the lights.

Because it was clear that he was not motivated to go and only had to carry the burden.

“Aye, life. ”

“Why, again, well. ”

In front of the sighing Eugene, Han Seo-hyun, who has been meeting for a long time, asked with a tick.

Seo Hyun's hairstyle today,

Slightly waved Ash Grey is a sophisticated setting that will only take half an hour to reveal the other side of the ear.

A different pair of eyelids than a slightly raised eyelid,

The tear spot on the right is sensual even when you see the same thing.

Turning your head to the left would also emphasize the tear points by emptying your right face.

This is pretty enough, but it was a golden statue because it added a slender hanger with a head bigger than Eugene and a deeply devoted cordie.

The military blue skinny jeans feature a long white shirt with a hem in the belt and a black rider jacket over the top in an oversized fit.

It's March, but it's still cold.

I was confident that I would catch a cold in three minutes if I were to go around that cock.

You'd probably run a pearl, wouldn't you say?

However, Han Seo-hyun lives in the same neighborhood as Eugene, and is now a dead Margou after having been an unfortunate and kind friend since kindergarten.

Honestly, if Seo-hyun asks for a liver donation, I'll give up my bikini in the summer and be ready to run to the hospital.

Seo-hyun will do the same.

“How can a sociopath understand a rehab grievance?”

“If you flirt, you shouldn't have followed me when the boss said so. ”

With a nail shiner, Seo-hyun brushed his fingernails thoroughly and blew his fingertips.

Well, I may think, "Are you being sarcastic?" But the attitude was always like this.

I am anxious to be able to show a sleek look because I am adapted now.

When I did something wrong.

“I used to work as a model. ”

“What? You said you didn't care. ”

“My mom's shop ring catalogue, hand model. ”

Eugene stretched his finger and joked. Seo-hyun drank coffee as if he was falling apart.

Seo-hyun also knew that Eugene's hand was pretty.

It's pretty enough that not only the hands, but the whole body can model.

Seo-hyun thinks that he is a fitting model, but Eugene has a blessed look and ratio that can be seen even by a few fashion models.

I just don't deserve it because it's rotting.

I never said it in person because I had some pride.

“So what's going on? ”

Seo-hyun lays down a cup of coffee and sculpts the crepe cake into two forks.

Different sizes.

“You eat the big one. ”

“Huh? Can I? What's going on?”

“I'm getting fat these days and I need to go into care. ”

“Oops! Seo-hyun Alavue!”

Eugene, whose grass had been dying until now, swooped hard through the cake with a fork like a god.

A flirtatious kiss is a dumb kiss.

Eugene's puppy-like flirtation has melted Seohyun's mind like an ice barrier every time.

When I look at it, it seems like a cute animal is floating around asking for a snack.

“So what's going on? ”

“There's one frightening or minor problem, and there's one frightening or important problem. What would you like to hear first?”

“Just say anything. ”

Eugene suddenly became a serious expression.

But Seo-hyun doesn't care.

I'm not serious about facial expressions, just because I was prepared to make fun of my mouth.

My best friend has 15 years.

I could see what I was thinking with my eyes.

“It's a minor matter first. If you combine all five grades in my March Mopyeong course, you're with me. ”

“And, what's important? ”

“I have someone who likes me. ”

Seo-hyun felt a headache.

Her two-year 'Fit Life’ is an Internet shopping mall in Korea and Eugene was also scouted as a fixed model like Seo-hyun.

I said, "I need to see my skills again." And I went to Chewy Chewy and Remath.

The most important relationship issue?

Any minor sexual problems?

Don't you think giving up a hundred bucks is a big deal for both of you?

“I admire your mother more than my mother and father. ”

“Ek, if you live with me for a week or so, I won't say that. ”

Ignoring Eugene's rotting face, Seo-hyun finished speaking.

“If you were my daughter, I'd pack my suitcase and kick it out the front door. ”

“Hahaha, that was funny. ”

Seo-hyun felt stunned when he looked at his favorite baby jeans.

However, dating counseling between women has always been a serious matter.

Eugene didn't call me because he wanted to talk about his skills anyway.

“Well, I've never studied. Well, I have nothing to say. Who is it?”

“Seo-hyun, are we the invisible hands of Adam Smith, the invisible bull friend? ”

“What's so gross, all of a sudden. ”

Eugene continued to speak to Seo-hyun, who openly hated him.

“Even if I say something crazy, I want you to understand. Do you understand?”

“Are you talking crazy once or twice? Tell me now that your mind is ready. You're not a girl, are you? ”

Eugene, who breathed with exaggeration, said in a profound tone like a prophet who looked at the end of humanity.

I want to squeeze one.

“It's the teacher.”

“You crazy bitch! ”

Seo-hyun woke up.

“Aaaah, just sleep to the end. Listen to the end. ”

Hanging on Seo-hyun's arm, Eugene shook his head.

Seo-hyun heard the urge to take a fork of a dear friend's forehead.

I know it's hard to get rehab, but I never thought three months of rehab would ruin Eugene like this...

“Sir? How old is this car? ”

“Twelve years old. Just a pair of sashes. Yongtai.”

Seo-hyun, who was trying to hold his mind and listen to Eugene, was now sighing with his face covered.

I knew my head was a flower field without measures, but I didn't know it was the rose garden level in Provence.

It was a UNESCO World Heritage-grade flower field.

Seo-hyun, who was twenty years old this year, also made a big difference at the age of five.

It's actually quite a difference.

Famous celebrities love being over 12, love being over 20, often buzzing, but rarely around?

I don't want men like that to hear thieves.

“What kind of person? ”

“Very selfish, relaxed, sexy. Muscle breadcrumbs, especially clavicle and nipple dogs. ”

Seo-hyun gazes at Eugene, who has a thick face that seems happy enough to think.

That's why I need to wake up.

Eugene, who is famous for his tricky eyes, is very handsome.

A handsome man in a lovemaking ecosystem is at the top of the pyramid.

Because there are much fewer than pretty women.

When I went through the prenatal period, I thought that Eugene would be swayed by a man in his 30s.

I threw my words out of my mind.

“You've never had a boyfriend before. Was there not such a sexy guy around your clavicle? ”

“No, that's not the problem? There's no one else like this. I think I'll regret it for the rest of my life. ”

“Do you have a picture? Show me."

“No, I don't...”

You just like it when you don't have any photos, don't you?

I felt excited when I went out to perform.

“Don't you do SNS? You can show me the Instagram. ”

“Yeah, I'm not doing anything. Katok Psado is his plaque. Do you really want to take a picture before you go to sleep? Seo-hyun, can I take a sneak peek? ”

That's severe.

Seo-hyun, who had been given several dating counseling sessions, was already near the end.

Eugene was more and more torn, so it was too late to do anything now.

I wondered who the opponent was.

“How did you find out? What subjects?”

“I'm not teaching you anything. Because this guy's a psychiatrist at the institute. But I just went to him because he was frustrated, and he was really good. Now that you're alone, sometimes you eat? Our institute gives us plenty of time in the evening. So I'm gonna go out with Sam and get something to eat. ”

It's not really a big deal, but Eugene might be mistaken.

Eugene has been a gem soldier in a relationship since he was a kid.

He was also famous in high school.

Even if you make a confession, you don't understand it. Let's be good friends! ’An anecdote that energetically replies is still often circulated in the mouth of alumni.

“Do you have something you like? ”

“I went into the back alley of the commercial complex and almost got paid by men. ”

“What?! ”

Seo-hyun opened his eyes and was frightened.

Did you say anything to yourself even though you had such a dangerous experience?

Eugene is the kind of person I talk to, so I don't usually get in touch with her, but I should have told her something that's important.

“But the teacher came and saved me. Maybe that's the point. To keep the meter steady. ”

Eugene said, sucking straws laterally.

In fact, I had no way of making it clear when I was liking it.

Only in movies and dramas do viewers want a dramatic causal relationship, but not in reality?

When you wake up, it would be best to say that you already liked it.

“Thank you for that. And?”

“You're like Sinui. Oh, look at the snow. ”

Eugene presses his forehead and sits back on Seo-hyun, whose torso is more than half the table.

Seo-hyun acknowledged that he was a little excited and immediately changed posture.

I think it's a matter of blood on my head.

If I didn't know Eugene well, I would almost feel a little depressed.

“I go to talk to him every day. Strangely speaking with Sam made me feel very calm and comfortable. She's a counselor. She's a good listener. ”

There was nothing more to say.

It's because from a certain point on, it's time to be proud of your partner rather than having a relationship counseling session.

He boasts because he thinks he's good, but he can't put cold water on it.

“Coffee boils really well. Honestly, if you had a coffee, it wouldn't be so good to come to a cafe like this! ”

“That's where all the coffee is. ”

I said it in a heartbreaking voice.

Eugene laughs single-handedly with no noticeable hue and stretches out his brag.

Why are you so uncomfortable?

I felt like taking my best friend.

“Oh, and it's amazing. I touched it over my clothes and it's just a real rock. He's very good at fighting. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

I'm proud of being good at that age.

Only the cynical thoughts I didn't know kept spinning in my head.

If the middle-aged punk tries to bite Eugene, he's willing to basin his spine with a full-scale bodycheck.

“You know me very well. I want you to think very seriously about who I am and how I can be happy...”

“You're slowly falling in love. You're in trouble. It's time.”

Eugene who paused and laughed at Seo-hyun's teasing.

With a loving expression, he twitched his chin in his hand overlaid on the table.

“Yeah, I think I'm in real trouble. ”

The lights outside the street shine on Eugene's face.

It was as if a flashboard was popping out in front of my eyes.

Black hair and white skin are not so beautiful.

“He's a good man. ”

Eugene looked happy just by putting it in his mouth, and even Seo-hyun looked happy for the first time.

I've never seen a face like that in 15 years as a friend.

A smile that melts like sweet chocolate in your mouth.

The taste of the first love, which is footy, gently hangs by the mouth like butter.

That's Eugene's face in love.

The ice in the transparent glass with the water drops out.

Seo-hyun's heart was also fluttering.


A new Hiro has appeared.

Please welcome the applause.

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