
The fact that Yuan was overlooking was very simple.

Maybe it's like laying eggs on a table.

The fact that sincere and serious civil society is‘ acting to deceive the euphemism ’has not reached the point where it is absolutely necessary.

The intruder who entered the house of the Eucharist cannot necessarily think of it as the same as X.

The stalker, which is being treated by the eunuch and rotting with cleansing bath poop, reveals its aggressiveness to the eunuch by X.

He was deeply interested in the eunuchs, but never showed himself.

I just used a stalker in the back.

No matter how much I watched the black box of the Dominion, I concluded.

Throughout the conversation, the voice of the civil order hid deeply.

The color around the squeak is also the same military blue.

I've never seen the color of a red line that represents pleasure or pleasure.

For her, this situation is just a gamble to feel uneasy, not amusement or entertainment.

Adjusting others from behind or deceiving others by pushing out their faces.

It is not a human being who can do such things through civil society.

An upright, upright human being.

If injustice is intolerable and something goes wrong, it's just a bit of a bad luck to want to make things right.

X encouraged the eunuchs to mistakenly believe that the Dominicans were X.

And induced him to kill the regime.

I tried to use not only civil society but also euthanasia.

“Are you going straight into the house? ”

“Yes, I ate well. ”

“Can I give you a ride today? ”

“No, I haven't even got out of the car yet, and I can be there in a minute. ”

“I have something I want to tell you. ”


The civil society tried to shake its hands lightly, saying hello and saying goodbye.

However, I ponder the words of the eunuch who asks for stubbornness.

Now, Yuan was asserting that the regime had broken into his house for about nine years.

I encountered too many reactions that could not have come out without them.

You know everything, right? "The change in feelings and black boxes that came to life when the moxie who was holding the atmosphere brought out the story of love gave me intense conviction.

Even the forehead was too good for the civil act, so if it wasn't for the special abilities of the eunuch, it was more likely that he was unsure and moved on.

It was thanks to the black box that such a precise examination was possible.

When we put off our usual relationship.

If he suggested moderate favours, the civil society was willing to respond to him.

Despite his promise to take him home, he is hesitant to get in the car, but he firmly believes in the hypothesis of euthanasia.

“Then I'll ask you. ”

If the regime had broken into Yuan's house and relocated the body illegally, he would have known that he was keeping the body.

If so, report it.

If she had reported it, the eucharist would have been captured as it is, and the regime would no longer be afraid of the eucharist.

But she didn't.

At the same time, the regime was trying to avoid living with suspicion of euphoria.

If civil society, like the Stalker, were to receive the X's, not to cooperate willingly, but to be intimidated,

I still have a choice.

After a long drive with the regime, Yuchan began to step freely toward Axel through an overwhelming number of Utons.

A dairy car that entered the highway at a terrifying speed, ignoring the signal.

“I-is that Mr. Yuchan? ”

Despite the sudden change in his path, the Domingons were surprised and looked at the side face of the eunuch.

A frightened look.

Touching your phone in your pocket seems like a gesture.

Upon arriving at the freeway, the SUV's driver's seat, speeding without a circle, only hears the sound of asphalt frictioning with a high-speed rotating tire.

“Mr. Yuan, what are you doing? ”

“I have something to tell you. ”

“No, that's not it. Where are you going? ”

Though I deliberately mix subtle play with my voice, in a slow-shake voice, there is no room for fear.

The current speed is 130 km/h.

The inside of the car that runs on the highway is in some sense a dense room.

“Mr. Minjung, have you ever been to my house in early February? ”

I felt a rush of blood swallowing my breath.

It was a possible reaction to know the meaning behind his words.

It is the civil war that moved the body.

First, I had to reassure her.

I don't know how many lies will follow her in the future, but once an attempt is made, it is important.

“I know what you saw. I've been asked by someone who doesn't know who you are, like Mr. Mingyeong. ”

“What do you mean...? ”

“The corpse of a man who's only half dead. It was in the tub, wasn't it? ”

I look at Shichimi like a discreet woman.

I intend to see what the eunuch is saying.

From her point of view, euthanasia would be a murder mile to keep the body in the house.

X left no contact between himself and the stalker.

After moving the stalker like a puppet, the rope was cut off to prevent the daisies from backtracking.

If that's how X works, we're inverting it over here.

If he also left the impression that he was just a victim, he would be able to deceive the civil society effectively.

“A note and a courier came one day. Inside, there was a man's body wrapped in ice, and it was enclosed in a note threatening to take care of it. ”

“..... ”

As the white light of a streetlight flickering out the window brushes, it erases the shadow on the side face of the eunuch.

The regime quietly put down its cell phone and began to listen to the euphemism.

“At first, I tried to call the police. But the more I read the content of the note, the more I was scared. I tried to trace the shipment back, but I couldn't reveal the identity of the freak who sent the body. like someone who evaporated without a trace. ”

“..... ”

“As I was so nervous, on February 7th, the body suddenly changed its position on the day that Civil Society wrote the yearbook. ”

“How did you know I only did that? ”

The regime remained close and opened its mouth with a suspicious voice.

She is a victim of this incident.

And the victim's easiest target to form a homogeneity is the victim of the same slump as himself.

Yuchan decided to dig into it.

“Are you saying that Mr. Jung came into my house and moved the body? ”

“Yes, that's right. I did.”

“It wasn't until that day that Mr. Mingyeong suddenly stopped coming to the counseling room. At first, I thought that was a strange thing to do, but... it was too technical to suddenly change Mr. Civil's attitude after that day. I've asked you about how you feel about catching a Jeep. ”

Yuchan said, still looking ahead.

I saw the polity with my own eyes, but I didn't feel any cool persuasion from the frowned Army.

He would, too. For almost three months, the regime would have sent him to think he was a murderer.

It is not enough to change perceptions in just a few words.

Yuchan said in a hoarse voice.

“... it was too painful. I don't know when the cops are gonna come in, so I'm gonna turn things around and go to jail, and I'm gonna sleep at night. I've been distressed by nightmares every day. ”

Politics seemed to have been shocked by the cheerful voice of Yuan, who was more trustworthy and strong than anyone else.

If I had a chance, I would have laughed boldly in any situation.

“If you're going through the same thing as me, I want to be strong. I didn't do anything on my own, but if I join forces with Mr. Mingyeong, I might have a number. ”

“The note I received said that Mr. Yuchan killed the body...”

“That's impossible, isn't it? I didn't even want to get rid of the body! ”

Looking at the tears of eucalyptus clear, the regime took out the handkerchief of Juju Island and wiped his cheeks.

I was forgetting something more important because of the big murder.

That faithful eulogy that we showed at the institute for a year,

I can't believe it's just a bunch of freaky paperwork that's forcing me to commit some crazy crime.

“I can't... I just thought Mr. Yuan was a murderer. I thought it was the perpetrator of a series of disappearances...”

“Maybe that's what the killer wants. There's no reason to increase the number of witnesses who have seen the body for no common reason. You wanted me to get caught instead. ”

Technically, what X wanted was to kill the regime.

The ‘common sense’ presented by Yuan to the people was much more appealing than the 'common sense’ added by X for amusement.

“I guess so...”

The voice of the civil order stood like a hedgehog.

He seemed to be genuinely sympathetic to the pain of euthanasia.

She must have suffered greatly as a victim.

And to be honest with you that you're in a relationship with Naye,

She would have been an add-on to credit the euphemism.

“Is it because of threats that you didn't call the police? ”

“Yes, I was threatened to leave my family alone if I called the police. Now that we've removed all the CCTVs, put on the gloves and hygiene that go into the box and leave the body in the tub where it can be seen...”

“You must have done a lot of hard work. ”

I told the people who were talking to me as they were comforted.

It seems that even if I pretended not to be a civil servant, I suffered a lot.

I was biting my lips, but I saw tears struggling and reflected on the streetlight.

It may be true that a woman is weak in tears because she is deceived to this extent.

Yuchan smiled into the air and turned the parabolic handle.


Dom Min-jung lived in a 20-year-old main residence near Dialogue Station.

The facilities are bad, but the best conditions for a 25-year-old woman to be independent without parental support as soon as she leaves the university.

Many of the officetel complexes on the commercial side were used as venues for prostitution, and they were bad in terms of sound and security.

“Can you hold on a second, please? ”


“I don't have any cleaning because I don't know where my guests are coming from all of a sudden. I'll clean up in three minutes. ”

“It's okay to slow down. It's not cold.”

“I'm sorry!”

The regime that set up the eucharist on the porch eagerly sought understanding and went into Huddak's house.

I can see the sound of Wudang Bath, so I'm in a hurry.

I didn't think the woman's house would be as neat as Naye's.

Because I understood the delicate sensitivity of not wanting to look dirty enough, the eunuchs waited casually for the regime.

After about 10 minutes, I heard the footsteps behind the door, and the front door opened.

“Hah.. Hah.. It's too late. Oh, good... come in. ”

Not the chief, but a rough-blowing citizen.

His face was flushed with a sweat on his tibia.

“Then excuse me. ”

When I opened the door and went in, the interior of the 15-parallel apartment was revealed.

It's been a long time since it was constructed, but the old place is noticeable, but it doesn't bother much.

More than that, it was the clumsiness that spread from the front door to the living room.

Plastic hangers were covered with clothes that appeared to have been thrown out in a hurry, and empty sojourn bottles and beer bottles on the floor were forming an icy mountain.

The white carpet shining under the blue LED lights is full of marks that appear to be spilling red soup.

On the couch, a gimbal rolls over an open yoga mat, roughly like her hobby represents yoga.

When I saw the frontal visitation firmly closed, I almost saw the wreckage that had been shoved behind me.

“Ha... ha... a little dirty, don't you think? Seeing as I live alone...”

An awkward smile with sweaty eyes.

Do you really think that this kind of liberal lifestyle would be hidden in a clean society?

After a year of magazine discovering her new look, Yuan felt satisfied in his own way.

“No, it's almost like my house. ”

I would be ashamed of the cleanliness of the model house if I were to come to the house of the Eucharist one day, but I lied about it for once.

“So, first of all, can we check the notes and stuff you received from the unsub? ”

It was not to covet her flesh that she came to her house in the night.

Find as many traces of X as you can and counter it with a cooperative investigator.

That his peaceful and idyllic pastoral life may also be in a stable trajectory.

I almost spared a man who knew all his filthiness and had enough aftertaste to let him go.

“Ah...! ”

A civil servant who listens to the eunuchs and sighs.

When Yoo Chan looks at you in a suspicious color, he says in a grotesque tone.

“I... I'm in my room, but the room is a little less tidy. I'll get it right away. Ah! I'll give you a cup of tea, so please wait. ”

After all, there was no car.

Yuchan had to listen to the work of the grumbling vigilante in his room, holding orange juice in a transparent glass.


I don't think I've solved it well.

99 won will be re-examined in time.

Right after I wrote it, I couldn't get a good look at it.

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