Detective Training Manual

Chapter 92: detective......

   The next day, at half past ten.

   Sunshine worked on Zhou Yan's face for more than four hours, and finally woke him up.

   "Suck~" Zhou Yan swallowed the halazi on his lips, sat up, picked up the half bottle of water on the coffee table, and poured it into his mouth.

   while pouring, he glanced at the clock on the wall in a daze...


   A mouthful of old water squirted out.

   Zhou Yan put on his coat in a hurry, and rushed out of the apartment.

   I have only worked a few days now, so I'm late.

   And it's still on the point where the name of the detective agency has just been established, isn't this pure intention to add to the boss?

   I won’t arrive on time even in the future, but in this case, I’m still late. Wait for the bonus to be deducted!

   Not much gossip, Zhou Yan didn't do the bus, so he took a taxi and told the driver that it was a fire at home, so he should drive quickly.

  Emmm...This master is also an honest person, and he really marked the speed to the edge of a fine.

   At 11 o'clock noon, Zhou Yan finally arrived at the detective agency.

   Then... he looked at the closed door, messed up in the crowd.

   "No... didn't open the door?"

   Zhou Yan was wondering when he suddenly saw a tall figure in the crowd rushing over.

   is Lin Xi.

   The two gazes facing each other, Zhou Yan clearly saw a trace of apology from each other's gaze.

   Lin Xi ran over: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late."

   She said sorry.

   It turned out that the continuous examinations over the past few days, coupled with the summons from the court, and so on, have already squeezed Lin Xi's energy to the extreme.

   When she came home yesterday, she fell on the bed and fell asleep before she could even take off her clothes.

   And when I opened my eyes, I found that it was almost noon.

   Then hurried over.


   Zhou Yan blinked his eyes... and quickly pretended to shout:

   "Hey! Your boss is too irresponsible! Today is the day when our detective agency was listed! Do you know how long I have been waiting here?"

   Lin Xi looked at Zhou Yan's messy hair, sacky coat, and the folds of his legs, which were squeezed out after sitting in the car for more than half an hour.

   "Uh... two minutes...?"

"..." Zhou Yan was silent, and a second later: "Ah ha ha ha-that, yeah, I had a foreboding that you would have to sleep a little longer today, so I came here with a pinch of time, right? "

   "That's really hard for you~"

   Lin Xi glanced at Zhou Yan and opened the door of the detective agency.

   Hey... The boss and staff were late on the first day of the detective agency's opening. It doesn't seem to be a good sign.


   In the afternoon, Lin Xi’s customized signboard last night was delivered. I have to say that it is very efficient.

   The plaque is upright and can be stood beside the door. It is easier to scrub than hung on the top of the door, and it can be seen once you pass by without looking up.

  【Xiyan Detective Agency】

   A few bold characters, they read quite literary.

   Zhou Yan noticed that the border of this detective agency was white.

   He finally remembered that the detective agencies he saw before seemed to have such a frame, but the colors were different.

   "Uh...Don't blame me for my insight, what does the color of this border mean."

   "Oh? You don't know?" Lin Xi was slightly puzzled.

   This frame is a kind of common sense in this world, and Zhou Yan is still inspiring to become a detective. I don’t know this, it’s a bit unreasonable.

   But Lin Xi still explained it to Zhou Yan.

   Actually...just like Zhou Yan guessed.

   This frame represents the level of the detective agency.

  According to the tradition of this world, the rank of a detective agency is determined by the highest-ranking detective stationed in the detective agency.

   For example, if a detective agency has a [Marple] level detective, then this detective agency is eligible to take over [Marple] level cases.

   If there is a Sherlock level, he can naturally take over the most difficult cases.

   As for the color of the border of the plaque, it is for the client to see the strength of this detective agency more intuitively.

   First of all, it is the most advanced detective agency. The color of the border of these detective agencies is white.

   In order to let everyone see the classification of various detectives more intuitively, here, I will list them in the simplest way.

  The initial level: Doberman; [white]

   Second level: Trent; [light yellow]

  The third level: Chuzenji; [green]

   Fourth level: Maple; [Blue]

   Level 5: Rennes; [Purple]

   sixth level: kindness; [pink]

   Seventh level: Poirot; [Red]

   The eighth level: Sherlock; [Golden]

   So here, someone might ask. Didn’t I say that Lin Xi’s detective level is [Trent], which is the second level? Then the frame of the detective agency she set up should be light yellow. Why is it now white?

   Actually...the detective agency just opened are all white, even if you are a Charlotte class, it is also white.

Every detective agency handles cases that need to be reported and filed, and the government also has a very detailed hierarchical management method. If you are a high-level detective, it will not take long before your detective agency level can be upgraded. .

   However, the level of the detective agency can never exceed the level of the detective. For example, the level of a detective is Doberman, and the highest level of the detective agency is Doberman.

   In fact, there is no way to restrain detectives and detective agencies in this way.

  Because if this is not the case, then there is likely to be opportunists.

   For example, first spend a lot of money, take care of a Wren-level detective, spend half a month in your detective agency, mix with a purple border, and then let the detective leave, or just name it, and never accept commissions.

   Isn't that a deception to consumers?

   And these little details, Lin Xi also told Zhou Yan.

   Zhou Yan sat on the sofa of the detective agency, listening carefully.

   seems to be from this moment...he finally embarked on the path of a detective.

   I have to say that he is really excited... as if he is about to become famous, attract worldwide attention, and admire him.

   A little bit of time passed...

   The dusk fell quickly.

   Zhou Yan and Lin Xi sat on the sofa, facing each other, drinking instant coffee with a slight taste.

   Finally, Zhou Yan couldn't hold back.

   He tentatively looked at Lin Xi who was reading the newspaper on the opposite side...

   "That...Boss, there seems to be no business..."


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