.In Zhao Duoming’s eyes, Dao Dao Shenmang appeared instantly , he looked at Wang Mo and said hurriedly .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.” Have you seen some information ?”

.Facing Zhao Duoming’s inquiry .

.Wang Mo also nodded slightly .

.” It is true that some information is seen , but it needs to be determined . ”

.After speaking .

.Wang Mo looked at the two of them and said .

.” Also . ”

.” Because Zhang Lin is the only one investigating , there are still many flaws in his investigation process . ”

.” After all, his ability alone is still too weak . ”

.” There is a lot of information that he cannot investigate . ”

.Listening to Wang Mo’s words , Ye Youxue’s eyes involuntarily brightened a lot .

.And Zhao Duoming on the side .

.He couldn’t help but speak .

.” What information is there , Zhang Lin has no ability to investigate , but has made progress on the case ?”

.” Location . ” Wang Mo said .

.” Location ?” Many doubts appeared in Zhao Duoming’s eyes .

.And Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound .

.” Yes , the location . ”

.” The location where the victim disappeared . ”

.while talking .

.Wang Mo came to the wall on one side .

.On this wall , there is a map of Linteng City .

.Wang Mo picked up the pen , circled an area on the map , and then said .

.” At this location , five years ago , Zhao Qian disappeared inside . ”

.” And the month before Zhao Qian disappeared , her range of activities was basically within this circle . ”

.” The general scope of activities of other victims before their disappearance , Zhang Lin can’t determine , but our police can find out through various investigations . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Zhao Duoming was still puzzled .

.But Ye Youxue on the side looked at the circle drawn by Wang Mo , but she couldn’t help being stunned , as if thinking of something .

.She looked at Wang Mo.

.” Wang team , what do you mean . ”

.” We can determine the approximate activity area of the twelve victims prior to their disappearance . ”

.” Then a comparison was made at the point in time when they disappeared . ”

.” Look at this time period , are there any similarities in these areas, and whether there are any people appearing . ”

.” Because the real murderer is behind the scenes , it is very likely that during these time periods, he appeared in these areas and selected the victim !”

.” That’s right . ”

.Wang Mo nodded .

.On the other hand, Zhao Duoming , listening to the conversation between the two , had more doubts in his eyes .

.” But even if the real murderer is behind the scenes , it would be difficult for us to search these areas if they came to these areas at these times . ”

.” He’s not swaggering into these locations . ”

.” And there are so many people in one area , how to confirm ?”

.Just listen .

.Ye Youxue smiled and said .

.” If the real culprit behind the scenes is an ordinary person , this method ca n’t really investigate anything . ”

.” But don’t forget , in our speculation , the real culprit behind the scenes has extremely high power and is very likely to be a wealthy businessman . ”

.” And this man . ”

.” If it appears in certain places . ”

.” It’s easy to get people’s attention !”.

Chapter 365 The new investigation direction , related to the victim’s photo ?

.Listen to Ye Youxue’s explanation .

.Zhao Duoming was also stunned for a moment , and then he immediately understood what Ye Youxue meant , and his face showed excitement .

.” That is to say . ”

.” After we have determined the true identities of the twelve victims , we will be able to pinpoint the approximate areas of their disappearance . ”

.”And then in those areas , at the time they disappeared . ”

.” Look to see if there are any rich and big people passing by !”

.” After all , this kind of person basically has a record of traveling . ”

.Just listen .

.Ye Youxue also nodded .

.” The meaning of the king’s team should be ~ this . ”

.” But . ”

.Listen to Ye Youxue finish .

.Zhao Duoming gave birth to more doubts .

.” In case the victim was not personally selected by the real murderer , in case it was someone else in this organization , – the chosen target . ”

.” Then our investigation is useless ?”

.Facing Zhao Duoming’s doubts .

.Wang Mo , who was collecting photos of victims on the wall by the side , didn’t look back .

.” Most of these psychopaths have some kind of mental cleanliness . ”

.” They don’t let victims be picked by others . ”

.” So. ” _

.After taking down the last photo of the victim being tortured and killed , Wang Mo turned to look at the two of them .

.” About one to two months before the victim disappeared . ”

.”The culprit behind the scenes must have been in the area where the victim disappeared , saw the victim with his own eyes , and for some reason selected him as the target . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Zhao Duoming also took a deep breath and nodded .

.” I see . ”

.” It’s just this investigation direction , I’m afraid it will be extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive . ”

.” Because these victims did not necessarily stay in one location for the first two months of disappearance . ”

.” If they are traveling , or traveling far , then we have to check the location of the investigation , which will be extremely exaggerated . ”

.” Although many group bosses will record their trips , these data are within the group . ”

.” It ‘s very difficult to check the data without identifying the real culprit . ”

.” And we don’t have the general scope of the identity behind the scenes , so we can’t check all the bosses . ”

.As Zhao Duoming’s words fell , Wang Mo was silent for a while .

.Obviously also understand .

.Although this is a reasonable direction of investigation, the difficulty of the investigation is indeed quite exaggerated .

.But after half a sound .

.Wang Mo still spoke slowly .

.” The determination of the area before the victim’s disappearance does not need to be too detailed . It is sufficient to have a general range of common use . If there is any travel , it is directly excluded . ”

.” At the same time . ”

.” There is no need to go into too much detail and investigate all the wealthy businessmen who are present in these areas at all reasonable times . ”

.” Only persons who are present at more than three locations within a reasonable time make detailed enquiries . ”

.” In this way , the difficulty of investigation should be greatly reduced . ”

.Just listen .

.Zhao Duoming took a deep breath and nodded .

.” I see . ”

.And Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound .

.” But even so , the scope of investigation is still very large , so there is no need to put a lot of police force in this area . ”

.” When you get back to the police station , just form a team . ”

.” Let them be in charge of the investigation in this regard . ”

.Listening to Wang Mo’s words , Ye Youxue on the side was a little worried .

.” But if this is the case , and only one team is called , then their investigation time will be very long . ”

.” I’m afraid there won’t be any results in a short time . ”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo also spoke slowly and solemnly .

.” In this case , we have no time limit , so there is no need to rush . ”

.” And . ”

.Wang Mo paused and looked at the video recorder on the side . At this time, the video recorder had already played the scene of the murderer torturing and killing other victims .

.What’s playing now is one of the only two videotapes in the room .

.And Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound .

.” And . ”

.” I have a vague guess . ”

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