.Listening to Zhang Lin’s explanation , Zhao Duoming also nodded .

.Although it sounds far-fetched , so far , I really can’t think of a better explanation than this .

.At the same time .

.After Zhao Duoming’s question was answered .

.Wang Mo looked at Zhang Lin again .

.” Go on . ”

…… �

.” Have the murderer or you investigated any more information about this organization ? ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Zhang Lin pondered for a moment , then slowly spoke .

.” I’m still in the killer’s mouth , and I’ve got some other clues . ”

.”The murderer himself has actually investigated this organization . ”

.” But he did n’t find any information at all . ”

.” Every time I contact him, the numbers are all new , from various regions , and only used once . The sender’s location can not be traced . ”

.Zhang Lin paused .

.” Once , the murderer did not leave the scene directly after he recorded the videotape of the torture and sent the location , but hid it . ”

.” Two hours later . ”

.”The number of sanitation garbage trucks appeared at the scene . ”

.”On the garbage truck , several teams of people came down and cleaned up the scene . ”

.” The killer left after taking down the garbage truck’s license plate and company information . ”

.” The next day , when he went to look up the information, he found it . ”

.” When he was at night , all the information on these garbage trucks were all fake, and the company name was also fictitious , which did not help the murderer’s investigation . ”

.Having said this , Zhang Lin took a deep breath and his eyes became much more solemn .

.He looked up at Wang and Mo and continued slowly .

.” And the next night . ”

.” When the killer comes home . ”

.”I found an untimed bomb under my bed !”

.” He was warned !” Inch .

Chapter 361 The ultimate entrustment , for all victims ! ( Please order !)

.Hearing this , Wang Mo and Zhao Duoming’s eyes became much more serious .

.The two couldn’t help but look at each other .

.This bomb was obviously a warning from the organization to the murderer .

.What the murderer did has been discovered .

.At the same time .

.Zhang Lin’s voice continued to sound .

.” When the killer found the bomb , he was terrified . ”

.” After all, the murderer admits that his hiding place is very hidden , and no one will find it . ”

.” But the day after he secretly investigated this organization , his hiding place , he received a warning . ”

.” Just one day . ”

.” This organization found the murderer , investigated them , and found the murderer’s location . ”

.After speaking .

.Zhang Lin took a deep breath .

.And listening to Zhang Lin’s words , Zhao Duoming also clicked his tongue .

.” This bomb is the organization’s ” 567 ” report to the murderer . ”

.” They want to tell the murderer . ”

.” Since they can easily find the murderer’s house and put a bomb under the bed , it means that they can easily get rid of the murderer . ”

.” That’s right . ” Zhang Lin nodded .

.” So after this incident , the murderer no longer dared to track and investigate this organization . ”

.” After all, his purpose is only for money , there is no need to involve others . ”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo also nodded slowly .

.” That’s all the murderer knows about this organization . ”

.” However . ”

.Wang Mo looked at Zhang Lin .

.” How about you ?”

.” In the past two years , from what aspect have you investigated this organization . ”

.” Is it true that no useful leads have been found ?”

.Zhang Lin sighed and nodded .

.” My strength alone is limited . ”

.” Plus this organization is really hiding too deep . ”

.” So I did n’t investigate too many useful clues . ”

.Listen to Zhang Lin’s words .

.Zhao Duoming touched his chin and was silent for a while, then said slowly .

.” Have you checked the source of the murderer’s income? After all , after each mission , the murderer will receive a large amount of money , and may be able to investigate from the source of funds . ”

.” I have thought about this , and I have indeed investigated it for a while . ”

.Zhang Lin nodded and continued .

.” Most of the murderer’s income comes from accounts outside the territory . In various ways , they bypass supervision and cannot be traced . ”

.” However . ”

.” Perhaps the murderer wants to spend heavily on regular channels . ”

.” So , there are actually companies in the region that paid the murderer . ”

.” However , the companies that pay the murderer are different cover companies . The purpose of these companies is to send money to the murderer . ”

.” After each remittance , these companies will directly cancel , and they will even pay taxes to the murderer . ”

.heard here .

.Zhao Duoming thought for a moment and asked . .

.” What about these legal persons who set up companies? Is there any connection to the organization ? ”

.” No. ” Zhang Lin shook his head again .

.” Most of these legal persons are unaware of the existence of such a company . ”

.” Some legal persons are many gangsters who sold their documents and cannot be traced . ”

.Just listen .

.Both Wang Mo and Zhao Duoming could not help frowning .

.The rigor of this organization is indeed quite exaggerated , and it is deeply hidden .

.” Besides the above , have you conducted any other investigations into this organization in the past two years ? ” Wang Mo asked .

.” I actually investigated the victims . ”

.Zhang Lin spoke slowly .

.” In the murderer’s room , there are other victims’ information , which I have sorted out . ”

.” But these victims, in my opinion , don’t have any similarities , as if they were completely randomly selected . ”

.” There is no similarity in their areas of action . ”

.Listen to this .

.Zhao Duoming also scratched his head helplessly .

.” In the past two years , you really haven’t investigated anything . ”

.On the other hand, Wang Mo frowned , as if thinking about something .

.After a while .

.He looked at Zhang Lin and said .

.” After you caught the murderer , did this organization send text messages to you again through the murderer’s mobile phone ? ”

.” There was indeed one time . ” Zhang Lin nodded .

.Seeing Zhang Lin’s confirmation , Wang Mo and Wang Mo couldn’t help but get serious .

.But Zhang Lin could n’t help but sigh .

.” Six months after I had killed the murderer , I did receive a text message on the murderer’s mobile phone . ”

.”On the text message , there is a girl’s photo and basic information . ”

.” I followed this girl for the next month , but strangely , no one else did anything to this girl . ”

.” Until now , the girl is still fine . ”

.” At that time , after I received the text message , I also sent a text message to the organization asking them to go to a certain location and clean up according to the murderer’s habits and format 0 �?”

.Having said that , Zhang Lin paused , with some regret in his eyes .

.As if I missed an opportunity .

.Then he continued .

.” But this time , it seems that the organization already knows that I am not the murderer , so the person who cleaned up the scene did not appear . ”

.” And this time . ”

.” It should be me , the closest to this organization . ”

.” After . ”

.”The murderer’s mobile phone has never received a text message again . ”

.Zhang Lin’s voice slowly dissipated .

.And listening to his words , Wang Mo also took a deep breath and muttered .

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