.” Could it be that the victim in the second videotape is not the murderer of Zhao Qian ?”

.” This person must be the murderer in the first videotape. Team Wang has identified it . ” Li Hao on the side shook his head .

.” Then why did the king team say that Zhang Lin has not completed his revenge ?” Zhao Duoming was a little puzzled .

.And this time .

.Ye Youxue seemed to have thought of something .

.murmured in the mouth .

.” Zhang Lin has indeed not succeeded in his revenge . ”

.Ye Youxue looked at the others .

.” There is more than one culprit who killed Zhao Qian !”

.Listen to this .

.Zhao Duoming suddenly realized .

.” Yes , how did I forget this !”

.” Zhao Qian was tortured and killed because she was chosen to be the protagonist of the customized video !”

.” In addition to the murderer who murdered Zhao Qian , the person who made the video should also be Zhang Lin’s revenge !”

.” This mastermind behind the scenes is the real murderer who killed Zhao Qian !”

.” The person Zhang Lin is looking for should be him !”

.Listening to Zhao Duoming’s words , everyone shuddered .

.Because Wang Mo said it before .

.People who have the ability to customize this kind of torture video are definitely not ordinary people in reality. It is very likely that there is a small criminal organization in their hands .

.And this Zhang Lin .

.He even wanted to use one person ‘s strength to find out who was behind this organization and take revenge .

.” I’m afraid it will be within two years . ”

.” Zhang Lin has been investigating this criminal organization . ”

.Ye Youxue murmured .

.” However . ”

.” Does this have anything to do with Zhang Lin’s choice to surrender ?”

.Ye Youxue looked at Wang Mo.

.” It does matter . ” Wang Mo nodded .

.” And there is a big relationship . ”

.Wang Mo looked at everyone .

.” Do you think that in the past two years , Zhang Lin has found the chance of finding this organization , really avenging Zhao Qian , and killing the mastermind behind the scenes , how likely is it ?”

.And listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Everyone shook their heads and fell silent .

.” This possibility is almost zero . ”

.Ye Youxue said .

.” Otherwise , there should be more than one videotape of Zhang Lin’s work . ”

.” If he really avenged Zhao Qian , then he should have recorded the videotape of his murder of the mastermind behind the scenes . ”

.” So I thought . ”

.Ye Youxue paused .

.” In the past two years , it is very possible that Zhang Lin has not investigated the real situation of this organization , let alone avenged Zhao Qian completely . ”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo nodded slowly .

.” So. ” _

.” You know . ”

.” Why did Zhang Lin choose to turn himself in at this time , not long after I solved the manga murder case . ”

.” And he still turned himself in after he sent the video tape and brought it to the attention of our police . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Ye Youxue couldn’t help but look at Wang Mo , and she had already guessed the purpose of Zhang Lin’s actions .

.And Wang Mo looked at Zhang Lin in the single-sided glass .

.He also spoke slowly .

.” Zhang Lin he . ”

.” It’s because of me . ”

.”I chose to surrender myself . “.

Chapter 355 Zhang Lin’s choice is based on his life ! ( Please order !)

.” Zhang Lin , knowing that he is almost certain to die after he surrendered himself , I hope I will replace him and find out the true identity of the real murderer behind the scenes . ”

.” He wants me to avenge Zhao Qian . ”

.Wang Mo’s words .

.It sounded gradually in the observation room .

.Listening to Wang Mo’s voice , everyone couldn’t help but take a deep breath , and a lot of doubts were solved .

.” No wonder , everything can be right . ”

.Zhao Duoming nodded .

.And Ye Youxue on the side also added .

.” In the past two years , Zhang Lin should not have found out any information about this organization . ”

.” But his idea of revenge for Zhao Qian has never been weakened . ”

.” A month ago , we solved the murder comic case , which had a great impact . Zhang Lin should have known about the existence of the Wang team through the murder comic case . ”

.” He should have looked into a lot of information about the Kings this month . ”

.”I finally believed in the strength of the Kings . ”

.” So. ” _

.” At this point in time , he will first hand in himself after sending the videotape to the police station . ”

.Ye Youxue paused .

.” Zhang Lin should feel that he has no way to catch the real culprit behind the customized video of torture and murder . ”

.” So he wants to hand over the baton to the Kings . ”

.” Even if you do this on the premise that you will cut off your life . ”

.The voice of Ye Youxue’s words sounded .

.all eyes .

.They couldn’t help but look towards Zhang Lin in the interrogation room .

.There are many touches in his eyes .

.Zhang Lin’s feelings for Zhao Qian are indeed quite deep , even surpassing his own fear of life and death .

.To know .

.Five years have passed since Zhao Qian disappeared .

.during these five years .

.For the first three years, Zhang Lin has been looking for Zhao Qian’s trace . When he found out that Zhao Qian had been brutally murdered , he started his revenge against the entire criminal organization alone .

.And in the process , in a more brutal way , the murderer who killed Zhao Qian was brutally killed .

.After that .

.It has been uninterrupted to find the real murderer behind Zhao Qian’s death .

.And when he .

.After knowing that there is a criminal investigation team leader in Linteng City .

.Regardless of his own life and death , he surrendered before, wanting Wang Mo to take over .

.Such a move is indeed quite touching .

.After all .

.Zhang Lin also understood .

.The moment he walked into the police station , he couldn’t get out alive .

.” Actually . ”

.Looking at Zhang Lin in the interrogation room , Zhao Duoming opened his mouth .

.” Actually he could have just sent us the first videotape . ”

.” He can hide the fact that he kills . ”

.Hearing Zhao Duoming’s words , Ye Youxue shook her head .

.” How can you , as a police officer , think like that . ”

.” Zhang Lin, no matter what , he still broke the law . ”

.” And . ”

.Ye Youxue looked at Zhao Duoming .

.” Do you think that even if Zhang Lin hides the information about his murder , the Wang team will not be able to investigate it ?”

.”That ‘s right . ” Zhao Duoming nodded .

.At the same time .

.in the crowd’s discussion .

.Zhang Lin ‘s preliminary interrogation finally ended .

.Two police officers came out of the interrogation room .

.” Team Wang , it’s basically clear . ”

.” Zhang Lin is indeed the murderer of the second videotape . ”

.” He has no excuse for his crime . ”

.” Zhang Lin also told us where the second videotape was recorded. It was in a room in the suburbs . ”

.” Zhang Lin said that the house is still there, and the body of the deceased has been left in it . ”

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