.” Even if we find the location of the crime , it will be difficult to find some clues inside . ”

.” And when I return to the police station , I will reduce the suspected crime area and location again , and it is enough to send a team to investigate . ”

.Listen to the words behind Wang Mo.

.In Ye Youxue’s eyes , a moment flashed .

.She looked at Wang Mo and hurriedly said .

.” Shrink the area again ?”

.” Have you guessed what happened to the room in the videotape ? ”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo nodded slowly .

.” After determining the time factor . ”

.” I did guess the room on the tape , what it was . “.

Chapter 345 There will be no information left in the demolished crime scene !

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Everyone in the police car cast an excited look at Wang Mo.

.Even Zhao Duoming, who was driving .

.The ears stretched out involuntarily and said .

.” What exactly is that little room in the videotape ? ”

.Feeling these sight lines , Wang Mo also took a deep breath and said slowly .

.” The room on the tape . ”

.” Probably . ”

.” It’s a model on a construction site ~ a prefab . ”

.Listening to Wang Mo’s words , everyone was stunned for a moment .

.And Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound .

.” When I made sure that the tape was not recorded recently . ”

.” That’s already thought of , and another piece of information has been determined . ”

.” The room on the tape must have been demolished . ”

.” Otherwise it would be impossible for us to find the existence of this room . ”

.Wang Mo paused .

.” And the model prefab on the site fits perfectly with the standard of the room in the videotape . ”

.” When many large construction sites are established , workers will build prefabs to live in . ”

.” Usually after a construction period , these showrooms are dismantled . ”

.”The murderer just needs to enter one of the rooms at some unmanned stage and make a videotape . ”

.” He doesn’t even have to destroy the evidence himself . ”

.” Anyway, after the project was over , someone helped him and completely demolished the room . ”

.Just listen .

.Zhao Duoming on the side couldn’t help but take a deep breath , looking extremely serious .

.”The model rooms are basically on the first and second floors , and they are not too high , so they are suitable for low places and can hear the characteristics of water flow . ”

.” And the size of this room does match the room in the videotape . ”

.” We always felt that the room in the video should be a certain room in a certain house . ”

.” But look at it now . ”

.” The room in the videotape is , indeed , quite possibly a model room . ”

.” That’s why we can’t find the site of the crime that has been demolished . ”

.Zhao Duoming became more and more excited as he spoke , as if this information had come up by himself .

.And after saying these words .

.Zhao Duoming couldn’t help but look at Wang Mo.

.” Are there any construction sites that have appeared in the past six years in these suspected areas ?”

.” At least , the building opposite where we went just now was built this year . ” Wang Mo looked at Chu Bai .

.” As for the other locations , it’s unclear at this time and needs to go back and investigate . ”

.” But in these areas , the number of construction sites that have appeared in six years should not be many , only a few . ”

.” We’ll be able to roughly lock down one of several detailed areas of the incident very quickly . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Zhao Duoming took a deep breath .

.” In this way , we can really lock down the location of the crime . ”

.” Unfortunately , even if the location of the crime is found , it is useless . ” Ye Youxue sighed .

.” Why ?” Zhao Duoming was a little strange .

.Ye Youxue also slowly explained .

.” Because a model room on a construction site will basically leave no information after it is demolished . ”

.”The ground will be levelled and everything will be dismantled . ”

.” Even if we finally lock down the location of the crime . ”

.” But that place , it’s not known what it has become now . ”

.” As for the model room in the videotape , you have also seen the video and know that the murderer has covered the ground with a layer of plastic . ”

.” So even if we worked hard and found the demolished model , we couldn’t gather information . ”

.Ye Youxue paused .

.” Not to mention , everything in the tape happened years ago . ”

.” A few years is enough to change everything . ”

.” At the scene of the crime , even if the information is left , after a few years , I am afraid there will be nothing left . ”

.Just listen .

.Zhao Duoming finally understood .

.Why was Wang Mo only going to send a team to investigate the crime scene ?

.Because of the original scene , I am afraid there will be no information left .

.However, Zhao Duoming still does not intend to give up .

.After thinking for a while , he spoke again .

.” After locking the location , can you find witnesses and investigate surveillance ? ”

.Ye Youxue shook her head .

.” First of all , we haven’t determined when the videotape was recorded. It ‘s impossible to check the surveillance for six years . ”

0 .?For flowers.

.” So now . ”

.” The identity of the victim and how long the tape was recorded is what matters . ”

.Ye Youxue glanced at Wang Mo.

.I am afraid that after discovering the key point of time , Wang Mo has already thought of all the details that follow .

.That’s why the army was asked to investigate the identity of the victim to find out when the videotape was recorded .

.No wonder some people say that when you think of the first step , Wang Mo has already thought of the fifth step .

.At the same time .

.After Ye Youxue finished speaking .

.Wang Mo finally spoke slowly .

.” And . ”

.” A murderer with such a delicate method of killing . ”

.” What do you think . ”

….. 0

.” How likely is it that he will remain in the surveillance or be witnessed ?”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Everyone was a little silent .

.It is almost impossible for such an apparently premeditated murderer to leave some obvious clues behind .

.” A lot of temporary sites , in fact , are not even monitored . ”

.” You can go in casually in the middle of the night , and almost no one will notice . ”

.” And on some holidays , almost no one can be seen on the construction site . ”

.At this time .

.Chu Bai , who didn’t speak much , also added a sentence aside .

.His IQ is very high .

.Even earlier than Zhao Duoming , he thought that it would be difficult for the police to find more clues at the crime scene in the videotape .

.On the construction site , there were not many defensive measures .

.After all, no one would have thought of going to the construction site to steal things .

.The focus of the moment .

.Or the identity of the victim , and when the tape was recorded .

.And not long after .

.Everyone finally returned to the police station .

.Immediately after .

.The entire second team of criminal investigation conducted an incomparably detailed investigation of all eligible missing persons within six years .

.Even Chu Bai helped out .

.And in the crowd’s investigation .

.Time is also passing by.

.In a blink of an eye .

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