.His eyes stayed on this cartoon as a bookmark .

.soon .

.He noticed something was wrong .

.this comic .

.It happens to be one of the deleted pages in the last chapter of the murder comic (aedb) !

.Looking at this page , Wang Mo frowned .

.This comic should not appear here .

.And Zhao Duoming next to him was also a little strange after seeing this cartoon .

.” After we arrested Lin Kuo , didn’t we collect all the original comics at his home ?”

.” The number of pages that was deleted by Lin Kuo at the beginning has also been recovered . How come there are still here ?”

.Speaking of which .

.Zhao Duoming suddenly thought of something and looked at Wang Mo.

.” By the way, Team Wang , after we cleaned Lin Kuo’s room , didn’t you say that there was still a missing page in the last murder comic chapter . Could it be this page ?”

.” That’s right . ” Wang Mo nodded .

.Seeing Wang Mo’s confirmation , Zhao Duoming also clicked his tongue .

.And the next second .

.Zhao Duoming seemed to suddenly think of something , and his expression changed .

.He hurriedly looked at Wang Mo.

.” By the way , I remember that after we arrested Lin Kuo at six o’clock , the first group of police officers arrived at Zhou Hai’s house at six thirty . ”

.” In between , it ‘s only less than half an hour . ”

.” Such a fast time . ”

.” How did this comic get into the hands of the mysterious man ? ”

.” Could it be that he already knew that Lin Kuo would be caught by us , so he took this comic in advance ?”

.” Won’t Lin Kuo be arrested , as he expected ?”

.Zhao Duoming’s back was a little chilly . If this is the case , the horror of this mysterious man is far beyond their imagination .

.” Did Lin Kuo also say that when he was driving , he once received a call from a mysterious person . ”

.” Although the mysterious man didn’t say anything , at that time , could the mysterious man have already guessed our actions ?”

.Listening to Zhao Duoming’s words , Wang Mo shook his head directly .

.” This time , the mysterious man has entered the venue in person , and he is beginning to be a little anxious , trying to make a real seven deadly sin case successful . ”

.” He may be a little worried about Lin Kuo’s actions at the time , but he will never know how I will lock Lin Kuo’s whereabouts . ”

.Wang Mo paused , then continued .

.” I guess that when Lin Kuo set off , the mysterious man had already sneaked into his home . ”

.” That call was also made by the mysterious man at Lin Kuo’s house , but he didn’t know my plan . ”

.” Then why was he able to take this comic in advance ?” Zhao Duoming said , his face full of doubts .

.Wang Mo also took a deep breath .

.” Not necessarily in advance . ”

.” He should be at Lin Kuo’s house and waited until after six o’clock . ”

.” When he learned of Lin Kuo’s failure to detonate in some way , he took this cartoon as a bookmark for the seven deadly sins of laziness . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s explanation .

.Zhao Duoming also nodded slowly , but at the same time he was a little regretful .

.If they had discovered Lin Kuo’s identity long ago , they would have gone to Lin Kuo’s house earlier .

.Maybe .

.The mysterious man can be caught .

.At this time, Wang Mo.

.As if he could see what Zhao Duoming was thinking , he patted Zhao Duoming on the shoulder with a smile and said .

.” Don’t think too much about it . ”

.” It should be him who is anxious now . ”

.” If he wants to continue making cases , his involvement will go deeper and deeper . ”

.” In the process . ”

.” He won’t be able to hide either . ”

.Wang Mo looked at Linteng City outside the window .

.At this time, in Linteng City , there are fewer and fewer dark corners under the sunlight .

Chapter 330 The aftermath of the comic case , the computer is poisoned ? ( Please order !)

.The aftermath of the murder comic case lasted longer than Wang Mo had imagined .

.After arresting the murderer Lin Kuo .

.A whole month passed .

.on the web .

.There is also a discussion about Wang Mo and the murder comic ~ case .

.After all, in this case , the commotion at that time was really too big .

.This is almost the first-ever murder – case , according to the content of the comics .

.And in each case , the comics were updated online before they happened .

.is equivalent to .

.Before each murder , the murderer foreshadowed the occurrence of the case , and then started the crime .

.And after .

.The ten days given by Wang Mo once again helped the case to become popular .

.After that .

.In three days , the murderer was formally arrested , setting a time record for solving such a difficult murder case .

.That’s why so many people know about this case .

.Of course .

.There are also reasons why the top of the police station has been fueling the flames .

.After Wang Mo arrested the murderer , the top of the police station also wanted to publicize the police station , so they took this case as an example and promoted it everywhere .

.That’s what makes this case so appealing .

.However, Wang Mo and the entire second criminal investigation team were at the center of the incident .

.during this time .

.I have resumed my daily routine again , and my mood has not been affected by these discussions .

.At the beginning , there were even a lot of Wang Mo’s little fans at the gate of the police station . They wanted to meet Wang Mo , but they were all rejected in the end .

.And during this time .

.Wang Mo also fulfilled his promise and took Ye Youxue to the park at that time .

.At that time, Ye Youxue thought that Wang Mo had finally awakened .

.But in the time that followed , Wang Mo changed back to his previous appearance , which made Ye Youxue a little confused .

.In the end, he took the initiative to ask Wang Mo and got an answer from Wang Mo.

.Wang Mo is now .

.I still want to completely solve the Seven Deadly Sins Mysterious Man first , and I can talk about other things later .

.As soon as the mysterious man of the Seven Deadly Sins is not caught , Wang Mo will always be worried .

.After all, after the Seven Deadly Sins , there are still three other charges that have not appeared .

.No one knows whether this mysterious man of the Seven Deadly Sins will still make trouble .

.After receiving Wang Mo’s reply , Ye Youxue also calmed down , and together with Wang Mo, investigated the information about the mysterious man of the Seven Deadly Sins .

.A pity .

.In the murder comic case, there is really too little information about the mysterious man , and there is not much progress at present .

.And this month .

.Perhaps because of Wang Mo’s reputation , many people are indeed known .

.Therefore, the crime rate in the entire Linteng City has plummeted by a factor of two .

.As for serious homicides , there have never been any more cases .

.I’m afraid these prisoners also knew Wang Mo’s power , so they all hid .

.But everyone in the second criminal investigation team knew .

.in the city of Linteng .

.There is also a vicious and highly intelligent criminal who is eyeing everyone in the dark .


.One month after the end of the murder comic case .

.Linteng City Police Department , Criminal Investigation Team 2 .

.” Team Wang , are you reading the information on the Seven Deadly Sins here again ?”

.” Have you found any new clues ?”

.Pushing open the door of the conference room , Zhao Duoming smiled .

.In the conference room , Wang Mo was looking at the projection in front of him. In the projection , there were all the current cases of the Seven Deadly Sins .

.And the seven deadly sin books that appeared in these cases were also placed on the table in the conference room .

.Listening to Zhao Duoming’s voice , Wang Mo murmured .

.” This person’s level of involvement and emphasis on the case is constantly increasing . ”

.” And this also represents the increasing importance he places on me . ”

.” The next seven crimes , this person should , really will be personally involved in it . ”

.Just listen .

.Zhao Duoming smiled .

.” Isn’t that all right . ”

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