.a time .

.The murderer’s crazy laughter reverberated in the square .

.He looked at the expressionless Wang Mo not far away , and laughed wildly , the laughter made people hairy .

.And the next second .

.words from his mouth .

.It turned out that everyone around was stunned for a while, and their expressions were pale .

.” I haven’t lost yet . ”

.” I can finish the murder comic content of the last chapter . ”

.” You really think that . ”

.” My method of detonation , is there only a loose detonator ?”

.After speaking , the murderer laughed again .

.The expressions of the other police officers around him turned extremely pale in an instant .

.Everyone’s movements could n’t help but stagnate for a while .

.bomb .

.Any chance of detonation ?

.Does the murderer have other means of detonation ?

.Not far .

.Zhao Duoming , who had come to the outside of the van, was just about to open the door , but his hand had already stopped in the air , and he was stunned .

.Is there still a risk of explosion ?

.After swallowing , Zhao Duoming and several other police officers all turned their attention to Wang Mo , not knowing what to do next .

.And Wang Mo also glanced at them quietly and nodded .

.see .

.Zhao Duoming gritted his teeth , and with the other police officers , he still opened the door and began to rescue the victims in the van .

.Seeing that Wang Mo was still letting Zhao Duoming and others continue to act .

.The crazy smile on the murderer’s face grew even stronger .

.he laughed .

.” You are letting your people die !”

.” I tied the three people to the car with chains . ”

.” In a short period of time , it is absolutely impossible for you to open the chain . ”

.”The bomb is about to explode . ”

.Done .

.The murderer laughed wildly again , but the faces of the other police officers around him turned paler .

.Murderer , there are other means of detonation !

.Subsequently .

.Everyone’s eyes could not help but look at Wang Mo.

.But oddly enough .

.After hearing these words of the murderer .

.Not only did Wang Mo show no expression , but even his expression remained calm and calm , without any change .

.Wang Mo’s attitude made many police officers feel more stable .

.At the same time .

.in the field .

.After saying what you just said .

.The murderer also noticed Wang Mo’s unwavering expression , and the whole person’s smile weakened a bit .

.” Why are you not responding ?”

.” What do you think . ”

.” Am I lying to you ?”

.Wang Mo did not speak , but his expression remained the same .

.And Wang Mo’s performance made the murderer believe that the other party thought he was joking , and then he laughed wildly again .

.” You are wasting your time . ”

.” I’m not kidding . ”

.” This time . ”

.The murderer’s sight was towards the van in the distance .

.The three of Zhao Duoming just got in from the carriage and started to rescue the victims .

.The murderer looked back and said coldly .

.” You are asking three cops to die in vain . ”

.And this moment .

.After the murderer finished speaking .

.Wang Mo finally spoke slowly .

.” Did you mean to say . ”

.” Bomb from the co-pilot of the van . ”

.” Apart from a detonating bomb , or a time bomb ?”

.Listen to this .

.The murderer’s smile instantly solidified on his face , and the whole person was stunned for a moment .

.The other party knows this information , but why is it still sent to death ?

.At the same time .

.Wang Mo’s words continued to sound .

.” And this bomb . ”

.” It ‘s still modeled on the perfect bomb that appeared in a certain country 40 years ago , with eight leads and twenty-eight limiters . ”

.” You , how do you know ?” The murderer almost subconsciously shouted this sentence .

.” It’s the perfect bomb that can’t be defused !”

.And Wang Mo also laughed lightly .

.”The last chapter of the comics , I have read it several times , and there is no information left . ”

.” Although the appearance has changed a bit , I still recognize it . ”


.” In addition to being able to be detonated, this kind of bomb has a timing function and has several anti-bomb disposal measures . ”

.” Many people have been using it for decades and have not found a way to defuse it . ”

.” You , you know all this , and haven’t done anything yet ?”

.The murderer’s face was instantly pale , and he didn’t know what Wang Mo was thinking .

.This bomb , I checked when I went out, and there was no problem .

.And start by getting out of the car .

.Neither had any police officers been to the co-pilot .

.But why .

.Wang Mo still asked three police officers to come and save people .

.Do you really want to kill them ?

.To know .

.This kind of bomb , the agent of a certain country in the past , could not dismantle it with all his means , and could only detonate it .

.Decades later .

.Even if the bomb is successfully reproduced , there is still no way to defuse it .

.At this moment , countless questions appeared in the murderer ‘s mind .

.And Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound .

.” After I zoomed in on the cartoon , I found a flashing code on the bomb. This should be the countdown time of the bomb . ”

.” In addition to actively detonating , you also set the bomb to go off at 6:05 pm . ”

.Wang Mo glanced at his watch .

.” There is still more than a minute before this time . ”

.” You , you know all this , even the timing , and let them die !”

.The murderer was pale and suspicious .

.And Wang Mo also laughed .

.” Who said I let them die . ”

.” One more minute . ”

.” It’s too late to defuse the bomb . “.

Chapter 323 Last minute , less than a minute !

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.The murderer froze for a moment .

.Then he laughed wildly .

.” What are you kidding . ”

.” This kind of bomb has several countermeasures and eight leads . ”

.” When the bomb was discovered , even the top bomb disposal experts of the year were unable to dismantle it. In the end, it could only be detonated after the crowd was evacuated . ”

.” And the production map of this bomb has also been used for bomb disposal training , but over the past few decades , there has been no perfect way to dismantle it . ”

.” Although my bomb is an imitation , the details are only seventy percent of it . ”

.” But you will never be able to dismantle it in a minute . ”

.The murderer’s laughter sounded wildly in the field .

.In his view .

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