.To know .

.At that time, I hadn’t uploaded the manga yet .

.The content of the last comic , it stands to reason , only he and the dead Zhou Hai know .

.But the person who called .

.But in a few words , he said the content of the last chapter of the comic .

.At that time, the murderer was also puzzled and did not want to believe what the other party said .

.But the person on the other side , just said a few words , already let the murderer understand the seriousness of not deleting the number of pages , and then do it .

.He really didn’t want to be completely grasped by the police because of these cartoons .

.Of course .

.He also had doubts about Wang Mo’s ability .

.He admitted that Wang Mo’s ability to infer his height characteristics was indeed unusual .

.But through a few comics , he was able to control the direction of his heart , and he still had some doubts .

.But even so , just in case , the murderer still obeyed the other party’s words and deleted some pages .

.He didn’t think so .

.at this moment .

.The other party actually called again .

.And faced with the question of the murderer .

.The person on the other end of the phone did not speak , but fell silent . ,

.see .

.The murderer sneered and spoke again .

.” I haven’t encountered any situation now . Those police officers do n’t even know where I am now . ”

.” As for the Wang Mo you mentioned , it’s impossible to find out my whereabouts . ”

.” In Zhou Hai’s comics , there is almost no way to crack the design of the last bombing . ”

.” Unfortunately , I was still too hesitant at the time . Under Zhou Hai’s obstruction , I didn’t kill people directly according to the comics . ”

.”I don’t know , what would he think when he knew his cartoons came true . ”

.Although the murderer did not know the identity of the other end of the phone .

.But in the last call .

.The murderer still heard some information from the phone .

.The other party not only knew about Zhou Hai’s existence , but even had an understanding of the content of the comics .

.It should also be a very good friend of Zhou Hai .

.Of course .

.Now the murderer doesn’t know .

.The success of murder comics actually has the support of another person behind it .

.It was this person who told Zhou Hai the plot of the comic, the way of killing and various details , so that Zhou Hai was able to draw a killing comic .

.this information .

.Zhou Hai did n’t even say anything about him .

.At the same time .

.Listening to the murderer’s voice , the person on the other end of the phone remained silent .

.And the murderer did not continue to speak .

.The two confronted each other in silence .

.After two breaths , the green light turns on .

.Ding dong .

.The other party even hung up the phone directly !

.see .

.The murderer also frowned , put the phone aside , cursed angrily , and continued to drive forward .

.This strange person made him have many doubts .

.But now is not the time to think about that .

.And when I just answered the phone .

.The murderer also accidentally saw the current time .

.Although some are not in their plans .

.But now, he has fully believed that the police have not found any trace of him at all .

.Subsequently .

.The murderer couldn’t help but sneer .

.”I gave you two hours , and in the end , I didn’t even see my shadow . ”

.” I was already planning to die together . ”

.” It seems now . ”

.” It’s me who overestimates you . ”

.Speaking of which .

.The murderer couldn’t help but think of the police press conference he saw on TV a few days ago .

.Thinking of the policeman on TV who said he would be arrested in ten days , the murderer couldn’t help but sneer .

.” Ten days , ridiculous . ”

.” After the bombing is over , the murder comics will also end 0.�?”

.” There is no clue to the follow-up comics , let’s see how you catch me . ”

.” The youngest criminal investigation captain , with a 100% detection rate , that ‘s all . ”

.Done .

.The murderer stepped on the accelerator , deepened it again , and left the red light behind .

.And in words .

.Time passed again .

.After a few minutes .

.Jingle bells .

.Next to him , the piercing bell of the alarm clock rang .

.six o’clock .

.has arrived !

.The killer slammed on the brakes .

.instant .

.In the carriage , the three victims , who had already lost their strength and were unable to struggle, struggled frantically again .

.Because they also understand .

.The murderer is afraid that after this stop , they will really kill them .

.But because their mouths were gagged , the three victims could only make a choked cry at this time , and could not be discovered by outsiders at all .

.The murderer also looked back at the three of them coldly , and muttered in his mouth .

.” You three , it ‘s not a pity to die . ”

.These three victims are not good people . In the past period of time , because of them , they have also caused casualties to other people .

.But their actions were not punished .

.Some do not support their parents , causing their parents to starve to death .

.Speaking of which .

.The murderer also seemed to recall some happy memory , and his face became a little ugly .

.And the next moment .

.Fierce 3.1 also glanced outside the car again .

.At this time , there were many innocent people walking outside the car .

.In the murderer’s eyes, there was also a flash of fluctuation , but he was quickly suppressed by him , and his expression became indifferent again .

.And he murmured .

.” If you meet me today , you are unlucky . ”

.talking .

.The killer opened the black package in the co-pilot .

.I saw that in this package, in addition to a bomb , there were actually some clothes .

.Although I don’t think the police have found themselves .

.But the murderer still intends to disguise .

.And this moment .

.What the killer didn’t know was .

.in the surrounding streets .

.Pairs of eyes have been fixed on here .

.Not far away there is a pair of eyes , the sharpest ! .

Chapter 317 The murderer gets out of the car , a fatal crisis !

.Linteng City .

.Entrance to the third park .

.The time is now six o’clock in the afternoon .

.In the surrounding community , some elderly people who finished their dinner very early have already started to go out for a walk .

.And this giant park is naturally the first choice for everyone .

.At the same time .

.Some other people who were going to go home to cook also appeared one after another from the park entrance .

.So. _

.Although the time has only just reached 6 o’clock .

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