.” Up to now , Team Wang has never let go of any murderer , isn’t it just a small bomb murderer? Team Wang will definitely be able to deal with it . ”

.” Wang team , just as you said , even if we fail , we will carry it together . ”

.” Bah , crowmouth . ”

.In fact , in addition to the difficulty of completing this plan , there is another reason for everyone’s hesitation just now , that is, Wang Mo at that time would definitely be in an extremely dangerous situation .

.After all , the murderer will not detonate the bomb within the explosion range , but as long as he is far away from the explosion range , the bomb will be detonated .

.So. _

.The time for Wang Mo to stop the murderer must be before the murderer has left the explosion range .

.But this way .

.If the murderer becomes angry , he fights with Wang Mo and detonates the bomb .

.Well .

.Wang Mo , who was closest to the explosion location , was probably also hit by an extremely strong impact .

.this .

.It is also a place where people are a little hesitant .

.They didn’t want Wang Mo to put themselves in danger .

.But after hearing Wang Mo’s words just now , everyone already understood .

.This plan is indeed the safest one .

.So everything depends on Wang Mo.

.Ye Youxue , who was beside Wang Mo, also said with a worried face .

.”The murderer’s own force value is also very powerful . ”

.” And it is very likely that he has a sharp weapon on his body . ”

.In the first murder case at the gate of the police station , everyone already knew .

.The murderer in this case has an extremely exaggerated force value .

.In an instant , with a sharp weapon , in a small environment, it can carry out extremely accurate attacks on the victim .

.After the autopsy at that time, Wang Mo admitted this person’s fighting skills .

.And listen to Ye Youxue’s words .

.Wang Mo also smiled .

.” This is the least of my worries . ”

.There is enough confidence in Wang Mo’s words .

.This murderer’s fighting skills are indeed extremely powerful , but compared with himself , it is still much worse .

.see .

.Ye Youxue also sighed softly and didn’t say anything more .

.And confirmed the plan .

.in multiple phone calls .

.The voice of the crowd rang out again .

.” There is one more problem with this plan . ”

.” How do we know the killer’s parking location? This location must be extremely accurate , with an error of no more than ten meters . ”

.” Otherwise, the previous ambush is likely to go wrong . ”

.” Although we already know the killer’s next route , we can’t completely lock the killer’s speed . He is now fast and slow , and it is difficult to lock his specific parking location . ”

.Someone spoke .

.Others have the same idea .

.Listening to the police officer’s words , Wang Mo smiled and did not answer directly . Instead, he asked multiple people on the phone .

.”‘~ Zhao Duoming , tell me , is there any way to keep the murderer’s speed under our control ?”

.Wang Mo’s words sounded , and everyone understood .

.This is Wang Mo’s question and test to Zhao Duoming , and the Wang team must have known the method long ago .

.And Zhao Duoming was also silent for a while , knowing that this was an opportunity for the Wang team to show himself .

.And he was also thinking frantically , if it was Wang Mo , what would he think .

.There must be a way to control the speed of the killer’s vehicle .

.And after a few breaths .

.Zhao Duoming suddenly froze , hit his head , and said helplessly to the phone .

.” It turns out that it’s so simple . I thought a lot just now and wasted some time . ”

.” We just need to control ( Li’s ) traffic lights in the next section of the road and that’s it . ”

.” After all , traffic lights can forcefully adjust the murderer’s position . If he is too fast , he will slow down when he encounters several red lights in a row , and vice versa . ”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo also smiled and nodded .

.” You’re not as stupid as I thought . ”

.” Before , I told Li Hao at the traffic department how to adjust the traffic lights in the future . ”

.” Now , he’ll keep his eyes on the killer’s vehicle and adjust the traffic lights based on what I’ve said . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Everyone was stunned .

.Since Wang Mo said so , it means that he has complete control over the location and location of the killer’s parking at six o’clock .

.So Zhao Duoming asked hurriedly .

.” Where is the killer ‘s car at six o’clock ?”

.Wang Mo slowly opened his mouth to buy .

.”The Third Park in Linteng City , the middle of the Fourth Avenue intersection . “.

Chapter 314 Loose-hair detonator , the last ten minutes countdown !

.Hear this word .

.Everyone was stunned for a moment .

.Immediately, he hurriedly searched the map for the location that Wang Mo said .

.But before taking a few glances , everyone’s faces turned pale .

.because of this location .

.It is the entrance to the Third Park of Linteng City !

.This entrance is a large square .

.At this time .

.I’m afraid there will be a large crowd .

.” Wang team , will there be too many people in this location ?”

.” It’s almost 6 o’clock in the afternoon now , and the first group of old people who ate dinner are going for a walk in the park now . ”

.” Should we control the traffic lights and let the killer stop in other areas ?”

.” Yes , there will be too many people in the park . ”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo also spoke slowly .

.” The vigilance of the murderer is far beyond your imagination . ”

.” Other locations may be less crowded , but again, the killer will be more vigilant . ”

.” In an area with many people , it will make the murderer relax a little . ”

.Wang Mo paused .

.” Trust me , I won’t hurt a single citizen . ”

.See what Wang Mo said .

.Everyone just nodded .

.” Well , that’s all there is to it . ”

.” We’ll go to the middle of this intersection to ambush right away . Fortunately, I brought casual clothes today . ”

.” I’ll go to the roadside to buy two sets , and then we’ll go together . ”

.” That’s right , so many people are just able to hide us . ”

.a time .

.Everyone has started to discuss the 520 plan for a while .

.Can listen to the words of the people .

.With just one sentence , Wang Mo poured a basin of cold water on the crowd .

.” You can’t get close to the scene for the first time . ”

.” At six o’clock , Ye Youxue and I will be at the park entrance and pretend to be lovers . ”

.” Others , first spread out the police cars at least five streets away . ”

.” And after changing into casual clothes , I can only wait for my order at a distance of 200 meters . ”

.Listen to this .

.Almost instantly .

.Everyone’s faces turned pale .

.Just now Wang Mo said that he could solve it within a minute or two .

.At that time, everyone thought that Wang Mo meant to solve it by himself with the help of others .

.But now it seems .

.What Wang Mo meant was that he wanted to deal with the murderer by himself .

.Even Ye Youxue is probably a character that hides people’s ears .

.At the same time .

.Before everyone started to ask , Wang Mo explained it directly .

.” In this third park , the proportion of the elderly in the nearby community is extremely high , and at this time , there are fewer young and middle-aged people . ”

.” If you show up in large numbers , it will definitely attract the attention of these old people . ”

.” These old men can all notice you , let alone the murderer . ”

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