.The closest distance between them just now was probably only a short one or two meters .

.However, Wang Mo and the others did not move .

.Because there are too many people hanging out after dinner on this street .

.If they are in trouble .

.Then Lu Hongbo can instantly hold the surrounding people hostage .

.After all, Lu Hongbo’s body shape and posture , they also know through monitoring .

.Ordinary people could not react at all to Lu Hongbo’s surprise attack .

.” What are we going to do !”

.Seeing Lu Hongbo slowly driving away , Zhao Duoming said .

.On the other hand, Wang Mo smiled and said lightly .

.” Don’t worry . ”

.”The show has only just begun . ”

.Done .

.Wang Mo drove behind Lu Hongbo’s van .

.Watching Wang Mo’s actions .

.Zhao Duoming broke out in a cold sweat instantly .

.” What are you doing? If you follow it so closely , Lu Hongbo will definitely find out . ”

.Hearing Zhao Duoming’s voice , Wang Mo shook his head .

.” Who said that. ”

.” I’m following Lu Hongbo . ”

.between words .

.The two cars have driven to the end of the intersection .

.The white van turned right and entered .

.But the car Wang Mo was driving went in another direction .

.Looking at Wang Mo’s movements , Zhao Duoming was completely confused .

.” Just now , Lu Hongbo must have been looking at the rearview mirror all the time . ”

.” But why are we driving in the opposite direction ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Mo smiled .

.” Whoever said the opposite direction ca n’t catch up with each other . ”

.” This Lu Hongbo can not escape . ”

.Done .

.On the walkie-talkie beside Wang Mo , there was a chi chi electric sound 0 �?

.” Wang Mo , Lu Hongbo has passed by our seventh group . ”

.after getting this information .

.Wang Mo also picked up the walkie-talkie and said .

.” Lu Hongbo has already exceeded the scheduled location . ”

.”The action begins !”

.when night appears .

.Wang Mo had already told the other groups what they needed to do .


.Linteng City .

.Outside the large area .

.in a narrow two-lane lane .

.from the rearview mirror .

.After watching the car just now driving in the opposite direction .

.Only then did Lu Hongbo slowly take his sight back from the rearview mirror .

.Although he has enough confidence .

.The police have certainly not found any trace of them yet .

.But be careful , there is no problem .

.Subsequently .

.He drove for a few more minutes and was about to come to the next inflection point .

.At this intersection , he would drive to the left , leave the lanes around the Daguang community , and go to the last killing spot .

.And a few seconds later .

.He also stopped at the traffic light before this turning point .

.Subsequently .

.He glanced in the direction to the left .

.Seeing this , Lu Hongbo ‘s brows furrowed instantly .

.At the entrance of the laneway on the left , a brand-new car was parked , which was somewhat out of tune with the surrounding environment .

.And outside this car .

.A young man , holding a mobile phone , seems to be 3.1 to the surrounding people , asking something .

.Every now and then .

.The person also looks up and glances around .

.As for the others , after seeing the contents in his hands , most of them waved their hands , indicating that they did not know .

.Watch this scene .

.Lu Hongbo frowned constantly .

.Subsequently .

.He glanced at the map .

.When the green light came on , I finally chose to turn into the right lane , ready to make an extra circle .

.And just when the van driven by Lu Hongbo drove in another direction .

.The young man who was still asking about something with the surrounding people just stood up slowly and looked coldly at the van that was driving away .

.Subsequently .

.He took out the walkie-talkie in his hand and said .

.” This is the ninth group . Lu Hongbo bypassed us and went to the tenth group . ”

Chapter 167 Catching turtles in the urn , you have already , there is no escape !

.Linteng City .

.Outside the large area .

.in a small street .

.The van driven by Lu Hongbo is constantly driving in it .

.And he was still thinking about the strange figure that appeared just now .

.The person’s posture and behavior are not like ordinary people .

.Instead .

.Kind of like plainclothes cops conducting searches .

.And just now the most important point is .

.After he chose another direction .

.He seemed to see in the rearview mirror that the young man just now took out a walkie-talkie from his arms and was communicating with others .

.Ordinary people rarely use such things as walkie-talkies .

.And the line of sight of this person observing the surrounding environment is also different from that of ordinary people .

.these sights .

.It may be difficult for ordinary people to notice .

.But for Lu Hongbo , it can be easily caught .

.Normal people , when observing their surroundings , are not so careful .

.” Has the whereabouts been revealed ?”

.” How do these police officers know my location and location ? ”

.With a murmur , Lu Hongbo became a lot more serious . 04

.Although it is possible , it is just that I am too allergic / sensitive , and the other party has no problem .

.But Lu Hongbo cautiously chose another path .

.After all , he didn’t want any accident to happen .

.After a few minutes .

.Just when the van was about to drive off the trail .

.Something happened not far away .

.Looking at the exit of the small road 100 meters away , Lu Hongbo frowned , and the van stopped again .

.Because on the opposite road at the traffic light , a team of traffic police was doing a drink-driving check .

.Watch this scene .

.Lu Hongbo’s uneasy feeling intensified again .

.Impermanence must have a cause .

.In Lu Hongbo’s view .

.It is very likely that the police have locked the area .

.Investigate this area as the murderer’s hiding place .

.It’s just that the police don’t know .

.Just your identity and location .

.After all , there were no suspicious people around the Daguang community .

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