Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 718

The British Museum, also known as the British Museum, is located in Russell Square on the north of New Oxford Street in London, England. It was established in 1753. Together with the Louvre Museum in France, the Hermitage Museum in Russia and the Metropolitan Museum in the United States, it is called the world by Western media. Four major museums.

The British Museum is also the museum with the largest collection of Chinese cultural relics, with a total of more than 23,000 pieces. There are various cultural relics from the Stone Age to the Qing government, many of which are unique.

Of the more than 23,000 Chinese cultural relics, only a few of them are usually displayed, and most of them are well collected.

And even if it's just a small part of the show, it's not something you can see if you want to. Many Chinese tourists are famous for visiting, but they don't have the chance to see it.

This is a shame.

But Huanye didn't plan to do more. Many things couldn't be done by him alone, and Huanye didn't want to do anything.

The British Museum opens at 10 o'clock in the morning, and usually closes at 5:30 in the afternoon. On Fridays, it will last until 8 o'clock in the evening. Visitors can visit it for free.

But now, there is no time to open the museum.

But this didn't make much sense for Magic Night, at least in this world, on this planet, there was no place that could stop him from getting in.

So easily, Magic Night appeared inside the British Museum.

In addition to Chinese cultural relics, the British Museum also houses many cultural relics from other countries, such as Egypt.

Huanye didn't come here to remove the cultural relics here, but just to find something helpful to him.

Although the things he obtained were generally exchanged with others through the exchange, no one would exchange the things in these museums with him. If he wanted, he could only take it by himself.

Although Huanye pays attention to the principles of doing business, she is not so stupid that she doesn't take anything in front of her.

There are many antiques, ancient cultural relics, and even ancient books in the British Museum, including some stone tablets with inscriptions.

Undoubtedly, the most attractive thing for Huan Ye is the books and steles, which are really useful things for Huan Ye.

Of course, what Huan Ye wanted was only useful to him, and he didn't bother to take the useless things.

So Huanye just wandered around like no one else.


The British Museum has a lot of collections. Slowly look at it and carefully distinguish which ones are useful and which are useless. Even the magic night took a long time.

From the morning until the closing of the museum in the afternoon, the magic night has not come out yet.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that Huanye began to put away the cultural relics that were useful to him, and then left in a big swing.

As for what the people at the British Museum would do after discovering that the cultural relics were stolen, it has nothing to do with Magic Night.

After nine o'clock, Huan Ye returned to the exchange.

Chelsea and others have also returned long ago, and Quantum and Kusano have also sorted out their work.

As soon as Magic Night came back, Quantum immediately reported the progress of the work to Magic Night.

"From the opening of the London Exchange to the present, a total of 27 exchanges have been completed, and there is not much gain for the time being. In addition, there are three unfinished exchanges. One is that Menabha Glass asked to treat her mother's eyes The second is the exchange of her mother, Ms. Ginograss, demanding that her daughter be freed. As for the middle-aged man's exchange, it has been cancelled due to time conflicts."

The so-called conflict in time is actually due to the exchange between Menabah and her mother Gino.

Menaba hopes to treat her mother before the final of the Wimbledon Open this time, so that her mother can watch her play on that stage for the last time, because after the Open, she will also announce her retirement. Then came the agreement to work for the exchange for free for ten years.

Her mother originally hoped that the exchange could cancel the agreement with Minerba, but the exchange did not agree.

So Ginograss became a trade for Menaba's freedom.

In other words, if you want this contract to take effect, it will naturally be after the completion of Menabah’s exchange, and at that time it was already after the end of Wimbledon.

But what the middle-aged man asked for was to help him kill Ginograss on the day of the Wimbledon final, which caused a conflict in time.

After all, Ginograss first signed the contract with the exchange house, and the exchange house could not help others to kill her before the contract with her was completed.

However, the exchange has no obligation to protect her, because if she dies, the cultural relics will be handed over to the exchange, which is also clearly stated in the contract.

Of course, there will naturally be contracts that can fool the world.

"Since there is a conflict in time, forget it."

Huan Ye said that he didn't care about the business that hadn't been negotiated, and asked directly after the topic changed.

"When will the Wimbledon finals be held?"

"Tomorrow is the semi-final, and the final is two days away."

"Well, then you will go to France with me tomorrow, Quantum, and see what Kana Misaki and Masayo Tokudaiji."

I will also go to the Louvre by the way, and the cultural relics in it can't be spared.

Quantum didn't have any opinion on this, and he bowed slightly and went to work again.

And Magic Night is sitting at the desk and starting to count today's harvest.

Basically, he brought back some relatively small cultural relics, after all, those too big were of no use.

And the ones he brought back were paper paintings, jade antiques, bronzes and the like.

The first thing that Huan Ye reads is books, and he is more interested in books than other books.


While reading in the magic night, Mouri Kogoro and his party had already arrived in London.

But they didn't know that Huanye was here, otherwise they didn't know how they would feel.

Of course this is not an important thing.

On the second day, Xiaolan Conan and others began to visit various attractions, while Kogoro Moori was invited to the banquet.

But the magic night is carrying quantum, Chelsea and his party ran to France.

Another European exchange branch is set up in France, usually in charge of Kanami Saki and Tokudai Masayo.

They had already been notified of what Huan Ye was about to come.

Kanamisaki has actually never seen the magic night many times, and Dedaiji Masashiro has even less.

But this is also no way. Who made them fall in love with Huanye in the first place.

Of course, the original Tokudaiji Masayo was completely betrayed by Kanami Saki.

But all this has passed. Although they couldn't accept it at the beginning, they are almost used to it now.

No matter what, life has to go on, right?

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