Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 330: Chatting

Under the reminder of Jin Ke, Li Wei had already prepared himself and immediately fired an energy bomb in the cooling period toward the assassin's direction. He immediately slammed the assassin back a distance of more than ten meters and was stunned on the spot.

After Li Wei's energy gun harvested the final HP of the little BOSS, he immediately turned the muzzle and shot at the opponent's assassin. The opponent's assassin had recovered from the vertigo, and immediately rushed to Li Wei's side.

Li Wei retreated to the bush where Jin Ke hid while following Jin Ke’s instructions, while continuing to attack the opponent’s assassin with an energy gun, knocking out two thirds of his blood.

The opponent's assassin had the opportunity to immediately rush behind Li Yi with a displacement skill, and then hit Li Wei with two consecutive attack skills.

Just as the opponent's assassin was about to make up a few ordinary attacks to knock Li Wei down completely, Jin Ke suddenly rushed out of the trees next to him, a lightning bolt just prepared to lock the opponent's assassin a few meters away, more than 4,000 The point of damage instantly evacuated the remaining blood of the opponent's assassin.

Jin Ke completed the first kill of the game!

Thousands of moss-mountain audiences thunderously applauded and cheered directly to Yunxiao. Unexpectedly, Jin Ke slapped his face so quickly! Actually completed the first kill of the whole game!

Xiao Xiao's face was so dark that he could let water flow out, and he had clearly seen it. The trick used by Jin Ke to kill the opponent's assassin was also a rune spell! Unexpectedly, he actually has rune spells that can be used in the game!

However, Xiao Xiao, as the competition supervisor, also saw that Jin Ke’s first piece of equipment was to increase the energy limit, and then he ran to eat the supply package of the middle turret. After the lightning was issued, his energy was all Draining, which shows that his own strength is not enough to release this lightning.

Once he releases this lightning, he does not have enough energy to release the subsequent skills.

Sure enough, after completing his first kill, Jin Ke immediately hid in the trees and returned to the spring water behind the base, staying for more than a minute to almost fill up the energy before returning to the wild area.

After returning to the wild area this time, Jin Ke helped Li Wei to output more than 4,000 points of lightning damage, which greatly improved Li Ye's efficiency in playing wild.

As for the Assassin's defeat of the anti-wild, Tong Ke became cautious after completing his first kill by Jin Ke.

This is the tactical meaning of Jin Ke’s strange start, which deterred the opponent’s anti-field operations and prevented the economy of the Moss Mountain base from getting too far from the opponents. In this way, the middle and late stages of Moss Mountain only had a chance to fight back and win.

"Little beast! Even if you have another lightning bolt, that thin armor and blood volume, I see how you complete the'five consecutive peerless!'" Xiao Xiao, as the competition supervisor, after detailed inquiry of all the basic values ​​of Jin Ke , But let go of it.

Even if Jin Ke possesses a powerful lightning spell, once he releases it, he will never be able to release a second time. After being equipped with the base of Shengtang, seeing Jin Ke is a second kill, and it is impossible to kill Jin Ke five times. opportunity.

In the case of the same economy and equipment, the middle and late stages are obviously more beneficial to Tongshengtang.

The five elite of Tongshengtang obviously carried out targeted research before the game and prepared for the middle and late stages.

At the Moss Mountain Base, the upper, middle and lower third lines, Fan Wenjie, Yao Chengzhou and Ran Maoqiang, according to Jin Ke's instructions, will not easily attack their turrets. For a moment, the two sides of the game each accumulated their strength in their own positions, and did not take the initiative to the other side. The position launched an attack.

There was a rare scene in the game. After fifteen minutes of the game, the number of heads on both sides was still one to zero. Except for Jin Ke's first kill, there were no new heads.

Fan Wenjie was a bit worried about the situation on the court. He also saw that the opponent contracted across the board after losing money. He planned to fight with the Moss Mountain Base in the middle and later stages. After the middle and late stages, they all changed to purple and orange outfits. Jin Ke The disadvantage of having a low size will be more obvious.

But seeing Jin Ke's calm and comfortable appearance, Fan Wenjie reassured himself and continued to follow Jin Ke's instructions to keep the turret on the road and protect the turret.

Half an hour later, Tongshengtang Base began to try to attack the Moss Mountain Base several times. Forty minutes later, it finally made a breakthrough on the road of the Moss Mountain Base and broke the front line of the Moss Mountain Base. turret.

The situation on the field slowly became beneficial to the Tongshengtang base.

Thousands of spectators at the Tongshengtang base cheered and applauded. They had already seen the hope of winning this game.

Xiao Xiao is also in a frantic dance, talking and laughing with the people around him, preparing to fan the 620,000 energy points contributed by the fools at the Moss Mountain Base after the game.

The audience at the base of Moss Mountain is very silent, they hope Jin Ke will create a miracle again.

However, the current rules are bad for Jin Ke! Completely restricted his play.

His lightning is very powerful, but the full energy can only be released once. After the opponent's equipment comes up in the later period, it will be difficult to exert its power.

An hour later, all members of the elite regiments on both sides changed into blue outfits, and some members already had one or two purple outfits.

The scene gradually became hot, and there were several team battles between the two sides, because Jin Ke was always hiding in the wild area away from the team battle battlefield, which led to the passive side of the moss mountain base, and the number of heads fell behind the Tongshengtang by 11-23.

There is no Jin Keshou spring water elites at Moss Mountain Base did not dare to exchange their blood volume for each other’s turret as they did when they played against the Raptor Base. After the scene was passive, the three front turrets were pushed one after another. , And the direction of Moss Mountain was just to find an opportunity to push the front turret off the opponent's center.

Finally, within an hour and a half of the game, the second turret in the middle road of Moss Mountain Base was exploded in another team battle. Fan Wenjie and Ran Maoqiang hung back to the base and waited for resurrection. Yao Chengzhou and Li Wei fled back to the spring with residual blood. With the help of Fan Wenjie and Ran Maoqiang, who had been resurrected, they repelled this attack of the Tongshengtang base with a third of the blood remaining in the highland turret.

"Captain, how to fight next?" Fan Wenjie couldn't help but asked Jin Ke. In the future, the higher the quality of the equipment on both sides, the more unfavorable the situation will be for Jin Keshan. If Jin Ke has any big moves, let it go!

"Keep on guarding and wait for the right time." Jin Ke's expression was blank.

By the time the game had been running for two hours, members of the elite teams of both parties had a full set of purple outfits, and some members had received one or two orange outfits.

At this time, there were no turrets outside the Moss Mountain base highlands.

The three turrets near the highlands were all hit with residual blood!

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