Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 308: Unforgivable

"Don't talk about everything!" An old couple looked at her aunt with a pleading look.

"They burned paper money in the corridor to sacrifice their ancestors. As a result, there was a fire, two lives were killed, and your niece became a vegetative. It really violated the criminal law. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to go to jail, but, they go to jail, There may be no way to lose money. Anyway, you don’t lose money in jail, and you don’t lose money in jail. You still have to think about it. After all, your niece’s post-treatment will not be a small amount." The staff advised her aunt .

"Three lives... No, two lives! There is also a vegetative, can this money be solved? My three most important loved ones have been harmed by them like this, and your mediation will not lose your conscience! "Auntie patted her thigh and cried."

"Last time, you said you would lose 20,000 yuan. If you don’t agree, you must pay 50,000 yuan. Can we do that? We asked for a loan shark and borrowed another 10,000 yuan. We lost 30,000 yuan in total. Then we made a loan of 20,000 yuan. The method was paid off. It was our fault to harm their family like this. I beg you." The old couple took out three bucks of money from their bodies and knelt on the ground together, begging her aunt.

"Can the life of a loved one be bought with money? Also, she lay down like this, and she needs me to take care of it every day. I don't go to work now. To take care of her here, how can 50,000 yuan be enough? , What should you do if you don’t have it yet? Who will pay for her medical expenses?"

"I beg you, we will definitely find a way to pay it back." The old couple knelt on the ground in pain and refused to get up.

"Okay, okay! I'm kind-hearted, I don't see anyone else pitiful! You are all like this, and I can only make one more step. My brother! My sister-in-law! My niece! You died so miserably!" After her aunt took three bags of money and examined them one by one, she wiped her face and howled again.

After the mediation, the court staff took the old couple out of the ward.

After the three of them left the ward, her aunt immediately stopped howling, took out the three bucks of money she had just collected, and recounted them one by one with a smile.

After a while, a man came in.

The man looks very similar to Wenren Feiyan's father, who should be her uncle.

"Done?" her uncle asked.

"Well, it's done! It's so cool, 30,000! There are still 20,000 Zhang IOUs!" Her aunt looked very proud.

"Ah... my brother-in-law is not dead. By the way, what should she do?" Her uncle pointed to Wenren Feiyan on the bed.

"Of course, like her parents, she told the hospital to give up treatment, and then secretly pinched the oxygen tube, it was a hundred." Her aunt looked at Wenren Feiyan on the bed.

"No? You pinched their oxygen tubes?" Her uncle looked at her aunt in surprise.

"Of course! They are so badly injured, do they keep them afloat? Early death and early reincarnation! Or will you pay for the hospitalization every day?" Her aunt gave her uncle a glance.

"Alas..." her uncle sighed.

Her aunt reached out and pinched the oxygen tube of Wenren Feiyan.

Wenren Feiyan on the bed widened her eyes and burst into tears.

It should be tears of extreme anger and despair.

"Don't..." Her uncle looked at Wenren Feiyan in bed with some unbearable expression.

"The money has already been lost. Are you really going to spend all this money on her? Is it sick?" She said a few words to her uncle.

Her uncle stopped talking.

Wen Renfeiyan's body twitched a few times, and her mouth opened, and her aunt motioned her uncle to look at the wind by the door, and then took a pillow from the bed next door and pressed it on Wenren Feiyan's face.

The last memory fragment ends.

Jin Ke was also very angry at this time.

He never thought that a person can be so shameless to this extent.

It's outrageous.

He remembered a piece of news that he saw recently. A beggar in his fifties was beaten to death by several young men and women. The murderer compensated hundreds of thousands and obtained the understanding of the deceased's family. Only sentenced for a few years.

When the old beggar was alive, his family allowed him to beg outside. No one was in charge of his life or death. Now that he was dead, he immediately jumped out and received hundreds of thousands of compensation.

Killing to pay for life, how to mediate? Why forgive?

What kind of ‘family’ like them can forgive the murderer?

Don’t forgive the dead souls!

Now Jin Ke almost understood what Wen Ren Fei Yan wanted him to do.

After their family had an accident, why did her family decide to quit treatment? Why should her aunt accept compensation?

The results of it?

All their family died in the hands of this evil woman.

The cruelest, cruelest and most terrible in the world will always be the hearts of the people.

The contents of several memory fragments made Jin Ke tremble with rage. It is a pity that although he is now in the base of the Moss Mountain, he is very upset, and the road is uneven, and it is a big deal.

But in the real world, he is just an ordinary person with a salary of tens of thousands a At best, it is stronger and more robust than ordinary people.

If you go to the Heavenly Way and do such illegal things, even if he gets Wen Ren Feiyan's relics in the game, in the real world, he still has to go to jail or even be sentenced to death!

And just to make her aunt's ugly behavior public, the old things more than 20 years ago, I am afraid it will be difficult to pursue their specific responsibilities.

Anger becomes anger. How to accomplish this task must be handled rationally.

"Task reminder: Please go to the tomb of the depression to accept Wen Ren Feiyan's mission commission."

A hint suddenly popped up in the field of vision in front of Jin Ke.

It seems that the mission is not to let him kill her for her, there should be something else that can let him finish for her.

As long as it is not for him to kill in the real world, everything is easy to discuss.

Jin Ke took Zhang Mengdi back to the giant fierce rhino lair, let Zhang Mengdi stay outside, and he teleported into the tomb again.

The same remains in the tomb.

In the middle is a coffin, and beside the wall lies the corpse of Wen Renfeiyan.

"Mission Tip: Wen Renfeiyan only has the remnant soul formed by obsession, which is very weak. You can only communicate with Wenren Feiyan while you are asleep."

A hint popped up again in the field of vision before Jin Ke.

"This..." Jin Ke hesitated a little.

Staying in such a gloomy tomb, communicating with a dead soul who has been dead for a long time, and having to communicate in a state of deep sleep, it is very difficult!

Mainly...not very psychologically accepted.

Specific analysis of Wen Renfeiyan's experience shows that she only wanted revenge and should not do anything to him.

Last night, he had actually approached her, but she did not have any malice to him, just wanted him to take her task. .

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