
Walking 00631

Night parks were not too dark because of the streetlights. Azin walks ahead, not wanting to be conscious of Devello's pursuit. Not only did she want to be unconscious, but she also said everything she said. Devello follows Ajin as if he were a puppy following his master. Ajin doesn't look at her, and he doesn't talk to her.

But Devello was satisfied. She had never been loved since childhood, she was accustomed to being ignored in this way. Rather, this relationship was convenient for Devello. She was afraid of change, hoping for a change. Sometimes, Devello remembers Camilla. The adopted daughter of Ajin who has the same face as herself. NPC living in the game. A girl with the same face as herself, but living a life so different from Devello.

Thinking about it, Devello hoped for a change, starting with the encounter with Camila. When I found out that Camilla's adopted son was Ajin, Devello feels confused and unknown joy at the same time. Azin was the only human Devello ever cared about. He is raising a adopted daughter who looks just like me in love.

Me neither.

Devello stops thinking. What I want more from you is greed. This is enough.I don't even want to be rewarded that badly. After all, this was Devello's self-satisfaction. Instead of Camilla, I don't want to be. Devello enjoyed getting involved with Azin this way.

More than playing games. In the beginning, Devello didn't have the kind of wish he wanted to wish he could win the game. I started this game because I was a little bored at first and wanted to be recognized. I don't need that anymore.


Devello nods. Devello liked this city. When the game is over, let's officially migrate and live in this city. If you dispose of items and game money, you will be able to make money. I don't want to live in the same house. Just around the corner.

When I think about it.

The bush shakes. The previous walker turns his head. The streetlight illuminates the person who ran out of the forest. Azin's eyes widened. A firm, stabbed blade aims for pain. Azin was embarrassed, but did not get stabbed. He swiftly twists his waist to avoid the stabbing blade.


The words shouted were not in Korean. A few steps back, the blade turns to azin. However, Azin moves his feet to avoid the blade. I am used to fighting in virtual reality games, even if not avatars. Even though my body was stiff, it was not an awkward knife.


Azin looks surprised to see his face reflected in the light. It was Rivera who was swinging the knife. Why is Rivera here when she should be in Japan? Azin doesn't understand, but first he moves his hand to subdue Rivera.

Before that.

Devello lunges. Her face is bloodless, her eyes trembling and shaking. I couldn't stop him. Devello lunges at Rivera, wielding his knife, without looking back.

“What?! ”

Rivera chants in Japanese. She swiftly swings her knife. As the knife approaches, Devello breaks. Blood splashes from his left shoulder on the knife. The pain you can't feel in the game comes, but Devello doesn't stop. She plunges her fist into the center of Rivera's face.

Kwaek! Rivera's nose settles. Rivera swings her knife at you as she makes her way over. The blade grazes from Devello's left jaw to his cheek.

Qadang! Rivera's body falls back. Devello ignores the pain on his left shoulder and cheek. Iron-spilling blood is hot, but Devello's insides are even hotter. She kicks Libera in the side with her foot, which she passed behind.


Screaming was no different from Japan or Korea. Rivera rolls around with her hands around her kicked flank, and Devello kicks her back again. Afterwards, you grab her body with both hands and let her lie down properly, then press her belly firmly into your feet.

It was merciless violence, not in the game, but in real life. Azin falls to his knees and looks back at Devello. Devello, sitting on Rivera's boat, says nothing. No, I was saying something. Devello's muttering is too low. I did not understand the language spoken in German, the pain I was listening to, or the Liberty I was beaten with.

“Wait, wait...! ”

Rivera can't scream anymore. Rivera's body flinches whenever Devello is hit by a punch. The sound of hitting has changed to the sound of taking down a chunk of meat. Ajin approaches Devello because he doesn't want to leave him like this. Devello sighed but did not stop the violence, and the muttering in German was a list of meaningless words.

Azin grabs Devello by the shoulder. Devello turns his head. Devello's face was bloody. Azin looks down at the cut on Devello's face, and at Libera, flinching. Rivera's molestation was devastating. His nose settled and his lips burst. There's blood in her mouth, and her broken teeth are lying around her face.

“... stop it. ”

“I tried to kill you. ”

Devello exhales. Rivera's chest is slightly trembling. It was the moment Azin was about to say something.

The space cracks open and Acacia pops out. She looks embarrassed and looks back at Azin, Rivera and Devello. Then hurriedly approached Azin.

“Are you hurt anywhere? ”

“You're early. ”

“Crissandsemann, Carleya, Primrose grabbed him...! ”

Acacia's face distorted. Although not originally communicating with each other, the transcendents have not invaded each other's territory since the game began. Then, all of a sudden, Chrysanthemum, Carleya and Primrose visited Acacia. You said congratulations on coming to victory, and you captured Acacia with such stories.

It is too late for Acacia to intervene. Acacia grinds her teeth and looks at Rivera. I see what happened. I don't think Hyacinth bought it because he didn't seem interested in the game itself, but Rivera ran off alone. Other transcendents, other than Hyacinth, made Rivera's dash an opportunity.

If the rowdy Rivera kills Ajin. The victory of the game falls into the maze. Devello will be the next closest to victory, but the chances of Devello winning the battle against the Demon King are now zero. Other representatives are not worth discussing.

The transcendents do not want any transcendent other than themselves to be the winner of the game. It means that everyone loses or wants the game to be longer. So they ignored Rivera's runaway and blurred the attention of Acacia. The ideal deployment they wanted was for Rivera to kill Azin, but it didn't go their way.

“You little bitch...! ”

Acacia spits out in a loud voice. As she shakes her hand, the scars on Devello's face and shoulders disappear. In turn, Acacia restored Rivera's wounds.


Rivera's eyes are closed. She stumbles and rises to her feet, frozen solid against Azin, Devello and Acacia, staring at this side with a fierce gaze.

“... failed. ”

The stiff Rivera shrugs and mutters. I can't do anything about it in the game. I was not greedy for the victory of the game, but I often hated the pain of putting myself at risk. No, that was it. Just like the boy who pushed down the sand castle when he was a child. Rivera acts the same way.

I waited a long time for him to come out near Ajin's house. Then today I finally had a chance, and I tried to do as I thought. Libera is neither embarrassed by the situation nor terrified. I just felt annoyed about failing.

“What happens to me? ”

Rivera looks at Acacia. The only thing that can punish Rivera here is Acacia, not Azin or Devello. Only in the game can the power of the Avatar exert absolute power, but being a man of reality is inexhaustible. It was unprecedented, but Acacia was determined to seek Gladiolus' permission to punish him for it. At first, I wanted to bind the other transcendents together and punish them severely, but it seemed difficult.

‘Doesn't matter. I'll win soon enough. ’

Acacia did not answer Rivera's question. But Rivera guessed what she would become. I don't know what process I'm going through, but I'm sure I'll die. It didn't scare me. If I had cared about it in the first place, I wouldn't have tried to kill him.


Rivera raises her head and sees pain.

“That's a shame. I could have killed you. ”

Libera smiles, showing her teeth. Azin nods quietly, looking at Ribera's frenzied expression.

“I know. ”

Azin gives you an answer, waving his middle finger at Rivera. Rivera laughs as she looks at it. Acacia waves her hands with an annoying look on her face. Then Rivera disappears from where she stood.

“If anything, it hurts like hell. ”

“Of course.”

Acacia nods at Azin's demands. Acacia is silent for a moment, watching Devello catch his breath and Azin. I never imagined Devello would help Azin. It was pleasant to see Christopher frolic at Devello's actions, but it was awkward for Devello to still be on Azin's side, who expected him to be the biggest enemy of Azin.

“... I trust you. ”

“That's all you can do. ”

Ajin laughed and said. Acacia opens her mouth to say something, and eventually shuts up without saying anything.

“... Later, then. ”

Acacia disappears. Azin sees Devello. Devello squeezes his tight-knit hand and shuts up as he straightens it.

“You didn't have to help. ”

Azin spits it out. Devello doesn't have to help. Rivera's clumsy knives were surprised at first, but not so threatening, and he was able to overcome them on his own.

“I know. ”

Devello replies: I know you didn't have to. But I had no choice but to go. Probably... wouldn't have stepped up if it was a game. But this is reality. Reality, not games.

“I hated that you were in danger. ”

“I don't know who cares about who. You were the one who cut the knife and bled. ”

Azin mutters as he looks at Devello's shoulder. The wound disappears, but the blood does not go away. Devello's clothes are stained with blood. He sighs deeply and scratches his back head.

“Let's go back.”

Azin turns away. I stopped trying to say thank you. I didn't fit in, and I didn't want to say that to Devello. Nevertheless, the figure of Devello, who was running at the top of his head, was swirling around the corners of his head, bleeding from the knife.

I felt disgusted by it.

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