
00612 Savior

The view of the factory was terrible.

The smell of a mixture of blood and filth was as bitter as a mixture of all the smells of the world. Upon reaching the factory, he blocked his sense of smell, and Devello acted the same way as he did. Even though they transcended the realm of man indiscriminately, they did not become insensitive to the smell. Rather, the smell was even more annoying because the usual senses were touching the wondrous areas.

After blocking the annoying stench, the two immediately took action. Humans produced in factories. Even if it is a crude artifact that cannot be called a human, it is symbolic to destroy the factory and save them. Even artificial beings seem to be human beings, and saving them is the same as saving many human beings.

Azin doesn't need Devello's help this time. Devello was a well-held knife and a handy tool that no one else in the world would ever use, but he should not abuse it. Especially when it comes to symbolic things like this. What was meant to be azine was a fire of hope for humans to rely on in this fallen world. So he had to do more than Devello and get more than Devello's attention.

‘Tools everywhere. ’

I won't forget him. Devello still doesn't seem to want anything more. That's enough. Ajin demolishes the manufacturing buildings of the manufacturing plant one by one. I actively used the strength to avoid damaging it, and the strength that moved according to Ajin's handgesture erased the factory building without a trace.

After that, I rescued the humans who were lying around like dolls from a doll factory. They were unable to communicate properly, so it seemed right to call them dolls as if they were a metaphor rather than humans. There were not a few dolls that said thank you. They were not even aware of the situation they were in.

“Thank you, thank you...”

But not all of them. Those who received growth agents and were forcibly matured and infused with minimal knowledge expressed their gratitude to Ajin. It would take him years to live and die, but that wasn't the point.

When all the factory buildings collapsed.

“Son of a bitch! ”

A loud shout shook the sky. Asin, standing in the middle of an empty factory plot, looks back at the direction of the sound. In the high sky, Jabesh breathes a harsh breath.

Jabesh stutters the trail of the factory with his bloodshot eyes flickering. However, due to Azin's clean work, there was no debris left on the large factory site. Blood clots around her neck and veins rise from her forehead. He shrugs his shoulders and reaches for the pain.

“Where... where is it?” “What do you mean?” "Wise Man's Stone! ”

Harvest shouts. In response, Azin opened the shadowy space with a smiling ceremony. Then a red jewel as big as a gathering stone came round and came to mind.

“Are you talking about this?” “Aaaah! ”

Harvest shouts. Harvest flew here to make his eyebrows fly, because the Human Factory was important, but the Wise Man's Stone was also important. No matter how brilliant the wizard was, she was able to engrave artificial life like a machine because of the existence of that wise man's stone.

“Give it to me!”

Harvest shouts. Of course, Ajin did not listen to the cry properly. He slaps the sage's stone with his bare hands, laughing blatantly.

“It doesn't look like much.” “Son of a bitch! ”

Blood flows from her eyes. He wanted to burst into tears because he was really sad and angry.

“What the hell! With me! I have a vendetta! Why are you interfering with everything I do?” “You've got some nerve. You were the one who tried to get behind my back, and you were the one who tried to get in my way when I was Galios. Is it weird that I have a grudge against you? ”

In that way, Azin was right. But like most humans, she didn't put much weight on what she did. Rather, he shouted as he raised his fever.

“Destroy my forces! Interrupt everything I'm trying to do!” “No wonder you're interrupting. You and I are competing. Yeah, is that how you want it? ”

Azin raises his hand to the sage's stone, asking. Every time Azin touches the Wise Man's Stone, Harvest's facial muscles convulse. How much effort it took to refine that. I've been working on the crafting of the Wise Man's Stone since before making the Horunklaus. I've been doing all kinds of bad things to make that.

“Don't touch me! ”

“I thought you wanted it back? ”

“Give it to me!”

“I don't know what to do. Why don't you calm down? I think you're getting too emotional. ”

Even if she hears you say that, of course, she doesn't calm down. He raises his shimmering arm. A near infinite black magic quakes in the palm of her hand.

Looking at it, Azin was experiencing various internal conflicts. It was good to have the Wise Man's Stone hidden in the factory basement, but unfortunately, Azin, who was lacking in magical ability, did not know how to use it well. Though I kept it as a stone with unusual power, I would not be able to make good use of the Wise Man's Stone unless Azin possesses the ability to surpass the Great Wizard.

Then we need a wizard who can use it. There was no such Great Wizard around Ajin. The player was unreliable, and none of the NPCs had wizards he could trust.

‘If I ask her, she won't answer me. ’

I wanted to smash the Wise Man's Stone to make him even angrier, but that's why I was afraid to consume the Wise Man's Stone. Eventually, Azin put the Wise Man's Stone back into the Shadow Room.

“Give it! Let go! ”

Jabesh waves his hand. He always pretends to be cold, but the reality of Harvest is so emotional that he will be the first of his surrogates. Since Azin can't return the Wise Man's stone, all she can do is take him back with all her might.

Dark magical forces attack from above the head. Devello decides to go out, but when he arrives at the factory, Azin remembers what he said and is silent. Never take a step back. What Ajin said to Devello was an absolute order he did not want to disobey her.

Kuaaang! A huge thunderstorm rocks the space. Even during the attack on Harvest, Azin was unharmed. Even if Jabesh's attack is chaotic, he cannot threaten Azin. There was already a huge difference between Azin and Harvest that could never be narrowed down.

“Chill your head. ”

Azin mumbles as he slowly raises his leg. He treads up the sky like a staircase to the position where she stands.

“Die, motherfucker! ”

Harvest shouts. An enormous amount of magic, obtained with a black arm, spreads through her head. Compared to Azin, the light is faint, but even Jabesh has surpassed the level of being called a monster. Haveth, who absorbed the power of dragons and memories, was able to spread the magic of words that humans could never use.

It adds human magic to dragon magic. It became completely zeroed, not at the level of the fast lane, and the greatest magic that exists in the world struck Zin.

Magic is magic, no matter how great magic may be. There is no will. Why did the dragon fall? They had no use for words or natural magic or magical talents. In the end, they did not become the arch-enemy of the higher horsemen who realized their intentions through long fights.

The results were the same in the case of Jabesh. His great enchantments were disrupted and disassembled in the air before they could do any damage to him. Azin's hand extends toward her face. An invisible tension strikes her in the face.


She hurriedly built a defense wall. With a dull sound, Jabesh's body is pushed back. I stopped it. I allowed it to be stopped. We must not kill her yet. We need to get a little more attention and finish off Harvest, Lord of Lebacore, in front of everyone.

Azin has already climbed to the same height as Harvest. You face Ajin face-to-face and see his attack being sabotaged at once. Haveth regrets that he had lost his mind and rushed back and forth.

"Oh, you monster...! ’

Even as she thought about it, she hurriedly opened a blank space and tried to get out of the space. A Blink from a wizard at the level of Harvest. It had already transcended the original concept of short distance space leap. As soon as Jabesh's body was about to move a few miles outside, Azin already reached out and grabbed her by the neck.


I stop thinking. Blink was already retarded in the process of grabbing the neck. Reverse magical power did no damage to her body, but the body that was wedged between the space and the space was split in half. Haveth struggles to escape from Azin, his only remaining figure.

Azin crosses the sky without laying his neck like that. Soon, Azin plunges himself into the massive building. Krrrrrrrrr! With a huge noise, the building collapses.

It was Harvest's mansion, where Ajin had confirmed his location in advance. Once upon a time, she was in that mansion, and now she twists on top of the ruins that used to be. With enormous regenerative power, the lower half body was already regenerated, but such regenerative power was not an issue.

“What were you up to in Lebacore?” Shhh... Shhh...! ”“ Don't pretend you don't have to breathe. Or is it because you can't talk? But there's no way you're gonna give me the right answer if I ask you. ”

Azin mutters, throwing himself at Harvest. Kuaaang! A magnificent annex has been struck down by her body. Jabesh staggers under the debris, blood splattered. Tsutztsu! And the black magical force that wrapped around her body restored her wounded body.


The Horunklauses run. They were powerful enough to destroy the empire on their own, but not compared to Azin. It took less than a minute for Homunklaus, a loyal son of a bitch, to vanish from Azin's fist.

“Son of a... son of a... bitch...”

Haveth had no choice but to see his own creation vanish in vain. The chaos of the mansion brings the Mages, the Black Wizards, and the Witches. But they dared not make a move to save her. Horses living in Lebacore at the beginning of time are low-grade trash.

“Why are you doing this to me? ”

“You're too much for me. ”

Ajin replied.

“That's all if you ask me why. If I catch you too many times, my name will be famous.” “Son of a bitch... what do you get out of it...!” “Now we'll see what we get. ”

A little girl stands in the way of Azin approaching her. It's Orsay. She gives you a stiff look and spreads her arms to protect her. Seeing it, Azin lost his sight.

“Hiddenpiece spent too much time stopping me. You can't even say that you're a magician, not even Harvest. The only thing you're better off with is an immortal curse... I don't know. If you act as a meat shield, I can obliterate you once and kill her before you are resurrected. ”

Orsay was well aware of that. It is inherently forbidden for hidden pieces to appear in this way. Nevertheless, Orsay had no choice but to step forward. For her to have lived as a tool without knowing her feelings, she is the only one.

It was none of his business.

Oops! Orsay's head is crushed. Azin loses his head, hands over the corpse of the fallen girl and approaches Harvest. She mutters as she stares at the coming azin. An ominous spell has begun.

“Another trick. ”


Jabesh stops and kneels. Even though he knew that it was ridiculous, he lowered his head to the ground with the lowest possible expression.

“Just three minutes. Just three minutes. ”

“What are you going to do?”

“It's so unfair when this is over...! Please...!" “Huh. ”

I never imagined it would take time like this. Azin shakes his head with a hollow smile.



“No. ”

Ajin shakes his head without mercy. Haveth's face twists violently. Haves, who doesn't use spells, also used spells as proof that the craftsmanship he was attempting to craft was beyond the scope of man or dragon. I wondered what he was trying to expand, but I didn't intend to wait with my eyes open.

Eventually, she had no choice but to use unfinished spells to accomplish her magic. Kuang! A huge power holds the place together. Sacrifice artifacts stored in the basement of the mansion. At the same time, she sacrificed all the witches, black wizards, and witches gathered around the mansion.

Something happens. Azin reaches out his hand, looking annoyed. The invisible light swallowed her up before the swinging force hit her.


Haveth laughs loudly, wrapped in light. Originally, he tried to descend the Phantom Monarch of the Two Realms using the stones of the Wise Man and the whole of Lebacore, but it was impossible to descend the Transcendent Demon Monarch unless there were no sacrifices and no stones of the Wise Man. Nevertheless, the power of sacrificing numerous artifacts and all the life gathered around them was unbelievable.

“You should have killed me! ”


Haveth, wrapped in a great power, stretches out his arms and shouts to Azin. Azin, who was looking up intensely, waved his head to the left and to the right.

“I don't think that's necessary. ”

It was true that harbeth's power exploded.

But it was just that much.

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