
00608 Savior

“What do you want to hear from Noya? ”

Noya looks at Azin and asks. Noya reads what Azin is thinking. Looking at Noya's smiling face, he shakes his head.

“I don't think you'll answer if I ask you a question.” “You don't trust Noya. Is it because Noya stole the power from you? But, you know, Noya doesn't think Noya's doing anything wrong at the time. At that point, if you had completed the trance in that direction, you would have become the Demon King. ”

Azin didn't like that about Noya. Saying that the future that hasn't happened has to happen, and it will. Noya says that she is not a god, but as if she were a god.

“That's right. Noya's not a god. ”

And Noya reads and answers the mind of Azin. Even though Noya read the mind of Ajin, she did not have an unpleasant expression about the content. Noya seemed rather amused. He rolls his eyes and looks up at Azin's eyes.

“But Noya is closer to God. Noya knows most things, and she knows most of the future. Noya knows the future is just a prediction, but the future mostly flows according to Noya's prediction. Yeah, like you were defeated by the Demon King.” “You're more arrogant than a god than you are a god.” Hahaha! God is not arrogant? You speak of God without knowing it. Noya assures you, Gladiolus is far too proud to compare with Noya. ”

Noya stops smiling as she answers.

“Though you don't trust Noya. That's why Noya will answer to you. Of course, I can't tell you everything. You don't believe what Noya says, and you don't believe what Noya predicts. So, Noya will only tell you the truth, not the prediction of Noya's opinions. ”

Devello is listening quietly to Noya and Azin, but he doesn't understand the meaning of the conversation. Devello didn't want to understand the conversation in the first place. She follows him, and she only follows him forward. Without further ado, Devello wanted to.

“What you're trying to do is not impossible. It's a game, not a reality, and you're a player, not a resident of the world, so it's possible. Gladiolus and Noya have no involvement in him. The only reason you were able to defeat the Queen of the Black Forest was because of your special skills in the title of Protector. Actually, it was almost a bug. A bug that was only available to you. That's why Gladiolus later removed the Guardian's special skills. Even if it was a bug only you could use... it was too dangerous.” “So this isn't a bug? ”

“It's not a bug. It's possible, but you'll have to find a way. Noya can't teach you how to do that.” “I didn't expect you to. ”

In response, Noya bursts into laughter again. Noya smiles and turns her gaze away from Azin and looks at Devello. Noya looks at Devello and laughs loudly.

“It's always fun to miss a prediction. You've accomplished nothing. As expected, your gift is genius. Even if you knew how to do it, you could have done it right away because you're a genius.” “But I couldn't win. ”

“Of course. Nothing can defeat the Demon King on its own. Ultimate doesn't just deal with willpower. You can't do anything powerful by yourself. Your hand was so dependent on innocence. ”

Hearing that, he had no choice but to feel burdened. It was like Rage that was blasphemy was a breakthrough and the only answer to the Demon King. Noya read the mind of Azin and laughed aloud.

“You weren't very wrong. You can't win against the Demon King unless you master absolute power. It was a breakthrough and the answer was yes. It just wasn't the only answer.” “I don't like you.” “That's what everyone says about Noya. Noya is not to be loved. Is it because it's so great?”

Noya disappears from her position, grumbling. After Noya disappears, Azin turns his head and spits. I always felt it, but talking to Noya made me feel rotten. I'd kill Noya if I had the chance. Azin truly thought so.

“What do you want to do? ”

Devello looks at Azin's back and asks. However, it is not that you have not had any success in your conversation with Noya. At least Azin heard the answer he wanted to hear. ‘This method’ is possible. It can be used as a means. The question was' how, 'but he also knew how to explain it to some extent.

“I will be a god. ”

Azin replies, with Devello's eyes wide open. She looks at Azin's back as if she doesn't understand. Become a god. It was only Gladiolus that Devello knew, so it was impossible for him to understand Azin's words.

“... how can you be a god? You, no, we're surrogates. I can't be a god. Even if we win this game, being a god is about transcendents, not us. Besides, it's impossible for us to win this game. I can't fight the Demon King.” “You're mistaken. Being a god... doesn't mean I'm anything like Gladiolus. I will be a god in this game, in this world, not in reality. ”

That was the answer Azin found. During the two months in the corner, Azin figured out how to win the battle with the Demon King. How to win a game without the death of a saint. Although we have achieved the hopeless polarity, we have already confirmed that nothing alone can dominate the battle against the Demon King. If so, we should add something other than nonpolarity.

I thought about the shaman. But that couldn't be the answer either. Ajin has already mastered most of the shamanism in polarity. The Thousand and Jin Thousand are among the best in First World. It is so strong that it has no color compared to the skyscrapers who received it from the twins and the supersonic angles.

Azin was emperor of the Jinn line, gaining most of the bastards that existed in the Jinn line. I also looked at a variety of neogenetics. Among them, however, there were no better artisans than the ones trained by Ajin. It was not the azine that confirmed it, but the black snow scent. At least as an unmanned person, the sight of the shaman was much better than the smell of raw snow.

In other words, the fact that the azin cannot be stronger than the azin can only be studied further. If so, you should think of something other than a shaman. Magic? No, magic can't be the answer. While Ajin was able to use most magic with his golden eyes, he could not imagine that magic would help in the battle against the Demon or Demon King. It was not because magic was worse than skilllessness, but because it was a difference in proficiency. Azin, who is not so familiar with magic, will need a long time to master magic, in order to handle it as skillfully as a shaman.

Superpowers were excluded for the same reason as magic. I came to the conclusion that I had to completely change my thinking direction. You don't have to learn anything else. What Azin needed was change, not learning. More fundamental, a change in existence itself.

Be God.

There are many different statutes in Gracia, not in the line of sight. Adim, the god of knights and war. Zechros, the god of storms. There are a variety of other personalities. Although Gratia became utterly weakened by the gods of the Temple, it did not mean that the system was destroyed.

‘Noya was convinced it was possible. It's possible to be a god. ’

Becoming a god means not being human. Not internal, not magical, not chakra. No more work, no magic, no superpowers. If so, use any other force.

Why don't you use your Divine Power? Divine Power is the power of the Horse and the Upper Horn. Rivellion, handed over to Adim, was the power of extinction and purification that even the powerful demons were reluctant to take. As Adim dies, the light of the Rivelion fades. However, we've already confirmed that the Rivellion is a powerful force for the Horsemen.

If you become a god, you will be able to use a force completely different from the present. Azin thought it would be a breakthrough to fight the Demon King or the Horsemen. Of course, it would be impossible to become a god if this world were the real world. But this world is a game, and Ajin is a player. Even if it is impossible for humans, it is possible for players.

“... for you to become a god. ”

Devello was not a fool. She understood what he was trying to do with what he said. Devello frowns slightly and mutters.

“I don't think it fits. ”

“I know. ”

Azin makes a loud walk, answering like that. The purpose of coming to the temple is to make sure that Mungyeonghee and Ekidna are okay. Soon after, Ajin arrived at the home of the twins who had left Mungyeonghee and Ekidna with him.

But I didn't intend to have a face-to-face conversation. Azin leaves Devello alone and hides himself close to the twin colonies. Mungyeonghee and Ekidna were in the yard. They looked a little more awkward than before, but they were still unharmed. Seeing it, Azin felt a little relief. The feelings that Ajin has for Mungyeonghee are not like affection for women. Ajin's emotions were closely related to that of his dog. Of course, if Mun Kyung-hee heard this, she would turn a twinkle on her eyes and try to grab her collar, but she felt that the idea was appropriate.

This is what matters. Ajin didn't want Mungyeonghee to die. That's why Mungyeong-hee was forcibly brought here before the destruction of Jinsun. It is the same for protecting Ekidna, who was asked by Hermione. I don't want to see Mungyeong-hee for a while. I didn't deserve to talk to her, and I never saw her. Since the Jinshan Empire that Mungyeonghee worked so hard to create collapsed, I couldn't help but face her.

“I'm glad you're okay. ”

Azin mutters and turns away. Mungyeonghee and Ekidna confirmed that they were safe without being harmed. I wanted to say goodbye to the twins, but Azin severed his heart decisively. It was because there was no face to face with the twins as well. Twins... are fresh and living in a monastery. I didn't want to tell the twins about the quicksand.

Or do you just hate being bullied? To Mungyeonghee, to the twins. Ajin smiles bitterly and leaves the Twin Elves' quarters.

“Where are you going now? ”

Devello waits at the entrance of the monastery. Azin slowly flew up into the sky and replied.

“I'm going to Gracia. ”

“... Gracie? Why there?”

“It's probably the easiest place for me to become a god. It is now impossible for me to enter Fire Street and become a Buddha. No, this world is a game, and it may be a Buddha someday, but... it takes too long. But Gracie is different. It will be as easy to be a god as it has a lot of personality.” “I know it's easy, but how am I supposed to be a god?” “I'm going to be an adult first. ”

Azin answers. Devello blinks. Even though Devello was a genius, it was hard to understand such a powerful word.

“... adult? ”

“Isn't it great that the world is falling apart? It's good to be an anarchist in the law. The wayward horsemen that came from the horse system killed people in a heartbeat, and most of the players were eaten by the horse. Especially Jabesh. That son of a bitch is leading the charge of the Horsemen. ”

Azin said that and slowly flew up into the sky. Devello opens his ears and follows after Ajin.

“I intend to save the helpless and the poor. Salvation only kills rampaging horses and players. If I see the Demon King giving me a chance, I won't be punished if I run away. So it's more of an opportunity. ”

I wish none of the Horsemen, except the Demon King, would pose a threat to him. The Demon King next to him in the Magic Cube, Prazel, was a little stronger than Devello. Azin, who has completed a non-polarity, will have the same power as Prazel. Prazel, the Duke of Mahjong, won't be able to fight Azin. There's nothing to say about the players against the Demons.

“If you become an adult and support me around you and call me a god, there will be a path to becoming a god. ”

It was an unconfirmed method, but Azin thought it was possible. This unconscious method was intuitive to the unconscious, and I could try it because it is the same world now. With Gratia's demise, the Temple was powerless and demoralized greatly. The weak among the lost faithful perished, and the mighty gods lost most of their power. Humans were outnumbered and became a world ruled by the Horses, so human rights fell to the position of the poop dogs in the village.

This is why we can try to become adults and gods. They are worshipped by humans who survive killing the Horsemen and Players. A world where empires fall and emperors and armies are not present. A world where there is no law and no government makes a strong man the law.

It's a world like this. People with power can easily be worshipped. Perfect timing. NPCs persecuted by horses and players. Killing only those who persecute them can be their salvation.

“First of all, Harvest. We gotta get that son of a bitch out of here. ”

Azin glances at the distant pandemonium with cold eyes.

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