
00606 Despair

A strange comradeship began.

From the first day of the sudden intrusion, Devello is busy moving. She cleaned up the mess inside the house instead of the motionless azin. The mountain of garbage piled up gradually shrinks. On the subject of a major cleanup, Devello did not seem to be very familiar with cleaning. After several trial and error, she came to understand what a separation collection is and how to dispose of garbage. It took three days for it to become possible. Azin did not teach Devello how to take out the trash. Devello learned how to take out the trash because he heard the sound he wrote to the neighbor while taking out the trash outside the door.

After learning to take out the garbage, Devello takes a deep dive. Even though I took out the trash, the house was dirty. The house was tidy after using various tools such as cleaners and mops.

Devello doesn't stop there. She learned how to use the washing machine while she was away, and got rid of all the laundry that was still there. Azin felt strange looking at his underwear full of drying rods and his clothing branches. Since I've been living like garbage for almost a month, I feel awkward from looking inside the cleaned house.

In fact, Devello's existence annoyed me more than that.

For a week, Devello barely spoke to Azin. This does not mean that there was no conversation between the two. Several times, Azin told me to go to Devello, and Devello said no after hearing it. That was the whole conversation between the two. After not listening, Azin gave up on Devello completely. If it were a game, you could use force to get rid of Devello, but in reality it was also impossible. After a month of irregular living, Ajin's body was too weak.


The door was wide open. Devello comes in, clamoring. He holds a large tray. Azin narrows his eyes and stares at Devello. On the tray, food smells pleasant. Devello made it himself. A couple of days ago, I started to cook, and from today, I started to make decent food.

“I won't eat. ”

The room was tidy, but Ajin's daily routine was unchanged. He's still crouching in the middle of the room, doing nothing. Devello, who stared at him, walked into Azin's room in a loud voice, ignoring Azin's words. Devello never listened to Azin again. Azin turns his head to the side in a panic. As he approached Azin and sat on the floor, Devello pointed his hand at the plate that was on the tray.

“I baked meat. ”

Devello says Azin doesn't even look at the plate. Devello picks up the fork and knife he left near the plate.

“Squishy, beef. I baked it according to the video, but it looks pretty good. I baked it because I didn't know what you liked. The chef in the video said steak is medium. Maybe that's what happened. ”

Maybe they didn't check after they baked it.

“Garnish used whole garlic and onions. I used time and rosemary. He used butter, too. It smells good. ”

Of course you are.

“I made a salad because I didn't think the meat would be enough. I wanted to boil stew, too, but I thought it would take too long. ”

Phew. Devello lowers his steak with a fork. She looks at the grave and moves the knife. A few knives cut the steak's tip off.

“Medium. Good point. ”

“I thought you said you wouldn't eat. ”

“I want you to have it. ”

“Does saying I don't want to eat sound like a dog barking in your ear?” “No. Listen in human voice. I studied Korean because of you. A month ago. ”

Devello replied: It was because Devello was speaking Korean quite naturally. Although a rare sentence was broken, Azin thought it was because Devello's personality had originally been consumed.

But I guess it wasn't for that reason. I studied Korean for a month, so I'm not very familiar with the conversation. Even so, it was nonsense. You've studied a foreign language for a month and you're this good at it.

“Looks like you had nothing to do with it. Why did you study the language of this little country?” To talk to you. ”

Devello gives out a fork. At the end, there was precisely medium roasted meat.


“I'm not eating. ”

“You have to eat. ”


“Because I baked it for you. ”

“What nonsense...”

“I need to eat. ”

Devello stops speaking to Azin. Ajin doesn't tend to be speechless. Rather, he teases the tongue very well. In most conversations, he stands at the top and pushes the target away. But that's the story of when it's possible to ‘talk' to the other person.

There is no dialogue between Devello and Azin. No matter how much he tries to have a conversation, Devello never bends his attitude or will. It doesn't convey the message to the opposing Pokémon because it can handle it well. Devello's spit always flew straight to Azin.


It's the same now. As soon as Azin opens his mouth, Devello reaches out his left hand. The speed of the left hand that was firm and stretched was unmatched in the game, but the pain was too fast to respond. Devello's genius was the same in reality, so she was especially good at using the flesh, not just with her head.

Reached left hand grabs Azin's chin. Before Azin could shut up, Devello's fingertips, which had dug out his jaw joint, prevented him from closing his mouth. After confirming it, Devello pushes the pork from his fork into Azin's mouth with an indifferent face. Ajin's face turned into a poop chew.

“It's going to be delicious. ”

Having not tasted it, Devello did not know what he was cooking. However, steak tastes roughly the same. Azin tries to spit the meat off his tongue, but Devello grabs him by the chin with both hands. Azin struggles to change his posture.

Qadantang! Ajin's body falls back. Devello, who lightly flipped him back, climbs up and sits down on his chest. She wraps her arms around him firmly with both feet, then grabs his face with both hands. Devello's crooked face meets Azin's.


Devello says that Azin tries to get away from Devello by swinging his legs, but his broken body doesn't move as if he's having an irregular life and eating.

The meal forcefully ended. The taste of the steak was not bad, but it was dirty because I forcefully ate something I didn't want to eat. Azin sighs, staring at Devello, and Devello clears plates and dishes.

“... what do you want from me? ”

“I don't want anything. It's just what I want.” “I'm asking why. ”

“Do you need a special reason to do what you want to do?” “You... are competing with me. Why are you doing this for me?” Devello tilts his head with his eyes wide open to Azin's question.

“Is this for you? ”

“You come to me, you clean my house, you forcibly feed me.” “That's not for you. That's what I want to do. So... it's... self-satisfying. ”

Devello nods, thinking of the right word for a moment. Hearing that, Ajin was ridiculous.

“How long will you stay here? ”


“Is that for you, too? ”


Devello nods. Azin couldn't understand what Devello was thinking. No, it's a lie. In fact, Azin was vaguely understanding why Devello was doing it. In the beginning, he notices how Devello feels about him. However, Develo's feelings for Develo were not sweet enough, so he forcefully turned away and ignored them. Moreover, Azin did not fully understand why Devello had become so fond of himself.

What Devello wants is for himself to change. Aside from having vague emotions and being indifferent to his own interests, Azin was a good only interesting person. The reason for interest is understandable to some extent. However, the process by which the interest became affectionate did not make sense to him.

Another week has passed since. Devello is still at Azin's house, and Azin has given up on expelling Devello. Devello used one of the empty rooms as his own, and now he has even learned how to buy things over the Internet and shipped his own supplies to Ajin's house. Devello's bed appears in an empty room with nothing. The refrigerator, which was full of instant food only, was full of ingredients for regular meals. In addition, Devello ordered and placed the virtual reality capsule for his use in the living room.

While Devello does.

Ajin began to prepare a little. I couldn't stay frustrated and run away forever. Azin began preparing little by little for the future. I ran away for a month and was frustrated enough.

I couldn't keep doing that. Once we've found some kind of countermeasure, we need to see if it's possible or not. It was information that could not be ascertained through reality or the Internet. After all, I had to connect to First through the capsule.

I was afraid to check on him. I had to rely on it more than the only countermeasure I could think of from the line right now.

While ‘getting ready’, Azin gathered information first. For the past month, Ajin has spent every day completely disconnected from the outside world. Thanks to this, the information Azin had was very limited.

Jinsun, Gratia and Siolence have fallen. Pandemonium in the Bullish Desert became the capital of a united continent, but this did not mean that a great empire was born. But this one was clear. There was no empire on this continent. Even so, the Demon King did not conquer the Middle Ages to rule.

In other words, the continent was now in a lawless zone. The emergence of the heart of the Pandemonium continent allowed the Horsemen of the Horse Clan to come down to the middle with free materials. Thanks to this, the Black Magic epidemic has begun, and most wizards who are still playing the game have turned to the Black Wizard. The paladins and priests who use divine magic have fallen. The skilled artisans and the Espers were still holding out.

That's enough to keep him alive. It's because all the forces have been destroyed. It turned out that Libera was running some kind of idiot group called the Revolutionary Army, and she was part of the Revolutionary Army.

The biggest seller was Harvest. Either he's given up on winning this game or he's crawling under the Demon King to see his chance. I didn't know why, but I found myself under the Demon King and earned a decent title. Given his title, he didn't seem to have much power because the Demon King didn't rule the middleman, but that wasn't the case either. Having become an anarchist in the lawless zone, even more powerful was the power of Jabesh and other powerful horsemen.

The world was shit.

In fact, Azin liked it.

A week later, he wakes up. It was early in the morning. When I came out of the living room with a closed visit, the sun was still up and the living room was dark. Devello should be sleeping just beyond the closed door. Azin glances at you, then heads to the bathroom.

The azin reflected in the mirror was miserable. I've been washing like an old man, but I don't care about anything else, so my beard is messy. Azin turns on the hot water and raises the razor.

I've been living like this for almost two months.

It was time to quit.

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