
00598 Pandemonium


Azin looks down at the faint light that wraps around his hands. Before he went into battle, Adim handed him the light of his power, the Rivelion.

I have seen the virtues of Rivelion before. When I went to subdue the Kingdom of Gallios, I was summoned by Racapantura, the Earl. I was able to summon her back to the Magic Cube because of the powerful power of Adim and the power of Rivelion that Adim lent me.

Rivellion is also eaten by the Horses. Racapentoura, who came down with the main body on the horse system, was summoned back to the horse system after taking heavy damage in the battle with Azin using Rivellion. But I also know that the Rivelion is not universal. It was because they could not extinguish the Conceptual Queen of the Black Forest.

But it was better than nothing. The amount of damage the High Horse can do to an attack with a Rivellion. Even though Ribelion was a goddess of Adim, Adim lost many of his followers when Gratia was conquered. The Rivellion is not as powerful as it used to be.

Desire to incorporate nonpolarity into weakened Rivellion. The combination of the two was a weapon that Azin could rely on. But... anxiety and worry don't go away. He was not confident that it would be possible to defeat the Demon King or the Demon using his will.

'Yes, you can.'

Azin mutters in his mind like a spell. Nonpolarity is the study of the mind and is strongly tied to the strength of will. The weakening of Azin's will means weakening of will. He had already understood about him. However, even if you understand it, it is the heart of a human being that does not move as you think.

"It doesn't suit me."

Devello mutters. LaQuiz and Libera are leading the Siolence army, and Harvest decides to act alone. Azin was forced to lead the advance army he had brought with him. And Devello was with that azin.

"Your mind is weakening."

Ajin didn't answer. It's not getting weaker. It's already weakened. Azin looks back. There are so many forces behind him that they cannot be counted. An army drawn from an empire called Jinsun. Everyone had mastered the art of skilllessness, and there were countless of them to say they were masters.

However, just because you have a large number doesn't mean you can win the war. Ajin knew too well. An individual with overwhelming power flips the strategy and reverses the tactics. This may sound crazy, but this is a game world, not a reality. At least the individual's strength in this world was completely separate from reality.

"Here she comes."

Despite the silent azin, Devello looks forward. They approach from the far end of the vast desert. Ajin felt his whole body tingling and trembling. The sharpened senses of azine were gathering their mouths together to warn. This is a war unlike any other war that has ever been fought by Jinn. Fighting non-human beings. I... had experience with it. But they're not monsters, they're horses. This is also the first time I've fought an army led by the Demon King.

Slowly looking at the approaching armies of the horse system, the crowds roar. The turbulence did not obstruct the player and NPC. They were already an army of death that destroyed a great empire called Gratia.

Their appearance was horrifying, consistent with their criminal record. Standing in the lead were huge monsters. I don't know what to call those monsters. But it was clear that the monsters in the Mahjong army looked even uglier and more powerful than the monsters in the intermediate realm. The Horsemen who survived in the harsh land of Mahgyaeng have such strength. It was the same for the monsters in the Magic System.

The demons were following behind the monsters. They looked like they were no different from humans. The resemblance was only appearance. Azin sweeps through the demons, widening his gaze, and he is appalled. The dimensions of power that I feel are different. Not compared to Azin, of course, but they had the power to slaughter foolish players or NPCs.

Fortunately, there were not many of them. Just a few thousand, maybe. Most of the army was made up of monsters. However, their numbers were small, so they could not be ignored. Perhaps Gratia's army has already been defeated by them.

It was not only Achan who was appalled by the coming hordes of the Horsemen. Jabesh swallows a dry saliva and sees an army of the Mages. Around her are homuncluses who obey his commands.

The Horunklaus are strong in her possession. In fact, she was not surprised or surprised that the Maacan army had destroyed Gratia. It was possible for Homunklaces, created by Harvest, to do just that. Nevertheless, the formation of an alliance with Azin was to make it easier.

How silly that idea was. Haveth was able to clearly feel it. The power... is different. Of course, not all the horses were intimidated, but the power of the horses who had oppressed her was so great that she could not dare to dream of resistance. She chews her lower lip and clenches her fist.

"How am I supposed to catch that...? '

The Horse War. This event has an incorrect design. Even if the balance between the Human and Horse factions doesn't match, it doesn't match. Harvest is one of the player's factions within three fingers. But... there were three, if not three, Mages who intimidated her with their very existence.


LaQuiz stands at the forefront of the Esper Corps in Siolence. He stands in the air with his arms crossed. Rivera talks to Laquis as he looks at the approaching Maacan army.

"Shouldn't we strike first?"

Rivera smiles and asks. He frowns. There's no sign of an attack yet. Once you've seen the Maa army trend, you decide. Rivera flirts with Laquis in a gentle tone.

"You don't have to wait for Ajin's word as an equal ally. In numbers, we are totally dominant. From now on, it's going to matter who gets more balls."

"... Of course."

Laquis nods slightly. Unlike Jabesh and Azin, Laquis was unable to read about the Maah's strength. Rivera raises another drink in Laquis' reply.

"If it was LaQuiz, he could do it. The game's victory is at hand, isn't it?"

The words made LaQuiz move. Laquis' eyes flash golden. The powerful telepathy that LaQuiz emits resonates in the minds of the Aespheres of Siolence. It was an order of march that did not spread out in sound. First, LaQuiz leaps forward. He wraps a dazzling chakra around his body and spreads his hands to the hordes of the Horses.

Kuku Gugu Bow!

Even though it was foolish, the state of Mokhsha that Laquis reached was real. Infinite chakra has created a supernatural phenomenon. The desert shook and an enormous amount of sand soared into the air. It was a large-scale conceptual force based on an infinite amount of chakra. The amount of sand that was spilled was high enough that it could produce mountains. It was an event of superpowers not lacking to be called a disaster, but Laquis' expression did not falter a bit. Oooh. The Espers behind LaQuiz scream in awe.

Laquis gladly listened to their shouts. The rising sand becomes a massive fist. Laquiz takes a deep breath and swings his fist in Chakra. Kuaaaa! A huge fist of sand falls towards the leading monsters.

"What are you doing?"

Azin spits out as he sees his fist falling from the sand. You haven't signaled the attack to LaQuiz yet. Then why the hell are you attacking me? But it was too late to dry. Azin reads the shudder from behind, placing his hands up to calm their shudder. Let's look at the situation before we march. As Laquis himself attempts to ascertain the strength of the Horsemen by becoming Mormoth, I think it went well.

Looking at the fist of the falling sand, the leading monsters do not shake. Instead, the Horseman in the back moves. That doesn't mean that it bounced up. The Mages just stood there and waved their hands.


The fist of sand tied with impulse smashes into the air. The rain of sand begins to pour down. The Devil's hands move again. The sand that was pouring over the monsters' heads stopped in midair. It was as if the time had stopped. I was embarrassed by Laquis' face. Before he could say anything, the Mages waved their hands again.

Pabba Bak! The grain of sand rising from the air is shot in unison toward LaQuiz. The grains were very small, but the power contained in each of them was never negligible. Raques is frantic and quickly moves his chakra to unlock his superpower. A milky shield wraps around him.

A thud! The grains of sand that seem to have been conceived by Laquis seem to have struck Laquis. Lachish's body, which hides itself inside the barrier, is pushed back into oblivion. The shaking of chakra distorts Laquis' face.


Laquis grips his teeth and once again reaches his superpower. LaQuiz focuses on his mind. The grain of sand that struck LaQuiz trembles in the air and stops moving. It has taken away the concert with a powerful mind force. In the meantime, Esper's forces of Siolence make their move. They rush past the levitating LaQuiz and rush forward, pulling Chakra up.

You see the Horsemen running towards you, attacking LaQuiz. It was a beast wrapped in a black cloak. He makes a loud move forward, and the horses and monsters blocking him do not stop him from walking out. Duke. A Demon Duke with the power following the Demon King in the barren land of the Scarecrow. Who dares to stop the Duke from walking?

"That's shoddy."

The duc mutters. The duc raises his hand. The invisible energy of the invisible echoes through the duc's hands. It was a spontaneous, breathable intention. Desire was simple. Cutting. The duc's hand, wrapped in the power of the intangible, slowly moves.


The first cut was the barrier of Laquis. A superpower with an infinite amount of chakra is nothing but a massive force. Mokhsha's hardship allows him to use an infinite amount of chakra and an infinite amount of superpowers. You have to look farther away from Moxsha to understand your intentions.


Blood spurts from Laquis's mouth. Lachish, who was satisfied with the state of Mokhsha, did not understand the concept. It was impossible for such a LaQuiz to prevent an attack of his own will. Laquis distorts his face as he looks at his falling lower half.

"What the..."

The blood fills his mouth, and Laquiz can't finish his sentence.

In front of LaQuiz like that, Esper's army collapses.

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