
00588 Pandemonium

His predecessor was abrupt.

Ocean of the Orchid Sea refers to the sea between the Siolence continent and Jinsun and Gracia. September 3. Above the Orchid Sea

I think of a huge castle.

Floating panels. It was too big to be a castle, so it was like looking at a small continent. It is larger than the previous invasion of Garcia on Galios Island. At noon on September 3, First's opcos announced a huge announcement to players.

‘Horse invasion. ’

It was the first invasion event in First, an extraterrestrial invasion event that did not exist on the existing first continent. It's not like there were no Horses in the original First. Among the top level Black Wizards are some who make direct deals with the Horsemen or call the Horsemen "Servants." During the Gallios Invasion Event, the Earl's Horse, Lacapentura, came.

But this is the first time in the history of such a massive alien invasion event, also known as the Great Horseman Invasion.

‘A month too soon. ’

Azin thought while checking the announcement. The date of the Demon King's descent that Azin heard from Gladiolus was October 3. But on September 3rd, a wealthy pandemonium appeared over the Orchid Sea.

‘The Demon King hasn't arrived yet, even if he thinks of the Pantheonium... I'm sure he has. Gladiolus would never lie. ’

The Demon King arrives one month later on the 3rd of October. It was only a month earlier that the wealthy pandemonium arrived. Then, for a month, the wealthy panda just floats?

No, that's not it. This was stated in the notice. The entire continent of First has been influenced by Pandemonium since the arrival of the capital city, the Floating Pandemonium. Influence. It was a word without ambiguity. So how does that affect us?

Ajin searched for more information. Due to the rainfall of the affluent pandemonium, First Bulletins were in full swing. There was a lot of speculation on the level of starvation, and there was some suggestion that we should send an expedition to the Pantemonium.

I hope so.

Azin really wanted it. If the expedition goes, we'll have some information on the Pandemonium. No, wait. Azin stopped thinking.

‘... I can go, right? ’

With the expedition coming, there's no guarantee they'll get useful information from the Pandemonium. More clearly, they can't disclose all the information. Information is money. In fact, Azin's fortune might have cost them as much as a penny for the information they had, but he didn't want to pay for the rubbish.

But what if he goes himself? Exploration is something that even Azin is used to. I quit now, but the former Azin was well-known as the target reporter of the game. Exploring, exploring and attacking dungeons or unknown areas. Even though it was a few years ago, the pain now is enough to do.

Moreover, rather than a floating expedition, Agin is more comfortable moving alone and has a high survival rate. Yeah. Survival. Azin had it in mind.

Ajin now ranks 1st in the First ranking and has a power unlike any other ranker. But the opposing Pokémon are the Mages. I don't know how many noble horsemen there are, but there will be more than just Earl horsemen in the capital, Pandemonium.

‘I used to suffer for La Capentura. I could win now... "

Even the architect, Lacapentura, who made Azin difficult. Moreover, I was only able to use half the power of Lacapento back then.

‘The horsemen who are called to the middle are mortgaged by half the power of the horse system. But... in this case, the wealthy Pandemonium, the capital of the Magic System, was summoned as it is. What happens in this case? ’

Ajin entered the first place questioning that. Upon connecting, Ajin ordered the troops to move through Mungyeonghee.

“The army...? ”

Mungyeonghee looked surprised and asked again. Mungyeonghee also knew that Ajin was preparing for war. In the beginning, Ajin didn't hide about him. Since Azin became Emperor of Jinsun, he has been preparing for war by strengthening his empire and consolidating his armies and Muslims. However, Mun Kyung-hee only speculated that Ajin would go to war on the Siolence continent across the sea.

“Yes. With the smallest force to maintain security, we move the entire advance force to the Ravine.” With luck... will you strike Siolence? "”

Moon Kyung-hee asked, Unbong is considered to be the northernmost point of Jinsun along with Snow Snow Snow.

“If we're going to Siolence, isn't it close to snow?” “No. It's not a Siolence. A massive structure rises over the Orchid Sea. We have to contain it.” “... structure. What are you talking about...” “The Horsemen. ”

Ajin replied. Azin explained to Mungyeonghee about the Pandemonium rising above the Orchid Sea and the Maverites. Mungyeong-hee's face was stiff.

“I understand.”

“Tell this story to the Gracias. Hermione is a wise friend, so she'll respond right away.” “Yes... sir. But what about you?” “I'll scout the area. ”

At that, Mungyeong-hee's face turned white.

“You said it was a dangerous place, so why are you going there yourself?” “Who else could it be? ”

Azin asks, "Sending NPCs is meaningless." It's because there's a good chance you won't come back alive. If so, we should send players with immunity to death, although there were many rankers in the ranks on the frontline - none of them were competent enough to enter the pandemonium to explore and come back alive except Ajin.

Moreover, most importantly, Azin had no intention of trusting other players. That's why I'm going myself. Even if the number is wrong and you die, you can resurrect it again because you are a player.

“I don't want to overdo it. I'm just gonna take a look around the entrance, come back.” “... but..." “Don't worry. ”

Ajin told Mungyeonghee, but he found some Raw Snow and Persian flavors. As soon as Ajin said he was going to the pantemonium, the smell of Raw Snow was overwhelming.

“I'm coming, too. ”

“No. ”

“Why! I won't die, just as you won't die. Then why don't you let me go?” “Snow. Even if you don't die, if I see you with your head blown off in front of me, my eyes will go crazy. ”

Azin replies, with half a mouthful of Raw Snow. She wrinkles her lips like a goldfish and turns her face like a red apple. The scent of Raw Snow shivered over my shoulder and avoided my gaze.

“... You're a coward to call your name at a time like this...!” I'm worried about you. Snow. ”

When Azin gives me strength again, I can no longer argue with the smell of Raw Snow, and I keep my mouth shut. Next, Azin's eyes turn to Persic.

“I know. I have a precedent. ”

Persian smiles bitterly. She mutters, her fingers twisting her red side hair.

“When I was abducted into the Black Forest, I heard how hard it was for him. I... don't want to cause any more pain. Instead.”

Persian reaches out and touches his cheek.

“Don't overdo it. Even if he's a player, if he dies... we're sad too.” “... I understand. ”

I didn't have to tell Camilla. Raw Snow or Persian understand that Azin is a player, but Camila doesn't know that Azin is a player. Mungyeong-hee, who did not fully understand that she was a Mage, somehow convinced her, but she was not willing to convince Camilla. Camila hasn't met the Horses yet, but she must know the strength of the Horses. Adim in Camila's head must have told Camila about the Horsemen.

Fortunately, Camila was working alone on the training ground. I am moving my body according to the advice of Adim in my head. Azin goes straight down to the imperial palace basement without stopping by the training ground. There is a teleport gate that connects to all the developed areas.

“As luck would have it.”


The wizard pins his head.

It's been a long time since I've been on a payroll. I've only been here a few times in the days of bloodblindness. The farthest northern tip of the line, Unbong, although not as snowy as Snow Snow, is often snowed and cold. It is still summer in September, but it is winter.

The pain that transcends the hardship of the drowsiness does not feel cold. It's just awkward that the scattered snowballs obstruct my vision. As soon as she exited the Teleport Gate, she headed for the shore at the northern end of the canal.

There was already a wealthy pandemonium in sight. Ajin sees a giant castle floating on the far seas. Is that a castle that's bigger than Gallios? But fortunately, the pandemonium is so big that we don't have to go to the far seas.

‘I don't know if I can break in. ’

If you're that big, you'd better think you're defending against intrusions. Magic, other kinds of things. Azin considers the distance reasonably. Let's head for the outskirts first. Or the middle of it? Among them, Azin chose the outskirts. He thought that the outskirts would be placed to guard against the enemy. What Azin wants out of his search for the Pandemonium is not their culture.


Azin's body slowly began to rise. He was assimilated into space by combining stealth and non-polarity. This hideout was developed by the Underwater King and the Underwater. For the purposes of 'hidden’ and ‘ambush’, it is the most advanced shameless.

As long as it is combined to an extreme degree, even if it is the King of Cancer or the Swimmer, it cannot detect pain. It hides its body between the gaps in space, so it is not bound by the shapes and colors of the surrounding features.


Azin's body disappeared. He makes his way across the sky at high speeds towards the pantemonium. What is the level of defense against intrusions? If you have a castle of this magnitude, you cannot imagine anything other than magic. Then is defense magic, too?

‘... huh? ’


I can't feel the resistance even though I'm this close. If you are preparing for an intrusion with magic, you should feel the flow of such magical power, but you cannot even see it. Azin hesitates for a moment, and continues to rise. After passing through to a wealthy piece of land, Ajin steps down to the Pantemonium.

“... What? ”

Azin mutters in a dazed voice.

The outskirts of the village are empty.

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