
00570 Lebacore

5. It's the time it took Lebacore to turn into this and to stabilize. Dragon magic, dragon treasure, the help of Dwarves, and the modern knowledge Libera knows. With all that combined, and brainwashing actively used, Lebacore has stabilized as it is today.

The factory was the symbol of Lebacore. The large-scale production facility was the easiest and fastest place for Lebacore's citizens to work, and the factory's production was exported not only to the city of Lebacore but also to other cities.

Such a symbol collapsed. The factory is in full swing, so there are a lot of workers inside. Azin didn't care about it. The rubble from the building shot by Azin has been turned into a cannonball and destroyed the factory.


Citizens who had gathered at the city hall in a sudden commotion screamed. Azin focused on tearing down the factory without giving them a look. The tallest, biggest factory collapses. How many people have died? Again, he didn't care. Killing NPCs was a habit for him.

“What the hell are you doing?! ”

Citizens gathered to attack Azin. Azin glanced down at the citizens with cold eyes. Residents of Lebacore. How many of them were brainwashed by Rivera? Many will not be brainwashed. Lebacore, the extraterritory, is where all kinds of criminals gather, and they are loosened in Lebacore's abundance, but ultimately criminals.

Those with the ugly, big faces move forward with their teeth crossed. Azin opens his mouth to the citizens of Lebacore who are hostile to him.

“The Marquis Rivera has committed treason against the Empire. ”

Azin did not call Rivera Mayor. There was no reason to call. Independence rights given to Lebacore will be forfeited. Without Hermione the Emperor's permission, Azin, as the Grand Duke of Gracia, did not need to ask for permission from Hermione.

Moreover, even if Hermione doesn't question him, Hermione won't talk about Azin's actions. It was Hermione who had a problem with Lebacore.

And it's not necessarily wrong to say that Rivera has committed treason. Libera was too much, even though she gave him the right to be independent. She ignored not only the law of the Empire, but also the ranks. To disregard the ranks is to disregard the emperor in broad terms, and to make Lebacore a single nation within the empire by setting up its own laws. It's enough to call it treason.


Despair struck the faces of the citizens of Lebacore. Since many of them were criminals, there was no need to explain how rigorous the imperial law was. In particular, treason is the most heinous sin in the law of the empire.

As it may be in any country, it is the source of the treatment of treason. In Gracia, not only conspirators of treason, but also families and relatives. Everyone is executed because the goal is to shoot at all.

“The Marquis Rivera has already spoken of the factory workers. Conspiracy to commit treason, so we kill them. ”

Azin spoke freely. Rivera has already left the city, a city she's been working on for five years, but she doesn't seem to have any sense of humor in the city. Yeah, like a sandcastle. The sand castle you built will collapse one day. Even if no one kicks you.

“It is the law of Gratia to kill all the family members and relatives of the party, but the merciful emperor forgives only the participants. But... not all the factory workers are in the factory. ”

There may be those who have not come to work with a secret number. At the end of Ajin's words, some of the Imperial citizens gathered and their faces turned white and they took a step back. They tried to flee from him.

Ajin doesn't miss them. Azin's hand bounces off the air lightly. The projected intelligence pierces the fugitives' heads. They do not scream. They roll the ground.

“The Marquis of Rivera has abandoned you and fled. ”

Azin speaks with a grave face. The chatter of the citizens of Lebacore grew. Unbelievable. That can't be right. It was such a denial.

“Lebacore is no longer an independent territory. At this hour, Lebacore will follow the laws of the Empire. However, as long as the law of Lebacore has been changed to the law of the Empire, the former nobles who will be among you are no longer nobles. You have given up your nobility.” Well, well... I'm the baron... ”

Some of the citizens muttered. Most of the people of Lebacore were commoners and slaves, but that doesn't mean they're not nobles. There were also many nobles with low rank and low wealth. They were nobles and could not enjoy the luxury of nobles.

“Don't be reckless. Go home and wait. Soon there will be a new lord from the Empire. ”

We'll have to get word to Hermione. A simple lord should not come. Lebacore is bitten too heavily by the color of Rivera. There may be riots.

“From now on, no more than ten people are to be gathered. If you disobey me, I will punish you for treason.” “No way... who the hell are you...! ”

The man who called himself the Baron raised his voice. The citizens around him gave fierce glances to Ajin in response to his cry. Azin looks at them and smiles in relief.


I stopped making noises when I spit it out lightly.

“I am Duke Sericrapa. Not enough?" “Three, Duke of Sericrapa..." “Dragon Slayer? ”

“Heroes before Gallios...”

Citizens' faces turned white. Duke azin serikrapa. Dragon Slayer, the hero who led the Battle of Gallios to victory. He is the next most prestigious duke in the empire. The baron's face turned white, giving him a shout for no reason. Azin reaches out his index finger slowly toward him, and he squeezes his forehead in scream. Just now, I remembered that the invisible force from Azin's fingertips caused a vent in the heads of the fleeing factory workers.

“Go home. ”

But Azin did not kill the baron. I thought it would be okay to rule with fear, but fear can also be given in other ways.

As soon as Ajin said, the citizens who were gathering jumped to their deaths and fled. After confirming the return of the citizens in the square, Ajin returned to the city hall. First of all, Azin met Raw Snow, Persian and Camila. Raw snow or Persian faces, Camila tilts her head without knowing the language.

“Did she commit treason before? ”

Camila asks. Azin gives you a big smile and a nod. At the end of it, Camilla no longer asked. She had absolute trust in him. The bilateral action is correct. Even if they kill hundreds of thousands, they are right.

“Wait here for a moment. We need to deal with the traitors.” “Yes.” “I took a vacation and got caught up in a little trouble. Are you okay?" “I'm okay. The journey is not over yet. ”

Camila said with a clear smile. Ajin checks Camila's smile and heads to the factory site.

A large factory site built inside the walls of Lebacore has thousands of workers working there. They were gathered near a collapsed factory when they were caught in the debris from a distant building and rushed to rescue them.

And then the night came. They look up at the dark sky. Azin in the air looks down at the factory workers looking up at him.

Ajin didn't give them any explanation. There was no explanation for killing them. This was the fear Azin chose. If you disobey, kill without mercy. It was also the most familiar to him.

The night fell.


Rivera stands on the wall shortly and watches the factory crumble. She takes the ball for five years. She really, literally made this territory her ideal by feeling like playing a game. Set up factories, lay down roads, enact laws. There were lots of ideas. Because if we just walked out onto the street in real life, we could get answers about how to develop the territory and what to build.

They were collapsing. It's been a long time. When I was a kid, I built a sand castle in a dirt field in a little playground. The boy who always tore down the sand castle that he had built. Ever since that boy crashed into a car in front of Rivera and became a leg cripple, Rivera hasn't built a sand castle. That was years ago. Rivera giggles, thinking nonsense like that.

“... are you okay? ”

Vasrodel, standing beside Rivera, looks worried and asks. It wasn't just Basrodel. There are five men standing around Rivera. Dragons that are friendly with Basrodel. Leading the way with Rivera to develop Lebacore.

“I'm fine.”

“The arrogant man. Shouldn't we kill him? ”

One of the dragons grits his teeth and spits them out. The same was true of their involvement in Lebacore. That's how the city is crumbling before our eyes. Of course, I couldn't feel good.

“No, you can't. Duke Azin is the Dragon Slayer.” “The man who killed Sericrapa.” “The power you're looking at is more than a dragon. ”

After hearing Rivera's words, the dragons grunt and mutter. They were great enough to be called magical manipulations, but they were frankly overwhelmed by the power that Azin now wields.

“... what are you going to do? ”

Vasrodel looks at Rivera and quietly asks. The same is true of Basrodel. Vasrodel... wanted to make Rivera a warrior. It was Bashrodel's wish to start there and expand Rivera's influence across Gracia, allowing everyone to call Rivera a warrior.

And then it was smashed to pieces. Rivera has become a traitor. No longer can she be remembered as a warrior in Gracia. Basrodel saw the azin tearing down the factory as he shredded it.

Originally, Basrodel had a friendly aroma of raw snow. But not now. He is a disciple of Racunda, the Black Snow. Despite the relationship between Black Snow and Basrodel, Basrodel could not think of the relationship between Black Snow.

“We should leave Gracia. ”

Rivera replies: If you say you're not foolish, you're lying. It's like five years of work. However, Rivera acknowledged that she needed to give up neatly at this point.

“I can no longer be a traitor in Gracia. That doesn't make it to the front of the line.” “... then?” “We should go to Siolence. Even Duke Azin can't make it there. ”

Rivera smiles faintly.

“Also, there's a personal friend in Siolence. ”

What Rivera thought of was LaQuiz. Since the boat party, Rivera has been in frequent contact with LaQuiz. If Rivera leads six dragons to Siolence, he will not defeat her.

“... aren't you angry? ”

Vasrodel looks at Rivera and asks. In that words, Rivera smiles greedily.

“I'm a person, too, Mr. Basrodel. ”

Rivera's lips curve.

“Of course I'm angry. ”

Suddenly, I thought of him. The child who always destroyed the Sand Castle.

‘The car won't be enough. ’

Rivera thought of that and saw the last of the pain.

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