
00566 Lebacore


A territory ruled by the Marquis of Rivera, unlike any other. First of all, Lebacore pays no taxes to the Empire. This is because the tax exemption granted to war heroes applies to the entire territory.

And Lebacore rejects the imperial law. This place is completely extraterritorial. The moment a sinner enters Lebacore, who violated the imperial law, he will be released from his responsibilities. Lebacore does not reject incoming. The moment they enter Lebacore, they will become the permanent residents of Lebacore. Citizenship is officially issued to certify that you are a resident of Lebacore, and from then on you will be subject to Lebacore's own laws, not the laws of the Empire.

When I first heard about it, what Azin imagined was Harlem. Extraterritorial rights to accept criminals. Didn't Hermione tell you? Imperial criminals have entered the shade of Lebacore and are in trouble. The city is crawling with criminals everywhere, so security must be the worst. It's not uncommon for Ajin to imagine Harlem.

But surprisingly, Lebacore seems to be doing well.

“Are you here to settle down? Or just a visit? ”

The gates of Lebacore. The group is lightly inspected there. Hearing that, Azin glances back at the guard. It was a common impression. It didn't seem particularly virtuous and didn't ask for anything explicitly. Honestly, Azin imagined that he would be asked to pay a blatant bribe from the entrance, so even the guards' gentle treatment was surprising.

“... a simple visit. ”

“Really? If you change your mind during your visit and want to settle down. Please go to the city hall in the center of the city. You can get your citizenship in a simple process there. ”

The guard says so, and gives Camila time. Camila, who was standing next to Ajin, shrugs in surprise as the guard looks at her.

“Lebacore is a great place. It's a free place. ”

The guard grins, revealing his teeth.

“You can go inside now. There are five wagons running in an hour headed to the city. The wagon will arrive shortly.” “... Is this the end of the process? You're not gonna check anything else? ”

Ajin raises his voice. He had no intention of revealing himself here as Duke of Sericrapa. If Azin's identity is revealed, things will get noisy. I didn't create a fake ID, so if I asked for an ID, I was going to break through with a golden eye or an absolute command.

“Yes, don't do any other checks. Lebacore welcomes everyone. No matter who you are outside this territory, we don't question him here. ”

There was some pride on the guard's face when he answered. Azin looks shivering and walks past the checkpoint.

“... that doesn't make any sense. ”

Persian mutters. She glances back. Those who stood in front of the checkpoint and waited for their turn, to be honest, they all looked like criminals. There were men with swollen muscles and scarred faces and bodies. Arming was basic.

The guard still asks nothing. He didn't even ask to be disarmed.

“How do you maintain your territory with so many territories at bay?” With taxes waived for the Empire, the burden of the colonists must have been greatly reduced. ”” “That doesn't make any sense. Increasing the number of people indiscriminately doesn't make the territory any better. The new territories will have to work to get back to their territories.I don't think they'll work at all if I look at them. ”

Persian points were reasonable. The outsiders who were being inspected at the checkpoint, even though Azin saw it, were in an accident in the area, because it didn't look like they were going to work.

Past the gates. Five wagons headed for the city in an hour. Ajin turns his head to find the wagon.

At that moment, his face stopped stiffening.

A large building built on a spacious plain emits smoke. Azin's mouth slowly opened.

“... a factory? ”

There was a structure that didn't fit the world view.

The closer you get to the city, the more factories there are. Camila opens her mouth halfway through the huge factory in the wagon. Persian and Raw Snow scents were familiar with structures like that, but not with Camilla, because the azine allowed them to escape into reality.

“W-what the hell is that building? ”

Camila points out the window and asks. Azin had no choice but to hesitate for a moment on how to answer such a question. A factory. What the hell am I supposed to explain?

It wasn't just the factory. The road is different from other territories. Although the roads in the capital were well cleaned... they were completely different from the roads in Lebacore.

Lebacore's road was asphalt. Azin doesn't know how to make asphalt. But there was something obvious. There are no asphalted roads to any of Gracia's lands. Thanks to this, the wagon went smoothly with less bumps.

"The asphalt... the factory... this woman. What the hell are you doing? ’

Rivera has sole control of Lebacore in less than five years. But in such a short time, you changed the territory like this. Advancement in Territory? Well, as Lord, of course. But the way Rivera has developed Lebacore has crossed the line. Develop your territory with modern civilizations!

Of course, such methods can also be painless. Azin is the Emperor of Jinjin. I didn't really know how to improve, but I thought I could implement asphalt roads and factories.

I think I can do it. But I don't. Why? Because you don't have to. Even if Azin doesn't want to merge modern civilizations to advance the empire, the empire is doing well. Besides, time is of the essence. The line isn't the size of one area. If you want to lay asphalt roads on the massive landmass and incorporate modern civilizations, you'll have a tremendous amount of time and budget.

"Out of line... out of line?" Why? "

At that moment, Azin questioned that. Whatever Lord Rivera has done to improve Lebacore, it is not his concern. Rivera does only what she wants to do. If you look at GM- transcendents not interfering, it looks like they're allowing this kind of progress.

This world wasn't a game in the first place. NPCs that live in this world are real humans, and this is a separate world. It's natural that civilizations evolve over time. The problem is that Rivera is accelerating the development of civilization too much.

“We're here.”

The wagon shouts. The wagon suddenly enters the city.

The city of Lebacore was also very different from other lands. I'd say... modern-day society. It is so different from other Gracias lands in the Middle Ages. Well, the factory looks quite similar to the United Kingdom during the Industrial Revolution. Is it following him naturally?

Naturally? No, this must be what Rivera was talking about, too. Camila looks around the wagon with a haunted look on her face. The building looks different. It's different from the clothes of people going and going.

“... I need to see Rivera. ”

Azin mutters in a small voice. Originally, Ajin didn't think much of meeting Libera. Simply put, I wanted to see what Lebacore was like.

But I changed my mind. Azin wants to meet Libera. I wondered what she was thinking and what she was doing with the territory.

I didn't even want to reveal myself. Azin asks nearby NPCs where Rivera lives.

“Mayor Rivera? He's at City Hall! ”

NPC said with a bright smile. He was a man with a knife scar on his ugly face, and a horse came through. It made a terrible discord.

Azin's group takes the wagon to the city hall.

“Hey, you're an outsider by the look of your clothes! Going to the city hall, you want to get a citizen ID? ”

The wagon lets out a good four-year-old smile.

“Lebacore is a great place! There are no nobles, no commoners, no slaves here. Our guests seem to be nobles... Haha! You won't get used to it at first. You know, I was actually a slave. ”

Gracie is a class society. Slaves are less than common folk, and common folk are less than nobles. Even if a nobleman slaps a common man on the street and kills a slave, it doesn't matter. Slaves are not allowed to talk to nobles either.

But the wagon man who was a former slave talked to Ajin indefinitely.

“The nobles had a hard time adjusting to Lebacore than anyone else. Well, I understand. because other territories still have that terrible hierarchy. But... not Lebacore. There is only one rank in Lebacore, a" citizen. "Mayor Rivera has the rank of the Marquis of Marquis, but here he lives as a citizen, abandoning the title of Marquis of Marquis.” “... the mayor?” There was an election a year ago. We citizens of Lebacore elected Libera for mayor. Well, I have no choice! Rivera is also the true owner of this territory... and in fact, besides Rivera, who else could be mayor of this city? Rivera built this city! ”

The horse's voice was full of respect. He exclaims excitedly without even asking.

Foreigners who come to Lebacore receive mandatory training when they are issued a citizenship card. It is an education to adapt to Lebacore. They are educated to learn that Lebacore is a completely different place from other lands.

After that, a job. The original carpenter works as a carpenter. The man who was the owner of the butcher becomes the master of the butcher. What's embarrassing are mercenaries and criminals who ate swordfish. They work in factories and learn skills.

“In fact, there were a lot of problems like this in the beginning. Of course! What skills do I possess as a slave? The only technique I know is how to be beaten and cleaned painlessly. But... that's what I do now. I work as a horseman, and I make it worth my while. all because of Rivera's vocational school. ”

Professional schools can learn the right skills for free.

“I was illiterate. But when I was in school, I learned the letters. ”

If you wish, you can go to college to learn higher education. Education was originally a privilege only for nobles and wealthy merchants. But Lebacore is different. All citizens can benefit from education. Moreover, it's all made up of nothing.

“I recently bought a house in my name. Having a house in slavery... Lebacore is a city of dreams! Oh, of course, there's a lot of loans, so I'm going to have to raise some money. ”

It is no different from reality. Azin thought that as he listened to the horse master. Camila is obsessed with Lebacore's story.

“Now, this is the city hall. ”

The wagon stops. The wagon grins and looks at the azin, blacksnow, Persian, and Camila.

“You may still be hesitant, but Lebacore is a great place. You can't imagine living in a city other than here if you were to adapt. ”

The wagon smiles and reaches out to Ajin.

“May you be our new neighbors! ”

Ajin reaches out and grabs the wagon's hand.

Azin is not as confused as he usually is.

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