
00558 Captain

The Imperial Palace has been destroyed. It was an imperial palace with many people, but for now it was faster to count the living than to count the dead.

The riots in the Imperial Court have caused great confusion among the elderly. It was the martial artists that Azin brought to stop the commotion. They calmed the villagers who were trying to flee and scream, giving them a polite statement.

What happened in the Imperial Court was done by the Espers of Siolence, their allies, and they've already killed the architect.

Ever since we crossed the wall of the Great Wall with Ajin, the people near the Imperial Palace knew they were unmanned by the Church. Of course, everyone was engraving the letters of the Church on the subjugation, and some were carrying a flag with fewer letters of the Church. It was hard not to recognize.

Residents had to experience more chaos. Why martial artists who are at war with progress help themselves. Mathematicians rescued the walls and ruined houses that had been swept away by the aftermath of Chakra, and encouraged residents not to panic.

It was the same in the imperial palace. Many died, but many survived. The hand of relief reached out to them as well.

Ajin walked in a pegger. A fire broke out during the commotion and set the building on fire. Azin reaches out, looking up at the flames. The light goes out at once. Soldiers roaming around to catch the fire look surprised, looking back at Azin, and he waves his hands lightly at them.

Azin was genuinely grateful to LaQuiz. Thanks to LaQuiz's brawl at the Imperial Palace, I was able to end the war against the Imperial Court neatly. The happy heart ached with a smile.

‘Jinhee is the only royal family that survived. ’

At least not in this imperial palace. Not all of the Emperor's blood is destroyed. There are even royalty in other areas than Zhang Zhang Zhen.

However, it is not great to say that they remain like that. It is hard to argue with the tradition of being the next emperor with thin Emperor's blood. What kind of emperor does the emperor have if he doesn't have anything right now?

In the end, only Jinhee can ascend to the next Emperor among the Hyundai Emperors. And because of the name of the traitor, Jinhee is unable to refuse him.

Well, then what do we do? Should I just make Jinhee the next emperor and control Jinhee behind her? That's not bad either.

But you don't have to. Jinheea obeys what Ajin says. There are still many troops left in the advance, but it is impossible to exterminate bridges even if all of them are on the move. Making Jinhee Emperor and manipulating her will be neat, but she didn't feel the need to.

“Your Highness. ”

Azin's steps have stopped. Jinhee stands in front of the collapsed Imperial Palace. She stares at the pain with a blank face. Azin glances at the space behind Jinhee. No swimming. She holds onto Jinheea's back.

‘Stay back. ’

Ajin sends a message to the no-swim. Without saying a word, he left Jinhee behind. The swimless was listening to Ajin better than I thought. Without no swimming, things would have been pretty bothersome. Azin should have gone around himself, or killed the Emperor and the Emperor by some other means.

“... the blood oath. ”

Jinhee stares at him. Right now, Ajin doesn't give any orders to Jinhee. What I am saying is Jinhee herself.

“No, I'm not a blood oath anymore.... should I call you a monk?” Very good. ‘

Azin smiled and replied. He makes a loud noise and approaches Jinhee.

“Or the Emperor. ”

“You bastard! ”

Jinhee shouts. She shrugs and stares at the pain. Azin shrugs, smiling heavily at Jinhee's cry.

“Why are you shouting so loudly? The Skyscraper is dead, and the Imperial Palace is destroyed. Don't tell me you still want to continue this war.” “... progress has not been defeated. How can the Empire be defeated by Mahidol, the swarm of tyranny? Although the Emperor has ascended, as you said, the Emperor's blood has not yet been cut off!” “As the princess has said. if no one has died in the chaos. In front of me, Princess Jinhee, the royal family, is still alive. ”

He twists and twists his jaw. It was a blatant mockery. Jinhee stares at the pain with a trembling fist.

“Or will she be the next emperor? If you'd like, I can give you some time to deduce what happened. And then we'll continue the war. ”

Jinhee chewed her lower lip and listened to him. Ajin smiled and continued to say.

“Of course, when that happens, a lot of people will die. You can't win a war with that kind of sacrifice. So what are you going to do?” “... What the... What do you want...! ”

Jinhee, who couldn't wait, cried. She continues to shout, staring at him with slow eyes.

“What decision do you want this Empress to make?! You want me to kneel before you and bow down?! Or do you want me to admit defeat and bring you good fortune? ”

Azin did not rebuke, but listened to Jinhee quietly. Jinhee kept shouting.

“It's not what you think! Vaughn would have said. You have no qualities as an emperor! You may be the General's vessel, but you are not the Emperor's vessel!” “That's what I've heard. ”

Azin nodded his head and agreed to Jinhee's cry.

“You dream of ascending to heaven without knowing the theme of the horde! You don't deserve that. Advance does not lose!” Then make war. ”

Azin nods.

“I don't care which way. If Princess Jinhee doesn't want to acknowledge me as the emperor, then she should just forcibly take over the country. Let's go to war. Since the princess hates me so much, there's no reason to show her mercy. Let's continue the war right now. ”

Ajin approaches Jinhee with a loud voice. Kuang! As Azin steps forward, Jinhee bends her knees. She opens her mouth, feeling the enormous pressure on her body.

“Psychology. Is the avant-garde dead? ”

I don't know. There was that much commotion. We don't know if the potentialist is alive or dead.

‘... why? ’

Suddenly, Jinhee questioned. Why did he not question the existence of the avant-garde? The Guard Guard is in charge of Jinhee's direct escort. Why haven't you ever questioned me?

“Ugh...! ”

Jinhee's face turned white. She staggers and covers her head. I feel a tingling sensation. Until now, unconscious, or unconscious, one by one, started messing with Jinhee's head.

“... Yes... you...! ”

Recalling memories that were unconscious, Jinhee looked for pain.

“I... what have you... done to me...! ”

Everyone remembers how he acted in the imperial palace. How they behaved in the death of the archangel. I don't know why. I've already done that. But now that I think about it, I don't understand. Why did they do such things? Ajin smiles at Jinhee's cry.

“What do you mean? ”

“Don't pretend you don't know...! What kind of magic tricks did you use in my head?” “It's simple. I made the Dothraki princess obey me.” “What...?!” “Slap yourself. ”

Azin said it was an order conscious of the absolute command of the title of a traitor. As soon as I finished speaking, Jinhee raised her hand and slapped her cheek.

“Ugh?! ”

“One more time. ”

Yikes! There was blood on Jinhee's lips. She stares blankly at the pain. The consciousness remained. We just make them follow orders. Azin lost his low smile looking at Jinhee like that.

“It's not convenient. Thanks to Her Highness, everything was easy. I could see what was happening in the Imperial Court, and it was easy to use Princess Jinhee's power of speech.” You... you...! ”“ War. It doesn't matter to me. Ah... To make the Princess' decision easier, I must inform you. Except for Princess Jinhee, all the royal families are dead now in the palace. And he's also my subordinate who killed the architect. ”“ Aaaah! ”

Jinhee shouts. She clenches her sheep's fists at the ground and bursts into tears. Azin smiled brightly, looking down at Jinhee like that.

“Now, what are you going to do? I'll do whatever you want. Do you want to go to war, or do you want to admit defeat? Oh, of course I do... but I'm not going to be told to go back. ”

What are we gonna do? Jinhee thought she hit her head on the ground. I don't know what decision to make. Does it mean anything to continue the war? No. If the Emperor truly survives in the Imperial Palace, all decisions will be made by Jinhee. You must stand in such a position and obey the commands of Azin by the sorcerer. War does not exist.

Let's say we're forced to wage a war. If I delegate all the decision-making power to the generals and wage a war... If there's a war going on right now! In front of you is the Thousand Horses of Bridge, a monster that surpassed Humankind. Who can stop him from going crazy?

“... I lost...”

Eventually, Jinhee said so.

“... progress... lost." Lost... to Mahjo. ”“ That's not for me to say. ”

Azin took the pressure from Jinhee's body. Jinhee sighs and looks up at the pain.

“What if I admit defeat only to myself? Here you go. Your Highness, it is not me you must tell of your defeat, but all the people in the Chief... and all the people of Jinshan. ”

It was the end of Azin's words. Jinhee opens her mouth wide and tries to chew her tongue.


Ajin said with a bloody smile. Just before chewing his tongue, Jinhee's actions stopped.

“Killing yourself doesn't solve anything. But just in case. ”

Ajin raised his body up and said.

“Don't kill yourself. ”

It was an order. Jinhee's body trembles. She feels helpless despair. I can't kill myself. I wanted to find a breakthrough, but I couldn't see it. I cannot refuse a mandatory order.

“Come on, let's go. ”

Azin tapped Jinhee on the shoulder.

“To declare that the Empire has changed. ”

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