
00554 Barrier

Three days.

I didn't think it was a harsh condition. What Ajin is leading are martyrs. Azin leaves the wall with as few men as he can to defend it. I didn't rush the journey because I didn't think I needed to rush. ‘Make a long run in the capital.’ It was a simulation to deliberately show this to those living in the developed world. It didn't matter if the other troops were aiming for the Wall in the process. Azin can return to the Wall at any time.

But things changed. I thought about going back to the capital, but I didn't think it would burst like this.

‘Crazy bastard. ’

It would be nice if LaQuiz could step up like that. For three days, he thought about the ideal finish. Let's say Azin runs to the commander and slashes the head of the emperor right now. Then it will be easy to destroy the Jinsun Empire.

But is it possible to be the emperor of Jinjin? It will be possible, but to do so would be a very cumbersome task. You're gonna have to put down some kind of a rebellion.

Azin decided to lead the martial artists to the commander to provoke the emperor. He showed the killing of 500,000 troops without a crowd. The emperor has no choice but to feel the crisis about him.

The Emperor cannot ignore the Bridge. Now that you've drawn your sword, you have to cut something. There is no turning back. Unless you didn't touch me in the first place. Maybe you've already touched it. It's funny to come all this way to end a war and reconcile. Ajin has no intention of accepting peace in the first place.

The emperor will gather soldiers to hunt down Azin. Ajin makes it so. I've already used Jinhee to provoke the Emperor. Big progress, lots of people. If it's not half a million, it's a million. Azin had already become an enemy that the Emperor had to kill at the cost of such a horde.

Through the recruitment, Mincho's heart leaves the wasteland. Slowly, slowly. Heading to the Elder... Azin intended to make the Emperor do so. The Hyundai Emperor will be recorded as a violent tyrant in the history books. The poop that the developer poops will be cleaned up. Even if it's the Bishop of the Church. Only the winners are recorded in the history books. What did the bridge say in the first place? Azin didn't think it was worth listening to. You can't live in this world forever.

But if LaQuiz jumps,

If you jump me.

What if Laquis destroys the Wasteland and destroys the Longevity Monk?

‘Perfect. ’

It is not the cleaning up of poop that is pooped by the developer. It's about cleaning up LaQuiz's mess. It looks better this way. When LaQuiz jumped in and killed all the royal families and turned the Elders into ruins. If Azin fixes him.

The Bishop of Mathematics becomes a hero.

‘But LaQuiz won't let you do anything. ’

You planted a no-swim in the Imperial Palace. Swimming without being able to swim has become the eyes and ears of Azin, and the innards are telling us what is happening in the Imperial Palace. Laquis said he made some Imperial Palace into ruins and managed to barely log out. LaQuiz may not connect for several days. Likely One way is to avoid it until it calms down, rather than connecting and jerking off.

Of course, he didn't mean to. ‘Already’ LaQuiz jumped me. In the Jinsun Palace are the Espers of Siolence. The rush of LaQuiz makes them feel awkward.

‘Perfect. ’

Azin's mouth twists. He has not yet arrived at the Elder's Palace, but there are two cards available to him...

No swimming and Jinhee.


“... Hmm. ”

After hearing Azin's whisper, the swimmer frowns. I expected such an order to be issued. If we don't do this, there's no reason for Azin to infiltrate the Imperial Palace.

But still, in this situation? Thinking about him, the swim was forced to steady his expression slightly. Yeah, this is it. Raging Laquis disappears, and the Imperial Palace is in chaos. The Espers of Siolence are devastated by the disappearance of their commander, and the NPCs of the Imperial Court look upon them with disdain. A lot of people have already died. An imperial palace that has never been invaded since it was founded. In the middle, it crumbles.

‘It's not that hard. ’

Yeah, it's not that hard. I just don't like that he will get something because of his actions. Swim free chewed the lower lip well. What if I don't like it? You can't refuse and run. I can, even though I think I can, I have finally become the eyes and ears of the Imperial Palace according to the words of Azin.

‘There's no escaping. ’

I'm afraid of that ominous look. I just can't believe I'm in a game.

The no-swim movement was subtle. Her hideout is perfect. No one in the imperial palace noticed the no-swim hideout. Especially now. Chaos. Without swimming, chaos seeps into the water and frees it up.

I was also instructed on the ‘how'. It was not a difficult condition. It's a little hands-on, and it's not my favorite way to swim without swimming. I've heard that it must be done, so I'm just going to do it anyway.

“What the hell is going on here?! ”

The developer shouts. He placed a vein around his neck and pointed to the fallen castle and the dead soldiers. The furious emperor's gaze is upon the Aespheres of Siolence.

“Why, did the ball of LaQuiz do that?!” Well, we don't know. Probably, I'm guessing he's mentally devastated and mentally overwhelmed... ”

The developer shouted. The developer is not Esper. There is no way you can understand what your mental strength is saying. Seeing such an emperor, the Esfers sweated. In fact, they couldn't quite understand why LaQuiz was running off. Their commander became Moisha. I've become the greatest of the Esthers, like the progeny of Siolence. Why would a Mokhsha like that rush into a frenzy without any mental control?

“Your Grace, the Espers are too dangerous. Shouldn't we isolate them so that there won't be any further damage? ”

Jinhee said next to such a phenomenon. Jinhee's voice was high, reaching all the way to the ears of the Esfers. The words distorted their faces.

“We didn't do anything wrong!” “Look at that. Behold the wretched scenes of your leader. For thousands of years, the imperial palace had never been broken, and hundreds of innocent women and servants had been slaughtered. They are the property of a living savage! You have caused a great loss to the people's wealth.” “That's... that's... that's what your acolyte did. Would you say it has nothing to do with you? You must be Espn, too! ”

Jinhee snaps at you fiercely. Swimming away silently heard Jinhee's words end. Timing to get things done. I've already heard of it. Asin whispered in his ear that way.

“If you seek to harm the Emperor...”

Now. The no-swim moves. Her movements were stealthy and swift. None of the congregation noticed the existence of the no-swim. Of course. It's a cloaking spell that even a moment couldn't catch. They are much lower than that. I can't find out about the stealth method of no swimming.

The no-swim stands behind the Emperor. The emperor was unaware of the existence of a no-swim. The no swim slowly raises his hand. Her stealth hides in a gap between space and space. What it reveals is the moment it leaves a gap in space. The moment of concealment is also the most dangerous moment of murder. Especially under the same circumstances. There is more than one goal. There are many people around. They should be seen rather than worrying about 'failure’, and then worried about what happens after that.


The no swim raises its hand. She's not even a little nervous. This is just the way it is. It's not that hard. Hiding, the possibility of failure disappears at a point in time when you stand behind. In case the opposing Pokémon fails if they are the best of the best. But the emperor is not a master. The hands of a swimless man turn to the head of the emperor.


That's what I heard. A frontier that has ruled the continent for thousands of years. Emperor of that line. The Archangel's death was made with that sound. The head of the archangel turned once. The cervical vertebrae are crushed and the developer cannot scream. The pain was none of your business. When I hear the sound of a broken neck, and the body of the archangel twists. The no swim is already far behind.

“... Your Majesty? ”

Jinhee pauses and looks away. Your tongue sticks out through your helpless lips. Jinhee's face turned white. Toowook! The host's body collapses to the side, and Jinhee braces herself against the fallen host.

“Your Majesty? Your Majesty... Your Majesty?! Your Majesty!"

Jinhee was frightened and called for a suspension. However, the developer did not answer. It's already dead. We can't save it if the ship comes. The Emperor's death was not so different from the death of ordinary people. Soon my whole body will be fully empowered to pee. The swimmer leaves without a clue.

“Catch them and kill them! ”

Jinhee shouts. No one. No one stands behind the Emperor. In that situation, the emperor's head went back to die alone. This is not a shaman. Only superpowers can do this. Not only Jinhee, but most of the people in this position decided so.

“Now, hold on! We don't have anything...”

“Shut up!”

Jinhee shouts. Boom. Is this her original emotion? Is it true that Hyundai, the father, is angry that he's dead? No, Jinhee was being controlled by Ajin, not herself.

The images of Ajin and Jinhee are connected. Because of this, Jinhee has no choice but to follow Ajin's orders no matter where in the world she is. Jinhee was faithfully pushing the Esperanza as Azin instructed, and was showing anger at the death of the Emperor.

The soldiers draw their swords together. They furious at the death of the emperor, their faces distorted. The Esfers look at the men drawn their swords, and they panic and turn their backs. They were unfair. None of them attacked the Emperor. No. Why would they attack the Emperor in this situation?

But the situation does not represent their injustice. The runaway LaQuiz demolishes several buildings and kills hundreds of servants and concubines. The emperor died as he blamed the Esfers for his trouble. It's natural to doubt the Espers.

“Oh, shit! ”

As you look at the coming blade, the Esfers make a swearing noise. They knew it was inevitable, but... even so. You can't just take a flying knife to kill yourself. These are some of the finest in the world, even in Siolence. They open their minds together and begin to use their superpowers. Kuoooo! The barrier of superpowers surrounding them prevents the soldiers from rushing in.

“Laquis... where is Laquis?" ”

“I don't know!”

Espers grind their teeth and shout. This is the center of the long line, inside the imperial palace. Soldiers are swarming in. Even if the Espers are excellent, they can't stop many of them from attacking us.

“Destroy it!”

Not just ordinary soldiers. Even the skilled artisans were harsh. They unleash their strength and knock the boundaries of the Esfers. Kuoooo! With a loud sound, the seal shakes violently.

The no swim stands at a distance and looks at it.

It all went to Azin.

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