
00552 Barrier


The developer was dumbfounded. The longevity worshipping in front of the current emperor was shaking his head because he couldn't lift his head.

“Extinction... Say that again. Extinction? Extinction? 500,000 dead? ”

The voice of the archangel trembled. I couldn't believe it. Not even tens of thousands. 500,000. 500,000 defeated. Five hundred thousand is not a small number. The total number of troops that Jinsung can operate without recruitment is three million. Half a million troops are one-sixth of the advance troops.

No, we shouldn't just drag them into that number play. This time, the 500,000 troops that were sent to the Wall were mixed with the elite Muslims and the spiders of Siolence.

Rather, it was difficult to understand. The destruction of half a million men! Most of the squatters who joined were hidden journalists and famous squatters, all competent enough to say a hundred per day. The same is true of the Sioleans.

Such a great army was annihilated. The developer had to feel dizzy.

“The walls... never crossed them? ”

“Apparently, he couldn't even get close. ”

Rumors are everywhere. I don't know where they come from. Probably, the wall. That day, all the elite militia and sectarian Muslims in the plains, the spiders in Siolence, died. Oly reports that the developer pressed down on his flimsy temples.

“... and the ball of LaQuiz? ”

“I heard you were missing...” “Khh! ”

In his reply, the face of the archangel distorted. He's so confident, he's missing? I gave you 500,000 men and you gave me command of the gun. The developer clenches his fist, trembling in anger.


The developer raised his voice. He glances at the left with his eyes wide open. The managers who faced the eyes of the current emperor dropped their gaze.

“What are we going to do? Five hundred thousand soldiers were killed by those ungodly bandits. So, what do we do? ”

No one answered. The owner of the empire is furious. Whatever the answer is here, the emperor will not be satisfied with the answer.

“I can't just let it go. ”

The answer was Princess Jinhee. The emperor turns his head and looks at Jinhee. She bows her head politely and says.

“Hematoma... no, I already know that the Heavenly Horse is a monster. It's a shame half a million people are dead, but we can't just leave 1,000 horses here.” “Of course. ”

The emperor replied with an annoying face. We can't just walk away from this. The emperor has already branded the hordes of the Emperor and the martyrs as opposed. I can't bite it.If I stop the war now, the Imperial dignity will fall to the ground.

No, it doesn't end there. Those ruthless rebels who wiped out half a million troops will not be silent because the imperial court has stopped fighting. It is absurd to leave an uncontrollable monster with that much power in the first place.

“Even if you have the power of a monster, you are human. ”

Jinhee empowers her voice. ‘You should say:’ That implication was floating in Jinhee's head.

“No matter how strong you are, you're still human. How can humans afford tens or millions of armies? How can a man withstand tens of millions of arrows, swords and cannonballs? Your Majesty, we must lead the army and attack the thousand horses. The pacifists won't come unless we kill that evil monster. ”

Princess Jinhee exclaimed in a feverish voice. It was rare for Jinhee to raise her voice that way, so she put aside her outburst of anger immediately and listened to Jinhee.

There was nothing wrong with it. The war has already begun. You can't be bitten back here. Even if they could come to an agreement somehow, it was impossible for the emerging world to do so.


You're welcome.

Leaving everything behind, 'TianMa Ajin’ is too dangerous. Even if we end the war and live among ourselves, there are two tigers on one mountain. That must not happen. There must be only one Lord of the Empire.

“You're right. ”

The developer nodded his head. He jumps up and down.

“How can you leave the Magistrate and his monsters alone? Assemble the troops. Give the order to recruit. Every man over the age of 15 must hold a spear. ”

The Hyundai chanted in a powerful voice. The officials did not disagree. There's already been a war. It must end in some way. Everyone knew that.

‘Can you outnumber a well-trained Muslim who killed half a million monsters? "You don't look like Princess Jinhee... Why are you saying that? ’

However, some people only thought so.


The commander, LaQuiz, has gone missing. It was enough news to shake Sepia. She is still in the Jinjin Imperial Court, since she did not head for the Wall with LaQuiz this time.

Not good. Sepia chews her lower lip well. She's LaQuiz's assistant. I was supposed to leave with Laquis to the Wall, but I stayed here because he was forced to stay. The troops he led to the Wall are half the troops he led to the advance.

They were also wiped out. Sepia knew what was happening on the wall.

I couldn't control the anxiety. Missing. All 500,000 troops headed for the Wall have been wiped out. In such situations, the word 'missing' did not sound positive at all.

It's not good. Sepia is forced to mutter again. The alliance with Jinsun, it was Laquis who drove this. The elders of closed Siolence expressed unconditional denial about this. Why do we have to hold hands with the advancement and subdue the elite, who have nothing to do with Siolence? That's what the elders asked.

It was the right question even for Sepia. Siolence has little reason to take the lead of the Esper Corps, not even Raques, the commander. In that denial, LaQuiz came out forcibly. I have to. Why? For that reason, Laquis did not answer. He only moved on with his title of commander and the name of the strongest Esper in Siolence.

This may lead us to Moxsha. Only at the end did Laquis add to his reasoning. The young elder Hasen persuaded the other elders, and in the end the story was shorted to letting LaQuiz do what he wanted.

It is an alliance driven by so much that it is war. By the way, the commander Laquis is missing, and the squadron of Spurs of Siolence that Laquis has taken has been wiped out. I'm only half a man yet... but there aren't many high esters in the Corps, not many in Siolence. They're piles of dead Esperanza. In a war that has nothing to do with Siolence!

‘Stay alive. No… even if he is alive…’

Sepia covers her face with both hands. It was the worst. Sepia desperately wishes for LaQuiz to be reborn... but it is not good. Even if we return to Siolence with our lives intact, the Senate will hold LaQuiz accountable. Even if Laquis has reached Moxsha, it is enough to condemn the precious Espers to a selfish task.

“... Sepia. ”

I hear voices. Sepia looks at the direction of her voice, startled. LaQuiz crouches in a dark corner. No, there's no need to think. LaQuiz is a Mocksha. He can do anything he wants. Mocksha... the Lord is God. Everywhere and nowhere.

But what about LaQuiz now? His appearance was too humble to call him the great ‘Mokhsha.’ Hair was chafing and clothes were covered in dirt.

“Sepia... sepia. ”

He crouches, barely raising his head. His face is a mess. Sepia loses her words to look at Laquis, a stained man with guilt.

“... Laquis. ”

Rarely, Sepia calls out the name of Laquis. She carefully approaches LaQuiz. The more the Sepia steps up, the more the tremor in her body grows.


In the end, Laquis did not see the coming Sepia until the end. Every time he hears a stammering footstep, he recalls another footstep. Black Forest. Night. Screams and chewing sounds from beyond the forest. And, and, and.


The mind is shaken. Esper is intimately related to his mental strength. Esper's superpower fuels his mind, and his mind produces chakra. Mocha is the pinnacle of such an esper. Infinite MP, Infinite Chakra and Infinite Superpower can be used.

If you can control it properly, Mocksha can be a god without a shortage. But in this case, it was different. Laquis' mind is extremely unstable. I confronted Ajin, and my confidence as a Moisha was shattered into glass. It has become a deep trauma that has shaken Laquis' mind. Infinite mental strength, in this case, was becoming the poison that destroyed Laquis' ego.

“La, La Quiz! LaQuiz? Why the hell...!” Oh, don't come! ”

LaQuiz shouts. A bright light erupts from LaQuiz's body. It becomes a blade of light that sweeps through the surroundings completely. Sepia crouches nervously. Quadrudruck! What didn't hurt Sepia was the last thing Laquiz had in mind.

But only Sepia was unharmed. All the furniture in the room was destroyed. The ceiling fell from such a commotion. These are the assassins that were put up by the archaeologists to keep an eye on LaQuiz and Sepia. They frown and look at Laquis.

“Oh, no! ”

Sepia shouts.

“Don't come any closer! ‘

The scream was what the assassins said. I don't know why he did what he did, but he's in danger now. Spirit-ridden esper. I've seen a lot of them in Siolence. When you use a superpower that you cannot handle, your mind will collapse like that and your superpower will burst.

In that case, all of your mental power will be replaced by chakra and you will be brutally superpowers. The end will come soon. I can't use my superpowers if I run out of Chakra. Tired to death, or lucky to die. There are only two outcomes.


"This is terrible...! ’

Neither applies to LaQuiz. Because his mental power is infinite, and Chakra is infinite.

The storm based on him does not end. The golden light that flows around Laquis' body darkens its color even more. He sighs and grabs his head. The nightmare was never over. In reality, and in the game. No, this world is not a game, it's a reality. Whether ‘outside’ or ‘this side’ was real, it was already vague to LaQuiz. You have to access it. You're feeling the implication, and you're hovering over it.

I can't hold my mind. Laquis' mouth opens.

“Sepia, run! ”

Before I finished speaking, I developed my superpower. Bang, bang! Thump, thump, thump! Huge pressure builds up the ground around LaQuiz. The assassins are droopy, unable to resist, scream, and spill blood.

Sepia, too.

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