
00542 Upheaval

“The Emperor is strong. ”

Ajin laughed as he pushed the letter down with his hand. What Ajin was looking at was a letter from Hao Moon. In the letter, it was written about what the Archangel Lord had declared.

‘Designate the entire wall as a land of titanium. Which means... you're going to slaughter every last one of them. ’

The Wall is a metropolitan city, with bloodthirsty, or bridge-centered, and other members of the clergy, unaccounted for, more recently. Since the beginning of the bridge, the wall was a heavily populated metropolitan city. There are so many nuns who have nothing to do with martial arts.

‘The Emperor's deadline must be one month. It's impossible for all the adopters of the Wall to leave in a month. ’

People who have lived in this city all their lives. Where will you go from this city? The Wall was their home. No houses, no livestock, no fields, no property. There are limited things you can take with you.

“What would you do? ”

Mungyeong-hee asked. Azin smiled and got up. Azin takes his foot to the window. Top floor of the castle. Bridge building at a glance. Originally, bloodthirsty flags were flying, but now Azin's flags were written in two letters: Mahjo.

“Rumor has it all over the wall. ”

Mungyeong-hee's eyebrows twitched at the words of Ajin.

“They'll be confused.” “Of course.” Is there anything in this situation that would benefit us by causing a confusion with the adopters? ”

Mungyeong-hee's question was reasonable. Without even spreading rumors about the will of the architect, the priests on the wall were in great confusion. Since it was originally a land ruled by the Safa bloodline, the people on the wall did not have much objection to the Safa. Even when a large group called the Bloodblindness entered the room, it was not very obvious. It was because Salt, a former blind man, and Azin, who had subsequently become a blind man, controlled the bloodthirsty artisans not to do anything cruel to the adopted people in any case.

No matter how powerful the city is, it is only the adopters who live in the city that roll over the wall. There's not much to oppress them for.

However, even the adopters who accepted bloodline indiscriminately were confused when bloodline changed to martyrdom. It is because the weight of the name is different from that of the Safa group, Bloody Blindness and Bridge. Even though the roots were the same but only the name was changed, the wound carved on the ground where the bridge had developed was so deep.

“Get a sense of the wall. ”

Azin opens his mouth.

“The developer decided to remove the walled land from the map of Genesis. They've decided to abandon the hundreds of thousands of nuns who live here.” “I gave him a month's end.” “How many people do you think will leave?” “A man whose life is at stake. Those who have a lot to lose will leave.” “Some have nothing to lose at the cost of their lives, so they can't leave this city.” “How will you gain their minds? Rather, they're going to blame us, the church, the high ground. ”

Of course. As a walled goat, you must have been struck by lightning from the dry sky. I was living on this earth without a big problem, and all of a sudden the earth was designated as a group of tithe. If you do not leave the city at the end of the month, you will be executed as a crucible, and you will have no choice but to be frustrated, frustrated, and displeased with those who depend on the Wall.

“By force.”

Ajin replied. Mungyeong-hee gave a stupefied look and blinked her eyes.

“By force...? Are you threatening me?” “No. ”

Azin turns around behind the window.

“I intend to show you by force that what the emperor says is nothing. The emperor's words about how long the emperor's army will be useless, and how arrogant and absurd the emperor is to clear the Wall. ”

Who is arrogant toward whom. Mungyeonghee thought that at that moment, but he didn't let it out of his mouth. Instead, she looked at the pain with curious eyes.

“Specifically, in what way? ”

“Let's tear down the walls. ”

Azin smiles, carrying his backpack. Mun Gyeong-hee's face was stiff, looking at Ajin with her eyes wide open.

“Say that. Are you serious?” “In a matter of days, if you can bring down the wall and rebuild it. Wouldn't it be admirable for them to open their mouths?” “"... to rebuild the Wall? ”“ I'll do it. ”

Azin shrugs. At that, Mungyeong-hee's mouth suddenly opened. At that moment, she had no choice but to imagine it funny. As Azin said, he immediately broke down the wall and picked up the debris and built the wall. I thought it would be funny if I could see it.

“... do as you please. Even if I try to stop him, the High Septon will do as he pleases.” “Of course. ”

Now I'm used to it. Mun Gyeong-hee sighed and scratched her back head.

“For now... as the Jordanians have said, I will spread the word against the elders of the Wall." The Emperor declared the entire wall a land of tithe, and declared that all those who remained on the wall would be treated as titles at the end of the month. ”“ There's nothing to inflate. That's a pretty harsh thing to say. ”

If it had been a bit more quiet, I'd have raised my weight and incited him. There was no need for such annoying work.

"The emperor is determined. ’

Changing the name of the bloodline to martyrdom was enough to make the emperor use such radical means. Bridge has been a part of the force for a long time. As emperor, it seems like an opportunity to wipe out the sight of bloodthirsty blindness and martyrdom.

There was no big problem with the emperor's aggression. The power of the Imperial Palace, the power of Siolence, and the power of the Divine Slaughter. With that kind of power, you thought it was enough to support that radical remark.

‘If it's common sense. ’

This was the problem with the Declaration of the Emperor.

Azin's power is not a common sense line.


Rumors spread through Mungyeonghee quickly took control of the barrier, followed by natural chaos. The fast acting ones quickly dispose of the property and exit the fence, and the slower ones quickly start selling their supplies. Of course, there were worse people. If you leave the Wall now, you won't be able to make a living. They didn't know what to do, so they stayed in the city.

After a week of rumors, Azin has done nothing. As a bishop, Ajin had complete control over the actions of the martyrs. For a week, many restrictions were imposed on martyrs. They did not leave the building of the bridge, nor did they come into contact with the nuns. Azin's command was a thorough silence for a week.

And at the end of the week.

The gates of the Bridge have been opened.

Azin walks slowly from the front. Followed by martyrs behind such an azin. They raised a high flag with the letters of the bridge engraved on it.

A sudden march. The rest of the city's cliffs still stand, staring out the window. The martyrs who had been silent for a week suddenly marched, so it was natural for the walled nuns to be absurd.

There's been a lot going on for a week. The officials of the Wall all abandoned the Wall on the first day of their money. So were the soldiers they took with them. Maintenance and merchants have also left the city. All that remained were farmers who grabbed a few acres of land, poor merchants who run small shops, and others who were unable to leave the walls with jobs that were difficult to leave the city.

Everywhere, however, there are few who have plenty and many who do not have. It was the same for the wall.

I can't speak ill of them.Let's see what they're up to. That's how people followed the march of the martyrs.

I stopped walking for a long time. The place he stopped was originally a castle where the officials who ruled the walls stayed. The guards are gone. There are no soldiers. Now it's empty. Azin, who was standing in the back of his pack looking at him, slowly reached out his hand. The black darkness wraps around him. It was the work of the Jinshan Shin.

The dark of the Jinn Shrine moves forward, distant. The sky above the castle is dark. When the sky is completely covered in darkness, Azin lowers his open hand down.

Darkness pours down. It seemed as if the sky was falling. Kugu Gugu Bow! The roof of the castle that touches the darkness disintegrates. The castle facing the collapsed sky began to collapse. The mouths of those who had been watching him from afar opened up. Such reactions were not only those who did not know the emperor.

What the...

At a distance relatively close to Ajin, the face of Yoohyun who saw the number of Ajin was pale. Just reach out, put it down. That giant castle collapses on its own. You think that's a shameless thing? The Amusement Park is also good at listening to cilantro noises wherever they go.

It was a kindergarten like that, but it was impossible even to understand one move of azin now. I couldn't even tell if it was empty in the first place.


Azin shrugs, shrugging at the rest of the wreckage. The Yanks who were watching it from afar couldn't keep their mouths open, but only looked at Ajin's back. Ajin starts walking again with his backpack. The dazed martyrs followed after Ajin, and the adopted people followed after Ajin with their faces obsessed with something.

It was at the gates of the Wall that Azin stopped his steps. The gates of the wall are wide open. The soldiers used to stand guard, but there aren't any anymore. Azin looks at the wide open gates and the tall walls.

“Three more weeks. ”

Azin mutters. Azin's murmurs are small, but none of these gatherers have not heard his voice.

“The charter and soldiers also left the city. I've already left this city, settled wherever I go, and left the ones I could live with. The rest of you... what are you? Are we left here to die as Weightlifters? ”

Azin looks back, saying that. You see the nuns with the twinkling eyes of azin in gold. No one answered Moore. Everyone was overwhelmed by the non-human gaze.

“Or what? Do you expect the merciful angels to hear your sad thoughts and understand them, so that they can treat you as innocent and unjust people instead of disobedient? ”

The sound of stuffy moaning mixed together. Among those who gathered, there were few who expected him. I don't think it has anything to do with martial arts. I don't think it will be executed as a heirloom. No, it can't be. They were the ones who thought so.

“The developer has abandoned you. ”

Ajin said.

“The line is wide. There are many people. Even if the Walled City is gone, and every living person in the city is dead. The developer will not take it too lightly. ”

Azin's hand is raised up. Like when you tore down the castle. A dark darkness spreads out and envelops the walls. When they saw it, they sensed something was going to happen.

“In three weeks' time, an army of martyrs will advance against the wall. ”

The black sky collapsed.

“Then who do you think will protect you? ”

The wall collapses.

“Here's the script.”

Khurrrrr! The walls and gates of the fence, which have never been broken down since it was built, have been completely destroyed at once. The dust spills heavily, but a massive gust of wind pushes it back and forth without letting it come this way.

“The throne and the bridge will protect you. ”

Azin turns around, smiling at the nuns.

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