
00530 Abduction

“... Over-the-counter... defeat...?" ”

Jinhee's shoulders tremble. A moment ago, what Ajin said passes by Jinhee's head. I didn't finish the massage, but I came down and threw it away, so I lost the game. No exceptions.

Maybe we'll pick it up later. I'm telling you clearly.

"From the beginning...!" ’

Jinhee doesn't express her feelings so blatantly. I don't get a lot of frowning. No, there was no reason for that. She was the emperor's favourite daughter, and even within the imperial palace, she held her place firmly. Although not never before, those who were enemies of Jinhee were not great enough to make Jinhee frown.

But now, Jinhee couldn't hide her face. Of course it was. I almost died. If it had been a little later, Jinhee would have disappeared without a trace, too, and would have become bloodied in the aftermath of the explosion.

Hundreds of the battalions escorting her have been slaughtered, even if they are saved. The only thing that survived was the monarch's philosophy. A battalion made by skilled artisans and combat experts. They are in a considerable position within the Imperial Court.

Those sentries were wiped out. Even if I try to demand complaints and compensation for him, he comes out with that attitude. Unscrupulous attitude. It is unimaginable for a princess to be favored by an emperor.

“Now... you...! ”

Jinhee's voice trembles. She stares at the pain while controlling her coarse breathing.

“Are you deceiving and harassing this princess...! I'm just saying there are no exceptions. ”

Contrary to Jinhee's roar of repressing anger, Azin's attitude was only flirtatious. He didn't smile directly, but Jinhee thought he was smiling.

“This is an unfortunate incident. A lot of people died. I know how much the Princess has regretted, because I am in power. I will pay you for your sins and your compensation. But the power to replace the battalion? How can I give it to you?” “You are the Lord of the bloodline, the bloodline. The greatest master in the world, and the most astonishing masters under your command. Does that mean you don't have powers?” When did I say I didn't have powers? "He said," How can I give it? "Your Highness, the princess is a royal. She is the daughter of the emperor who rules this vast and developed continent. The power of the Palace is enormous. Why do you want the power of bloodshed? ”

Jinhee chewed out her lower lip. It was an unwieldy word. There were a lot of people listening. Depending on how you answer, the audience listening to this conversation can understand that the Imperial Court lacks the strength to reach out to the bloodthirsty blind.

“... your tongue is long, bloodthirsty. It's very... long.” “Your compliments. ”

Ajin smiled and said. Jinhee had to choose. Will you insist on continuing the legend with the Bloody Blind Lord? Or will you take a step back after taking immediate damage and insults?

Fortunately, Jinhee was wise. I knew very well that my current situation was never good. Her escort is now the sole guardian of the monarch's philosophy. I was lucky to have some linguistics left. Without geography, Jinhee might have been beaten to death by a passing village. Even if you say you are an Imperial Princess, how will the world know that she died so much if you do not understand?

‘If the numbers are wrong, he might kill me. ’

There's a good precedent here. Bloody zealots. A woman who wanted to die with Jinhee by rolling a bomb on my body. Once it was confirmed that such cultists existed, this was no longer a safe place for Jinhee.

“... Okay. Well, here's the deal. ”

Jinhee opens her mouth, staring at him.

“The blood oath here is your land. The princess here has suffered a lot of damage and is threatened by bodily safety. So I ask you formally. The safety of this princess. Make sure it's safe. Do you have a” “?” “Everyone here will bear witness that your word has been promised.” “Of course I will. Here you go. ”

Ajin bowed his head politely to Jinhee. I could do this much. I thought, should I kill Jinhee right away? I didn't have to.

Leave it alone for now. Jinhee still had a lot of places to use. Ajin took Jinhee and Chumchi with him and slowly left unarmed. Calming the crowd was not Azin's role.

Thanks to this, Jongnam's kindergarten, which became the winner of the Chongnam Chamber, was left with no choice but to stand still and watch the back of Ajin. The shampoo is over. War of the Underworld. The final winner of this non-conference was the preschool.

But nobody cared about the kindergarten.


The door opens with a creak. Hanging on the chain, Hyung-hwan opened his eyes and looked toward the open door. I was staring at my brother, who was hanging from a clingy line.

“... I hear a loud noise. ”

Big brother opened his mouth. His voice was trembling a little. Hyungdaewon was well aware of the paperwork and that the paperwork had a parabolic grenade.

And the thunder that rocked the ground. I also knew that the only thing that could make that kind of noise was the Disintegrating Shell. Who, why. Thinking about it was pointless. All I have is a paperwork. The only thing that can be used and exploded is a paperwork.

“... is the Ark... dead?" ”

Azin nods. In response, Hyung-daewon gave a dry smile. The laughter that had been broken was suddenly followed by a long wail.

“Ahh… ahh… Ark…! ”

“You're crying.”

Azin muttered, staring at his brother like that. Even after torturing him for a few days, he never cried like that. You scream, but there is no wailing. He was crying horribly now.

“The paperback wrapped around its body and self-destructed. And he killed a lot of people.” “You... you didn't kill...” “Did you really think you could get the best man with that bomb?" ”

He smiled and asked, but he didn't answer. I didn't think it was possible at first. I knew that bloodthirsty beasts were monsters.

It wasn't the fact that he couldn't kill Ajin that made him cry in the first place. He sincerely hoped that the paperwork... would escape. I wanted to get revenge, poison, get rid of everything, clear my memories and life in Moorish, and live a new life in a place no one knows.

“It's a stupid idea. ”

Azin read the thoughts of such a great man and died.

“Even if the paperwork succeeded in escaping. Do you think I haven't found her? ”

Hyungdaewon didn't answer.

“No matter where she hides in the world, I can find her. Well, now it's meaningless. The paperwork is dead.”

Laughing laughter.

“It's better for her. I'm going to die a clean death without getting a bad look. ”

I also agreed with Hyung-hwan a little. Oops... rather than be tortured horribly. I'd rather die like that. Where did the paperwork go after he died? Did I go to ecstasy or was there too much foolishness in the world?

“No, I'm not going anywhere. ”

Azin's laughter intensifies. The shadow falls beneath Azin's feet, and Persian rises to his feet. He opened his eyes wide, surprised by the sudden appearance of Persian. Azin winks at the Persian who's standing next to him.

Persian raises his hand, slightly sweeping his lips. A red light wraps around the palm of Persian hands. Hyungdaewon looked at it with mesmerized eyes. A dim white light was created in the middle of the red light that was rotating on the palm of Persian hands.

“Do you know what this is? ”

Azin looked at his brother and asked. In the meantime, Persian continues to chant and move his hands. Every time her hands turn, a red light reaches out and draws a magic circle on the floor.

“It's a paperwork.”

Azin smiled brightly and said.

The explosion of the catapult erased the body of the papyrus from this world without leaving a trace. Maybe, no, definitely. She wouldn't have felt any pain as she died. Her body must have evaporated in the explosion before she even knew it.

However, even if the body is gone, there are still some things left. A soul. Impossible to Ajin, but Persian is a legitimate heir to the blood magic, a high level wizard who has mastered the dark arts between us. It's not that hard for Persian to restrain the souls of the humans who just died.

“Don't you want to meet the paperwork? ”

Azin whispers. Meanwhile, the magic circle is complete. This is a judicial conclusion between us, a magic that imparts a temporary body within this space to a human soul that has no body. There's a fatal downside to not being able to get out of space.

It wasn't a big deal for Azin. Persian glances down at the soul with a cold face. The same was true of Persian grudges against paperbacks. Not to mention the smell of Raw Snow. Everyone has a grudge against the paperwork that kidnapped Camilla and tried to harm her child.

That's why I didn't hesitate to cast a spell. The spirit that was floating in Persian hands swells. And it shivered in the air and began to make flesh. It was not the earthquake that caused the whole body to fire, but the ‘self’ that the paperback remembered.

“... Ah...”

Hyeong-hwan's mouth opened.

It was a desperate sigh.

At first, I didn't understand the situation. I would have died. I detonated the parachute, and I have no memory of it since. It can't be impossible. He must be dead. The paperback blinked, blinking his eyes and trembling at the sight of the big picture. The moment she was about to say something.

“You're dead. ”

Azin opens his mouth.

“Dead, but they called me in like this. And maybe... you won't be able to die. ”

The paperback quickly turned its head and looked at the pain. Azin turns around, smiling bloody. He gave us a temporary body, but not a real body. The soul is just floating in that shape. That's why he couldn't do anything directly to the paperwork.

“Let's burn it first. ”

What he did was Persian. She reaches out and points to the paperwork.

“Apparently, burning your body is the most terrible pain in the world. ”

A black flame struck his body. The flame did not go out, but burned the papyrus. But I don't smell burning flesh.

The pain is clear. The paperback opens its mouth and screams. It wasn't just a flame. The flame that burns the soul of the papule was several times hotter than the flame she set on me when she burned my body. If it were a living body, your nerves would burn and you'd feel less pain.

It was impossible for the only paperwork that remained of the soul. The burning of the soul was not compared to the burning of the body, but a terrible pain.

“How are you feeling? ”

Azin smiles slowly and asks. He spoke to both the paperwork and Hyungdaewon.

“You'll see for a long time. ”

It was the devil's whisper.

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