
00524 Kidnapping

Four days.

That was the time given to the no-swim. During those four days, no swimming should catch the tail of the opening. If you can't do it, worse than you can imagine. Asin scratches his head, reminding him of the warning.

“No. ”

It was before the no-swim said anything. The female king next to me denies the idea of no swimming with a stiff face. The female king sighs and looks at you without a swim.

“If you don't, the Bloodthirsty Lord really will give you more than you can ever imagine.” What's the worst that can happen? Killing me? ”

Swimmer asked. The female king nodded. The face of no swimming is breathtaking.

“How to kill...”

“There are many ways. ”

The female king interrupts the no-swim and enters. In order for a swimmer to understand the weight of death, the game is actually a game that needs to be understood as a transcendent, a surrogate and the truth of Hiddenpiece. Of course, the female king could not reveal all the truth to the non-swimmer.

Instead, he came up with a very appropriate, understandable way.

“He is ranked # 1 in this game. You know that, right?” “I know.” “Not just rank # 1, but a very unique rank. I'm not a player, so I don't know the details, but you do. How much influence he has. ”

That said, the no swimming silent. First, this game is famous enough to be enjoyed by most people around the world. Another reality that is fully implemented. Virtual reality with true meaning. Since the opening of the full service, First has never climbed to the top of the game rankings, and counting people who don't play games has become faster.

Ajin is the number one in such a game. Swimming was silent, thinking about the impact that such azines could exert. Average players, except the top players who stand out in the game. They are enjoying the game at a different level than Ajin, and Ajin is the loser of one of the factions where such players live. Players who have played in sectarian factions since the downfall of the sect have stopped playing in extreme cases, and are still moving on to the Safa faction to play. It is not just the silk line. Gracia. Even the emperor who rules that huge continent has a strong relationship with Ajin.

And it can also affect reality. That's how many people are playing in that faction.

“The money you earn in this game can be exchanged for your world's money. Money is always right. Those who do what they're not supposed to do with their money have always existed. You were a softie, you know that.” “... well...”

I hear the sound of no swimming. Only then did the Swimming Anonymous realize what the female king was trying to say. If the influence in the game affects reality to some extent. Ajin may be able to find a no-swim. Besides, what if we hired a killer with the money we have? Swimming without a thought, he shrugged his shoulders.

‘You don't have to go there. Not one or two of those who play on the Graciana Lines are eager to get to know the ranking bloodthirsty bastard. ’

So far, I realized that no swimming is ever going to be a laughing matter. Like Ajin said, he had enough power to kill an anhydrous swimmer. After realizing him, his expressions were stiff.

‘You got it.'

The female king thought as he looked at the face of the no swim. In fact, what Ajin yelled at was that he didn't have to go that far, but that he wanted to kill him himself. As the female king, he lied because he was not confident that he would understand the lack of swimming. No, actually, it's not a lie. That would be one way to do it.

“If you know what I mean, you'd better move fast. You have four days. It's not that long of a time to look for hidden open beggars. ”

The female king gives you a nod. We have to move first. I don't know if it's true from the real world, but I still had that thought.

‘It's worth it. ’

Swimming absent thought of Azin's gaze that was staring at him, and he trembled.

So, where do we start? The no-swim begins to move. Open contact with her has always been unilateral. When the no-dive was at the designated location, one of the openings approached and contacted the no-dive. Openness will know that no swimmer has betrayed him. because in that wide, crowded street, azine went crazy, and the no-swim was beaten there. As long as the opening is blind and the ears are not blocked, the opening will already know the betrayal of the swimless.

In such a situation, if you go to the place you usually meet, the level of openness will not come near. Then, where should we start?

Fortunately, no swimming was thorough. Once upon a time, I was a disciple of the King of Cancer, and ever since I was trained as an assassin, I always kept the worst in mind.

That habit has become a lifeline for no-swim. Swimming free has encountered quite a lot of openness in contact with openness to date, leaving the worst traces that it can chase.

‘Is the problem still there? ’

It was always in my mind to betray openness. It was because if the ship was sunk open, it would be foolish to abandon it and replace it. So from the moment I first encountered openness, I left a trail to chase, but is it still there?

A stalemate. This was created by the female king with the help of a non-swimmer. Once sprayed, it allows the target to chase wherever it is. It resonates with a trained phantom cardiothoracic technician.

But it's not universal. The duration of the scandal varies from person to person, but usually about ten days. Swimming free began to turn the depths as he walked down the street.

“... Whew. ”

The no-swim sighs of relief.

Looks like the trail hasn't gone cold.


“Ah. ”

Camilla's lips open. Ajin, who was leaning against the wall, opened his eyes. Camila blinks and looks around.

“... Hey, this is...”

Camila makes a few voices. The sound quickly brings Camila's hand to the scent of Raw Snow and Persian persuasion beside her.

“Uh, mothers? ”

Camila looks around, puzzled. Azin looks at Camila with a grave face.

[I'm not strong.]

Adim, who was sitting in the corner of Ajin's consciousness, confirmed him. At that, his eyelids tightened. Camilla came to her senses in two days. During those two days, there were countless gods in Camila's body. Each time, Camila's personality and tone changed, and Azin, Raw Snow and Persian persuasion swallowed up despair by seeing her like that.

And today, Camilla finally came to her senses.

[Don't be so relieved.]

Adim warned me.

[The gods know that the saint, who will become their vessel, is unstable. That's why I took a step back from curiosity and greed. That's all it is.]

‘Bastards. ’

[... it's not a pleasant feeling to hear an insult from the same god, but I understand your feelings since I've been with you for a long time. Remember, they'll always be able to brace themselves against him. And I'm going to drive his consciousness into the ground and infuse it with my values. The child is like a blank sheet, and the gods who are strong over him can use whatever they want to use on that pure spirit.]

Hazardous conditions do not change. Azin grips his teeth and clenches his fists.

Until when?

[... until he matures so that his mind does not invade the rituals of the gods. But I don't know if that's possible. That's what being a saint was all about. Accept God into your body, use God's power, and unfold God's will. Or this way.]

Adim hesitated for a moment. Azin knew that Adim was hesitating and did not rush him. If Adim hesitates, it's important enough.

[There's a way I can make a deal with him myself.]

“... what? ”

The muttering of Adim changed his face. I was surprised that my voice came out of my lips, not my thoughts.

[Don't be weird. Let him make a knight's vow and stick my spear in his left chest like I did to you. Then I can completely restore my consciousness to her mind, just like you do now.]

The knights of Gracia go to the temple of the knight Adim and make a vow of knight. The proof that the vow was fulfilled is the spear of Adim pierced through the left chest. Through the spear, Adim gives strength to those who have made a covenant with him.

But Ajin is a little different from him. It was because Adim was interested in him, and because his strength was first among all the knights who had made a contract with him. That's why Adim used to settle his consciousness in the spirit of Ajin, strengthening his body when he wanted to.

[Have him make a vow of knighthood, and transfer my ritual from your ritual to his. If I'm in the middle of the child's consciousness, I can stop the other gods from becoming powerful.]

Adim is strong enough to be counted among the many gods that exist in Gracia. Very few of them are more powerful than Adim. He is the God of Knights, the God of Combat, the God who fights at the forefront of the battlefield while leading the battlefield.

‘... but. ’

[It's not in your consciousness like before, so I can't help you. I wouldn't say no if you called me in with such determination... but you'd better keep an eye on him. If I were to sit in that child's consciousness and play a role in stopping the other gods, the other gods would not see me so well. And if I'm gone, maybe they'll try to take over his mind.]

Ajin chewed his lips well. In other words, if we transfer Adim to the spirit of Camila - Azin means we cannot use the Strengthening Skill. The other gods may take possession of Camila's spirit while she uses her Strengthening Skill.

‘... Adim. If you were like all the other gods... "


Adim admitted that in a big way.

[I'm a god, too. I'm familiar with the relationship between God and the holy woman. Maybe I'm deceiving you now. If I put her mind at ease and let the other gods in, her spirit will be irresistible.]

In saying that, he chewed his lips well.

[This is also what I am testing you for. Once upon a time, when you first came to my temple and made a vow of knighthood, I asked you about your humanity. I knew your humanity was faint. Ever since, I don't know. Don't push the foundation of good and evil into your actions. I'm not a God of order. But I was quite satisfied with you. At least you were human enough for the people you love.]

Azin recalled the first time he met Adim in the temple. God of knights, God of battle. The image of a child that does not match such a magnificent name. I was lying in the air, and I was talking to him.

Do you trust me? Do you believe that I, the god, will protect that child's ritual for you? Or do you doubt me? Do you think I'm lying to you?]

“... I am. ”

Azin's lips opened. He looks at Camilla. Camila was tilting her head to look at Azin, and so was the scent of Raw Snow and Persian. Camilla sees herself with those eyes and that look on her face in two days. Azin clenches his fist.

‘... I trust you. Adim. The God of knights. The god of battle. I have your help and will not deny that I have relied on you in any way. And this time, I am your faithful, sworn knight to you. I trust you.'

[I see.]

Adim nodded his head.

[My faithful truly trust me and ask for my help. Why should I ignore the wishes of my disciples?]

A white light leaked from Ahdim's body. In a faint figure, Adim came down in the room. He looked like a child, as he saw in the temple, and held a spear several times bigger than my body.

“I'll make a vow. ”

The tip of the spear of Adim leads to Camila.

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