
00521 Abduction

That voice, that face, that call. Azin's mouth opens and closes. Look into Camilla's eyes. Magic gives you dark hair. I gave him black eyes. Camila, a Gracian human, originally had bright blond hair and blue eyes.

When I became black hair, and black eyes. Camila smiles brightly. I liked that it became the same color as my father and mother. Ajin was still remembering Camila at the time.

Probably since then. It was because Azin began to think of his unblooded stepdaughter as a saint one day, dead, and Devello's doppelganger Camilla as a real daughter.

It has returned to its original state. Blonde and blue eyes. The feeling was abundant. He was often... smiling. I laughed a lot. I laughed without even trying. Occasionally, when I vomited, I shed my eyes, puckering my lips. It was the expression I learned from Raw Snow. Laughing and tightening. When he grumbles with that look, he gets a hint of azine, black snow, Persian. Everyone couldn't refuse Camilla's request. Moon Kyung-hee and Je Gal Yeon were the same.

I didn't want him to die. I didn't want him to wake up. There was a five-year suspension in the Awakening of the Holy Woman. Even if the Demon King comes and requires the presence of the Holy Spirit, Ajin doesn't want Camila on the front lines. In order to do that, I learned non-polarity. I tried to master the non-polarity, grow up, and create the possibility of killing the Demon King without the sacrifice of a saint.

“... why. ”

His lips opened trembling. My heart boils. Most of my emotions are gone, and only a few remain. Hate, flesh, anger... that's what it was. Azin clenches his fist.

“To me, why. ”

Time stopped on that call.

Azin raises his head, lowering his head. Camila looks up at Azin, motionless. I look back. I see a frozen black snow scent and Persian, a distorted face rock king, and a non-swimming expression that I don't understand.

“You're upset, aren't you?"

Turn your head again. Noya stands across from you. He was still young, with his arms crossed. I wasn't smiling. Noya's face was unfamiliar, and her unfamiliar eyes were still full of dizziness.

“... I had completed my innocence. ”

Azin was a horse. It had to be made clear. When I saw Camila's death, it was complete inside Ajin.

“It was too early. ”

Noya, who was staring at Ajin's face, replied.

“And it was a bad finish. Tranquility is god-class athletics. If you learn it, you become closer to God. The most necessary thing to complete the non-polarity is the will. Will makes me who I am, and a country makes existence stronger than anything else.” “It was done.” “Noya's making me repeat the same thing. Well... that's true. Noya admits it. You were completely nonpolar. In that brief moment, with these triggers. ”

Noya extends her arms.

“What did you want in completing the non-polarity?” “Killing them all. ”

Azin stares at Noya and spits it out like that. When he saw Camila's death, Azin truly wished for it. I want to tear and trample and kill everything I see. I want to destroy the world.

“Do you want to be the Demon King? ”

Noya asked.

Ajin shuts up.

“If you had completed such a trance, you would have become a monster that no one could touch in this game. A powerful monster that doesn't apply to any variable. Every single one of you will vanish, every nation will vanish, every NPC will die. It won't take long. If you had wished for him after completing the translucency, you could have completely annihilated the world in less than a week. ”

What Noya said was true. There is such power in a perfect non-polarity.

“Awakening at this point does not help the purpose of this game. You would have wiped out the whole world as the Demon King before the Demon King arrived. So Noya intervened. For you." “... I don't know what you want. Didn't you wish it to be the ultimate completion?” “Noya just wants to see the end of the game. Noya woke up, got away, but it's NPC. He's the same as Gladiolus in this game, but I don't want to mess up the game he made. That's why I intervened.” “... How will you repay me? ”

Azin stares at Noya. After all, Noya only intervened according to her mood, which led to Azin missing out on the completion of her innocence.

“Why should Noya reward you? ”

And that's what Noya said.

“Noya is Noya. I'm not the owner of this game. I'm not Gladiolus. Noya does what Noya wants. That's Noya, because Noya always thought she had to do something to prevent her completion from being so extreme. There's no reason for Noya to reward you. ”

His eyebrows twitched. Before he could say anything more, Noya turned away.

“If you have a complaint, you can kill Noya. ”

Noya's appearance is gone.

“It would be impossible without completing the translucency. ”

It's time to stop. Azin glanced down, grinding his teeth. Camila is still staring at him with her vacant eyes. Facing that gaze, Ajin once again clenches his fist.

“... Camilla. ”

“Yes, Father. ”

Camila replies. Her voice is still dazed. It was Camila's, but Azin couldn't recall the smiling sheep girl in her voice. Azin reaches out his trembling hand and grabs Camila's shoulder.

“I'm fine. ”

Camila mutters. Raw snow and Persian are closing in on Azin. They stare blankly at Camila, unable to speak.

“Nothing happened. You're not hurt. He's hurt, but he's not sick right now. I wasn't scared.”

Camilla continued: I can't believe you weren't scared. She said so.

“I didn't want to hurt your dad. So... yeah. Did I become a lung? ”

Camila asks, with her head tilted, as if she really doesn't know. It has changed. Azin is clearly aware of Camila's change. Previously on Camilla...

What did he do?

Azin grips his teeth. I don't recall how Camilla would have acted and said anything just an hour ago.

“What the... what? ”

Raw snow barely opened my mouth.

“What the hell happened to this kid? ”

Azin didn't tell Camila about the Black Snow scent or Persian at all. I didn't want to say that I didn't have to.

But I couldn't avoid it anymore. Azin closes his eyes. In conclusion, Camilla is not dead. No, she may have died once, but Camilla's alive now.

Emotions gradually calm down. The boiling reasoning was somewhat restored. Open the door to buying Camilla's abduction. Even though I dug through the wall like this, I failed to catch the tail of the opening, but this time I finally got involved with opening.

‘I should have left one alive. ’

I desperately turn my thoughts towards you. The unfinished polarity, Camilla's transformation. I didn't want to think.

There were two open spots here. I killed them all because I couldn't control my emotions. I'd rather keep one alive. Especially the one who touched Camilla. I killed him too easily. I should have done more, as long as I could... more pain, more killing.


Azin rises up. He looks down at Camila, who looks up at him and looks like she's about to cry.

“Every whip I get kills your family. ”

Azin rises up. The female king frowns in front of the no-swim with a stiff face. Swimming was a face that still didn't understand the situation.

“It's not as lively as a whip. ”

Azin's body turned. A great sense of invisibility overwhelms the King of the Dead and the Swimmer. The female king trembles back one step. A man who was called the King of Slaughter. If you live, the female king has never been searched by anyone.

‘Dala...! ’

I'm overwhelmed. I'm sweating all over the cancer king's body. Do you think staying here will give us an answer? There is no major concern in the game right now. The King of the Dead is cursed with immortality, and the Avatar is no longer a swimmer. Killing doesn't kill you.

But the problem is reality. Emotionally angry is the same with Raw Snow and Persian. If those two do not behave and try to find the no-swim, it will take time, but they will be found one day.

“What are you going to do? ”

Azin asked. I didn't expect an answer. Whatever the no-swim said, Azin was going to do exactly what he said. The same was true of Raw Snow and Persian. They didn't understand why Camilla was like that, but they knew it was no swimming.


You hear Camila's voice behind her as she approaches the no swim.

“Don't kill me. ”

The words stopped Ajin's behavior. He looks back at Camila with a stiff face. Camila stares at him dazed.

“... Why? She kidnapped you.” “Nothing happened. ”

Camila said that, but Camila's expression hasn't changed much.

[You better listen to me right now.]

I heard the voice of Adim.

[I just woke up as a saint and my self is unstable. All kinds of gods know and visit the Awakening of the Holy Spirit. That child is not your adopted daughter, she's just a vessel for strength.]

‘... for how long? ’

[Not right now. Over time, your ego will stabilize and your mind will adapt to changes in your body. I just can't adapt to the awakened flesh right now, and my mind just stops temporarily. The self has ceased to exist, and the values have been mixed up with the other gods'. Bethel, the god of order, is what's affecting her values right now. If you do what you say about killing her, Bethel will be angry and leave a deep trace of her values.]

In saying that, he sharpened his teeth. That is your destiny as a saint. If you start to use your full strength, your identity as a saint will fade and be influenced by the nature of God.

And one day you will die.

“... Yes. Got it.”

Here, I had to take a step back. Ajin looks at Camila with difficulty. What's in those blue eyes? Or Bethel, the goddess of order?

“... you have four days. ”

Azin reaches out. The bodies of the swimless float into the air and approach Ajin.

“Grab the tail of the opening. If you don't catch them...”

The aura of Ajin resonates in the head of the swimless.

[I'll give you worse than you can imagine.]

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