
00518 Kidnapping

The main line of the Great Forest was flowing as Azin thought. The three who went to the Red Moon Apostle were excluded from the Red Moon Mosque. Sugar oil fields, petitions, amusement parks. The three were victorious without losing, and the martyrs on the day after tomorrow were the petition and the monks' martyrs.

Similarly, the occult monarchy from Jinhee also survived without losing. Other than that, two people survived in Safa Moor. Both survivors were players, and Azin had already sent men to recruit them into the bloodline. I also sent people to players who proved their skills on the mainline.

There are no dancers today. Ajin went out with Camila. Camilla asked me to watch the street. Thanks to this, he took off the garments of the great beast and put on his usual robes. Since Ajin's face did not have a big characteristic, those who went to the streets did not recognize that Ajin was a bloodthirsty blind man. No, I'm not interested in the beginning. Anyone who looks carefully at the face of a person walking the path should not be distracted.

“I wish your mothers were out there with you. ”

Camila grunts, pouting. Raw snow and Persian don't come out. It was because I didn't want to go to a crowded place.

For that reason, Azin was kind enough to spend time alone with Camila. As a player, Ajin must leave this world and return to reality. And the black snow and Persian shadows allow him to go out into the real world and spend time with him.

But Camilla is impossible. In the beginning, the presence of raw snow and Persian influences in reality and in the game was due to the fact that Gladiolus ignored both actions. In other words, it means that it is a special case. But that privilege doesn't apply to Camilla.

Ajin didn't think he wanted to take Camilla to reality. I wanted to take Camilla to an amusement park, go to a zoo... or something. But I can't. That doesn't mean you can spend a lot of time with Camilla in the first place.

That's why the aroma of Raw Snow and Persian took care of Azin. in the sense of building a relationship between a woman and a woman. Azin looks down, smiling deeply at their consideration. I can see Camilla's smiling face, frowning.

“Is there somewhere you want to go? ”

Camila wags her head to the left and to the right in Azin's question.

“I just want to walk the streets. There's a lot of people." “I don't think it's that much fun to see people.” “It's fun to be with your dad. ”

In saying that, he burst out a big smile.

“It's good to walk, but it's almost lunchtime, so you should probably start eating. ”

The streets are crowded because of the period of the blood drive. It is the same with restaurants. Especially if the place is so talented, I can't get a seat without making a reservation. Fortunately, Ajin arranged for someone to make a reservation at a good place to eat.

Ajin took Camila's hand and moved to the restaurant he had reserved. Walk slowly, to Camilla's pace. There were many people going back and forth. It's coming this way from the front, going that way from the front. From the back, from the side.


That's what I heard. Maybe it was a little loose. No, it's not that. Rather, it wasn't loose with Camilla.

Simply put, no swimming approaches were perfect. I learned it fully from the female king, and the more advanced no-swim hideout there succeeded in deceiving the senses of pain even for a moment. A swimless swim so close grabs Camilla's wrist, which was stretched down.


Suddenly, Camila raises her eyes wide and looks up at the no swim. It was at that moment that Azin noticed the approach of no swimming. He swiftly turns his head and sees no swimming. I met the eyes of Azin, a swimmer without a mask.

Woohoo! A no-swim grabs Camilla's wrist. Camila staggers and is dragged by a swimless body. Azin's lips opened. No matter what he says, a scream pops out of the sleeves of the swimmer. She throws that scepter at Camila's feet. I see it! Camila's feet are caught in a dazzling shadow with a scepter.

Blocked the connection between the shadows. Swimming without knowing that Azin was connected to the vampires and using the Shadow as a free material, and that the Shadow completely cut off Camilla's position to be tracked. Ajin didn't say anything. Instead, Azin's hand moved. Swimming away, Camila hides behind her back, pulling towards her. At that moment, his hands stopped stiffening.

It was enough time for the no-swim to escape. The feet of a swimmer sink into the ground. Her body slides back as she hugs Camila, and the space behind her back opens wide. Hides the body beyond the hideout between the space and the gap in the space. Swimming skills were touching the area. It didn't take a blink of an eye for the no-swim to clear Camilla and disappear between the space and the space with her.

The leader, Sun Azin, looks forward at his hand. Now, what happened? Azin's lips opened.

“... this...”

Kuaaaa! A dark wind blows through the vicinity of Azin. As I got excited, I lost my mind. Thanks to this, those who walked the streets were struck by lightning in the dry sky. The passers-by scream and lay the ground in wait. Azin shrugs with a pale, dull face. Abduction. Only that word remains in Azin's head. Camilla was abducted right in front of you.


Followed by the word abduction. Who, why, kidnapped Camilla? I didn't have to think about the "why." Because there were so many reasons. If so,


A method of hiding that deceived Azin's senses for even a moment. Azin's thoughts spin rapidly. As far as he knew, there was only one person who could use such a good method of hiding.


A woman I was in love with in beta. Since then, he has been a disciple of one of the Hidden Pieces, and has become one of the martial arts laws called Swimming Without. I lost my way after the war with the bridge, and I was distracted when I left for Gracia.

“... this...”

Azin's face distorted.



“... Ow...! ”

The non-swimmer exhales and takes off his mask. Success. That sense of accomplishment fills the head of a no-swim. Can we do it, can we really do it? I've been asking myself that question, and I've wondered how many times I can really do it...

Successful. From approaching, to abducting. The back treatment was perfect. It moved between the space and the gap in the space, making it impossible to locate from there. I blocked the shadow I was worried about.

“What, what is it? ”

Camila looks at you without swimming, puzzled. What no swimmer has brought Camilla is one of the many apartments she has. He takes off his mask and breathes out loud. It was because there was no reason to hide my face. At the beginning of the day, Azin knows the face of the swimmer, and he probably knows that the abducted pleural effluent is the swimmer.

“I knew your father a long time ago. ”

The no swim looked at Camilla and said, Camila opens her mouth dazed, listening to the lack of swimming and tilting her head.

“... your father? ”


Swimming away, he grabbed the chair and sat down with his sweaty head. Sheepdaughter... There are no definite similarities.

‘It was a different race in the first place. ’

The swimless laughed as he thought about it. I gave you a heads up on this side of the opening. When the time comes, someone will come to pick up Camilla from you.

“You did it.”

The backyard of the no-swim is swamped. The female king walks out of the blue. Swimming away, he tilted his head, looking at the face of the female king.

“... the one and only student has succeeded in a difficult task, why not be happier?” “I'm glad. This proves your technique is complete. ”

The voice of the female king did not look too happy. The Swimmer frowned upon the words of the King of Cancer. It was because she could never understand the heart of the cancer king.

“What the hell are you worried about? ”

“Your death. ”

“I don't care if I die. You know that, right? ”

Normal NPCs do not recognize a player's ‘death’. Even if it dies right in front of you, NPC doesn't know that the player is dead. In some cases, it may be perceived as‘ serious injury, 'or it may be perceived as' escape without death. '

But not the King of the Dead. No swimming knew that, too. Hiddenpiece. These special NPCs know that this world is a game, and they know different from the presence of players and NPCs.

“There are different kinds of deaths. ”

The female king said.

“There is an inevitable, complete death.” “... I don't know what you're talking about.” “I don't want you to understand. I just... want you to keep your promise to this master. Before I make my own move.” “... moving directly? What does that mean?” “I'm going to go tell the Bloodbath where this place is on your behalf. It's not too late.... I hope it's not too late. ”

The female king sighs briefly. He knows how violent Raw Snow is. I also know that she's coming back and forth in this world with the help of vampires. It may take a little time... but one day, the smell of Raw Snow will inevitably find a swim without reality. Raw snow scent was still the owner of a character that remained.

“... Okay. ”

The Swimmer hears the King of Cancer and nods. The promise of openness means nothing to her. I just wanted to see how much of my skills I had accepted this work.

“The goal is done, so let's go find the Bloodthirsty Beast. You're not welcome here.” "I don't care if you die there. ”

The King of the Dead replies. The Swimmer smiles and looks at Camilla's side. Camila tilts her head with a face that she still doesn't know.

A swimless figure disappears before Camilla's eyes.


“M-Lord...! ”

Mungyeong-hee freaked out and shouted. As she hurriedly rushes in, she sees the view unfolding before her eyes and turns white. Thanks to the blood-soaked forest, the streets were colorfully decorated and filled with people. No, it's not empty. People were rolling around. The fact that no one had died was proof that Azin was restraining himself as much as he could.

But that was the end of Azin's restraint. The black force that was spreading around him and the pressure that was pressing everything was groaning and pressing down on the widespread procession. It looks like the deaths will come out soon enough. Mungyeonghee swallowed a gulp and approached Ajin.

“P-Lord, calm down, calm down...”

Mungyeonghee groaned. I heard Azin's head, who was leaning down. Shining golden eyes look at Mun Kyung-hee. Mungyeonghee frowned and retreated.

In front of Mungyeong-hee, there was a black snow scent and Persian blockade. They saw pain with a stiff face.

“... What the hell? ”

Raw snow is bitten. It distorts his face. He barely opens his fluttering lips.

“... kidnapping. ”

“... what? ”

“Camilla has been kidnapped. ”

The words made my face white with the smell of Raw Snow. Persian was the same. She hurriedly checks the shadows associated with her. I can't reach it. The shadow you've connected with Camila is blocked.

“… how…? ”

Before Azin could answer that, the space beside him coiled. Azin's eyes twisted to his side. When the space opened and the no-swim appeared, Azin's hand reached out.


Azin's hand grabs the neck of an unswimming body.

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