
Walking 00507

It's been a long time since I returned to the oath. I have a lot of work to do. Moon Kyung-hee and Jee Gal Yeon were in a hurry, but Ajin was not free.

Thanks to that, I was really busy for a week. It was natural that I was busy as I was about to have a big event called Bloodsheon Mosque.

While Ajin was on the job for a week, Raw Snow, Persian and Camila relaxed in the mansion that had been returning for a long time. The house was empty for half a year, but the servants cleaned and cared for it every day, so it was no different than half a year ago.

“He was tall. ”

Camila stands over the wall and mutters. Half a year ago. Filled with drawings on the wall, she wrote down Camilla's key. Camila pretended to be quite young, but in this way she was stubborn as a child. Thanks to this, Ajin, Raw Snow, and Persik used to take Camila to the wall once every three or four days to record how tall she was.

When I stood on the wall in half a year. Half a year ago, the lines on Camila's head were just the bottom of Camilla's lips. He's been so tall for half a year.

It wasn't just the key. Camila grew up fast in all other ways. He was already over 160 years old and had a second sexual intercept.

But my period didn't come.

“You've grown a lot. ”

After finishing my urgent work, I got some free time during the afternoon. Azin stands at the wall and smiles at Camila, smiling. Growing fast, he couldn't take it with joy.

As she grows older, she resembles Devello. The atmosphere is completely different from Devello's, but it seems to have the same roots... I had no choice but to have a similar angle. It already has a Tebello feel to it. I tried to keep my hair dark, but there was a limit to it. Maybe a little longer and you'll be more like Devello.

Of course, it is not entirely the same. Just like Azin didn't know that Jinjin was actually his doppelganger. Growing environments have a lot of impact on appearance. Camila was also like Devello, but not like Devello. It is because it is different from Devello's personality. When Camila first took over at the orphanage, when she was still quiet and expressive without opening her heart... Camilla felt a lot like Devello back then.

But not now.

In fact, 'resembling Devello’ was not the only thing that weighed down Azin's heart. Growth is fast. It was as if Camila's body had ‘prepared' before the Demon King's coming. Five years after the Demon King arrives. Even if it grows normally, Camila will only be eighteen at the time of the Demon King's descent. I am not fully physically mature yet.

‘The flesh is already preparing for the coming. ’

When it is the fullness of the body. We'll reach physical maturity as soon as possible, and from there, we'll set a foothold to raise our strength as a saint against the Demon King.... When will I wake up? Azin hid such anxiety. Camila has yet to awaken to anything as a saint. We do not communicate with other gods or strengthen them.

What happens when I wake up? What's going to change? Maybe... after she wakes up, she won't be the Camila that Azin knew. Azin swallowed such anxiety. We have not yet informed Raw Snow or Persian about him.

And you don't get your period.

Camilla's body has already entered the secondary sexual harassment. Secondary sexual orientation as a woman, where breasts and hips develop. But my period doesn't come. If you think about your age, it is not too late. But it turns out that she has already grown a pubic hair, and not just menstruating there was enough to make her feel uneasy.

[A saint doesn't have to have a child.]

A voice echoes in his head. It was painful.

[I don't need it, so I won't do it. And it makes women weak. It looks like days a month, but you don't have to go through that kind of weakness.]

It was a clear answer. It was also a shitty answer. Azin chewed on his pouty lips. Camilla is born to be a saint, and her life as a woman is not allowed. The words of Adim were to confirm him.

[Disgusting. No, are you mad?]

“Both. ”

It popped out of my mouth without me even knowing it. Camila turns her head to the wall, looking at the carved line as she grows taller.


“... No. It's nothing. ”

[... it's fate. You know, there is no God in charge of fate. It's fate that even a god can't rule. That's the fate of that child being born a saint. Destiny God cannot touch. So it can't be changed. Destiny is not God's domain.]

‘... then I can change it. ’

[Are you willing to do what even a god cannot do? You're mistaken. If you defeat the Demon King and take the role of a saint... that doesn't mean she's not a saint. Yeah, maybe you can avoid death as a saint. But you can't even change the body of a child born as a saint. That child... will not survive as a woman. I may be able to live with myself, but there's nothing a woman can do. I can't get pregnant, I can't give birth. I mean, I can't be a mother.]

"Failure to give birth does not mean you cannot be a mother. ’

[You've made a statement. You're absolutely right. Your wife can't have children either. But... wasn't your wife a little desperate to have a baby of her own?]

At the words of Adim, he sharpened his teeth. Camila shakes nervously, looking at the stiff expression on her face. Camila's fear drove her to her senses and took care of her face.

“... how's the work going?" ”

“... Oh, yeah. ”

Soft laugh, soft voice. Camilla nods.

While Ajin was performing at the Abbey, Camila was trained to be a shaman. Twin Scents and Black Snow guide Camila's work. Camila was very interested in the phantomization. It wasn't that I disliked other weapons, but Camila also wanted to learn them, simply because of the azine and black snow scents.

Twins and black snow were the best quadriplegics in the genus, and became an even better teacher for Camila with outstanding talents.

“I swear.”

I couldn't carry on with the conversation between the women. A man rises from the shadow of Azin. All of them were masters of the Vampire-Free Swordsman.

“What is it?”

“An emissary from the District has arrived.” “"... I thought the Imperial Palace would come first, but they came first from the Warden. ”

I didn't really expect an envoy from the Old Testament. Half a year ago. Ajin exterminated Saga's family members and former head of the council who were having rounds in Shaolin. Since then, the power of the clergy has greatly diminished, and I have become afraid of bloodthirsty blinders who disciplined the craftsmen who used to play tricks.

‘And yet you sent an envoy. Is it just a cover, or...? "

Did he come to beg for his head? Ajin sighs and approaches Camila. Camila is looking up at the pain with a slight tingling sensation.

“I'll be back.”

“... Yes. ”

Camilla's lips tingle. I haven't talked to you in a week because I've been busy. Azin reaches out and strokes Camila's head.

“... I think I'll be right back. Wait in the mansion.” “... Really?” “There's no reason for me to lie.” “But you said he was a liar.” “I don't lie to you. ”

In response, Camila raises her eyes wide and raises her pain. Soon, she smiles brightly and nods her head.

“... I think I'm interrupting. ”

The Master of the Zero Blood Swordsman. Bloody Young said. He sighed as he glanced at Camila in front of the wall.

“You're not interrupting. The Apostle from the same time is interfering.” “... You seem displeased, Lord.” “I have no choice but to be upset. So, what are the ambassadors for?” “Actually, I can't call it a slogan anymore. Shameless Shaolin from the main mountain went into the sewers completely, and the jugular and the jukebox in the same area were absorbed by the jumbo. Amipa also entered the Gate, saying that he would walk the path of the blasphemy without joining the vein of shamanism anymore. In the end, all I came as an envoy was Jongnam, Volcano, Candidate and Recruiting Tax.” “Who's here?” “In Jongnam, the dead Jongnam leader, Jang Young-soo, a disciple of Yoon Yu's sword, came to the Ungi Dragon Nomad. The volcano called for a new volcano. In the party, Black Leaf Park, the son of the draw, and in the salon tax, Mo Yong-rang's daughter, Yu-ryung Hwa, came.” “The young are here.” “... most of the ancient masters are dead. The elders remain, but it's not a world for old people. ”

During that conversation, Azin arrived at the Bloody Blind building. Among those who came as ambassadors, all Azin knows is to petition the Volcanic New Dragon.

Upon arriving in the bloodline, the bloodline fades back into the shadow of Azin. Ajin moves toward the annex where the delegates of the envoys have arrived. On the way, the Bloodthirsty Bladers panicked and knelt down toward Azin, choking his head, and Azin went into his chambers while receiving their worship.

In the annex room, there were four men and women. This time, they came as representatives of the Old Testament envoys. The oldest one is the Ungi Dragon Nomad. Then I was only thirty. Then petition the Volcano Shin Dragon. Twenty-eight. The black sugar oil field was twenty-seven, and the blue moon furnace was twenty-five.

“... Have you seen the Blood Beast yourself? ”

Sugar Yuan asked me to head for the amusement park. Sitting upright at the waist, the kindergarten shook its head. Next, he looked at the petition. The petition had also never seen the bloodthirsty bloodthirsty horse.

“I've seen it from afar. ”

Mo Yong Arang replied: Mo Yong Arang's hands, holding a cup of tea, were trembling. The bloodthirsty, the most powerful man to rule the current Muslims. A force that has trampled on the glory of the moat and brought it down. It was natural to be scared.

“... that the bloodthirsty horse is the same age as your brother. Did you know?" “I know.... What a... great man to think about it. I was the same age and I didn't accomplish anything. The Hematoma is in complete control of this enormous forest.” “What a takeover. ”

Sugar Ape was blatantly uncomfortable. The moment he tries to say more, the door opens. The people in the room looked at the door in surprise.

Azin did not speak to them or greet them in particular. He slowly entered the room and naturally sat at the highest position. The four in the room stared blankly at each other without saying anything.

“... tongue... hematoma. ”

I yelled at the recruiter later. She was the only one among them who saw the hematoma from a distance. The muttering made the other three faces pale.

“Is that all? ”

Azin asks. He bends his chin with his hands and looks at the four faces, one at a time.

“That would be rude. ”

At that, four pairs of eyes flutter and go down.

I couldn't stand the gaze of the biggest giants in Moorish today.

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