
00503 Noya

Devello settles in a large courtyard. At the sound of her footsteps, she awakens from a deep meditation. The blue eyes, which were originally dimming, had a light that had never existed before. Slowly, Devello looks toward the direction of the sound.


Noya stands smiling. Azin, standing behind Noya, looks at Devello, who is standing at the top of his head. In the months after entering the temple, Azin had not encountered Devello except when he first entered the temple.

“No strings attached?”

“He's in the mountains. ”

Devello answers Noya's question. He spent a busy day immersed in his sword for months. He no longer teaches Devello, but is an unarmed man looking for his sword. It was the exact opposite of the Black Snow scent that remained as Ajin's teacher.

Azin sinned against the insistence of the black snowflake. It was because I felt like I was bad, that I made her fall behind her original rival, Junpyo.


Noya turns her head and sees pain. Azin nods slowly. Noya says Azin can't handle 10 seconds of Devello now. Inner heart, Ajin thought it was nonsense. Only for a few months. Devello couldn't have reached that level in a few months.

“Let me tell you something. ”

Noya's mouth opens, looking at Ajin's face.

“Ultimate drama is knowing yourself. Knowing myself, understanding myself, believing in myself. You know why you can't fully understand nonpolarity? You think too much. ”

His expression was stiff. Noya can read Ajin's mind. Noya had just read what Azin was thinking.

“Don't pity your master. It's what your master wanted. Don't look down on your opponent. Human beings can change in a few months.” “.. I don't want you to read my mind.” “Noya's the only one who can control her. If it's offensive for Noya to read your mind, we can make sure you don't let her. Why don't you tell me how to do that?” “I understand the non-polarity. That way you'll know for sure. ”

After saying that, Noya takes a step back. Devello is still silent and looking at Azin. Azin sighs and turns to Devello. He raises his hand, rolling up his sleeve.

“... what do you want me to do? ”

Devello asks. Noya smiles at the question. Having Devello and Azin fight is Noya's dictator. I didn't ask Devello for his consent. Noya looks at Devello and says,

“You can do whatever you want. ”


Devello nods his head and reaches out to the side. The sword you placed on the ground rises from the roof and is held in Devello's hands. Devello glances at Azin, wielding a sword in his hand.

Noya looks at Azin and Devello, who are facing each other with a sparkle in their eyes. 10 seconds. Despite what he said, Noya didn't think Devello would actually defeat Azin in 10 seconds.

‘It's about the same for me. ’

It's true. Nevertheless, Noya said something like that to Ajin, to provoke him. Some stimuli are necessary. Not to Ajin, not to Devello.

The first thing that moved was pain. Charge into the bare body, not the strongman aimed at the Gin Shrine ball. The last time I opened the Gene Shrine, it seemed to have been cut with Devello's heart sword in mind.

A hyper-plastic motion is mixed in with the step. It was only a matter of time before the streets narrowed down. Devello twists as he sees Azin just in front of him swinging his fist. Paan! The air hit your fist explodes lightly. Devello turns around, wielding his sword in his hand.


There's no clean response, no finesse. But Noya admitted that speed. His hastily twisted expression was a little stiff. It was also because he was fast enough to react to the limit.


And sharp. Azin turns Vitten's body in the reverse direction. There is a natural wall of power in your fist. Queek! Devello's sword and Azin's fist collide. Even when the blade and fist are struck, blood does not splatter. Azin pulls his dull fist back and checks for Devello's sword.

First of all, Azin was a little surprised by it. Even though the sword was struck with a heavy wall, the sword's strength was only slightly reduced. Devello grabs the sword with both hands and attacks again. Crashes again there. Ajin chewed his lips well. This is the first time that Wall Strength has been blocked from the front.

"The Heart Sword. This is the true Heart Sword. ’

No drama is the work of the mind. The Heart Sword is also the Seal of the Mind. The same is true of the Wall. They collided the same way, and they couldn't break each other. So what's the speed?

As Azin speeds up, Devello takes a few steps back. A white sword rises around her. It was an intangible sword made of internal air. The invisible sword floats around you, blocking all defenses and preparing for Azin's attack. Kuang! The ground rises around you with a loud thunderstorm. The Intangible Sword is shattered, but Devello is unharmed.

Just as Devello pulled out the intangible sword, Azin released the Jinn Shrine. The black darkness shifts around the pain. It was a form of more intuitive violence, not a sword. Crashing again. Devello's eyes narrow. They couldn't hurt each other.

But there he was convinced of one thing. Once upon a time, the Jinn Shrine was slain in Devello's heart sword. But not now. Despite being struck by Devello's sword, the hammer never loses its edge.

But that was it. It hits, bounces, and doesn't break. Noya stares at it with a sparkle in her eyes. There were several clashes, and each time, Azin and Devello were unharmed.

“That's enough. ”

Noya opens her mouth, watching him for a long time. The 10 seconds that Noya had mentioned had already passed. Devello draws his sword first. Ajin also stopped unfolding the Gene Thousand Shin ball. He looks back at Noya with an annoyed face.

“You tricked me. ”

“You're being foolish. ”

Noya replied without changing her face. He grits his teeth and stares at Devello. Devello lowers his sword to the face of the grave. Noya giggles at that pain.

“But you must have felt something. Isn't that right?” “.. not really.” "Lying isn't good. It's only been a few months. But things have changed from one to the other. Who's changed more? ”

That was a nasty question, and it was the right one. The words made his face even more distorted. When it collided with Devello in the snow. The Jinn Shrine of Azin was slain in Devello's heart sword. But what about the pulsating sensation? Without being defeated, if Azin were to use both of them to his advantage, then Azin would be able to take down Devello with ease.

But right now... it's impossible. Devello's defenses, his attacks. It was equivalent to azin. What if I went out more? If you were going to kill me. Of course, if he went out like that, he would have won. Azin has many other abilities besides being a free man.

“The growth rate is enormous. ”

Noya grins. I had to admit. Months. Devello's growth was overwhelmingly faster than Azin's growth in those months.

Especially when Azin's fury... is blocked by Devello's enormous wall of power and the pulsating tremor. The two were the pride of Ajin. Wall power and ultraviolet tremors have never let pain down. The wall skyscraper smashed everything, and the hyperbole was faster than anything else.

But now, Devello has gained a great deal of wall power and has responded to the speed of the ultraviolet tremor.

“Talent difference. ”

Noya said it without hesitation. His face is stiff. Noya continued to say, watching such pain.

“You're better than the unsub. But Devello's a genius. Noya's a recognizable genius. She quickly learns and understands anything once she starts focusing. Besides, your natural sense of humor is great, so you can expand your skills to a level greater than normal. But it's very simple to think about. I told you, the biggest difference between you and Devello is struggle. ”

A combat enthusiast. Devello remembers that. I did it at the dance, and when I met him afterwards.

“As opposed to Devello, you have a lot of ideas about him. There's a lot of distractions, so I can't concentrate. Struggle? Not even that. Pride is high, but there's nothing to support it. What do you want me to say?” ”Know thyself. You're just being stubborn. You want to understand the polarity for yourself? Autonomous impersonation? Okay, it's great that you decided to quit your impersonation and become unmanned. But, boy. You'd better get this straight. No matter how much a bird tears his crotch, he cannot keep up with the fowl. No matter how much he cries, will he become a tiger? ”

The moment I heard that, something in Azin broke. Kuang! Azin's high feet strike the ground. The ground crumbles and a dark darkness spills over around Azin. Noya laughs as she watches the pain with her eyes full of flesh.

“You stabbed him in the heart. Did you get stabbed? ”

Ajin didn't answer. Azin, who was looking at Noya as he shredded his teeth, turned away without speaking any more. The darkness of the Gyeongmanist fades away as the overflowing killing intensifies. It's quick to get emotional. Noya admitted that one.

“Why did you say that? ”

After Ajin leaves, Devello looks at Noya and asks. It's because even Develo saw that Noya spoke harshly to Ajin. Noya looks down at the crushed ground and says,

“Because there's no one around to say this.” “... do you need that?" “We need it. ”

Overall talents are better than the unsub. But it's a talented story after all. Depending on the environment, depending on your mind. It can change as much as it wants.

‘There's already a good example. ’

Noya remembers a man. The stellar horse of Mahjong, who was born in Jinn as the base. He was born with the same talents as Ajin, but his circumstances changed him. In the end, he became a thousand horses that were not lacking to be called the bishop of the Pantheon.

“We need stimulation. Irritation.”

Why Noya pushed Ajin too far. Why did you fight Devello? Reason for blaming Ajin and trying to get to know himself. All because of that stimulus. Rats bite cats when they're cornered. Noya glances at Devello, murmuring like that.

“Actually, I don't want to say this. Noya's not much fun teaching you. You're too easy to learn and too good to be true.” “.. isn't that great?” “Not really. A disciple needs to be a little stupid to have the taste of teaching. That's the good thing about teaching as a student. They turned him down. ”

Noya shakes her hand, saying so. The ground smashed back to normal.

“I think I've had enough excitement. ”

Noya laughs as Azin leaves and looks at his seat.

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Sorry I'm late...!

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