
00493 Snow

Flesh with a clear entity. The last horror and mortality of the Jinshan Shrine is such shameless work. Converts the surrounding Natural Keeper into an all-powerful force, while simultaneously loosening its own internal air to take control of the space itself. A space full of black fog turns into a place of death that erases everything except pain.

‘I don't think so. ’

Jinyang looked around and said. The technique that Azin showed was not commonly seen in the scent of the abbey. Moreover, since the player has already been hijacked and the space has been taken away, the treatment is limited.

“Enough. ”

Jinyang stepped forward and said. The other gods may react, but it's right to turn in here first. It is because there is nothing this side can get even if it is raised for nothing.


He's right. Confronting Ajin in this situation will kill you. All five will not die, but they will have to give their lives.

“Didn't you hear what I just said? ”

Azin looks at Jinyang's face and asks. The darkness is getting darker. It slowly flows and rotates around the azine, fading away gradually.

“Lead us to the Abbey. Meet the sword there. Who wants to?” “I'm greedy. ”

The muttering was Devello. She looks at the pain with a cold face.

“The sword will no longer be in the forest. He has decided to complete his duty-free for the rest of his life in the Abbey.” “Then what are you? ”

Azin asks. His slow, raised fingertips point toward the fresh ones. One, two, five. Ajin pointed to the five freshness.

“I don't know if it's a straight shot. It will come out one day, just like you.” “A few hundred years from now. ”

Devello doesn't back down. She openly shows her emotions, unlike her. Azin laughs low at that.

“Hundreds of years may be decades. It's better to erase the roots later. Or make sure he surrenders.” “Why do you want to do that?” “Better to be sure. ”

Endless. His eyes narrow. First of all, kill all five freshmen. I don't know what to do. The Hiddenpiece, Mujin Seop, is impossible to kill. The immortal curse he was cast upon was a form of curse that he could not break even if he wanted to.

Neither is Devello. I could kill her right now, but she's a player like Ajin.

“Your master. ”

The nonintrusive mouth opened. Ajin's gaze returned to Mujin Seb.

“Not the Blood Witch. I thought you said it was serious.” “What are you trying to say?” “They're both in the Abbey. ”

After saying that, I smiled. At that moment, his expression was stiff. He then moved instead of asking. Reached feet are naturally filled with ultraviolet angles, and Ajin stands in front of a nonviolent motion. In the blink of an eye, he looks at the azine in front of him and is amazed.

“You've gotten stronger. No matter how calibrated you are, your growth is amazing. Devello's gotten stronger, but not as strong as you.” You two are in the Abbey? ”

Ajin asked with an unbelievable face. I nodded slowly to the question. Hearing that, his face became numb.

It was Azin who brought the last death to the twins. That was their last will and testament, and Azin killed them both. And I burned it in the fire according to my will.

That's what I wanted the last pair to be. They wanted to burn and be ashes, and they wanted to see the world again.

“.. your bodies...”

“The way to be fresh is to transcend man and abandon foolishness. Death doesn't matter. I abandoned my senses while I was dying... If I have surpassed Humans, I am entitled to enter the Abbey. ”

Alive or dead. It means nothing. Even if there are no bodies left, the spirit remains. Only the condition for the spirit to be fresh is what it was like.

The last of the twins abandoned the Sovereign Union. They met their end and were satisfied with the nothing they had achieved. I want to see the world. It was not silly, it was the Grand Tube.

The twin becomes fresh and enters the Abbey.

“.. and a thousand horses? ”

“You're welcome? What is that? The last time they entered the Abbey fresh, it was over. ”

That's right. Ajin makes a bad face. A thousand puppies. He could not abandon his stubbornness. His last will and testament was to bury him in the ground, and he... couldn't control it. Until the end, I had a grudge about the Bridge.

“.. then you'll have to lead me to the Plains even more.” “... What the hell. You were a student of those two? ”

A thousand year old champion opened his mouth. He frowns and stares at the pain.

“It's fitting that the teacher is the disciple. I don't respect adults. Don't say useless things to AhAhmad. If you don't want to die.”

The horse shot by Ajin made his body tremble. He looks at the pain with a grinning face, then takes a step back.

“Kill the sword or not, it's none of my business. But... yeah. How about this? Let's face my apprentice.” “Your apprentice?” “Yes. This child also learned a new shaman in the Abbey. Not as strong as you, but pretty strong.” “I don't think I have any reason to. Devello is weaker than me.” “That's right. That's why I'm asking you to fight. Knowing the heavenly bodies changes you. Just like I did.”

His eyebrows twitched. Changed. I felt it when I met you earlier, but now I don't have the arrogance left of what Azin knew.

“... has changed. ”

“My world is broken. ”

Mo Jin-seop replied with a bold face. I thought my sword was the strongest in the world. It broke for the first time at the Celestial Dragon Ball, swinging its sword like crazy without accepting him. Flowing like that, he entered the Abbey and saw a new world.

Azin looks at Devello. It's been five years. Devello doesn't seem to have changed that much... but he clearly feels a strange prayer.

“Devello is stronger than I am now. ”

An irritating word flowed into his ears. Azin flinches and looks back at the frustration. When Azin looks at the expressionless face of a smiling face, he looks back at Devello.

“... good. ”

Azin nods slightly.

“Regardless of the outcome, promise to take me to the Abbey afterwards.” “Good.” “Sword! ”

Yin Yang shouted in a joyful nod. At that cry, the seemingly unstoppable eyes turned toward Jinseop.

“Bringing that child to the Abbey...! It's important to know when to back off. You were the one who taught me about him. It's time to back off. It's unfair to build your self-esteem here and then become fresh. ”

Jinseop's words silenced Jinyang. I couldn't convince him, but he takes a step back.

Devello shuts up and looks at Azin. She touches the sword in her waist, and Azin looks back naturally and sees Devello.

I accepted the offer of no offense because I wanted to go to the Abbey, but I also wanted to see Devello's sword once.

Five years. How long has Devello been here, as Ajin has been here for five years? After all, the goal of the game is to compete between representatives and who defeats the last appearing Demon King.

The biggest opponent he thinks is LaQuiz. And Libera... But that doesn't mean she's ignoring Devello and Jabes.

In the beginning, Ajin's attention was focused on Raques, who had little to reveal. And Rivera, who can't even read her insides.

She doesn't feel the need to control it right away. Haveth was overwhelmed because he was defended by the Queen, the most powerful being in Gracia. But Azin was worshipped in the dark with the queen's approval.

Of course, she is not weak. Haveth has powerful dungeon masters and countless black wizards connected to them. If Harvest moves the Dark Star now, Gratia will be devastated.

"She's dangerous. But we can catch it. ’

Jabesh's own power is no match for Azin. The power of Harvest, the Necromancer's ability to resurrect corpses. Even with that in mind, Azin's bloodshed is also a powerful force.

And Devello.

During the five-year gap, Azin had no idea how powerful Devello had become. I assured you that Jin-seop was stronger than himself... How strong he must have been.

“Come here. ”

Azin looks at Devello with his sword drawn. Devello heavily swallows his breath.

I had fewer feelings since I was a child. Devello was a commonly called genius, a far superior genius.

And that talent worked for Devello as unhappiness, not luck. General study or exercise. She excelled at everything. In some ways, it's overwhelming, and people around you have left Devello one by one.

It was a reality like that. It wasn't stupid, it wasn't fun. It was lonely but not painful. But my emotions were worn out.

I wasn't in the game.

I liked the sword, and I liked fighting. Her overwhelming talents in reality did not play a significant role in a game called monsters, as compared to other players who are calibrated in stats, skills and levels.

But it was my first defeat.

I lost for the first time that day, unarmed at the Blind Man's Choir. I thought I was dominant... but I lost. It has been ever since. I studied more with one defeat, but the difference did not narrow. I still did.

‘I can't win. ’

Devello admitted it. I don't see the slightest crack in Azin's face. Backpacking pose... Maybe that was the perfect defense pose. No, it's not defensive.

That's assault posture.

‘If you go in, you will die. ’

I had a strong feeling about it. I felt itchy inside. Excitement drenched me a little. Devello swallowed his breath.

I plunged into death. The approach was swift, and the black was faster. By the time she reaches her feet, the black is already at the neck of Azin.

Blah! The sword flies away. A young darkness rises from the vicinity of Azin. It was a perfect defense and a perfect attack. Devello twists his waist as he watches the darkness rush in at an instant. The blue light flashes around her.

Kuaa! Darkness pushes back a little. Azin's eyebrows twitched. Avoiding attacks of that magnitude on this street? Azin's mouth twitches.


Devello heavily breathes his halted breath.

“That's the Heart Blade. ”

Despite not wielding the sword, Devello clears out the darkness of Azin. Invisible Shock. It's a Heart Sword. I heard it's stronger than Jun-seop. Azin nods his head as he looks at Devello, who opens his heart sword quickly and freely.

“I've never dealt with a Heart Blade before. ”

I know how to attack. The smell of Raw Snow has shown itself. At that time, the Black Snow avoided the Heart Sword at a higher rate, and it also put considerable strain on the Black Snow that had been immortally cursed.

Of course, it was completed over the years, but what Azin was trying to do now was destroy a cardiothoracic sword that was different from the black snow scent.

“Try again. ”

Ajin urged me with a smile.

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