
00488 Soul Tales

Hao Munjoo, Blind Taek. That's how the man introduced himself. Asin, sitting in front of him, bends his chin with his hands, kneels down and looks down at the blind stare that deeply choked his head.

“Raise your head. ”

At his words, Blind Taegeuk lifted his head. He was a middle-aged man with a clean look and a neatly shaved beard. Azin glances at his blind face and glances at the foe sitting next to him.

“I thought I'd need a little more time to make my decision.” “It was no problem to think about. ”

The answer was blind. Ajin's gaze shifted towards Blindness. It was a frown, but he was not so uncomfortable with his current position. However, it was not until I was relaxed.

“Did you like the terms? ”

“There will be no one on the front line who doesn't like the terms and conditions the Lord has offered. ”

And we are the Hao Moon. Blind Taek added a word. Azin lowers his hand, touching his chin, and raises his glass.

Blood-borne blindness is currently one of the leading organizations in advanced rainforest. He tramples the trenches, destroys Sega, and controls the actions of the small-scale factions in the tribal factions.

‘But he got bigger. ’

Nothing is as real as I thought. It was because the chunk of solid ground was too wide in the first place, and the bloodline was strictly a Safa coalition. Even if there is hematologic azin, the bloodthirsty leader, at its peak, if each of the waves scattered across the vast plain of the desert tried to hide something, the bloodthirsty man would not be able to fully recognize him.

What you need there is a proper information organization.

Of course, blood-borne blindness has its own information organization. However, compared to Hao Moon, I have no choice but to eat. He will, because Hao Moon is compared to opening.

“You didn't come all this way to change the terms. ”

The cup reached my lips. Ajin throws the half-filled aromatic liquor into his mouth. Blind Taek looked at Azin without changing his face.

“You don't want to negotiate anything else. I am satisfied with the” “condition. ”

Blind Tac bows his head again. Azin slowly nods his head and lowers his glass.

“Tell me about Hao Moon. ”

“You already know that, right? ”

“The only thing the script knows is the whole story. It might be different from what Hao Moon wrote. ”

At Azin's words, Blind Taeg lifted his head up.

“Hao Moon is an information organization. ”

I can't expect the force. The strongest masters in Hao Moon are the masters of Changyeong-lu.

‘Even though he is the strongest in the Moorish world at least. ’

Until a few decades ago, he was called one of the great masters of teenagers. There won't be many masters who can get their swords from the rainforest right away. Especially in the sects where Gupa and Sega's doodles were exterminated.

The problem is that in Hao Moon, there is no master like this. Even the blind tactics in front of Ajin are the best. And that level of ferocity is overflowing with bloodlines.

‘But you have to get drunk. ’

The essence of Hao Moon is information organization. However, there are many people who are eager to get information, and if they find out something they shouldn't know, they turn annoying things against them.

‘Hao Moon had a lot of information but couldn't handle it properly. So I hid in the shadows. ’

That thought changed to certainty as I listened to the description of Blind Tactics. By its nature, Hao Moon handles so much information that it is equivalent to opening.

“Dare I say, the kind of information we deal with is better than open. ”

I remembered the feeling on her face. It was confidence in Hao Moon.

“For example? ”

“I've heard stories from the enemy. information that the blind man is interested in right now. ”

The Imperial Army officer, Geology and Open Ark Gu Jina. Both represent the information Azin is currently interested in.

“Openness can handle a lot of information, because the open roads are all beggars. They're everywhere in the square, and everyone connected to them is an open eye and an ear. ”

It is the force that has made openness the largest information organization. Openness has more avenues than any other doorway, and it gathers information based on its myriad of members.

“Hao Moon is not like opening. The most prominent of the Hao Moon are the Gypsy Girl and Gambler, the Stable Man, the Pickpocket on the Street, and the Guy's Spot. What do you think this means?” “Are you testing the script? ”

Azin smiled and asked. At that, Blind Taek firmly lowered his head.

“.. I didn't mean it like that. ”

“Well, good. The script doesn't hate people like you. And you know what I mean. I can see why Hao Moon has a higher quality of information than opening it. ”


Beggars are beggars. No matter how many people there are, they have to gather information by going around the street and listening or saying things. Of course beggars aren't all about opening up. Some high-grain openings often disguise themselves as something other than beggars.

But what about Hao Moon? They have many different jobs. There is information you can get from the streets and information you can get from the dust. Information that can be obtained from the gambling parlor, information that can be heard by a horse driver, and information that can be obtained from a guest glass.

“Few people who are broke and in position hate alcohol and women. ”

Imperial officials. Azin's eyes narrow.

“We don't know the location of the open ark papilla yet, but we already have information about the geography. ”

Blind Taoist placed his hands on the floor. He then tightened his head deeply.

“I'll make the sacrifice.”


Ajin says, "A blind man's mouth opens with a thought in his head for a moment."

Pathology. 3rd platoon officer, Hwang Myung-gun. Just hearing this is not a great figure.

“Seung Chul, the granddaughter of the philosophy. He is the commander of the Imperial Army's current army. ”

Not only that. His great-great-grandfather, Gyeong-seon, is a high-end manager at the heart of the imperial palace, and Chuseongwan, the father of geography, is in charge of one generation of the current military.

“You have a good family. ”

After hearing the words of Blind Taek, Ajin muttered so. Grandfather is the commander of the current military, which is the four imperial palace troops. The outer boroughs are the center of imperial power. Besides, he's the first commander of the Wudang army.

“That sounds like a good family boy.” “You don't have that feeling, but the ability of paleontology is exceptional. Despite his low status, he is considered to be a top talent within the active force.” “Have you mastered the art of kung fu?” “The Chu family has next-generation home appliances. It's not known by that name, but it's a great shaman. Perhaps compared to the feasts in the Old Testament.” “There can't be a good family in the first place. ”

Azin pauses there. He stared at his blind face and asked.

“Good background officer. I can get that information, too. Is that all?" “Imperial female. ”

The tail of his mouth went up.

“The female is an unidentified organization, known to handle imperial mess. Among these revealed are those associated with cancer, the euphoria, which is euphoria. He's the younger brother of Seungchul. ”

Now I see. Paleolithic and rhetoric, the female eunuchs, are connected by blood.

“Have you had any contact with the cardiologist? ”

“A few times, he said. Of course, it might have been just a family friendly place, but I heard it was a little annoying. ”

I lowered my voice.

“I heard that the philosophy is participating in the blood drive. With a black blade. ”

Azin's eyebrows twitched.

“I don't know what a black blade is, but it seems to be a new breed of cancer.” “Find out the location of the inference. ”

I know about the Black Blade. It may have a larger background than the thought of it, but it doesn't matter.

‘I was going to hit the Imperial Palace once anyway. ’

Rather, it would be nice if we could use it as a fireplace. Technically, blood-blindness is one blow to the imperial court.

‘It's okay to meet the philosophers and encourage them. ’

If you use it as a long term term term, there are many ways to move. It is possible to move geography the way you want, even using only the absolute command placed on the rebel title right now. Or use him to create chaos within the Chu family.

“Oh, and... ”

His expression changed subtly. It was a face that seemed to hide whether or not to say this. Azin's eyebrows twitched while he was drinking.


“.. Actually, this is not clear information. This is the information that came to me yesterday.” “What?” “Wallpaper. ”

When he spit, the cup in his hand stopped stiffening. He glanced at the blind with cold eyes. Blind Taeg saw the golden twinkling azin's eyes and swallowed it.

“.. wallpaper shoes. Why does that name come up here?” We have received eyewitness reports of a woman presumed to be a mural... "” “Where?” “Snowflake.” “Snow White? ”

In the snow, it's the north end of the line. Why do you think the murals that disappeared from the forest go all the way to Snow White?

“I heard you rode a wagon from the revision to Snow Snow. I'm not sure if it's a wallpaper, but I put on a banner and said it had blondes and walls underneath it. Put a sword around your waist.” “Was it just her?” “No. There was a young boy and five men together. ”

Five men? There, Azin's thoughts pause. A young boy would be exhausting, but who are the five men?

‘No, I'm not even sure if it was Devello in the first place. ’

Nevertheless, the snow is too far to go to check for yourself. No, wait. Azin's thoughts stopped.



Blind Taek opened his eyes and asked. Azin smiles bloody and pours a glass of wine.

It's a long way to go, but snowflakes are close to Azin.

Because there is a Teleport Gate in the dungeon of the Snow Glacier.

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