
00483 Thorin

Those who opened their mouths could not speak. They glanced at the light green tea dripping in the air, and the cup of tea rising up without a frown.

The most surprising thing was Mo Yonghuang, who threw the teacup. It wasn't just a tea cup. Through the west, Mo Yonghuang already knew that Wang Sam, who was brought by Qingxia, was a great master, and he put the inner air in a cup of tea to be thrown as a spectacle.

Stop it? No hands? ’

I stopped right in front of my nose as I was flying, not slowing down a bit. In the process, not a drop of tea splashed into the ground, but stayed in the air. It was a miraculous technique. It was well beyond what you would call a heavy artillery strike.

Such innocence caused Azin to ignore the rude language he had uttered. He swallowed a gulp and looked at Ajin. Ajin pushes the teacup with his fingertips.

“I'll give it back.”

The teacup moves slowly. One or both of the open mouths were bitten. Looking at the cup of tea approaching him with a tense face. Teacups stopped in front of the hesitant Yonghuang.

“Hmm. ”

He received a cup of tea with a low groan. The moment his hand touched the teacup, he was crushed by the sound of the teacup spreading. The hot tea struck his hand before he pulled it out.


The hairdresser is good. The hot water doesn't hurt your skin. I was just surprised. A hot steam gushes from the tea falling on the floor.

“Teacups are fragile. ”

Ajin is dying, and his face turns red. Since the healthy cup was smashed as soon as it touched, it was a blatant quarrel for everyone to know.

But I couldn't be surprised. He glanced at the tea on the floor with a white, dull face. When he threw the teacup, the tea in the cup was already cold.

‘The hot, shattered teacups are kept in the air in such a short amount of time... What the...! ’

The idea of Yong Hung turned around. At one point, the sound of cilantro was mixed up with the feasts that were heard in ridicule. Azin only blushed his face, but he stared at the face of Von Yong-Rang, who was speechless.

‘You showed me too much. ’

I was supposed to make the recruiter flinch here. Rather, I frightened him. Ajin kicks his tongue and goes to the rest of the room to sit down.

“I am the king.”

Azin's mouth opened.

“I don't know anything. I don't even know the teacher's name. I was a hunter running through the mountains, and I ran into a teacher and learned how to be a free man. After decades of training on the mountain alone, I recently dissipated, and I made a kite with a volcano to come here. ”

Camila comes and sits next to Ajin. Ajin adds a hand to Camila's shoulder.

“His name is Wangshan, my sister. ”

The short introduction is over. The left side is silent and takes a look at the atmosphere. Cheng brought Ajin to shut his lips because he didn't know what to do. He chewed his lips thoroughly and stared at the stiff tea on the floor. Only the sound of the Ghost Ambassador, the leader of Shaolin, rolling rosary quietly.

“.. the opening hasn't come yet. ”

The spiritual ambassador's mouth is open. In response, Azin looks around. Qingxia, sitting near Ajin, sighs a low.

“It's hard to see the face of the ark, Gu Jin-ah.” I would have told you about the west. ”

He opened his ears. The West has told us that at least the ambassador has a hotline to connect with Gu Jina, an open ship.

‘The ideal is that Gu Jin-ah appears here. ’

I don't think it's going to work out that well. Let's hear the story for now. Azin crosses his chin with his hands and looks at the other craftsmen.

It was the spiritual ambassador who led the meeting. Shaolin means Shaolin, even though they have lost their strength and cut down their hands. On the subject,

“What do you want me to do? ”

Of course, it was the third one. As soon as Zechariah spoke, the first thing I felt displeased with was the pullback of the owner of the house of songwriters. He clears his throat and frowns.

“I'll kill him.”

The pulling hand spits out. The tapered pulling hand's eyes flash with poison.

“I didn't trust her from the start. Age is young, and apparently there is not much recognition in Sega.” That's because the Chamberlain didn't have a housekeeper's token, the phylactery. ”“ Ghost Ambassador. Are you holding out on her? So, Jaegal-yeon, where is she now? He spread his crotch on the Hematoma and went with the Hematron Dragons to search for the corpse of the previous Zegalgast! ”

I shouted in a cheerful voice. In saying that, he touched his ear for no reason.

[Just in case, I didn't do anything weird with Jegal-yeon.]

[I know. If your father had done something strange with Jegalyeon, there's no way your two mothers would have stayed put.]

In Camila's answer, Ajin pauses for a moment and looks at Camila.

[Do you know what strange things do?]

[Do you see me as a child? Of course I do. There are many different kinds of weird things you can do between men and women, but the strange thing that corresponds to the word "spread your crotch."]

Camila replied without changing her face. At that, Azin's mouth opened slightly. Mungyeonghee is responsible for the overall education of Camila. At least Ajin didn't give Camilla sex education.

How do you know him?]

[I learned from Chancellor Mungyeong-hee. Mungyeong-hee has a lot of churning in his room. Most of them are women and women naked.]

Hearing that, his face distorted.

[Did Chancellor Mungyeong-hee not stroke you or something?]

[He stroked my hair. Good night.]


[Father, what the hell are you thinking? Chancellor Mungyeong-hee is treating me like a sister. And I'm not really interested in women's relationships. I like men.]

Azin couldn't listen to it quietly and pass it on. Azin's eyes widen as he looks at Camila.

[Do you have a man in mind?]


[I want to see how great he is who took the blood oathbringer's heart. I don't want you to be stronger than me, yes. If you can have my 10 seconds, I'll admit I'm your husband.]

[If he can handle your 10 seconds, he must be a master of five fingers in the world.]

[That should be good for the Blind Blood Winner.]

I don't have a man in mind yet. Maybe someday.]

Camila grunts and raises her hands and pinches her thighs.

[Don't think nonsense, focus on the story.]

[I'm all ears. This is because it's a trivial story you can't even listen and think about. If you're going to join the bloodline, I should call Chancellor Mungyeong-hee and talk to him.]

[What are you talking about?]

[About your sexual education.]

[I am satisfied with Mungyeong-hee's sexual education. The chancellor is very good at teaching. How a child is made, how a man is different from a woman, how they are in bed, how they can enjoy each other.]

[Stop, stop! Chancellor Mungyeong-hee wouldn't know a man in the first place, how could he...]

[I heard you have no experience with theories. Or are you and your mother going to teach me?]

Camila opens her eyes and asks. He said that while clearing his throat low, he avoided looking. Camila kicks her tongue and shakes her head.

“The Grand Coven.”

I hear voices. The spiritual ambassador is watching. Azin raises his head and gives the ambassador his attention. The spiritual ambassador rolling his rosary narrows his eyes.

“What do you think of the Great Coven?” “What do you think. Aren't they savages? ”

You hesitate to answer. The ambassador looks into Azin's face with his deep eyes, and he looks at the ambassador with a smile. Although it is said to be a noble monk, it is impossible for the spiritual ambassador to detect the identity of Ajin by empowering his eyes.

“Yes. Bloodlines are savages. ”

Pulling back at Azin's words, he clenched his fist.

“Jegalyeon will fall upon that gallow-like woman. How could a famous tax collector with history and tradition forget that the faction is true?” “Here we go. Let's stop talking about Zechariah. There's nothing we can do for her right now. ”

The Longevity Monk of the Jongnam Clan calmed down the draw. The Bloody Dragon Tribe is an elite among the bloodthirsty. It's hard to catch them from the front, but if you touch them, bloodthirsty savages will perish without hesitation.

“We need to be prepared for the bloodshed. ”

Qingxia opened her mouth. It was quite an interesting topic, so Azin opened his ears and watched the serpent.

“I thought you said you were having a non-dance? Of course, we have to engage the sectors. It's a question of who to send. ”

The avalanche has spoken. She sighs and frowns.

“The problem is getting it out. Whether to go to a non-dance and just face them or tell them that the sect is not dead yet.” Either way, you'll be caught up in the bloody blindness. Bloody barbiturates, drunken but plausible, because they're actually meant to insult the sperm. ”

Azin shuts up and listens to them. The story eventually led to who to send to the non-dance. It is not possible to dispatch medieval masters who are the true strength of the craftsmen or the doorsmen. So, in the end, I focused on the Later Index.

“The review index is the same as the review index.” Losing is an experience, but let's put aside the children who are going to lead the next generation. ”“ So, what, it's just a cover story? ”“ You may be ridiculed, but it's better than being trampled in front of you. The age of blood blindness is now. We still need to bow our heads. ”What happened to the Imperial Palace?" ”

The Ghost Ambassador saw the draw. I smiled bitterly at the mouth of the hand.

“I've heard a good answer. The Imperial Dark Sword will move directly for us.”.. the Dark Sword..? ”That's all I've heard. I haven't heard his real name. But I assure you, Compared to the Black and Bloody Blind forces hidden by the Imperial Court, there will be no harm done. Moreover, the crucial difference is that even if the imperial palace can oppress the bloodline, it cannot oppress the imperial palace. ”

A dark sword. When Azin hears that, he slowly breaks his head to the side. The sound of the bones' yowling 'rang out small.

“If the imperial palace is compromised, even bloodthirsty men will be forced to step back. If that's the case...” “Right. ”

Azin's lips opened. The voice of the draw stops. Everyone's gaze was on Ajin. Azin raises his hand and touches his face.

“The dark sword of the imperial palace. I don't know what it is... but you'll have to figure it out.” What are you talking about? ”

The pulling hand frowned and asked. Azin turns his head and looks at the closed door of the main hall.

“If I wait, Gu Jina won't come. ”

I heard everything I heard. Should we keep him alive? Is it like a draw and a spiritual ambassador? Ajin slowly rises to his feet. Azin glances at himself and smiles.

“Bloodstream was meant for harmony and friendship.” “What? ”

His brows frowned. Azin rubs his face down. The magic unfolds and Azin's original face is revealed.

“It breaks my heart to hit you with an outstretched hand to get along. ”

The golden eyes sparkle. A dark, dark fog spreads around Azin.

“I don't think I have anything else to say. Isn't it?”

The hematoma laughs.

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