
Visit 00474

War against the Bridge, the propaganda suppression of the bloodthirsty. In the dark ages of such sects, the waves that preserved the only force compared to the peak times were the volcanic waves on the cliffs.

Volcanoes were originally famous for their swords alongside Wudang, and among the Old Filipino parlors, it was thought to be the next Shaolin and Wudang. The Taoist Shaolin lost a hundred and eighty days, and the shaman was destroyed.

Volcanoes were fortunate. Since the war, the new leader of the flowering sword was a human being who knew when to go in and when to go out, and after the age had passed on to the bloodthirsty gods, he preserved his power by taking measures to quickly seal his feet.

‘Twitchy old man. ’

Azin said so about the Blooming Sword Blue Master. I have never met the Blue Servant in person. You may have seen it the way it passes, but we haven't talked face to face. I don't remember.

‘The first of the old files was the volcanoes. The most well-preserved volcanoes sealed off, and the other parlors followed them to the breach. If the Volcanoes chose a fight over the Peak Gate...

Tsk. Ajin clenches his tongue and frowns. If the volcanoes resisted violently, the other districts wouldn't have been so quick to open up. And they could have exterminated it with no room to sew it up. As long as the Old Testament bends its head and enters the Seal, there is no reason for the Bloodline to wipe them out with certainty.

“What are you thinking? ”

I hear voices next to me. At that point, he paused and turned around. Camila looks at Ajin's face with her eyes wide open. Maybe he was too deep in his mind.

‘Bad habit. ’

Azin thought while pressing down on his temples with his hands. I'm not alone. Ajin glances at Camila.

Bright blondes were dyed black. And the blue eyes turned red. By changing the color of her hair and the color of her eyes, Camilla's impression changed considerably. Since there was no dull atmosphere of Devello, there was no sense that Camilla resembled Devello at the moment.

It was azine who suggested changing the color of the hair, but Camilla chose the color. Persian red eyes with dark hair with azine and black snow scent. Even if you were my daughter, you wouldn't get a drop of blood mixed up.

‘Cause you care. ’

Blonde, wall-lined, hand-me-downs from my parents. Azino, Raw Snow, Persian. It's not blonde, it's not in the walls. His initial suggestion to change was because of his resemblance to Devello, but in the end, Camila was happy to change the color of her hair and the color of her eyes.

“Tell me about the volcanoes. ”

“The elite in rubella. ”

“What sword do you use? ”

“Can I just say the typical? Or all of them? ”

Camila tilts her head and asks. At that, Azin smiled at me because he wanted to ask me something I shouldn't have.

“Done. You don't need to ask what you already know. ”

Camila chuckles. Leaving the fence bloodline, Azin and Camila are alone on their way to a rubella with volcanoes. The reason I wanted to surround myself was to let Camilla go through the motions.

The truth is visiting volcanoes.

Rubella was a place where there was a lot of connection with the epilepsy. At the end of First's open beta, when I first joined the game. It was the street of rubella where Azin, who had chosen to start the line as a camp, first stood.

‘There was nothing. ’

Azin presses his hand up and looks around. There was nothing for Ajin at that time. Doorways, power. I had some strength, but Azin was only outstanding among the users who had just started the game.

‘It's different now. ’

There was nothing for Ajin at the time, but not now. He was the sworn oath of bloodline who ruled Zion and became the most powerful master in the history of Zion.

The distance of rubella did not change significantly compared to what Azin would remember. The streets were full of energy. The commute was busy, and there were still many street vendors for players and NPCs.


‘You've changed a lot. ’

In the past, governing the streets of rubella, the volcanic sprinkler was the front gate where the sword naval camp was marked with a doorway. The volcanoes did not intervene directly in the streets of rubella, as the dodo family did, and instead, the front gate, which they were connected with, ruled the streets.

It's an old story.

‘There are too few swordsmen. ’

The Volcanoes are black waves. Likewise, the front gate of the Volcanoes' fastest disciples was also the one with the sword. Influenced by these two factions, there were many swordsmen on the streets of ruby in the past.

‘Maybe it was the gateway to ruling rubella. ’

And a hallucinogenic window. Azin's mouth twitches. Great Goose, Magnolia, Jang Seon, Jimcheon, Jingju, Amusement Park, Howon, Hanam, including rubella. Nine regions were filled with thick New Jinsages. The front gate was also one of those Sinjin factions. Although greenery and hand-holded vent windows are present in rubella, it is actually the gateway that governs the streets of rubella and exerts influence.

A vent window is a doorway that uses a window like its name. And what the front gate uses is a huge degree.

The Bladers roam the streets, placentas hanging low, and occasionally I see them hanging spears. Hardly any of the black swords used by the Volcanoes and the front gate. Of course, there wasn't very few of them wearing swords, but none of them had a seawater chamber that symbolized volcanoes.


Azin stares at the street and thinks for a moment. Leaving Bloodbath and going to rubella, I was going to visit the volcanoes, but I was also going to take a look at the Sinjin Safa. The Sinjin Faction is mostly player focused, so it seems to have less loyalty than the old ones who are NPC-dominant.

"The front gate, the front gate..."

Rubella is located right next to the wall. Maybe it's the close proximity. The Gateway has never fallen in love with the Bloodthirsty Blind, and when the Bloodthirsty Blind gives orders, it has shown its obedience quietly.

"You can't trust a black-headed beast. ’

I've never met him in person. You can't make a sound, you can press it, or you can play it well. Azin smiles in relief. Of course, his preferred method was the former. Pressing.

‘The door to the gate is blameless. Player.’

Never listen to a traitor's orders. I can't read minds using Golden Eyes. I'm not saying there's no way to blackmail him, but...

‘You don't have to threaten me in the first place. Let's take a look around. ’

How? Should I go to the front gate and knock on it? You'll be treated well. The Bloody Blind's oath, the top of the Zion Moor, was brought to me by the Blood Horse himself.

‘.. no. You'd better go a little rough. ’

I saw the reaction of the gateway and the volcano. I had a nasty smile on his mouth. Several thoughts overlapped in his mind and he drew a picture.

The current wave is undergoing a dark period. The Masters are already dead, and the remaining Masters are trapped in the barren tribe, so they act with caution.

There are no heroes in the current faction.

Azin noted that. He makes his way to the nearest armory. Among the weapons on display, he picks up a long-standing bronze sword.


Especially good, but not a big bad sword. Ajin waves his sword up and down lightly. The balance is off. I've barely held a sword since I started the first time, but that doesn't mean Azin doesn't know how to use it. I have experienced various sword skills in a single game before first.

It's just an imitation. However, a mere imitation of a pained master can be used to exert sufficient power. After all, being a free man means avoiding or stopping an opponent's attack, and attacking them so that they cannot be avoided or stopped. The good example was the Thousand Horses of the Church. Thousands broke Wudang's Grand Palace examination with the Three Swordsmen Act alone.

“Why did you buy the sword all of a sudden? ”

Camila opens her eyes and asks. At the end of the calculation, Azin puts a blue sword around his waist.


“What? ”

Camila raises her eyes wide and raises her pain. In that gaze, Ajin smiled.

“I've been fishing. Do you?”

“What? No. I've never... done it... but..." “Let's go fishing sometime." I've never done it before. ”

Camila tilts her head. It's because I couldn't understand what Ajin was saying.

“... wasn't fishing based on fishing?” “If it's fishing, it's fishing. In this case, it's not fishing.”

Ajin's smile grew.

“I'm thinking of catching fools. ”

After buying the sword, Azin enters a nearby alleyway. There, he cast one of the common enchantments that could be used as a golden maan. The magical force that comes up slowly covers his face. It was a facial shape-shifting spell. It was five classes of magic, so it wasn't compared to polymorphs that changed everything from skeleton to organ, but it was enough to change the appearance of the face.


Camila, who was watching beside me, was amazed. Azin nods his head, glancing at the changed face of the sword. A slight change in the cost of necessities made me a completely different person. After checking his changed face, Azin cast the same spell on Camila. Magic consumption is a great deal of magic, but with the internal air of Ajin, magical consumption was not a problem.

After changing the shape of his face, Ajin went with Camila to the clothing store. It was a place to handle various garments, from dressing clothes to everyday clothes. Ajin bought white robes and heroes and gave the same clothes to Camila. Camila, who received a new dress, smiles brightly and rejoices.

‘By the way, it's been a long time since I bought you clothes. ’

It's not that expensive. Perhaps the next time I had a chance, it would be better to buy a new outfit.

“Where are you going? ”

Raw Snow and Persian persuaded him that it was too obvious, so he didn't bring it. Of course it's only when walking the streets. I did not intend to restrain myself if I entered the room or did not have to pay attention to other people's eyes.

“To the guestroom.”

The guests' glasses are like the symbols of meeting and trouble in the jungle. Wearing a sword in a white robe, an outsider sits in the guest cup, alone with a girl in love. I would love to have noodles, dumplings, and the Korean Moringa leaves there. Those who are curious and thirsty for gossip, or who want to argue with someone, must approach.

“Where are you from? ”

As expected.

It was before the noodles, dumplings and mornings had been ordered. A man who came naturally asked as he looked down at the pain. He was wearing a black robe with a symbol on his left chest of the Gateless Patterns. Azin looks first at the heavy path on his back. And he looked in the direction he was coming. A group of martial artists stare at you.

‘Okay, then. ’

Ajin doesn't answer for a moment, but grabs the sword at his waist. Camila, sitting across from him, looks a little anxious as she looks back and forth at the man who talked to him. How should I respond? Azin cleared his mind.

“Who are you? ”

Be as cocky as you can. I chose that answer.

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