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“.. first of all.” Jegalyeon straightened her voice. This is the Fellowship of the Wall. It is the center of Sapa Moor. And the opponent is the swordsman of bloodline and the strongest swordsman at the peak of Sapa Moor, or Jinsung Moor.

‘It's not just the skillful. ’

First, Je Gal Yeon reaffirmed himself. Hematoma, the Blind Man of the Blood, Azin. The only disciple of the Blood Witch's Raw Snow, who demonstrated the history of exorcism at the Celestial Dragon Ball, and the disciple of the Twin Heavens, who wrote a new history of exorcism on the White Night Plain before the martyrdom. It is unclear what a Bloody Witchy Black Snowflake is, but the pseudonym of a lower order twin is due to the Black Snowflake. A monster that has mastered the Celestial Mascot of Mathematics is Ajin in front of Jegalyeon's eyes.

It was the same as having all four of the strongest shamans in the history of the Jinsun Moor. The Bloody Witch's shamanism alone earned her the title Hematoma, and when she learned the art of hypocrisy, she was already the lowest of the world. Five years after you master the Thousand Machine. I don't know how much I melted all the shaman I had into my body, or how much neogenetics I've learned in the history of the ancient Moorish.

‘And he's young. ’

Hematoma, the protagonist of that magnificent history, is not yet thirty years old. Ajin is 29 years old. He is three years younger than Jegar Yeon, who is 32 this year.

‘I know how to use my head. ’

When he was feeding off the early bloodline, the Muslim and the orthodox. Since then, Hematoma, who was the real leader of the bloodline, has taken advantage of the bloodline by coordinating it in close coordination as if it were an exorcism. In terms of packs, since then, the bloodthirsty side has been packing, and the Muslim side has been. It was just a hematologist who created that atmosphere. Since before the evil Minneapolis was in the military, a blood horse three years younger than Jegalyeon has rolled up a huge organization called Bloodblindness.

‘Wisdom, circumcision, youth. There's nothing I don't have. He's a monster.’

If I had been born in a sectarian forest, I would have become a Muslim hero. No, he's already a hero. Heroes of Sapa Moor, not of the sect. Jegalyeon swallowed a big breath. I don't think I can do better than a hematoma, but...

‘I can't lie. ’

Recognize again. This is the enemy camp. Jegalyeon is also learning to be a workaholic, and is skilled enough to take over the household of the Zegalese family. But not compared to a hematoma. Jegalyeon rolled her tongue in her mouth. The only thing to rely on here is this smooth tongue, not the sword of Zegal-sega, which she has learned all her life.

“First of all, thank you for agreeing to my request.” “It's not that hard to talk face to face. Besides, we don't know each other very well. I was just thinking about the old ways between you and the throne. ”

You neglected me for a week. No, forget about it. The body is in a different position. The opponent is the most advanced Moorish. Lord of the bloodline, who rules the jungle. Virtually the same person as the emperor.

“... what I wanted to ask the Lord..." “... was a thunderstorm.” ”

Azin's lips opened. His cheeks flickered.

“There are the bodies of your father and brother. It's been three years, and they've been turned to white bones. No, there might not even be any white bones left.” “.. Yep.” “I understand you have yet to acquire your authenticity as a housekeeper. ”

In saying that, Jegal-yeon's eyebrows twitched. Less than half a year after returning from Gracia, he already knows all the confusion. Well, if you're a bloodthirsty swordsman, you must have this much information.

“The housekeeper of the Jegalese household had the Hyungbo Pavilion. Thanks to you, Sega tells me your position is quite narrow.” “.. Yes. That's right."

The elders are revolting. Rebellion about how a woman rises to the position of the head of Sega. Even though it is the daughter of the previous household and the only surviving direct family member, it cannot be acknowledged as the heir of the Zechariah's household unless there is a Hyundai Beacon.

After all, it's just a good excuse. Within Sega, it is only Jegalyeon that is the direct line of the Zechariah family. Jegaldohee, the oldest of Sega's elders, has the greatest power. As long as Jegalyeon disappeared, the immediate authority of the Jegalese family disappeared, and there was no choice but to choose a household owner from the room. This is just the desire to make security an immediate option.

“Disassembling the law is not difficult. ”

Azin grins and clutches his chin with his hands. He glanced at Mungyeong-hee looking this way. Mun Gyeong-hee, who received his gaze, opened her mouth with a low clearing.

“As the Lord has said, it is not difficult to open a panic. But why do you have to go to all that trouble for the Zechariah, the girl doesn't really know.” “Convince me. ”

Azin raises his cup of tea. In silence, Jegal Yooyeon looked back at Ajin. She was desperate, too. After joining Zechariah's household, I've begged the Bloodthirsty Blind to open a thunderclap several times already.

At that time, Mun Kyung-hee, who was in charge of blindness, insisted that he absolutely needed the permission of blindness to open a thunderstorm, and that was two years ago. I felt that this was the right time. Half a year until the blood drive. For those who do not know, it is a festival for the harmony of sperm and sapphire on the surface.

‘One way or another, we must silence the elders until the blood drive, and secure authenticity as the heir of the Zechariah family. ’

The elders' repulsion is getting worse. Although Jegalyeon said to be the only direct left, the current Jegalese price was overwhelmingly numerous than the immediate one. Sega's disciples are also empowering the elders of Jegal Dohee.

“.. what does the Lord think of Zechariah?” “A dog with no teeth. ”

Tiger? What the hell? Azin mutters with a bloody smile.

“No... not even a puppy. Like a winged mosquito.” ‘It's taunting. ’

Hide your face. Luckily, I was good at lying and acting to Jegalyeon. Without such a procedure, the zebra that had been eaten in the guard would have been assassinated in real time.

“Yes, the Lord is right. The current tax collector has lost his teeth and torn off his wings. I understand that I cannot negotiate with the Lord as a tax collector.” “Good to know. Then why don't you bow your head, Jegal Gaju. That fits the theme. ”

Taunt and ridicule here again. Jegalyeon bowed her head politely without refusing. She lowers her hands below her knees, her hands on the ground. It was an objectionable posture.

“.. I cannot negotiate with an oath. So..." “Oyster fight. You must be desperate. However, if I said Zechariah, I'd fallen, but I was once considered one of the top five in Moorim. I never thought the day would come when the owner would receive an objection. ”

Azin laughs low. Jaegal-yeon chewed on her lips without a sound. The touching floor felt cold. Mungyeong-hee laughed in my ears.


Azin stopped laughing.

“The throne is the blood oath. Chancellor Moon, what is bloodlust?” “Here comes the Safa Moorish sky.” “Then what's the Beast Master's motto?” “Man-Ma-bok Baek" "20239;" Man-man Forest "" Man-man Baek "" 25300 "; Blood-Blooded Blood" He is the Lord of the bloodstream who receives the worship of all the devil and reigns over all and stands in the heavens. ”

That's a big speech. Ajin grins. He lowered his shoulders slightly shrunk.

“The throne is bloodthirsty. While it's pleasant to see you stare down at your brains with all your impulsiveness, that joy cannot be merciful for all your reasons. This is the Maine of the Throne. Do not appeal to the idea of moving the mind of the Throne.” “.. but the third man had no teeth, no wings. How can such a Sega move the mind of the Lord?” “Do you, a scholar of the sect, appeal to the master of Safa Moorim for recognition? Indeed, the tide has fallen. ”

- I fell over. My eyes narrowed. I didn't think I could get what I wanted by appealing to compassion in the first place. What Jegalyeon wanted was this blatant atmosphere.

It was an atmosphere of 'trading’. Obviously, bloodthirsty and zero-sensei are not equal. They are different and stand in different places. From the beginning, Zechariah had no choice but to tighten his head against the bloodthirsty.

So it creates an atmosphere of 'trading’. Fortunately, the hematoma did not completely refuse to dismantle the thunderclap. If I had, I wouldn't have listened to you in the first place.

‘Even though I know their intentions, they have entered into me and are continuing the conversation. If the terms here are reasonable, I'm willing to make a deal. ’

Then, Jegalyeon's head quickly turned. Taking this much humiliation, I barely created an atmosphere of trading. There's no turning back from this. You have to offer a condition that will allow the bloodline to coexist.

“.. the mascot party. ”

And Je Gal Yeon already had that information in her hand. This is, technically, betrayal of the faction. But what does that have to do with anything? Je Gal Yeon was overwhelmed just by setting her position immediately. And then...

There is no hope for a clean forest. The tide of time is already flowing to Safa bloodlines. Even if the house owner of the party succeeds in attracting the Imperial Army...

‘Whatever the rules are, they're not for nothing. ’

If the Imperial Palace begins to intervene in the Moors, it will not be a Moorish. Even if the faction regains its old state with the help of the Imperial Army, can it really be considered that good? Moving the Imperial Palace will be very expensive. Even if we succeed in reducing the power of bloodthirsty blindness, the faction will be exploited by the imperial court just as it was exploited by bloodthirsty blindness.

If so, I would rather abandon Jung . Strange to see your ancestors? Don't be ridiculous, it doesn't take a stranger's thickness to die and meet old people who have already gone to the grave and turned into white bones. There's nothing to take with you when you die. Then I would rather live and be glorified. You may call the sperm a dirty girl who spread her crotch at the hematoma, who is not only a spoiled pig to the sperm.

“The Party is moving the Imperial Palace. ”

It is better to insult the ribbon than to die. Jaegal-yeon raised her head. Ajin did not say to lift his head, but Jegalyeon raised her head and looked him straight in the eye.

“In time for the Blood Moon festival, the party will attract the imperial palace. If the Imperial Palace is headed for Bloody Jungle, do the Blind Lord have a reason to bite their feet?” “No, I don't. ”

Ajin's smile grew. The Imperial Army moves. It's what keeps Azin's ears open.

“That's a long story. ”

Azin raises his hand and grabs the teapot. He personally followed the tea to Jegal-yeon's empty cup.

“Sit comfortably, my lord. ”

Jegalyeon swallowed a gulp.

“I'm glad you know that now, Jegalga. The age of the speaker is long overdue. What's left now is not a negotiator, but a bunch of grunts who have lost what they have and don't want to lose what's still in their hands. ”

Ajin's smile grew.

He smiled at the accomplice.

“This is the age of the beasts who quarrel over each other and fight over food. ”

You hear Ajin's Cup.

“Congratulations on being an animal. ”

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