
00470 Return

It didn't take long for the rumors about the Bloodshed to spread across the Moors. The date is next June. It was his intention to commemorate the inability of bloodthirsty horses to officially become bloodthirsty beasts. And bringing together the fallen Old Gupylon and the heads and disciples of the safaris who govern each region to forge a bond for the future of the Moorish.


Senior captains of Jinsun. A few years ago, there was a Muslim blind, a land called Shaolin with Wudang, the chief swordsman of Swordsmanship.

Once upon a time, the building of the Musketeers fell, and the elder Yegar was extinct. Rarely escaped swordsmanship and wall-to-wall swordsmanship. And some examples suggested that the dishwashers had hidden their whereabouts from the white mountain sawdust, and almost everyone thought they were dead.

The Shaolin family also did not differ greatly. Shaolin's pride, Baek Pal Na, was slain by a thousand horses, and Shaolin's master also died with him at that time. Ambassador Kim, who was a Muslim monk and former head of Shaolin, killed himself by breaking the ban and hanging himself after walking for a lifetime.

That was the reality of the current faction. The Shaman who was one of the two Chinese Muslims was killed by Mahishmati, and the Hannam, the Qingbo and the Huangbo were also killed by Mahjo. In addition, the Southern Palace and the Great Goblins, which were one of the three generations, were destroyed by the bloodthirsty.

The other one locked the door by himself and entered the sewers. The Southern sects and the divination waves of the amusement park, the Shaolin waves of the long line, the Amipa waves of the low seas, and the volcanic waves of ruby. Shaolin has lost its strength and is preserving its strength, such as Jongnam, Javelin, Api, and Volcano.

The situation was also not very different. South Palace Sega and Huangbo Sega were extinct, the self-catering party, the amusement tax, and the Howon Segal Sega were sealed.

And the leaders of each gate and the housewives of Sega gathered in Shaolin.

In a harsh voice, it was the sword-cutter, the housekeeper of the hairy sega. He grits his teeth and trembles, his hands gripping his knees. It was not just the hairdresser who was showing a strong streak. Everyone who was gathered in front of the great statue of Shaolin held back their anger.

“The intimacy of the cult and the safa? It looks like the young master of the bloodline is making a fool of us. ”

The house owner of the party winced and spit out. He nodded his head loudly and took a sip of tea.

“How long do I have to endure this insult? How long will you keep the doors of the gateway and the gates of the Safa Miners locked? ”

Jang Young-soo from the Yoon Sword Ship, Jongnam Gate, sighed. The Ghost Ambassador of Shaolin, who was sitting on his knees, closed his eyes quietly. He was a priest of a former master who died in the war against the martyrdom, and a disciple of a suicidal celebrity ambassador.

“.. blood horses are not meant to be young. ”

The one who opened his mouth was Je Gal-yeon from the Korean prison site. During the war, Zechariah's heir died, and Jegalyeon became the heir of Zechariah's heir. Jegal-yeon was the youngest of all the doorways and ranchers in each of the tribes because she was not yet thirty years old.

“Are you playing the hematoma? ”

I opened my eyes with a fiery figure. I was taking care of Jegal-yeon's position as much as possible just by raising the horse. It's because Mo Yong 'an, Mo Yong Hwan's daughter, was considered one of the Moorim Samhwa along with Je Gal Yeon a few years ago.

“I'm not talking about Dudu, I'm talking about fact. Are any of the elderly people here, right now, confident enough to endure a tenth of a second without a hematoma? ”

Jaegal-yeon coldly asked. Everyone kept their mouths shut. At the end of the war against the Church, I recalled the position of the hematologist who had dominated the thousand martyrs.

“Over the years, the blood horse would have been better off without balls. I think... Even if all the elders come, I don't think I can handle the Blood Horse's tenth seconds.” “How dare you! ”

The Monkey King, the Party Master, shouted. He stood up and stared at Jegalyeon. A dark green poison rages through his eyes.

“Young people talk without knowing the subject..! No matter how high the hematologist is, he's only human!” “He's not human. ”

Despite receiving the momentum of the current hand, Jegalyeon did not scatter one face.

“.. haven't you heard the rumors? ”

It was the spiritual ambassador who opened his mouth. He rolls his rosary and opens his closed eyes.

“.. there is an unmistakable mountain between the Archdiocese and the Chief. It was ruled by the River River of the Green Kings, which combined the 18 green trees.” What's that supposed to mean? ”" The Green Lord River disobeyed Hematoma's summons, and Hematoma went to Mt. Muang to meet him alone. And on Mt. Mugung, there are eighteen greenhouse shareholders with rivers and wills, and the emerging safarin compatibility doors and unobstructed doors, and the doors of the vent windows. And the elite followed them. ”“.. so? ”

His face was slightly stiff. If you are a master of the green forest, you are a great master in Safa. Among each of the vegetarians who follow the river, there is no one who is not a master, and the symbols of the emerging saga are also all masters. Of course, the symbols of the prestigious sect with history and tradition are nothing compared to them, but even with two symbols of the emerging saga, the sectarian ones must be prepared for death.

Moreover, it's a big leap forward. None of the symbols in this place could handle it alone.

“Twenty-one thousand elite and ultra-pure masters. What do you think the result would be?” “.. no way.." “How many mountain peaks have disappeared. ”

The spectral ambassador said as if it wasn't a bulk.

“And the river and the unmarked doors, the vent windows and the compliant doors went into bloodblindness with the hematoma. What do you think this means?” “.. by yourself, you defeated thousands of elites and twenty-one superpowers?” What scares me more is that no one has died. Thousands of elites... overwhelmed by only one. Not quite like who? ”

Jegal Yoo-yeon frowned and spit out. At that, everyone gathered in front of the fire remembers one monster. Baekhwanajin was the one who destroyed the Shaman and destroyed the Shaman. It was the Thousand Horses, the Bishop of the Church, engraving an indelible wound on the Old File Room.

“It is said that the Blood Horse has made great progress. ”

Silesian sword dodo, the door of the divination wave, opens its mouth. He looked depressed and looked at Je Gal Yeon.

“What do you think of Zechariah's family tree? Do you really think the hematoma has made any progress?” “I've never seen a hematologist without one. ”

Jegalyeon paused for a moment. She chewed her lips well.

“.. bought information from the non-dragon greenery of the eighteen green houses. Hematomas... they say they used the Celestial Mask. In the war against the bridge, it looked like the drama of the Celestial Shrine was used by the Emperor.” “Umm…! ”

At the words of Jegal Yuyeon, a volcanic leader, Liquidator mourned. If you used the Celestial Shrine, you have no doubt that the hematoma has made a thousand advances.

“... How dare you... do martial arts...!" I can't believe that's a thousand horses of artillery! I want you to announce it to the Moorish immediately and publicly... "“ Stupid words. ”

Jaegal-yeon shook her head and laughed at Yong-ryong's words.

“Who dares kill a hematoma, even if it's public? No, the Moorish won't move like that in the first place. The tide went down.Luxury taxpayers like Zegalese and the other prominent taxpayers lost power and barely kept the mainstream food soles. The other elite factions are no different. They say a rich man goes down for three years. We can do this right now, but in the next few years, we're going to have to worry more about grasping our mouths than we are about bureaucrats. ”

Jegalyeon's words were not wrong. The situation is very different from a few years ago. All the areas and businesses that the elite factions and Segas occupied were taken over by Safa. His face was fluttering. Immediately, the taxpayer's line of money was a few guestrooms and a small plaque escort. The reality is that the disciples of the great taxpayer make money in the small representation of a not-so-Small Voucher.

“The Thousand Horses knew about it, so they must have used the Celestial Shrine without being hidden. Do you know what that means? Even if the hematologist opens the Thousand Monastery in front of the Moorish and renames the bloodline Mahjo. No one can punish him. ”

Everyone was silent in Jegalyeon's words. The dark period of a sect that was unprecedented in the history of advanced forests. It is a small reality that Safa dominates advanced forests.

“.. what do I do? ”

Jang Young-soo sighed and asked. In answer to that question, Jaegal-yeon chewed her lips well.

“.. to follow, what to do? ”

She squeals and grabs the tea cup.

“If you resist, you will die. If you've made a thousand advances and realized the horror of the horseman... the hematoma is no longer the hematoma. We should call it the Thousand Horses, and the Thousand Horses of the Bloodline will be stronger than the Thousand Horses of the Bridge, which invaded the Moors four years ago.” “But...” “What can we do? The speedsters, the backers, they're turning away now. The Old File Room and Sega were infinitely weaker than they were four years ago. We are not one-sided. ”

The Amifa leader mutters to you about the flaming sword. She rolled her rosary and looked at Jegalyeon.

“The Governor and Sega said they were sealed, but they were not sealed open. Rather, they've increased their power than ever before. Whether openness would work with us began with righteousness and agreement. There may not be righteousness and compromise in the minds of hundreds of thousands of open beggars, but at least, as far as I'm concerned, the Iron Ark is the one who knows righteousness and compromise better than anyone else here.”.. but the Ark of Gu Jina didn't come here, did she? ”“ Probably didn't come for a reason. ”

The avalanche does not retreat. Open. Just because I'm flexible doesn't mean I don't think of them. But when the warlords and Segas suffered, openness alone was free of it. Openness to such topics has never been a part of a secret meeting with Sega.

“... not only is there openness, but there is a third party. ”

The pulling hand mutters in a small voice. Everyone's eyes turned to the draw.

“The imperial palace. ”

Everyone's face was frightened by the words of the draw. Jegal Yooyeon stood up and looked at the draw sign.

“... You mean to drag the Imperial Palace into this?” “.. the mascot deals with poison and memorization. Where do you think the poison and memorization are most used? It's the imperial palace. Starting with the static assassination, all sorts of dirty things, memorization and poison are used to keep my hands free. The Party has been supplying poison and memorial to the Imperial Court for generations. He is also responsible for the primary education of the Imperial Assassins. ”

I have connections. I don't know if I'm attracted to them, but I can talk to them.

“... but... the imperial court of the Moorish..." Do you want to follow the same rules in this situation? ”

You mutter with a muttering face that your pulling hand is ridiculous.

“Don't you have to live now? ”

There was no one to argue with that.

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