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Raw Snow's head spins. I thought I was sick, but I didn't see that look on the face of the black snow scent. She was smiling joyfully.

“... what are you doing? ”

Azin hides his embarrassment and asks. It is reasonable to say that the desolate training ground has become a playground overflowing with dreams and hopes for young children. Camilla was old enough to jump.

But the painting, it's not just Camilla. Raw snow was also wearing a big apron like Camilla's and holding a paintbrush. The smiling face of Raw Snow cools off as she looks at the Persian on Azin's arm.

“You're obsessed. ”

The scent of Raw Snow clears my throat low, lowering the brush I was holding. She takes off her apron wrapped around her body and the torch on her arm.

“It's been a long time. ”

The scent of Raw Snow looked at Persik and said, I felt strongly pressed down. I thought you were a little skillful. Persian nods with a slight smile.

“Yes, it's been a long time, Racunda. ”

“How long are you going to call me that? ”

The scent of Raw Snow grumbles, pouting at my lips. Ajin gave Camila his attention. It's only been a little over half a year, and Camila is taller than she was before she left the mansion. At that time, my small body gained weight because I couldn't eat properly, and I had healthy muscles whether I continued training or not.

Camila looks down slightly, frowning at Azin's gaze. Then I looked back and saw the pain.

“Ahjussi. ”

“Didn't I tell you not to call me mister? ”

The black snow scent next to you gives Camila a frightening look. Camila shuts her mouth because she doesn't know what to do. After a while, Camila opens her mouth again.

“Father. ”

Hearing that, he felt a little numb in his head. My father. I thought I'd never be called that in my life, but I was called that. Fersik clenches his tongue, looking at his lips.

“Won't you introduce me? ”

Persian stabs him in the side and asks. At that point, Ajin stared at Camila with an embarrassed look. Camila is ashamed to say that she barely spit out her father.

I mean...

How am I supposed to explain that? Azin imagined. A scene where my father, who had gone to a remote place, brought a woman I had never seen before and told me that she was the new mother. In fact, it would be very strange to introduce a new mother if she had died after giving up so much, but a new mother with a raw snow scent is still alive.

‘That's because you're a son of a bitch. ’

No matter how I changed my direction, the result was the same. Azin turned his gaze to the smell of Raw Snow. Raw Snow looked down at Camila, looking for her explicit help.

“It's your new mother. ”

“What? ”

And there was an expected response. Camila opens her mouth and raises her Raw Snow scent. Persian grins, and Azin covers his face with his hands. He was absolutely right, but I was afraid of what that would do to a young child's emotions.

“... is this your drawing? ”

What we needed in this situation was a conversation changer. Azin clears his throat and asks as he looks at the painting on Camila's back and on the wall. Camila nods slightly at the question. It was a strange painting. Or should I say, a painting.

‘I think I just painted it as I was brushing. ’

In other words, I thought it could also be contemporary art that I didn't know what it was. Azin looks at the painting on the wall with a subtle face and nods his head.

“... well drawn. ”

“Are you sure? ”

Camila's face brightens. I couldn't tell her the truth, so I gave her a rough compliment, but she liked it there, so she couldn't say anything else, so she shut her mouth. The smell of raw snow that was standing next to Camila creeps me out.

“It's not just painting well. I'm good at singing, dancing, studying. She's a fast learner, talkative, cute, pretty. Who does he look like? Is there anything bad about him? ”

Looks like somebody. Looks like their old parents. Azin barely swallows the horse that came up out of his throat.

“... let's go inside. ”

Azin stares at the wall filled with paintings and says, We had a lot to talk about.


Persian waves at Camila with a smile on his face. Camila looks up at Persik, unable to speak a word. Persian bows as he looks down at Camila, holding a scarlet robe.

“Do you know my name? ”

“I-I don't know. ”

Camila replies with a small voice. Persian reaches out with his mouth tucked high. Kamila's trembling hands are in Persian hands.

“It's Persian. ”

The problem was the title, let's say. What should Persian be called in this case? Stepmother? She asks for tea and refreshments from her father-in-law Sarina, and Azin sits on the couch.


An unexpected problem made his head tingle. The title was a simple matter, but I had to make sure of it as long as I stayed with them.

“You're me. ”

It's been a long time since I met Persian, but I have no intention of conceding to the title. And Persian was also not bold enough to ask for it. Percik looks into Camila's eyes for a while and wakes up.

“Well, I don't mind if you call me Persian. ”

Persian grins as he flips his side head over his shoulder.

“I don't think it's going to happen if you tell me to call you Mom when I suddenly show up. She's the adoptive daughter of Ajin and Racunda, right? ”

At Persian's words, Azin swallows a sigh of relief. What he hoped for was a smooth solution. Ajin glances at Camila. While Ajin was away from the mansion, he was intimate enough to say that Camila had a mother relationship with Raw Snow.

‘This is how it ends. ’

It's not unexpected. In the absence of Persian, the smell of black snow became trapped in this world. While there was no pain, the smell of Raw Snow relied on Camila, and Camila relied on it as well. I couldn't talk about Camilla like that.

Someday Camilla will die. No, you will die. Since she was born into the destiny of a holy woman, Camila is destined to die Awakened as a holy woman with the coming of the Demon King.

‘The Demon King...' ’

Azin tapped the table with his fingertips. Sarina brought tea and refreshments. While Ajin was in remission, Raw Snow and Persian spoke of Dorando.

‘The specs I have now are superior to players, npc without having to hide them. ’

It must have been true. Raquis' power is unknown, but even though the three Devello, Jabesh and Rivera are coming at the same time, Azin is confident of taking on him. Of course, that's when all the titles came into effect. If you hurt Hermione on the full moon night, Ajin becomes immortal.

‘No, there's no need to wait until the full moon. You don't need the effects of the title of Hogwarts. One Dark Worship alone can wipe out all my surrogates. ’

Not just the proxy. This huge continent can be swallowed whole. If we summon the Black Forest in the capital right now, who will stop him?

‘My specs are too big. How strong is the Demon King? ’

Thinking about his power, the power of the Demon King was not well measured. To be honest, even if the Demon King came right now, I thought I could catch him by myself.

“I've been sending them to school lately. ”

At that, he raised his head. The black snow is rubbing Camila's head.

“It's a school for noble children. I thought I should make a brother-in-law friend.And it's also important to socialize among the d-nobles.” Is that so? ”I told you, I'm good at studying. He took first chair on the last exam. ”

At that point, Ajin looked a little surprised at Camila. You've had minimal education at the orphanage, but there's nothing great about what you taught there. He was first in his class less than half a year ago, as proof that Camilla was really good.

‘Course, it's destiny to be the devil king's adversary. ’

Excellent in every way. Camila wakes up as a saint when the Demon King comes, and all the gods, including Adim, lend her their power. Ajin recalls the power of Ahdim in the Black Forest. At that time, Adim came almost completely to the body of Ajin, and the power he wielded was enormous enough to pressure the queen.

Adim, the god of battle, may be particularly powerful, but perhaps there are other gods of a similar level. And the Demon King is a monster that can only be defeated by gathering the power of all such gods.

‘I know you're confused. ’

It's still vague. He sighs and puts his hand on his forehead. No, we don't need to think about this right now. There's still time for the Demon King to descend.

Ajin lets Camilla go for a while. It was because Camilla had heard nothing good about it.

“Hermione will be Emperor within the month. ”

After sending Camila away, Azin blocks the sound in the room, just in case.

“After I have made Hermione Emperor, I intend to return to the frontier.” “What? ”

His words opened my eyes wide with the smell of Raw Snow. No, I was just telling her that Camilla's at school, and she's in charge of that school.

“Back to square one? Why can't you just stay here?” “.. for now, my line is solid, and I've left it blank for too long. Of course, the fact that I'm not around doesn't mean blood blindness will be eaten by someone else... I think it's important that we go back and take control of Moorish at this opportunity, since we don't have Devello's whereabouts right now.” What about Camilla? ”.. isn't there a school in progress? ”

Azin asked while looking at the smell of raw snow. In response, the smell of Raw Snow tightened my lips and breathed out loud.

“.. I suppose, but I'm just getting used to it.” “I'm sorry. ”

Ajin apologized first.

“No, no. You have nothing to be sorry about. I can't help it. I'll be sure to tell Camilla. ”

After hearing Azin's apology, the smell of Raw Snow shook his head and replied.

“Instead. I don't know about anything else, but I think I'll take the wall.”... the wall? ”Yes. Those paintings over there, they're a waste. ”

The scent of Raw Snow stared at Azin and said. It doesn't matter. Just cut through the wall, put it in the shadows, and then go back to the line and pull it out.

“I understand.”


The black snow scent looks at Azin's feet with a fat face.

“Shadow, are you connected? ”

“Yes. ”

“So we can go to your house? ”


The words raised the tail of the black snow scent. Persian, sitting next to you, giggles. Azin avoided the gaze while clearing his throat low.

‘Eat the eel. ’

It was too late.

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