
00454 Forest

It was a simple coincidence. It was bad luck. Azin rises up. He frowns and looks at the back of the tree. At his feet, Müren falls with his neck snapped. I killed the Emperor and even Biggenhardt, the swordsman. And last but not least, Murren, the so-called Grand Wizard. There were no major difficulties in the process. The strongest emperor easily finished off with the special abilities of the escort knight, and the swordsman, known as the Dragon Slayer, was no match for Azin. Myren was the same.


Azin calls out her name in a low voice. First, Ajin reached out and erased Muren's body without a trace. He glances at Rivera across the tree, frowning.

Rivera looks at Azin unharmed. She blinks and scowls at Muren's corpse, disappearing from Azin's feet. For a moment, Azin and Rivera stare at each other without saying anything.

What should I do? Argin grips his hand. No problem with other people's NPCs in Gracia. Either kill him, or take his ship with absolute command of the traitor title. However, if the opponent is a player, the story changes. There are many difficulties in stopping a player from coming back to life after killing him.

“... what are you doing? ”

Rivera silences her lips. When I heard the question, Azin's eyebrows twitched a little. It's because Rivera's voice didn't surprise me a bit. Rather, what was in his voice was a little excitement. Anger? No, not that either.

Rivera smiles a little.

“.. as you can see. ”

Azin shrugs. Ever since I met Libera, to be precise. Ajin could not fathom what was in that woman's head. It looked like there was a garden of flowers that I didn't know anything about, and it looked like there was a moldy gravel in it. The same is true now. Azin has no idea what Rivera's smile means.

“Just now. That was Mr. Murren, wasn't it? The Palace Wizard of Gracia.” “Well, yeah. ”

What the hell are you talking about? Azin glances at Rivera's face and swallows his inner greed. A few steps forward, Rivera approaches Azin.

Kill him.

That thought hit my head. The player resurrects after killing it. So what do we do? I'd rather lock Rivera up and kidnap him in the first place. It was quite pleasant. If you drag him into the line, Rivera won't be able to talk.

“Did you kill the Emperor, too? ”

Rivera suddenly asked. He shrugged his shoulders without answering. It was a gesture that meant to think for yourself. If you deny that you did not kill the Emperor in this situation, it will be known that the Emperor is dead if you leave the forest anyway.

“To make Hermione the Emperor? ”

Rivera asks, "It was an obvious thing to speculate about, and Rivera simply asked for a confirmation."

“Well, is there anything you want from me? ”

I don't see any major embarrassment. Rather, it is more embarrassing to see this face because it is a face that is full of laughter. Azin asked straightforward. Libera giggles at the question.

“You did it in Gallios, too, didn't you? The death of the other princes. Two out of four princes died in the war against Gallios. Isn't that what you did, too?” “I don't know.” “Really? Was it just an accident? Well, it doesn't really matter. But it is true that there have been fewer princes, and there has been great power in the charge of Hermione. Right?"

I wonder what she wants to say.

“If, indeed, if. If the Emperor dies in the forest, then Hermione will be the Emperor? Although there is the Emperor Xavirt, the Emperor, there is more power in Hermione than there is in Savirt.” “.. what are you trying to say? ”

Again, Azin asked. In response, Rivera stops walking. It was about ten steps away from Ajin.

“What would happen if I talked? ”

Now I see. Ajin laughs in relief. Apparently, she wanted to threaten him.

“King Hermione's escort assassinated the emperor and the court wizard. And..." “Duke Biggenhardt the Swordsman. ”

So there's nothing more to hide. Ajin smiled and told me.

“I killed Duke Biggenhardt, too. They didn't leave a body. It would be a pity to be resurrected to the Undead and wander around. Duke Biggenhardt. These three were assassinated by a knight escorting His Majesty Hermione. What would happen if I talked like that?” “Nothing's going to happen. ”

Ajin smiled and said.

“I know Rivera is called a warrior and supported by the citizens. But I'm also receiving that support. If Rivera is the hero who saved the city and town from monsters. I was the center of Galios' conquest of the southern coastal city, the man who killed the Sea Dragon Serikrapa who was protecting Gallios, and the dark star who had committed the crimes of abducting young children and virgins retreated from the front and sent their summoned horsemen back to the market. And at the imperial court party, I killed an ambushed vampire road on the night of the full moon. Isn't that right?”

It was a fact that was not mixed with one lie and one chief. On the contrary, the pain was much more glamorous than Rivera. Rivera is said to be well-endorsed by the citizens, but the nobles do not like her that much. But starting with the conquest of Gallios, he gained the support of knights in Gracia, military captains who took up arms, and nobles. The same is true of ordinary citizens. Citizens called Rivera a warrior, but now even the title of that warrior has fallen to Azin.

“The Black Forest's punishment has failed. The Emperor died in the forest, Muren died, Biggenhardt died. That's what it's going to say. That responsibility? I'm the one who talked about clearing the forest, so I can't be completely free of that responsibility. But, Rivera, isn't Rivera with you in these woods?” “.. what does it matter?” Libera's presence here has reduced my responsibilities considerably. ”

Rivera the Warrior is with you. Azin, who has gained a reputation since the conquest of Gallios, has also come to this forest. Gratian Emperor and Dragon Slayer, Swordsman, Court Wizard Muren. There, the elite of the Magic Troops and the talented knights gathered from each territory. Such an army came and lost.

If so? The responsibility of defeat is inevitable. At the same time, you can maximize your fear of the Black Forest. Never before has the Black Forest been conquered in the long history of Gracia. Considered to have challenged the impossible, the weight of responsibility is lightened.

“And even if Rivera tells me that I assassinated the Emperor, nothing will change. Do you know why?” “I don't know. ”

Rivera nods and replies with a shrugged face.

“Because I have no reason to kill the Emperor. ”

Hermione's support is overwhelming. No need to assassinate an emperor, but over time, Hermione will naturally ascend to the position of an emperor. Why would Hermione's bodyguard want to assassinate the Emperor in that situation?

“Even if Rivera talks, it's okay if I deny it. Do you have any evidence to support Rivera's claim? Do you have any proof that I killed the Emperor? ”

There are no remains. Rivera is the only witness. If Rivera talks, you can deny it on the azin side. Opinion will be confusing, but eventually it will be for Ajin.

“And Rivera wants something else, doesn't she?” “That's right. ”

Rivera laughs in relief. Azin was right. Rivera must have heard that Azin killed the Emperor to make a difference. Even after a little confusion, Hermione becomes the emperor.

“I don't want something great. Did you know that I manage one of the estates? ”

I know. The emperor gave the Earl's title to Rivera and gave her lands. The geographical location is good and abundant. Since they exempted the territorial tax, all profits earned from the territory belong to Rivera.

“Give me the right to independence in that territory. Isn't that hard? ”

Rivera smiles and asks. The question made his eyebrows twitch. Although it is said to have been exempt from taxes, Rivera's territory is the land of Gracia after all. Of course we must follow the laws of Gracia.

“You want me to make it official? ”

Asking you to free your territory is the same as asking you to create a small country within a country. For example, Duke Biggenhardt's territory. That's the thing about the Hemonia. The Kingdom of Hemonia is within the Gracias and does not follow the laws of Gracias. Now the dead Duke Biggenhardt follows a new law.

“I'm not asking for the position of Duke. I'm not asking you to be a free man. I'm just asking you to ignore it.” That's what I said. ”

It's as simple as it sounds, but it's never simple. You must take the position of Grand Duke to gain independence from a territory. But does Rivera deserve to be Grand Duke?

What the hell are you doing? ’

Did Rivera have a lust for power? Azin is a little surprised that Rivera's demands were so unexpected. Others would, but I don't understand Rivera's demands for independence in the territory.

“There's no big reason. I want to deal with welfare and things like that in the territory, but the laws of Gracia are too harsh for the common people. I applied several times for improvements, but I was silenced.” “.. what the hell do you want to do?” “Territory reform. We can't get rid of our identity systems entirely within the territory, but we just want to try a few things. Do you want to create a democracy within the territory?” “That would be fine. ”

Crazy bitch. Ajin was ridiculous. Gratia is a medieval setting. A world of kings, nobles, knights, commoners and slaves. A world set up like that, where even one territory can create a democracy? It is completely contrary to this worldview.

“.. why? ”

“I thought it would be fun. ”

Rivera smiles widely and replies. He said that, and he laughed in vain.

‘No, it's not that bad. ’

If that privilege were to be granted to one territory, there would be great chaos inside Gracia. If we make good use of the situation, we could take away all of Rivera's support. The commoners may like it, but the nobles will never support Rivera's actions. Rather, it is possible to take her place in Gracia by driving Rivera as an opportunity.

‘Maybe the common folk and slaves on the Rivera side will create a coup. It's better that way. It's also possible to execute everyone for treason. Rivera won't die, but at least we can get her deported. ’

“.. I understand. ”

Azin nods. No matter what you think, you can't turn Rivera into a duck. The repulsion is too severe. However, I can provide you with a degree of comfort. What could be difficult? If we return to Gracia like this, Hermione will become Emperor.

“I'll speak to King Hermione. Maybe you can get what you want.” “Thank you. Oh, don't worry, I won't tell you anywhere else. ”

Rivera raises her index finger and places it on her lips as if it were a bore.

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