
00451 Forest

When he first entered the room, he felt warm. The fireplace is burning with a thumping sound. Azin glances at the fluttering flames of orange and turns his head. The inside of the hut is shrouded in silence. He looks down at the wet palm, a little nervous.

‘By the way.'

Azin smiles in relief. I felt nervous when I met the Queen, but the tension I felt then was different from the tension I feel now. Rather, this is the bad side. Azin calmed down Ne's beating heart as if it were exploding.


Adim in his body muttered so. The horse broke the labor. Ajin's eyebrows twitched. His emotions were low, and he coughed.

[... The old god was clumsy. Get to work. I'll be asleep for a while.]

Ajin felt the existence of Adim slipping out of his body. After the existence of Adim disappeared, the oppressed fatigue and damage returned to his body. Azin barely presses down on the blood gushing from his throat and empowers his legs. Thick dizziness hit my head.

“.. damn it. ”

Stamina is a relaxed state of mind. I wielded all my strength. Immediate response and situation judgment. If it weren't for Adim, he would have died without countering the queen.

I took a few deep breaths. My itchy headache gradually improved. I was worried that the capsule would detect the risk of users and log them out at their own pace, but fortunately that didn't happen.

My forehead was wet with cold sweat. Azin wipes off his cold sweat and spits out his profanity. I wanted to show you a good face. Ajin touches his face. The blood was dried up. He rubs his cheeks as he tears it out.

Then I went a little deeper into the hut. It's a small room. Just a few steps away, and he's completely in the room. There was an old bed.

She lies there.

You hear a quiet breath. I felt relieved when I heard that little sound. He chews his lips tightly and approaches the bed.

A year or two. I haven't seen him in years. Ajin pulls a chair near the bed and sits on it. He looks at Persian's sleepy face without saying a word for a while. Outside, the forest flipped over, the lake evaporated, and there was a turbulence of the strong rain falling from the sky. Nevertheless, it felt a bit great to sleep comfortably without breaking.

‘The queen protected it. ’

Just as Azin did not intentionally point the attack toward the hut, the queen was protecting the hut from harm. This area was completely blocked with the forest.

“.. a little bit thinner. ”

Azin mutters, looking at Persian's face. She's a little rusty. Azin reaches out and sweeps down Persian hair. The hair, which was always shiny and smooth, was greasy as if it had caught straws.

My heart ached a little. It was a strange but familiar feeling. You wouldn't have felt this way before. But not now. He changed. He was different. When I first started this damn game, Before you start this game.

Dare I say.

At that time, Ajin was trash.

Admittedly, Azin did not hesitate to admit that he was trash. He was born that way, and he grew up that way. I felt empathetic to others and only fulfilled my own desires. He was a desirable man. You're twisted. If you're satisfied and comfortable, someone else sticks to it no matter what. It was easy to be alone. It was easy to lie to others. If the lie made him comfortable, he did so without hesitation. It was the same for hurting someone. If it was convenient and quick, so was I.

What's the matter with you?

It was rubbish. He laughs low. It was a taunt to myself. Why did he live like that? Why did that happen? It was a funny thought. All I could do was flip back and dig up the past, snide myself, self-obscene, and excuse that I had no choice. I've already done it. No trash. No evil. The past.


It's in the past, so I can't help it. I didn't want to comfort myself like that. I just accept it with confidence. Just because a criminal is bad doesn't make his sins go away. Azin had to laugh. It was a bad joke to laugh at the present self that had changed in the past. Maybe it's a tragedy.

And what he was able to change was, needless to say, Persian and Raw Snow. It was a funny thing, a human being who lived only by my own desires, being touched and transformed by others. A human being who was right about his own emotions and ignored others' emotions, empathizing with others' emotions.

Like a child learning to walk from a parent. Ajin learned his feelings from Persian and Raw Snow. I got involved with her and I grew up. I became human.

Reminds me of the first time I met Adim. At that time, Azin shared the questions about Adim and Humanity. Adim asked, "Are you human?" Ajin replies. He is a human being. In response, Adim smiled. Asking why you became human, Adim mentioned Persian and Raw Snow. Adim said it was like a glass workpiece that is prone to breakage. If one of the Raw Snow and Persian scents disappeared, it would be destroyed. Maybe I'll just go back to being human. That's what Adim said.

At that time, Ajin replied. They're not going to disappear. But Persian was gone, and Azin...

“I am.”

Azin's lips opened.

“.. has changed, has not been broken. ”

It's a bold voice. It's her voice, but she feels awkward about it. It was like a completely different person came inside and opened their lips.

“Because you didn't want him. I thought I'd lost you... and gone mad. I'm not crazy. If I was crazy, I wouldn't be able to find you. ”

I went to Selbrid. How was Azin there? I sacrificed a lot of people.

“Garbage is garbage when you put it on. ”

Azin laughs low. No regrets. It was right for him. However, the purpose was clear. He became mortal because of the Persian and Raw Snow scents, and Azin moves to reclaim him.

I was loyal to it.

“It's been a long time. A few years... a year or two. There was a lot going on. It was a long voyage. The ocean was pretty decent. I thought we wanted to see it together, but we didn't. ”

Azin's hands point to Persian cheeks. Her skin was cold. It was a frozen, vampire skin.

“.. desperately. I knew I was lacking a lot, and I wanted to fill him somehow. Only when I was strong could I have come here, and only when I came here could I find you. ”

Ajin felt an uplifting feeling in his heart. I suppressed it. I was ashamed, that's all.

“.. am I too late? ”

I barely said that. My voice trembled horribly. Azin stares at Persian's face. She stares blankly at the pain. Azin looks at those eyes, those red eyes, and says nothing. I just chewed the bottom of my lip bloody well. The emotion coming up from the throat swirls in your mouth.

“.. I've lived a long life. ”

She opens her mouth. It was a nagging voice. Just woke up, like that.

“Even though some of my memories were false, I... lived a long time. I've lived for hundreds of years. I lived a funny long life for decades. ”

Persian eyelashes tremble. She opens her lips for a moment, then closes it again. She hesitates, unable to connect her words. Azin touches Persian cheeks.

“.. the years I've spent here. Compared to the long life I had... it was ridiculous and short. So... you're not late. ”

Persian silences his lips again. The hand that was in the duvet came up. She shakes hands and grabs Azin's hand.

“.. why I was sleeping. ”

The voice is dull. After hearing it, Azin considers for a moment what kind of face to make. Should I smile? Can I laugh? His cheeks stiffen with the feeling of a drumstick, and his jaw does not move well.

“... is this a dream? ”

A cautious question. In that question, Azin opens his mouth halfway. Instead of answering, he squeezes Persian hands. That was enough of an answer. Persian eyes narrow.

“.. I am. ”

Persian mutters.

“.. I was hoping you wouldn't come. If you come... you'll die, and you'll be in a lot of pain. ”

Ajin didn't answer. As Persian listens to Azin, Azin listens to him this time.

“... the queen is strong, and there are only monsters in these woods. If you came... you wouldn't be able to save me, so... I thought you'd be sicker. It's going to be hard... I mean, you should just throw it away. Forget about me. Racunda was there with you.” “.. with Master by my side, there's no reason for me to give up on you.” Farsi closes his eyes. Her tears drip down her cheeks. Persian blinks and lets out tears. But the tears did not stop.

“.. a fool. ”

“.. I'm glad I'm not late. ”

Ajin barely said. Persian rises to his feet, crumbling. I saw a little nausea. She squeezes Azin's hand against her cheek. It was the warmth I felt in a long time. Missed warmth.

“... and the queen? ”

“.. received recognition from her.” “.. and what about me?” The queen will no longer restrain you. I killed the al Qadion who dragged you into these woods. ”" The color of your eyes has changed. ”“ The Eye of the Alcadion. ”

In response, Persian smiles low. She looks into Azin's eyes with unbelievable eyes.

“... how's Racunda? ”

“I have a daughter. ”

In his reply, Persian lips were halfway opened. Azin immediately succeeds, as she seems to have misunderstood.

“I'm adopted.”

“I don't know. ”

Persian sighs and mutters. She raises her hand to her cheek and wipes away the tears. She hesitates, her lips twitching. Persian hesitates with a cautious look.

“.. thank you. ”

“... what are you thanking me for? ”

“You came... to save me. It must have been hard.” “I don't want you to thank me, Persian. Rather, I should say so. ”

Azin reaches out and grabs Persian's shoulder. She didn't resist. Azin shrugs Persian's shoulder and hugs her.

“.. thank you. ”

“What are you thanking me for? ”

Persian grimaces at Azin's ear. That's a mean thing to say. Ajin grins bitterly.

“You're not hurt. For telling me it's not too late. ”

At that point, Persian buries his face on Azin's shoulder.

Ajin hugs Persian for a long time.

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It was slow.

It's been a long time.

Oh, and the title of the new piece being played in the Dal Village is "The Great Queen's Dungeon."

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