
00432 Monastery

A clover's scent.

The name felt a little awkward for Devello. It is because I have lived on the line for many years, but I have never heard of such a name.

‘Flying. ’

Devello looks down. The great academic fluttered his wings and was flying to nowhere. Everything on the ground looks small, and the clouds are down there. Having no problem breathing on such topics, Devello saves that this is the world in the game.

“Oh, a monastery. ”

The swordsman mutters. The academics who rode all the way back here with them are chasing them. Looking back at the expression of boredom, the sword shakes its head.

“Well, that's... that's an old story. Where the hell are we going? ”

“I told you, it's a monastery. ”

He said with a dull face. Devello blinks at such a fearless back.

‘It's changed.’

Once upon a time, a few years ago, without interference. The swordsman would have been very angry when he said that. I already told him I was going to the Abbey, but he asked me the same question again.

But it wasn't so nowadays. Even though I was reluctant, I repeated myself and gave the sword an answer. Develon recalls the fearless confusion he once knew.

At that time, the fearlessness was strong. It was so strong that I couldn't say anything. He possesses the skill of the Sword Blade, and it feels like something other than the Black Sword he wields.

Despite such miraculous swordsmanship skills, the unstable mind was unstable. In a good way, it was like a pure young child, and in a bad way, it was like a personality wreck who could not catch the ribs. He laughed, cried, then got angry, then laughed again. He did not hesitate to show his emotions and had a stubborn child who tried to do whatever he wanted to do.

But now?

“What happened to you? ”

Devello asks, turning his head toward the question. Devello's eyes are dazed with a frowning smile. An unspeakable sense of mystery penetrates Devello's body.

I've never felt so unsettled in the past, but I've never felt more unscrupulous than I do today.

“Something very interesting happened. ”

He turns his head and looks forward. The school flapped its wings. Even though I'm flying fast, my hair is just shaking a little.

The wind is breaking.

“I touched my Black God. That's why they call themselves Swordsmen. ”

I've heard it a few times. It was frustrating to build the star of Swordsmanship. The star lagoon was a sword that was sharpened and wiped away for a lifetime, and was a life without cohesion. The pride he had built up all his life.


He laughed and denied his star sign.

“You touched God? The God of Swords? It's ridiculous. I was a child. I was a human sword. No matter how much Humans wield their swords, only the best Humans wield their swords. Calling yourself God wasn't meant to be God. Yeah, I wasn't a swordsman. I knew that for sure. ”


He wielded his sword all his life, and I realized how many times I was free. Every time I get to him, I get a black, unstoppable edge. Eventually, he left his sword sharp and became nothing. When he got it, Jun-seop called himself a swordsman. By obtaining the Heart Blade, he became more complete.

I thought so.

“The world is wide. I lost a few times, and every time I did, I saved the world a lot of space. It's been a good stimulus for me. Every time I did, I thought I was stronger, and the star I put on the sword was more complete. But it wasn't.”

He stretched out his hands. His hand is not held by the sword. However, Devello feels that there is a sword in the hands of the Unsullied.

“I wasn't a swordsman in the first place. Humans, outstanding human beings, that sort of thing. I called myself the Sword for decades, but I realized that not long ago. I was not a swordsman. ”

The laughter was thickened.

“The monastery is where I learned that. A place that lets me know that I'm not God, I'm just a man. It's a beautiful, beautiful place. It's a paradise where people who are born human and become inhuman live beyond themselves. Three years ago, I barely got there, and I dropped my sword there. Abandoned.”

A white cloud appeared before my eyes. The sword sounds surprised, but the school's flight does not stop. The school pierced the clouds as they did.


When they came out through the clouds, what was spread there was a sight that Devello and Swordsman had never seen before. It was a beautiful place. A vast waterfall swept through the cloudy mountains. The long stream of river that flows down and makes it glisten transparently.

“This is a monastery. ”

A dull sensation arose. It was the moment he stood up. The body of the school that was on it turned into a cloudy mist and disappeared.


Devello and the sword fall down in a bewilderment. The panic was brief. The two are unmanned. Unmanned with exceptional skills. They rush back and forth to land. Luckily, I was close to the ground when I crossed over to the Abbey, so this height would be enough to break my legs.

But none of their legs were broken. It's because the moment they got close to the ground, their bodies came to their senses.

“Friends of the Unstoppable. ”

You hear a murmuring sound. Devello raises his head in the air. The man in the back grins and looks down at Devello. His gaze was filled with the same dizziness as the eyes of Jin-seop.


Devello feels his spine chill. The crisis of an unknown opponent dulls her fingertips.

“... who? ”

Devello bites nervously. I laughed at the question. Mujin Seop, who was standing on the ground, smiled and glanced at Devello.

“Who are you? If you live in a monastery, you're naturally fresh. ”

“Poetry, fresh? ”

The swordsman mutters with a shivering face. Freshness. It's what's in the stories. A man stands down beside the smiling Musjin Seop.

“It's a euphemism. Fresh meat from this monastery. He's my best friend. ”

“Jinyang? ”

It was the sword that responded. He pauses and looks at the autumn. His gaze tilted his head.


“I mean, it's crazy, but... if it's fresh...”

The swordsman swallows a gulp.

“What, 300 years ago, undefeated? ”

The undefeated Jinyang. She was a raving figure in the Moors 300 years ago. A figure who wandered from the doorway to the doorway with a single sword in his hand. A figure who held a sword in his hand and never lost a fight and never killed an opponent. I heard he stayed there after 10 years of stalking.

‘That can't be. He's 300 years old. No matter how long a master lives... "

“Someone still remembers. ”

The pearl bursts into laughter. The answer made his face numb. The undefeated Jinyang is the most carefully discussed person under heaven 300 years ago. Now, 300 years had passed, the legendary Sword stood before me as a young man in his twenties.

“Don't look so surprised. There are many like me here. in short, a few decades ago, a few hundred years ago. Mein of Safa, consultant of the faction. It's this place, this monastery, where so many people live.” Jinyang said with a smiling face. At this point, the Magenta glances at Jinyang with a dazed face. Where the unmanned arrived decades or centuries ago. He looks around with an unbelievable face.

“.. I've never heard of a place like this... in the middle of nowhere.”

“Of course not. This place exists between dimensions and dimensions. ”

I laughed nonsense.

“In other words, it's a completely different world. A world you can't live in, like the bliss you speak of or hell. ”

“... which means? ”

“This place is within reach of the dead. ”

Jinyang said.

“That doesn't mean it's an orgasm or a hell. Death... is a little different. This is where the unmanned come in. It's where the body is abandoned, and only the mind reaches the heights. Do you understand what I'm saying? ”

Jinyang opens her hands.

“We're not ghosts. We're alive in here. Like a phantom dislocation, the body is being reconstructed. A new body was created to suit the spiritualized spirit and reached the Abbey. In fact, I'm beating my heart, and my body's bleeding. ”

“I can't...”

The sword mutters with an unbelievable face. What Jinyang said was completely different from what the swordsman knew. Ultimate drones suffer from osteoclastosis. It is the restructuring of the body according to the intensity of the spirit that has been elevated through enlightenment.

But over and over again, when it reaches the end of the human race, The body dies and disappears, and only the mind is devastated and reaches the Abbey. And reconstructed to fit that spirit.

“It was nothing but frightening to make it here, to the Abbey, alive. As far as I know. Mujinseop is a special guest of the monastery scent, and you are also special guests invited by such nonsense. So don't burden yourself. I welcome you. ”

“Valhalla. ”

Devello mutters in a small voice. Valhalla in a Nordic myth. The detailed concept was different from the scent of the monastery, but this place resembled Valhalla in mythology.

“Then... who was the last to enter the Abbey? ”

The sword swallows and bites. All he could think about was the third anniversary. These three were the best of their generation. Though he was killed by a thousand horses.

"No, I don't know, maybe a thousand..."

That can't be right.

“Recent. Yeah, some of them have come in recently. ”

Jinyang nods, smiling bloody. Jinyang was about to talk about him, but he stepped forward.

“Let's go to my house first. I can't stand here and talk. ”

He turned away, saying that. Along Jinseop and Jinyang, a group of unmanned men, including Devello, moved. They vomited amazement as they shook the landscape.

‘How can you be so pure? ’

I was amazed by the sword. The tablecloth in my body was washing away just by breathing. I could feel the urge to sit down and fall in love with the weather breakfast.

‘If we carry out internal air work here, we will make tremendous progress. Besides, there were unaccounted for here hundreds of years ago... "

This is the ideal place for Muslims to reach. A place where legendary masters live and breathe in distant history. The sword desperately wants to die and get here.

“How's it going out there? ”

I asked for nothing.

“Ajin and his master went to Gracia. I heard you became a nobleman there. ”


Nonintrusive was not very responsive.

“Looks like you're doing well. ”

It was a smile without hostility.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm going to Japan tomorrow.

Designer Yeon-yeon...

I went to...



Nihon Ikuyo!

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