
00424 Announcement

Adim looked down at him with a grumpy face. Asin, who had come to the temple of Adim in the outskirts of Criocel, sat on his knees without saying a word. Hours, I hope. Adim, who was lying in the air with his face pierced, didn't say anything to Ajin.

However, he was feeling a little embarrassed. I dealt with humans from all over the country for knight certification, and it was barely night, so I had some time to myself. When it comes to being alone, Adim basically does nothing. He was a god. He lived a long time. I've lived too long. There are very few entertainments left in this world for Adim to enjoy or spend time with.

At least recently, I've been entertained by Ajin. Azin was the strongest human being that Adim had ever known, and was only interested enough by that. Put on your own heads, do things that don't suit a knight called assassination. Of course, Adim doesn't care about that. Corruption is only human, and God is not involved in that corruption. Knights do not mean that Adim, the god of knights, established them. Human knights just made it up and pasted it. The corruption of a knight is only what the knight himself does. Adim does nothing. Nothing.

At least in terms of corruption and destruction.

“What do you want from me? ”

When silence grows longer, and it becomes eternal. Adim opened his mouth. He bends his flimsy head and looks down at the pain of kneeling just below. Azin raised his head and looked up at Adim.

“You know that, right? ”

I came to see you. I was kneeling down and shutting my mouth to show you the least respect. But it's getting to the limit. Ajin couldn't find the right answer.

That's why we have to rely on it. Adim looked at Azin's eyes and said nothing. Adim slowly shook his head as he watched the pain with silence for a moment.

“Of course I do. I'm a god.”

Adim said in a grumpy voice. He can read the human mind. Of course, he knows what he wants. He also knelt at the feet of Ahdim, the temple, and knew what he wanted most.


“I'm a god. ”

Adim opened his mouth.

“You are my disciple. ”

His eyes narrowed.

“I don't think I need to listen to the prayer of the faithful who follow me. That's what faith is. Humans believe in God, and God doesn't necessarily do anything for Humans. Because there are plenty of people who pray to God desperately. If you listen to each and every one of them, the world will be in chaos. ”


“No matter how desperately you want to be more desperate than anyone else in the world, I can't treat you alone. ”

Adim draws a line.

“You are definitely a special human being. I know that. That's why I think of you as something special. But that doesn't make your wish any less special. Especially when it's impossible. ”

“.. impossible? ”

“I would have. When I first met you. You disrespectfully compared the knight god to the black forest queen, Berger Selgermonia. ”

Ahdim smiled in disgust.

“That was a rude question, but I certainly answered your question. Neither side can win. I can't kill Verdinger. Verdinger can't kill me, either. And that's what happens because it's a battle between a god and me, a conceptual queen. But you're not a god. You're not a conceptual being. ”

“... if you burn down the forest...”

“Are you here for advice? That's not a very new way. The queen is tied to the forest, so if we get rid of the forest, maybe we can do a little damage to the queen's existence and shake her. The answer is impossible and meaningless. ”

Adim shakes his head slowly.

“Why do you think the Undead are gathering in that forest? ”

“... with a queen? ”

“Originally it was the Undead who ruled the forest. Then the queen appeared, and the undead of the forest stood up to her. There is no undead gathering in the forest because of the queen. The Undead are gathering in the forest, because that's where the forest is. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“It's the same place as the shadow. There is light, so of course there is shadow. Undead and Magic are classified as monsters, but they are different from monsters. They were possessed by evil from the root of their kind. People and other monsters are naturally afraid of undead and magic. And their wind made the forest. It was an ordinary forest at first, but when the magic and the undead gathered in that forest, it became an unusual forest. ”

I was bitten.

“Just as the queen is conceptual, so is the forest. Ask the world. What kind of place the Black Forest is. Everyone would have the same answer for that forest, except for a kid who doesn't know the world. It's an inferno of undead and magic. For a long time, the forest has existed under that perception. And the forest was actually fixed in that place. The forest doesn't burn. In a few days, the trees will be fully grown again, even if they burn. Unless you kill all the undead and magic in that forest and kill all the humans who call it the land of magic, the forest will never disappear. ”

Azin wraps his head around it. I felt a sore headache. I don't see the answer to that. Ajin gritted his teeth.

A way to kill the queen. I thought about my head bursting in my own way. There's no answer to the front. Kill the undead and the magic surrounding the queen with all your might, but it will be blocked by the queen. If you have the courage, you can continue the battle with the Queen for a long time. But Ajin is not Ahdim. Eventually, he collapses.

Then let's bypass and get Persian on the run. Can we make it out of the woods? What if he hides in Persian shadows? Teleport magic? I'm not sure. The queen is a high level wizard who has become the Pentagon's five-star through her avatar. And in that forest, there will be plenty of rich people called the Mad Wizard's fall.

Then attack the forest itself. I don't see the answer to that either. It was Athim who gave the correct answer to uncertainty. The forest cannot be destroyed.

I felt like I was facing a high wall. This frustrating despair has never been felt before as a practitioner of shamanism. So, what am I supposed to do? What do we do?

“.. help me. ”

Azin bows his head. Adim sighed and saw the pain.

“You said it yourself. ”

Adim mutters. He comes down from the air and stands before Azin.

“You're trying to challenge the impossible. I don't know if she's worth it. I'm not you. Knowing your feelings and thoughts doesn't make you who you are. ”

Ahdim muttered and kicked his tongue.

“If God felt empathy for man, the world would have been a mess long ago. That's why God castrated such empathy on himself. It was the right thing to do. God is fair now. ”

“What are you trying to say? ”

“I'm talking about the malice in your heart. When I don't respond to the deals you want, what you want to do. ”

Azin kept his mouth shut. It's impossible to hide. Azin takes a step back.

“You're strong. You're not the only one strong enough. You have so much power. ”

Moorish and bloodthirsty.

“And sadly, you are the only one of your powers that has ever crossed me. If I kill you, your malice will go away. I don't think so. I don't think those who follow you will stand idly by. Either way, he's gonna bleed. A lot of blood. ”

Ahdim raised his hand.

“Then I'll do it myself. Let's break the old taboo and turn the world upside down when God himself comes. No, not even that. The taboo can't be broken. You're threatening God. I, Adim, god of knights and god of battle. I am considered the strongest of the gods. ”

Adim smiles. He smiles bitterly. God himself castrated empathy. To be fair and right. Is it really fair and right, and who decides it? God himself wouldn't know him.

It was made that way. God, the Queen of the Black Forest. Maybe even now. Someone's drawing on a giant canvas. And that would be God. A real god who doesn't castrate his emotions.

“Deal's a deal. ”

Adim replies, a bright light on his hands is young.

“I don't think this will make your wish come true. This is the only way I can do it for you. And if it fails, it may fail. There's no way I can help you. ”

“Thank you. ”

“I never thought I'd be threatened by a human. I've thought about acknowledging the slaughter you're planning, but this is better. At least it looks this way. ”

Adim kept his mouth shut. After a while, he closed his eyes. When his eyes opened, the eyes of Ahdim held a white light.

“I will make you my earthly representative. You will be nobler and greater than any knight, and more just than any knight. You decide what justice is. ”

The hand of Ahdim reached out to Azin. A bright light passed on to Ajin.

“Rivelion will be your property, but when you don't need him. And when I desire him again, the light of Rivelion will depart from you. ”

[You've earned a Wonderful Rivallion.]

You hear the system's voice.


Adim closed his eyes once and opened his eyes. The young light disappeared from his eyes.

“You don't seem to understand the situation, so I'll let you know. You became Demigod. ”

Demigod, demigod. Adim made Ajin his successor, and handed over the miraculous Ribbon, who represented him, to him. Through this, Azin became Demigod, who received the divine power from Adim. Azin takes a deep breath.

“.. and forgive me for my rudeness. ”

“You know how rude you are. That's good, but don't ask for forgiveness. You're gonna die anyway. ”

Adim was convinced of Azin's death. Just because Adim became Demigod does not make him a perfect God. There is still a difference between overwhelming power and the queen.

“I made you Demigod because I want you to die happy and unharmed. I don't want you to do anything unnecessary. I want you to be satisfied and go into the woods to die. The queen will be your executioner and the Rivelion will be your subject. ”

“.. I hope not. ”

“And one more thing. I lent you the Rivelion when you defeated La Capentura. ”

“Yes, I remember. Do me a favor."

I haven't forgotten. I was just ignoring it. However, when Ahdim pointed out that he could no longer ignore him. In Azin's words, Adim said without changing his face.

“I want you to protect a human being. ”

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I ate a weapon in 90 kilos.

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